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The Band Guestbook, November 2000Below are the entries in the Band guestbook from November 2000.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 23:58:18 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoDavid: Thanks. I know those tunes pretty well. There good tunes. I didn't know that that was Mickey. Cool - I will relisten and check him out. Thanks. This is from Rolling Stones' website- An interview with Robbie Robertson In 1993, Levon Helm wrote an autobiography in which he talks about some of the conflicts surrounding the Band's final years. Have you read it?
I haven't read it. People told me about it, but I just thought I didn't want to rehash this whole thing. And I didn't want to hear about any bitterness or anything. There was another book on the Band [around that time] -- I read like the first 30 pages of it, and there were so many inaccuracies that I just stopped reading. I thought the guy was guessing.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 22:58:15 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
Chris: Mickey Jones, while playing with Johnny Rivers, can be heard on such recordings as "Secret Agent Man", "Mountain of Love" and "Maybelline". For more details on Mr. Jones' career as a musician and an actor, check out his own website at: www.mickeyjones.com
Posted on Thu Nov 30 22:42:51 CET 2000 from spider-tr024.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: deep in the archivesPeter Viney.....Step right up and take a bow. Fri May 3 22:38:54 MET DST 1996 Juha Lassila From: Helsinki, Finland E-mail: juha.lassila@rocktop.pp.fi Home page: http://personal.eunet.fi/pp/rocktop/
Excelent. To make it even more perfect, why not add some explanations to lyrics. This might sound strange, but for somebody who does not speak english as his first language, the words may never open. I remember when I was young, it took me ages before I understood what "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" ment (but after that it helped me to pass an important history exam back in High School). Some of the lyrics and name of the people & places still puzzle me.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 22:38:37 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoI'm only kiddin' around. Don't e-mail me to call me obnoxious. Peter Viney: I don't know enough of Mickey Jones' work to offer any more than this. For the longest time I had a vinyl copy of what was labeled as The Royal Albert Hall Shows, Dylan and The Hawks. The drums were deafening. I thought that it was just a terrible mix. When the Live '66 cd came out with the same set that I had but remixed the drums were still way too upfront. As a drummer I also was not technically impressed with Mickey's chops. But I mean I'm talking about one cd or bootleg that I have. Do me a favor and turn me onto some things he has done that I can get my hands on. He was in the early Kenny Rogers Band Right? If you saw them live at the time were the drums that upfront in the room or just on the mix?
Somebody mentioned Leon Russell...who I think is great...I love his contribution to The Concert For Bangladesh. He rocks on the piano then plays bass behind Dylan. Really cool. I also saw recently a show on PBS where Leon plays with Willie Nelson. That was really cool.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 22:07:32 CET 2000 from 56k-la-00-44.dial.qnet.com ( Dave the Phone GuyFrom: Mono LakeI have the songbook that came out just after the brown album that includes all the songs from Big Pink and The Band. It's "Fanny"
Posted on Thu Nov 30 21:57:07 CET 2000 from pm1-14.delrio.com ( Just Wonderin'From: TexasThanks to those who helped on my quest for info on Jonas Fjeld. I now begin a new musical journey in a search for his music. Also anything Eric Andersen is on my Christmas list. To those with mouse problems...Ferrets are great, but not every municipality allows one to keep one. However cats are legal everywhere and if you get a good one like mine, they will protect you from mice, snakes and cockroaches! (Everything's bigger in Texas!)
Posted on Thu Nov 30 21:55:59 CET 2000 from ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old Virginny
David: I have that old vinyl album of Bob Dylan's phone converstions with self-described "garbologist" A.J. Weberman. I think I have a copy of Weberman's book somewhere as well. Those were the innocent days before a self-described "born again Christian" shot down John Lennon. I don't think that anyone of Dylan's stature would be as patient with someone as intrusive on their personal life as Weberman since that event.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 21:54:43 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoWhen people com over to the house and I open a bottle of wine I generally expect them not to say "This wine is shit." Conversely, if I serve them a bottle of wine that IS shit then I would appreciate, albeit sheepishly, that they told me so. Then the next time they come over I hand them a Budweiser and tell em they can buy their own f****** wine. My point is this, we are all here to discuss The Band. There are lots of interesting points to explore. Sometimes you tread lightly and other times you bounce Danko-like through the conversation. But when you start to hurt peoples feelings the discussion breaks down. Live by the sword die by the sword. If what you want is to have people getting chippy with each other than contribute to the snide comments and I'm sure that they will come back to you. One day, however, there will not be anyone left to be mean to. Recently, Pehr and I confused points that the other was making. I tried not to act like a jerk and so did Pehr. We don't know each other but it certainly is more fun to come here when no one thinks your a jerk. To summarize...everyone would be better off if they tried to be just like me. ...and Pehr.
(I'm just kiddin' around... don't act like Pehr.)
Posted on Thu Nov 30 21:53:07 CET 2000 from spider-tr062.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: deep in the archivesI've started a wonderful journey through the archives to get a better sense of where we have been. I hope you won't mind if I share some posts that I consider noteworthy for various reasons. Thanks to Overton Lemons,who in April of 1996 posted the following request. Obviously a visionary.I certainly hope he is enjoying the remasters, God willing. If you are out there Overton, check back in. Fri Apr 5 12:58:47 MET DST 1996 Overton Lemons From: New Orleans Great web page. Now let's get everybody to drop a letter to Capitol and demand that they put out remastered versions of the "Big Pink" and "The Band." These two works of art were not given the same fine treatment as the rest of the catalog. Also, how can we get Levon's "American Son" put out on CD? It's just not the same without Richard or Robbie but it's nice to see the remaining originals working a steady gig.
P.S. In the lyrics page to "Acadian Driftwood," Plains of Abraham should be capitalized. It's a specific battlefield area in Quebec (most beautiful, too). Keep up the fine work, Jan. This site makes all the techno-hype worth it.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 21:09:23 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
While I believe in freedom of speech, I also believe in the virtue of discretion. I personally don't think the guestbook should be a forum for examining the private lives of those not present. The gift of art that an artist shares with you should be accepted with gratitude, without demands that they also bare their soul. You don't need a Weberman to know which way the wind blows.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 21:02:47 CET 2000 from spider-tr041.proxy.aol.com ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old VirginnyPeter Viney: I still maintain that Robbie once posted a message here under the sly icon "$." By the way: it struck me today that if Diamond Lil married Neil Diamond, she could be called Diamond Lil Diamond. Lil: don't do it!
Posted on Thu Nov 30 19:56:50 CET 2000 from dialup-312.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: Annie's fannyWeb page "Woah, there...Bub-a-louie!!!!!!!!! It's "Take a load off ANNIE".......but They DO sing "Get back to Miss FANNY....you know she's the only one"........ There's a BIG difference between what Yanks and Brits think "fanny" is, by the way.......but I won't go on about it here.........might get myself in trouble!!!!!!
I wanted to say something about the nature of The GB, as it seems to be a thread lately............but all I can think of is to say...it's GREAT!!!!!......thanks, Jan!!!!!...........I met a guitar player last night at a gig in Dublin.....his name is Ben Prevo....he's jammed with Rick, Jorma and Jaco in his time, but he's based in Dublin now.....he recorded "Lonesome Suzie" for his last album......we got talking about how sad it was to lose Rick last year and he said "Well, it's history now......" He's right, of course.....but thanks to the GB.....The Spirit of The Band lives and shines on (Thanks, PAUL G)........all the life, all the drama that was The BAND lives on right here in front of your eyes, folks.........It's not the same, of course, but it's pretty damn good and, because it's worldwide, there's bound to be crazies, fanatics, sickos and disrespectful, jealous folks in amongst the people who just love to theorize Band, fantasize Band and swap RR, Rick, Richard, Garth and Levon stories or reviews of Dylan, Barnburners or Van gigs............
Posted on Thu Nov 30 19:35:55 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkA few points on our annual "please be nice" debate: 1) This is not a country, nor is it a governmental body. It is a privately run website (albiet on state-funded university hardware). Therefore, we are all subject to whatever the proprietor (Jan) wishes to allow or not allow. We are a fortunate crew (as Peter noted) that we have a patient and tolerant benefactor in Jan, who obviously understands that keeping his hand out of things, generally, is part of what makes the GB work well and active (as Peter mentioned, Capitol's heavy-handedness have rendered both the RR and Capitol Band site as 'dead in the water'). That said, we ARE in someone's "living room," virtually speaking. We just have a generous host. 2) I'm a rabid free speech advocate. Whenever a debate rises regarding protecting speech vs. "protecting children" or "national security" or "common decency" I will always, reflexively move to support speech. Why? Because I subscribe to a very simple theory regarding "free speech": Just because you can say what you want doesn't mean you always should. This means if you wish to say something outrageous or offensive, fine, just don't be surprised when someone is then outraged or offended. If you proclaim that "so and so is a big jerk," then you should expect that someone who supports that same so and so will respond in kind. It's like war. Fists beget clubs. Clubs beget knives. Knives beget guns. And so on. This is why I generally am critical of folks who make statements to titilate, but aren't making a real point that can be supported by argument or evidence. Inevitably, people who think they are being "cute" in making a cutting or nasty remark are the first to scream about "political correctness" when someone else has the temerity to take issue, challenge or yell back. 3) Finally, the real issue here is what is the type of "community" (or more appropriately, "communities")do we wish the GB to be. The GB has always been and will always be made up of a variety of interests, opinions and agendas. Over the course of time, like-minded folk will gravitate towards each other and establish conversations both within and outside the framework of the GB. The BIG change that has occurred here in the two years I've posted has been a steady movement away from Woodstock and Canadian "insiders" who know or knew the Band personally or have worked in the same communities as the surviving members. Given that these folks are real people and given that they see (or saw) the Band as a collection of real individuals with lives, families, tragedies and successes on a personal level, it's natural that when a sychophant comes along and proclaims "so and so was drugged out waste" or "so and so is an asshole," that it takes on a different dimension. Despite his usual hyperbole, Crab does make a good point in that the "arbitor of good taste" is the equivalent to having "content police." Where I would disagree is in his implication that it's unreasonable to use good judgement when making comment about individuals. Discussing Rick's or Richard's problems or even the Feud are valuable forums for learning and deconstructing the Band, its influences and understanding the music. As with literature, one's understanding of Hemingway or Chekov or Marquez is made more potent by understanding the personal events, including angels and demons, that drove them. All art is personal, it is unreasonable to expect that discussion of the personal relationships, events and problems of Band members will be off limits. HOWEVER, it's also not unreasonable to expect that people can act like adults and respect the responsibility that a "right to free speech" comes with. Jokes, humor, etc are all reasonable outcomes in any community. HOWEVER, when a comment, meant in jest or seriousness, derives it's sole power by insulting another person (whether they are a member of the group or a member of the GB community), then an adult should be able to discern what's fair and resonable commentary and what is simply "insulting."
Posted on Thu Nov 30 19:33:30 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
Ahroo: It is "Fanny" in all the lyric books. I also have heard Levon time again sing "... Miss Fanny out here tonight with her regards for everyone" in the last stanza. Levon in later years also liked saying "C'mon let's shake it downtown". If I had to sing 20 million times I would probably play around with it too.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 19:26:59 CET 2000 from sjiassoc16.erols.com ( Jon LynessFrom: New York CityJust Wonderin': you asked about the solo work of Jonas Fjeld and Eric Andersen... I've cast about myself for some of Jonas' albums myself, to no avail...they seem to be 1) difficult to find in the US, and 2) almost entirely sung in Norwegian (NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!! :) You can find a discography at www.jonasfjeld.com to get you started. As for Eric Andersen, you can hardly go wrong...I'm a huge fan of his work, having learned of it through the DFA albums. His early (1960s) stuff sounds somewhat dated to my young ears, especially compared to his more mature work...I recommend Stages: The Lost Album as a great cross-section of his 1970s work (which also includes three 1990s tracks featuring Garth and Rick!), or Blue River. And his most recent album, You Can't Relive the Past, might be the best thing he's ever done (IMHO only of course)...Memory of the Future, his previous one, is also highly recommended. Enjoy!
Posted on Thu Nov 30 19:08:03 CET 2000 from m198214176144.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrFrom: texasChris: nice message. thank you. I'd certainly trade vids if I had any to gap on. Stones '75 sounds particularly cool. I'm still looking for "going Home" Got my E-mail glitch sorted out. I dont use it that much. I use the computer to design things and stuff and come here to dream about the band with you guys. Thanks for the Emails that have sat unanswered. Sorry y'all. sheesh. Mouse stories: I lived in a house with a tiny cold bathroom and a shower that just had bad vibes or something. Preferring hot baths in the winter, I ended up using the cold little miserable bathroom to store drawings in. At the time I was using a paper mache technique on canvas, these abstract collage/drawings with a layered surface. I had one large, wall sized one on the floor leaning aginst the wall to study and gradually figure what to do next. One night a little after lights out I heard the queerest little sound of smacking lips, munching, just loud enough to say "You are not alone". I wondered what was up. when I turned on the light a big assed rat was eating my painting. I didn't know whether to shit my pants or die. I threw something at the bold, obnoxious thing that was ignoring me. He bolted across the room like a demon from hell and somehow wedged under the bathroom door like a shapeshifter, just amazing. I didnt get much sleep that night. The next my girlfriend thought it was the funniest thing she ever heard, and helped me clean the drawings out of there. While doing this she laughed at me even more. I got the heebie jeebies...there were my drawings eaten up here and there and droppings everywhere, and under the next drawing there might be a little fuzzy come to get me! The Exterminator said I might get the bubonic plague if I didn't act immediately, but I didn't like his plans, particularly. Anyway, it turned out I had a colony of the things in there that would move in on cold nights and have thanksgiving feasts on newsprint several times a week. I thought of getting a ferret, a mongoose, a weasel or something to terrorize them. At night I'd listen for the rustling...like a hysteric living in a stephen king novel. Ok Chris, us overly sensitive artistic types... Some other friend of mine laughed at me and said all I had to do was lysol the place, get the drawings off the floor and out of there and in order and put a box of mothballs in there, and my macabre fancies and goodnights would come to an end. It worked like a charm. If I heard an odd scurry the next year I'd put a fresh box in. No more rat turds in my art work! Creatively this opened new doors for me. I kept large scale paper mache canvases in the toolshed where the critters and bugs would assist me by eating all the paper they wanted, leaving beautiful little edges and adding sophistiction to the collages I could never have approached on my own. They had a fondness for tempera painted areas I still dont understand. They would finish these paintings for me, My role was as catalyst. They helped me get my teaching gig at the university back then and a real nice road trip for a big show in Denver in '95 a couple years later. I live in a much nicer house now. In my studio in fact is a bathroom I never use. I keep it spotless and have an open box of mothballs in there. I hear rats like to come in through the commode, and can jump in a 6 foot man's face from 15 feet away...
Posted on Thu Nov 30 18:39:52 CET 2000 from ukscsys.soundcraft.com ( DJMitchisonFrom: UKFreedom of speech, anyone? I think it's possibly a little too restraining to monitor your every word on a "What-would-I-think-if-an-actual-member-of-the-Band-were-to-read-this" basis. Say for example I wished to start a thread on the subject "I-don't-think-Hobo-Jungle-from-NLSC-is-a-very-good-song" (just hypothetically). Personally, I would be mortified if Robbie Robertson read that, since I believe he is a great songwriter and I would not wish for him to think that I am the sort of person who would go around undermining his work. Nevertheless, I can't think of a better forum in which to air such a view, since it would be instructive to hear other viewpoints on the subject, particularly from someone whose favourite song it happens to be, for example.
Oh well. Without freedom of speech, I might be in the swamp.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 18:38:18 CET 2000 from du-tele3-062.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyBrown-Eyed Girl: In “New Biography” Van takes a little dig at “Wavelength” magazine (Not on your wavelength …”) which is (a) a great magazine (b) one which I’ve done reviews for. He’s insisted that it says “unofficial and unauthorized” on it now. I’ve got tickets to see him on 7 December. Third time in a year. A year ago was sublime, five months ago was perfunctory and very poor (as my review said). No one in any field likes criticism. A review of one of my videos left me in paroxysms of rage. I phoned the producer who said the review was so good they were going to use quotes in publicity. I couldn’t believe it, citing a slighting reference to “an ancient joke” but neutral observers all saw it as favourable. I think most people are the same about reviews and criticism. From what I can see Band members have been far more mature than Van, and generally tolerant of our ramblings here (which they probably only know about at second-hand). It’s always going to be difficult when remarks get personal, but it’s sure to happen. Compare this carefully maintained site and Robbie’s official Capitol site which is clearly unmonitored and has been wrecked by “trash postings”. There are indications that Levon and Garth are generally favourable to the idea of this site. I rather doubt that Robbie has ever looked in, in spite of the stout defence of him maintained by myself and several others!
But … I cannot let this one pass! Mickey Jones was great. His “Like A Rolling stone” at Manchester wouldn’t have been done better by anyone!
Posted on Thu Nov 30 18:20:59 CET 2000 from 1cust203.tnt14.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnI wholeheartedly agree with recently expressed sentiments that there are far too many negative, sarcastic, and offensive posts in the Guestbook. Before posting one should always ask "Would I want one of The Band's members, relatives, personal friends, neighbors, casual acquaintances, business associates, or fans to read this?" This would work, however, only if every poster complied which is unlikely so perhaps a better solution would be for one of us to appoint ourselves as a sort of "Resident Regulator" to see that all postings conform to acceptable standards of "positivity" and "family values" and to communicate a stern warning via e-mail directly to those posters that seem "out of line." I'd volunteer to do it myself but unfortunately do not have the time.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 17:53:26 CET 2000 from electro7206vxr.electro-net.com ( BrentFrom: The RumorWeb page I just received this email from Criterion, in response to my inquiry about TLW: "Unfortunately, Criterion has no plans to release THE LAST WALTZ as we do not hold the DVD rights to this title. Should we ever acquire such rights, you can be sure to see a Criterion edition of this interesting film. Thanks for your mail and please feel free to contact me with any future questions or concerns." oh well, we can always hope...
Posted on Thu Nov 30 17:42:18 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
I think Rick is singing "Get a load of fanny" or "Give me a load of heiny" can't be sure but I know it's dedicated to the ladies.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 17:39:34 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Actually I heard that Robbie's vocals were overdubbed by Neil Diamond. Unfortunately I also heard that the drumming on the entire Brown Album was done by ham fisted Mickey Jones.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 17:25:47 CET 2000 from pool-052.ipro.net ( Big MonFrom: Kentucky
Could someone e-mail me some information about the Academy Outtakes. I'd like to know where I could get it, how good is the sound quality, how much does it cost, and is it worth the money? Any help would be much appreciated! Peace.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 17:21:18 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattk
Silly me, I always thought it was "take a load of Ignatius." I guess it comes from my preoccupation with "Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 17:17:47 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Rick often sang "take a load of Fannie"; Levon sang
"take a load off annie"; I don't know what Robbie sang?
(He just wrote it, and somehow his mike was turned off.)
Posted on Thu Nov 30 15:43:06 CET 2000 from du-tele3-115.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyCheck out the Mojo Special Edition on “John Lennon’ which has just hit the newsstands in the UK. They’ve now done The Beatles, Dylan and Lennon. I suspect that the only other ones left with the same sales appeal would be The Rolling Stones, Elvis and Paul McCartney. Haven’t read it yet, but there are lots of quotes including “Part of me suspects that I’m a loser and part of me thinks I’m God Almighty.” (Playboy 1970). I can believe that John might have said ANYTHING. Ahroo! My article on “The Weight” is on the site. For years I switched between Fanny and Annie in my mind, but I have the feeling that one of the Band would have mentioned that the constant audience calls for “Take A load off Fanny” were wrong.
Mice: we once discovered a mouse living in the rabbit food cabinet in the garage. It escaped and ran right up my son’s trouser leg (he was about six). Everyone screamed and the mouse ran out, heard another burst of screams and keeled over and died of fear (I assume). It was a massively overweight mouse after its rich diet of rabbit food and it did a cartoon death – on its back, legs sticking straight up. It was buried with pomp and ceremony and a small marker of crossed lollipop sticks, although we had no idea of its religious affiliation. The kids wanted the rabbit food thrown away, but secretly I opted for not breaking the news to the rabbit and using it anyway. I don’t think the rabbit would have cared, actually. It was that sort of rabbit. Looked more like a hare. Serious attitude problem when cats approached its run. Once it spent a week at the vets being taken ill when we were about to go away. It had a cage next to an Alsatian (German Shepherd). We were horrified that the vet had exposed it to such terror, but he said they got along fine. They’d got so friendly that he’d let it associate with the alsatian until it attacked the dog and scratched its nose.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 15:08:50 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
diamond lil, laughed at your post as it reminded me of a mouse [one] invasion in my home. my kids were 4&6 yrs. old and i couldn't bear the thought of them getting to the old-style head smashed type of trap before me, what with mickey mouse being such a big part of my daughters room's decor. sheets, doll, etc. so i went and spent 40.00 bucks on a humane trap, dabbed some peanut butter in it and voila, caught the rascal alive and well. made an expedition with the kids, the wife was having no part in this whole experience, to a field and set the little bugger free.
with my kids cheering his run for freedom, the 40.00 became what initially to me a big waste of money, one of my best expenditures of all time. it ranks up there with the freddy kreuger mask i would put on, then go into their bedrooms in the middle of the night, wake them up and tell them that if they did drugs, i was going to kill their parents. just kiddin bout the mask, people.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 14:58:54 CET 2000 from c857649-a.blfld1.ct.home.com ( AHROOO!!From: Ponder-villeI don't know if this has ever been brought up but why do people think the chorus to "The Weight" is "Take a load off Fanny?" In the first place, the name Fanny is never mentioned through out any part of the song. The only thing I can think of is that somehow the name 'Annie' from, "What about Ms. Anna Lee," got thrown together as 'ofFanny.' Pete V. maybe you can do an assessment of this song and break these things down for us sometime. Good day, Band fans. AHROOO!! ablight early to even ponder :/
Posted on Thu Nov 30 14:27:11 CET 2000 from spider-tk073.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paMaybe "Home Depot" or "True Value" would like to advertise here on the site. Stop on by if you're looking for a Wing nut!!
Posted on Thu Nov 30 11:39:02 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp237.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond "chicken" LilFrom: crazyville hysterical societySo.. here I was, waiting for my morning coffee and checking out the newest gb posts, when I heard a rustling in the kitchen (which is only about 2 feet from where my computer is). I looked up and saw a mouse...roughly the size of a Buick. Calmly I stared it down...it stared back. I ran upstairs. Realizing at that point that all 3 of my kids were asleep _downstairs_..I proceeded to do what any rational thinking adult would do. I yelled and stomped on the floor. Kids sleep like logs. Near hysterics at this point, I called my good friend and co-worker Liz (hell..it was 4 in the morning... everyone's up at that time, right?) and asked her not to laugh..but I needed her to call back my house and let the phone keep ringing until one of my kids woke up and answered. Not sure how she dialed back convulsing in laughter as she must've been, but she did. My 9 year old son woke up, and is..as I write this... in his underwear running around the kitchen trying to capture this beast for his mom.(Justin oh brave son of mine..I love you :-) Of course, animal lover that he is, it will probably become a family pet as soon as he does. Sigh... Nope..nothing Band related here. Just a morning laugh at my expense. Have a good day everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 08:45:20 CET 2000 from 28-162.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoPehr: I'm not offended in any sense of the word. I have read your posts for a long time and think that they are insightful and fun to read. I agree that Levon should not have been left off a top 25 list by modern drummer. I think Levon should not be left off of a top 5 drummer list.
I am interested in videos of The Band. I have a great bootleg copy of the reunion tour that I don't have a date on. I also have dozens of Lennon, Dead, Dylan, and Allman Brother's videos. I Have a good Stones video from '75 at the L.A Forum as well. I also have CSNY from 4/14/00. i would love for you all to have these. Let's trade. Does anyone have good videos?
Posted on Thu Nov 30 06:23:33 CET 2000 from spider-wj031.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Bklyn,NY
About the Lennon/Christ discussion...Lennon DID think he was Christ after some acid binge in the late 60's. He even called an Apple press conference to tell the others!If anyone wants details, just ask.I'm a big Beatle fan so I can probably answer some questions you folks might have...
Posted on Thu Nov 30 05:46:08 CET 2000 from spider-wa084.proxy.aol.com ( Ben TurkelFrom: New Jersey
I'm an Elvis Presley fan and disagree with some of Mattk's comments in a recent post. While Elvis sold an enormous number of records, movie tickets, merchandise, etc. He earned far less money than he should have. Col. Parker took 50% of his earnings, and in the early 70's he sold away future royalties to Elvis' recorded catalog to RCA for a few million dollars (a fraction of it's true worth). So during the 70's , Elvis' primary means of income was performing. He had a pretty grueling schedule for someone in declining physical condition and was hospitalised a number of times during this period. I do think that his later studio work is vastly underated and would strongly recomend the 1969 Memphis sessions which were originally released as 'From Elvis in Memphis' and have been colected in a few other anthologies, and the 1970 Nashville sessions which were originally released as 'Elvis Country' and have also been anthologised. I also think that Elvis' version of 'Promised land' is superior to the Band's version and recomend that as well.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 05:42:27 CET 2000 from user-33qtam4.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USAI dunno. Wing's post is the funniest thing I've read all year. And, yessir, I am ashamed. What is ol' wing is saying? It is nice to know someone is ranking all the posters.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 05:34:06 CET 2000 from spider-we031.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou Sam......last one tonight, really. Some of the talk about taking things too seriously and all made me remember a great quote =
"at all costs, let's laugh" - Levon Helm
Posted on Thu Nov 30 05:30:17 CET 2000 from spider-we031.proxy.aol.com ( Sayou Bam (more levity)From: ny
Brown Eyed Girl - thanks for the excerpt of that RR interview. It was interesting to read. How long was the whole thing?
Posted on Thu Nov 30 05:24:01 CET 2000 from spider-we031.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: "the snow peaked mountains way down south"aww shucks jarp, I don't know about all that - but thanks for the kind words. I just throw my two cents in without trying to step on toes, or talk trash, or come across like an asshole. I hope I'm sucessful at that most of the time. Hey, whoever recommended the new Mark Knopfler CD was right on. I gave it the first listen tonight and really enjoyed it. You Van The Man fans would like the tune that Van is on called "The Last Laugh". Check it out.
I read a great story that Paul McCartney related once. Macca was walking to Abbey Road one day for a recording session and he struck up a conversation with a guy who introduced himself as Jesus. Paul said that he bought Jesus along to the studio and introduced Jesus to the band and he got to watch them record "Back In The USSR". Then Jesus went home, never to be heard from again. I think that's a great 60's story. So you see - Lennon didn't think he was Christ, he recorded with Christ watching. :) ....See now, that last bit was just an attempt a little levity :)
Posted on Thu Nov 30 05:22:26 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetownI finally located my taped interview video with Robbie Robertson and Pamelin Wallin in Toronto. The interview took place when Robbie produced "Contact From The Underworld Of Redboy". The following are some segments from this interview. Robbie commented that "Redboy" was a very personal record that dealt with sadness, anger and a celebration of life. He visited the Six Nations Reserve before he made this recording because he wanted inspiration and a blessing from his relatives and the native chiefs to make this recording. His native culture was a powerful influence in everything he did throughout his years for it was this music and native storytelling that was his very first musical influence (rhythmic) which introduced him to music and then blues music. Rock and Roll was freedom for Robbie as a kid. The Native influenced music that he has recorded was a completion of the circle of life for him - "good medicine for the soul". Robbie stated that he became very close to Levon.... they brought other members of The Band to join them. When they hooked up with Bob Dylan he didn't know much about him - "that's what people who go to college listen to...(the Hawk did know Dylan's music). Robbie could only relate to "Oxford Town" because he was from the other side of the tracks. In 1989 at the Juno Awards in Canada Levon did not attend for their performance so Toronto's Blue Rodeo backed up the three remaining Band members. "You do the best you can under these circumstances.... The past is the past.... Well I wrote the songs.... I don't know what else I would have said.... I never did have any problem with whatever is in the past....." Why did The Band come undone? Robbie said that the group had a good run for 16 years and at some point he just felt that the group wasn't going anywhere anymore and that something had to be done. "We had to shake this thing up. We had to be very careful about being taken in by this very lifestyle..... I wanted to do TLW. I wanted to bring this to a conclusion but in a dignified manner if possible. The idea was The Band was to go to Stage 2. The group was dysfunctional. It was getting more comfortable to go our separate ways.... You felt so unhealthy. I had to regroup and shuffle the deck. I wanted to get a focus so I could do a good job of what I loved."
Posted on Thu Nov 30 04:48:54 CET 2000 from ip3.durham10.nc.pub-ip.psi.net ( wingFrom: Rock CastleWeb page
It may be time for people on this board to put up or shut up. If you really believe that you can do PRO BONO work then certainly you can do PRO DAKE BONO work. Please submit all appropriate pro dake bono work to the usenet newsgroup alt.religion.dake-bonoism. That's the only place for the sort of dialog I'm reading here. A *.no domain is no excuse for the sort of psycho babble that's being propagated here. What would the Rev. Dake have to say about you? Aren't you ashamed?
Posted on Thu Nov 30 04:22:24 CET 2000 from spider-ta012.proxy.aol.com ( Tommy
Man, this place is gettin' hairy! Geez folks, this should all be friendly discussion...not a verbal sparring match!We aint talkin' about world peace here!Opinions are like assholes, everbodys got one and ya cant do nothing about it.(Or;..."Everybodys got one and they all stink" if ya wanna get nasty).I like the fact that we all dont agree...It makes this stuff interesting!No need to be so sensitive and no need to take things personally.We all love The Band, we all have ideas, so lets share them...Be cool, baby...Be cool.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 04:09:57 CET 2000 from ts1-25.steveston.axion.net ( Cupid
Somebody using the handle "jp" has been asking about lyrics to Band songs.If you happen to read this jp you can find them in the discography section of this great site.I've posted this info in the chat a couple of times but I guess we keep missing each other.hope you see this.Peace to all Cupid
Posted on Thu Nov 30 03:05:21 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp64.dialup.valstar.net ( Lil AgainMicheal: Sent my post and then saw yours. "Best of everything". I know it well. "Wherever you are tonight Nite.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 03:01:13 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp64.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilJust wanted to stop in and say hello. Hope everyone's well. Hanging on here, and on the advice of someone close to my heart, taking each day as it comes. Keep the music and the memories close. They'll keep you warm. Have a good night everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 02:59:18 CET 2000 from ( Micheal
Dear all, just spotted an old Tom Petty & the HB album, 'Southern Accents" one track "Best of Everything", produced by RR, keyboards & backup vocals Richard & Keyboards Garth.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 02:46:32 CET 2000 from ( Micheal
Misty, I haven't listened to "Redboy" as yet, will get around to it soon, but I think "Storyville" is a great album and "Resurrection" is as good as anything I have heard,I maybe wrong but I beleive the following lyrics are regarding marginalised people and are as powerful as it gets.
"You were drowning in a sea of laughter"
"Tears were in your eyes"
"When you found out what you were after"
"I could see your spirit rise"
Posted on Thu Nov 30 02:31:54 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown"So you've got the new biography Where did they get the info from Same as before some, so called friends Who claim to have, known me then How come they've got such good memories And I can't even remember last week Got to question where they're coming from What knowledge of me is it that they speak So far away, way back when The people that claim, to have known me then Not on my wavelength and it's such a shame That they have to play the name game The fame game, oh the name game Lord it's a cryin' shame Lord tell me what's to blame Reinvented all the stories they know Give them all a different slant What is it that they're looking for Just a hobby on the internet ....... If they didn't really know me way back How can they know me now, in any respect It's a pity they don't feel the pain That they should pay, the price to play, to play The fame game, the name game It's such a cryin' shame, please tell me who's to blame ..... "New Biography" by Belfast Cowboy
Posted on Thu Nov 30 02:18:36 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
the band family?
kewl! although i would be leery of being a part of a family that would have me as a member. however, if i was a member of this family, i would know that part of this would mean that there are going to be members i don't get along with, as is the case in a high percentage of all families.
does this mean that i ignore, trash, hurt or belittle that person? uuuuhhhhhmmmmm, naw. i accept them for who they are,
i realise that we all have our faults, i do not try to form co-alitions with other family members unless it is for the sake of an intervention borne of care for that person's well being, and while putting up this facade, make mocking remarks to myself as to his/her intelligence while reading their posts all behind the annonimity of the net.
luv ya all, your pal, benteen.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 01:57:09 CET 2000 from m198214190216.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrFrom: texasI apologize my e mail is on the blink right now. Chris, maybe I am a little touchy on this issue. Then again, you haven't been here that long maybe, so maybe you dont know. There has been some virtual blood wrangling over this issue, and I kept quiet through most of it. I dont feel like pointing fingers and getting all that worked up over this. I wasn't responding to you in particular. There is a pervasive amount of cynicism that goes on unquestioned that really turns me off. (You can find some of them in the "anti Scorsese" comments, BTW.) I express my feelings about it, my opinion about it once in a while. Maybe I get irritated and some of the "Jokes" because I've heard funnier, less cruel, less sarcastic humor that I have appreciated more. There is an abundance of it here, I question it's true relevance to the quality of discussion and in it's value to the site. The people that contribute the material and insights I surf here for dont operate on that level. Unfortunately some of them seem to be leaving. If you cant find the cynicism and sarcasm to which I refer on your own, peace to you, just think I'm psycho. I appreciated Mr. Godfrey's post and dont come here looking for squabble material. unless I'm in a less than tolerant mood, which happens at times. please pardon my frustration if possible... I'd much rather discuss the music and what's behind it in a different manner in future, if possible. As with Paul Godfrey, I dont think the comments here are sesitive enough, I sense an insensitivity here that bums me out, actually, so we disagree there. Too bad. sorry if I pissed you off. anyway that about gets it for now.
I dont need to defend RR's work. I like talking about it alot. If you really go back you might be able to find some really ... well, fuggetaboutit.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 01:50:10 CET 2000 from proxy-1351.public.svc.webtv.net ( jarp
....Bayou Sam....never leave this Guestbook...you are the salt of this thing....the closest thing to the true spirit of The Band that probably has ever set foot in this place...always steady as a rock and unquick to judge.....everything ,no matter what it is...always needs something like you to survive.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 00:48:03 CET 2000 from cf3k-3.paradise.net.nz ( AmandaFrom: He's up there with Jesus in a big purple chair.
Poor old Elvis...people don't overeat and take drugs because they are happy & fulfilled, generally speaking. I expect he was a product of his surroundings and upbringing, just as we all are.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 00:36:54 CET 2000 from spider-we063.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamWhen some of you talk about the "Band Family" - are you referring to a family atmosphere, or about people actually blood related to members of The Band? Paul Godfrey seemed to be referring to the later. It would seem to me that the relatives of the Band members are quite experienced in the life of a rock and roll star, or any entertainer for that matter. If one of us mentions that Rick looked awful at the end, or Richard was blown out of his mind, or Robbie is a bastard (hi rollie) for going to a basketball game in a nice suit - that any of these realatives is "shocked". I said this once before, I think of this guestbook as if we were all sitting around in a bar or a coffee shop bullshitting about our favorite band, and music in genral.This is a website that attracts Band fans from all over the world - and we're all different types of people. It's not like we are sitting around Mrs. Danko's living room, where we would certainly watch our comments so as not to be rude or hurt anyones feelings. I suppose that if you ARE someone that sits in the Danko living room than your perspective would be different. I hope you can see my perspective. We can love these guys and thier music but - hold on to your hats - they were not any more perfect than any of us. Also, I think the fact that we stray onto other things sometimes is what keeps the talk fresh in here. We always come back to the music, and The Band. Another thing is that "the fued", no matter what you may wish, is a rock solid part of the history of The Band. Unfortunately.(..... "and that's reality" - John Lennon) When people watch the Last Waltz a hundred years from now they will think that Richard was a secondary member of the band who didn't rate as high as the others, and had nothing much to say - which is the furthest thing from the truth. As much as I love the movie, that bothers me. If they view the reunion video from the '80s they'll get better Richard Knockin' Lost John = thanks for taking what I said to you in the spirit that it was meant. Your a stand up guy. Matt K = great coffee shop story.
Chris = funny line about Page playing on the Brown album. I wonder of Ray Davies would have liked it. :)
Posted on Thu Nov 30 00:20:16 CET 2000 from csiewert.student.princeton.edu ( CamFrom: Texas
Amen, Paul G. Great post.
Posted on Thu Nov 30 00:01:59 CET 2000 from wtrb-sh4-port181.snet.net ( Misty
Hello to all Band fans! Just wanted to stop in and say thanks to Jan for all the hard work on keeping us craving fans up to date. Peace!
ALSO: I would like opinions on any of Robertson's solo albums, favorite songs and all that jazz. Just curious to know how other Band fans feel about something like "redboy".
get up jake.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 23:13:00 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoDonna: Thanks for the nice message. I appreciate it. I would also appreciate you putting in a good word for the windy city getting to see the Barndurners soon.
"come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now."
Posted on Wed Nov 29 22:32:28 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
While I was reading back I noticed that the thread about which band or artists would have been cool to see the guys play with after they broke up never got picked up. Any ideas? I think that Crosby,Stills,Nash,Danko,Helm would have been particularly tasty.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 22:05:22 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoPehr: I just read back to the beginning of the guestbook for this month. I can't find one comment negative about Robbie. I see some anti-Lennon comments,anti-Scorcese,anti-Elvis. Some jokes about a fly, more jokes about a blue screen and other really interesting stuff. Not one anti-Robbie or anti-Levon comment at all.
So that I may understand better can you refer to the comments you were talking about. Or as I said were you just getting some satisfaction about being Robbie's unneeded defender.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 21:53:44 CET 2000 from ( Steve HirschFrom: Maryland"Presley was a brilliant singer but an uneven chooser of material." Richard Patterson said.
I can't speak highly enough of Peter Guralnick's Elvis bio.
Anyone interested in music will like the first volume. The
second volume is tough sledding due to the vivid description
of Elvis' decline. But, speaking of Elvis choosing material,
he really didn'thave much to choose from due to the Colonel's
stinginess and insistence on him and Elvis getting a cut of
the publishing rights. There is a great story in the first
volume about Lieber and Stoller working with Elvis. They would
have liked to write a musical for Elvis, but the Colonel tried
to get them to sign a blank piece of paper making him their
manager. Lieber and Stoller pretty much laughed it off, and
that ended all the work they ever did with Elvis.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 21:42:49 CET 2000 from cc5414-a.hnglo1.ov.nl.home.com ( NorbertFrom: The NetherlandsAttn: Paul Godfrey You speak french with a dutch accent, I salute you with the same accent.........
"Amen Frère Paul, bien dite! Je suis totalement d'accord avec toi!..........et s'il vous plait, reste ici!"
Posted on Wed Nov 29 21:45:59 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoPehr: My post should have read, "...comments about Robbie or Levon." I have to say once again that people are way too serious in here and seem to have a hard time with jokes. Of course I'm joking when I say that Robbie was blue screened into The Last Waltz. Is it wrong for me to mention that it looked to me like Dr. John didn't bother with Robbie. I guess. Even though it is a valid observation it somehow gets everyone jumpy. It also doesn't mean that that is all I focus on when I watch the movie. I have mentioned many times that I am not here to discuss the feud. I haven't in quite some time. I have no interest in it. I agree with Paul and have said so. I think Robbie, in top form, is the best guitarist I have ever heard. I don't, however, feel that I have to qualify that opinion every time I make a joke. If I don't think much of Robbie's solo stuff is as good or better than his work with The Band, that's okay too. But all this sensitivity is crazy.
My wife calls me crazy (or obsessed interchangeably), because I spend so much time listening to music. Especially The Band. I never knew there was a feud till I came here and I wish I didn't know now.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 20:47:05 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkAs long as we're getting all literary. Here's some advice to live by: "Keep him at least three paces distant who hates bread, music, and the laugh of a child."
Posted on Wed Nov 29 20:31:27 CET 2000 from cache2.ev1.net ( Laura Holt LorfingFrom: Austin, Tx
Cheers to you Tommy from Brooklyn! MattK and Crabby..you two always spice up the GB!! PEACE ALL! :)
Posted on Wed Nov 29 20:16:09 CET 2000 from spider-tf081.proxy.aol.com ( DonnaFrom: PAGreat post, Paul Godfrey!
Words move, music moves Only in time; but that which is only living Can only die. Words, after speech, reach Into the silence. Only by the form, the pattern, Can words or music reach By: T. S. Eliot
Sorry David Powell, just had to add another one from the
great poet.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 20:15:53 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Paul: I certainly feel for anyone close to the family that has been hurt by posts here. This is a wonderful site. I know that you have been close with these guys for years Paul and that you speak out of genuine concern but my experience here has been that for every negative comment that may appear it is usually followed by several refuting it. That is why this is such a nice forum. Everyone disagrees in life but we all agree that The Band rocks.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 19:59:31 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
As always, I agree with Paul Godfrey! Being hurtful and lacking respect is not what the Band family is all about. All of the members contributed something very unique in the history of music, and we should honor them. Nitpicking and blaming members for situations we were not a part of is wrong. If it has gotten to the point where you look at The Last Waltz and think about the so-called feud instead of being enthralled by the music and the dynamics of each member's musical relationship with one another then you are missing something really special.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 19:54:07 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Chris-you heard that too?? Did you hear that Jeff Beck
and Joe Walsh actually did the remakes of RR
solos for TLW???
Posted on Wed Nov 29 19:49:21 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( Pehr again, oops...
thanks for the new drawing and the Danko photo emmanuel the beards! I cut the same photo out of a newspaper and have carried it in my wallet for about a year now! cheers
Posted on Wed Nov 29 19:45:35 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( Pehr
Thanks for your advice Chris. I refer you to Paul Godfrey's post. Mr. Godfrey expressed my point much better than I was able. His posts are consistenly articulate, thoughtful and kind. people like him are gentlemen and I can learn alot from people like him here. I hope he doesnt get driven away by the element to which he refers. If you dont get it you dont get it. Thank you.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 19:36:28 CET 2000 from pm4-130.delrio.com ( Just Wonderin'I've been listening to "Danko, Fjeld and Andersen" and was wondering if Jonas Fjeld has done any more recording. I've found Eric Andersen's site and intend to start adding his music to my collection, but would also love to have more of Jonas Fjeld. If anyone has not heard this cd I highly recommend it. The only word for it is sublime. Paul G:
right on!!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 19:06:18 CET 2000 from st-catherines-ppp112526.sympatico.ca ( Richard PattersonFrom: St KittsI am an Elvis fan... Presley was a brilliant singer but an uneven chooser of material. Aside from the odd great single (like "Promised Land") the seventies were kind of a washout for Elvis as far as new studio material was concerned. Elvis came from a religious family that was always a part of the church... his first singing was gospel music... in interviews as far back as 1956 Elvis was advocating living a clean life... (thanks Levon for the Elvis '56 documentary!) ...and like many addicts it is quite probable that he didn't consider prescription drugs a problem... yes he was in denial... According to the Levon, Elvis moved to Graceland in 1957 and from that point on became more and more isolated... The weirdest part about trying to imagine Elvis at the Last Waltz is trying to figure out how he might communicate with the other performers... Musically he would have had no problem (as long as Levon picked the songs for him), but I can't see him being too friendly with anyone backstage other than his designated entourage... and I suspect that a lot of the "King of Rock and Roll" mumbo jumbo was a tool Elvis used to keep himself isolated from his peers... Elvis focused on others, denied his own problems, and did things "his way"... all effective techniques for reinforcing addictive behaviour... "Tragic" is a word that describes not only Elvis in the seventies, but anyone whose life is out of control... peace everybody : )
Posted on Wed Nov 29 18:48:52 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
Amen Brother Godfrey! It's the music that matters. Stop and listen. You may even hear your heart beating in rhythm. "For most of us, there is only the unattended
--from "The Dry Salvages" by T.S. Eliot
Posted on Wed Nov 29 18:35:19 CET 2000 from du4-4.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: Nordic Countries
We are going to be on our way the next one and a half month without a regular Internet connection, email etc. - I'd like to thank the regulars and newcomers for a memorable year. You have made me log in to this site nearly every day. Thanks to Mr. Jan Høiberg for his patience. I hope I'll meet you all in January - even the Canadian old-timers; Paul G. & co :-)
Posted on Wed Nov 29 18:15:40 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoPehr: It occurs to me that there are individuals here that disregard the main content of messages and grasp onto only what they perceive to be criticisms of Robbie. I can only think that they do this to get some kind of perverse satisfaction about coming to their hero's defense. I looked back over the guestbook and couldn't find anything negative about Robbie in like 30 posts. A couple of jokes about him being blue screened in but that's about it. I think some valium or maybe a nice doobie might help. Good luck grindin' that ax.
By the by...I heard that Jimmy Page did all of Robbie's guitar leads for the brown album.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 17:57:05 CET 2000 from du-tele3-119.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyDave Z: The lines Greil Marcus so admired are: Come down to the station meet my baby at the gate Ask the station master if that train’s runnin’ late He said, “If you’re waitin’ on that old 44 I hate to tell you son that train don’t stop here anymore
Fans of Levon & the Hawks: I’ve often compared Zoot Money’s British work in the 63 to 66 period. Another batch of Zoot tapes has made it onto CD (Indigo IGOXCD 529), as “Fully Clothed & Naked”. See the Trojan Records site (www.trojan-records.com) for details. The notes aren’t clear about whether they’re from 1965 or early 1966 or both, but the repetoire continues to be similar: Let the Good Times Roll, Loving You (Is Sweeter than ever), Smack Dab in the Middle, Nothing’s Gonna Change This Love, Barefooting, Hallelujah I love her so (instrumental). I only wish that the Port Dover bootleg was half as well recorded. The Zoot stuff is obviously from rough live tapes not intended for release at the time, but at least it’s properly recorded and balanced (whereas the Port Dover boot sounds like one mic stuck in front of a PA speaker). N.B. I’m comparing recording, not performance!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 17:38:48 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul Godfrey"If you are always looking back, you are probably going that way!" More and more in the last few months there have been comments and opinions that are totally hurtful speculation and totally lack sensitivity toward any of the Band family or close friends. Many of the people closest to the Band that enjoy a good deal of this site have decided to move away from it. Pity. So much good information might have been shared. Personally I have endevoured to be open, honest and available by using my real name and address. "Hurtful Speculation" and lack of respect is not what the Band Family is about. Thank you to those good people who have been in touch. Take care all and Shine On!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 16:45:04 CET 2000 from pm2-15.delrio.com ( Just Wonderin'
Jan: I have a sealed copy of TLW in BETAMAX if you have access to a Beta machine. Don't know if this is of any use, but I thought it might be a possibility. If you are interested email me.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 15:33:01 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkSo I'm just out getting my morning cup of joe. Half asleep i'm pouring my coffee and I hear something really familiar that makes me smile even in half-blink, half-daze makes me smile, though at first I'm not even aware of it. I completely open one eye and a corresponding ear, and sure enough, it's Robbie's unmistakable guitar line at the opening of "Mystery Train" from TLW. There are no accidents. I grin at the owner of the shop and give him the thumbs up, saying "Last Waltz, excellent." He looks at me like I'm crazy, but counter person gives me a big smile. As I'm paying she tells me that the owner told her she shouldn't play that CD - it's too "rowdy," I suppose, which is ironic as the other coffee shop I frequent is partial to Marilyn Manson and Limp Bizket.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 15:03:17 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost JohnFrom: INDIEBayou Sam: Good observation! Still, I am getting a bit better at NOT responding in anger. At least give me credit for not swearing too much or losing my cool!! Still, you're right. No response to such posts is probably the best response. Hey, I'm working on it!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 14:53:47 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
reading the thread of band members in other groups brought this reverse thought to me.
if they needed another member, i think, leon russell would have fit in nicely.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 14:45:49 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
jan, this might be a techno-challenged reply, is there a blockbuster type store in europe?
i know i'm about the only renter of my local copy, so it's in good condition. hell, i'd pay the 1.75 a day and send it to you if it would work.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 14:41:52 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
flippo, tell that to my son about kobain,
i've tried.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 14:38:45 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-td083.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown,paI'm duplicating this post intentionally. I hope all of the visitors here will take a moment to visit Criterion's site and post a short message. Thank you. Thank you David Powell. I'm calling on all GB'ers to petition Mr. Jon Mulvaney at the following site: http://www.criterionco.com/Pages/TECHSUPPORT.htm
Maybe a few hundred e-mails asking about TLW's DVD release will spur some thought on the matter at Criterion.Let's give it a try.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 14:32:12 CET 2000 from ( Johnny Flippo
"Fucked-up glory"????? There's nothing glorious about being fucked-up.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 11:25:26 CET 2000 from levon.hiof.no ( jhI can't find any video retailers on the net selling new PAL (European video format) VHS versions of _The Last Waltz_. And we're still waiting for the DVD...
I'm supposed to give a lecture/speech about The Band
and the web site in a few weeks, followed by a screening
of TLW. Any of the guestbook regulars from Europe that
can help me get a good-quality VHS copy of TLW?
I'll pay or trade something in return.
We're using a projector technology that doesn't work well
with NTSC, so North American copies is not an option.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 10:08:25 CET 2000 from spider-wo032.proxy.aol.com ( mattkAs gratifying as it is to know that I've offended Crabby's delicate sensabilities and ideals of fair play, I do think it's worth defending my statements mocking the King if he'd played TLW. Firstly, the point to the parody was not to make fun of Elvis' weight as much as his appetite. As stated, I was pointing out that EAP was rather holier than thou in his posture regarding drug usage, particulary marijuana and LSD as they represented the "hippie culture" he found both unAmerican and personally disgusting. The irony is that for a man with a serious taste for uppers and downers and rather massive (and somewhat surreal) eating habits to deride anyone else's excesses is hypocritical, sanctimonious, and to me, self-demeaning. Add to the fact Elvis' cultural iconism, which had veered solidly into self-parody by '76, and you set the stage for some terrific absurdism when you picture EAP hanging out at TLW, itself an icon of overconsumption and conspicuous appetites. I would think that as a man who has gotten as much mileage out of playing the GB iconclast, Crab, you would be copacetic with that - obviously I was mistaken. Elvis circa 1976 is a tragic figure. Rick Danko circa 1999 was as well. However to equate the two is disingenious and a syllopsism unworthy of you, Crab. If Rick was proclaimed "the king of rock and roll" and presented himself in an overstuffed polyesther jump suit while still playing the sex symbol, then maybe it would be fair. If Rick had revereted to performing overwrought renditions of modern Vegas-style pablum, perhaps it would be fair. Fact is, Rick's state prior to his death was quite sad, and I understand many people close to him pleaded with him to get some help with it. HOWEVER, regardless of his physical state, Rick was an honest working man's musician to the very end. He was not out touring those bars and night clubs out of some delusional need to maintain his image. Rick was out there because he loved his music, and he needed to make a living. To equate that with Elvis (who despite conspicuous consumption, had the monetary wherewithall to do whatever he pleased, musically) in his final days is an affront to the respect and dignity with which Rick gave his music and his fans. It's an insult to his memory.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 09:09:27 CET 2000 from well.health.nb.ca ( WS WalcottFrom: The Fat Farm
Hey Crabby, Stephen Stills is no string bean either. Neither are Meatloaf, Buddy Miles, Glen Frey, Randy Bachman................
Posted on Wed Nov 29 08:12:56 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tc054.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Bklyn, NY
Laura, you're a woman after my own heart... Those were my points EXACTLY!!! Maybe I'll just get you to answer posts for me from now on(hehehe).Anyways. thanks for listenin' and adding your opinions... G'night!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 08:05:03 CET 2000 from cache2.ev1.net ( Laura Holt LorfingFrom: Austin, Tx
All this talk about TLW makes me want to put it on for the 1000th time. I must say I never get sick of that film! It is by far the best rock film of all time. Talking about Richard "The Beak" Manuel in regards to the film made me wish that Martin had filmed more footage of him on stage. There just really wasn't enough. For that matter there wasn't enough of Garth either. You hardly see him at all. "The Hawk" was quoted in Levon's book saying half joking that a few more shots of Robbie was all they needed! I am very much a JRR fan but it does bother me that Richard and Garth were not on film much. Richard's interview with Martin that takes place while he lay sprawled on the couch was shot while Richard was completely soused. Maybe Martin couldn't catch him sober...who knows. I enjoyed that footage even though you can tell he's not at his best. Martin didn't seem to catch Garth at a good time either. His interview was around 6:00 am and Garth had just risen from a nap. He was still half asleep. His talks about the healers/priests of 52nd street and jazz being considered evil came across choppy and random. I wish that part had come across better because what Garth was saying was extremely important and very interesting if you knew what he was talking about. Instead it was chopped up so much it almost made no sense. Seeing it just doesn't give it justice. I love the movie and I don't want to sound like I am picking it apart. I just wish those two had been filmed better interview wise and it would have been nice to have seen more of their stage performance. Enough prattle from Austin! PEACE ALL!! :)
Posted on Wed Nov 29 07:29:12 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tc054.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Bklyn,NY
In response to Bayou Sam's response about our discussion on TLW,You've summed up the point I was trying to make about Richard..."Show him in all his fucked up glory..." Exactly.He's too important a member of The Band to leave out.Thanks for gettin' it! Also, anyone going to see Levon and The Barnburners this weekend in NY,NY? I've seen 'em several times and recommend!!!You wont be dissapointed!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 07:20:35 CET 2000 from 1cust180.tnt11.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front Lawn
I'd say Rick Danko easily outweighed Elvis in the past decade and wonder if anyone over at one of The King's websites who happens to not like The Band is ridiculing Rick. Ronnie Hawkins and David Crosby are pretty far up there poundwise too in case no one's noticed and so was Jerry Garcia.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 07:08:18 CET 2000 from spider-tm061.proxy.aol.com ( more Bayou Sam
hey kids - has Robbie done any good interviews over the last couple of years where he's been asked things like, "what's up with Levon", or "how about doing some gigs big guy" - I'd love to read them if he has. Anyone know??
Posted on Wed Nov 29 07:04:52 CET 2000 from spider-tm061.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: me to youJohn AND Yoko at TLW - nah. Did you know that Lennon was apparently invited to the Concert for Bangladesh - but was asked to keep Yoko from being part of the musical entertainment. JL told his old mate George what he could do with his invite. Too bad. Can you just picture Lennon up there with Dylan and George?
Robbie Robertson left a good, established thing, to follow his gut and go in other directions, and stuck to his guns for all these years. He's a professional, and a class act.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 05:20:04 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( Blind Willie McTellFrom: Toronto
Mystery train rolling on down the tracks ...
Posted on Wed Nov 29 04:24:27 CET 2000 from rdu162-227-181.nc.rr.com ( B.G.From: Raleigh
This is a great site. I have been a huge fan since I first heard the band's Last Waltz album in 1993 and it's only gotten better since. I venture off now and then to check out other bands and their music, but when I really want to chill and listen to some great musicians I always come back to the band. Thanks for keeping this site up. Do you happen to know any sources on the web where I could find someone willing to trade/copy bootlegs?
Posted on Wed Nov 29 04:06:18 CET 2000 from dialup-265.cork.iol.ie ( Henry The Horse......aka HankFrom: Climbing up The Eiffel towerWeb page
Elvis at TLW!!!! ......I enjoyed that.........can you imagine "Mystery Train" on top of that??..........wouldabeenverycool........John and Yoko at TLW, anyone?.......swapping vocals with Levon on "Come Together" with Ringo.......and Garth'n'Robbie outshrieking Yoko........PAT BRENNAN......Um, .....I, uh,......well........I thought I made it clear when I wrote the second last post that I thought "Christ was Christ and Lennon was Lennon".....PETER VINEY, gimme a hand here, will ya?......tell everybody 'bout the story of Lennon calling a meeting at Apple in 1968 where Lennon announced he was Christ returned......Check out The MOJO Lennon edition which appeared this month....it's there on page 41............It was a delusion that lasted for a few days......As for The Crucifixtion of John Lennon...well...y'know, he was'nt tied 'n' nailed to a cross made from the wood of The Tree of Life.......nor did he rise again......but it WAS a bloody, horrible death.....nailed by bullets in the back........and he has'nt gone away, y'know........Christ, you know it ain't easy........
Chuck Berry at TLW jammin' with Elvis backstage?.......TLW is great because it turns people onto The Band in a BIG way.......It's beautiful to watch and listen to....everytime.........I've said this before here.......it's like an answer to "Let it Be"........"yeah, it's falling to pieces............but let's go out with a bang"....not a whimper........OK, THAT was probably RR's idea...but you get the gist of what I'm saying, I'm sure.........It's only people who are....uh.....obsessed with The Band who get into the nitty-gritty of what went down for real........
......Bayou Sam, Mattk...'n'all........."Gimme Some Truth" is a GREAT song....sorry if I gave the wrong impression.......
Posted on Wed Nov 29 03:37:52 CET 2000 from spider-wj073.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: Chaska, MN
Peter V: Just re-read your wonderful article on Moondog Matinee... but I have just one question... Which lyrics did Robbie specifically write for Mystery Train?... I don't have the other versions handy for comparison, and I was just wondering... did I miss mention of this somewhere?... Thanks in advance...
Posted on Wed Nov 29 01:55:08 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: RR's office at Dreamworks--Man this place is cool
Hey pehr--Easy now, you can never have too much zippity do-dah. OH God, especially the do-dah!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 01:43:36 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyIf you are always looking back - you are probably going that way! Shine On!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 01:11:58 CET 2000 from m198214181179.austin.cc.tx.us ( pehrI'm with Bones. All these Robbie slammers havin to get their yaps in for the umpteenth time about what happened (allegedly, for what anyone really knows or is concerned) some 25 odd years ago. Then these same people go on about how those of us that enjoy the movie and ignore all this dredged up crap about what a bad person RR must be are living in the past... ok, then bring up the same dead horse up for flogging.ENDLESSLY! Well, PUH-Leeze! My opinion is as good as yours. I love RR's recent music as much as The Band's. I love the atmosphere , the space the music conveys, the instrumentation, the singing, the chanting, the native tongues and singers, the guitar parts, the sound, the tone, and most of all the content, imagery, and expression. I also believe that at this time these are vital, very potent, powerful, moving things being called upon in this artists work that inspires me a great deal, and goes far, far beyond some of the "alternatives" lauded here by the anti Robbies... mostly "singer - songwriter" types- the idea of which makes me peuk. As much as RR has a reputation here for being pretentious, nothing in the musical world to my way of thinking is more pretentious than these sissies that go around calling themselves "Singer-Songwriters." In my book they are a bunch of redundant wussies RR can out play and out compose as easy as fixing a sandwich for lunch. My opinion? RR has more heart and soul in his left little toe than most of these critics and the music they listen to combined and exponented to the nth degree. RR has certainly the portfolio and resume to back that up, easily , I might add. But sad for you, he's long since moved on and he's doing things for his own reasons, which is the only reason an artist should do anything, period.(HELLO????!!!!???) Keeping RR honest? please... buy a notebook, or a sketchbook, or a camera... take a course at the community college...start your own band or career as a singer songwriter even, and get some life of your own and open your thinking to the flowing river instead of the stagnant little puddle... .RR has an enviable record contract and job/audience/beautiful women around still without y'all's help beacause he's honestly and openly and articulately able to express himself. Alot of us understand and are able to appreciate this, his continued success, despite not pandering to the likes of you. This reminds me of an interview with the painter Francis Bacon- the interviewer wanted a comment from the artist in response to Mrs. Thatcher's statement that his paintings were "Dreadful"... Bacon calmly said that if a person of Mrs. Thatcher's position and place liked the paintings- this would be the saddest indictment of his life and work as an artist. This little anecdote applies well to some of what goes on here, I believe. Finally, there is more to music than BB King, the blues, and zippity-do -dah. In fact, there is a whole world of music out there!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 01:02:06 CET 2000 from spider-wl054.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: the rock. come to the rock, it will cure your ills manWow - lots of stuff to talk about. Brien Sz = Robbie's solo after EC's strap let go IS on the record. It's just been neatly moved to a different place. Some of EC's solo is even cut out completely. A great deal of editing was done on the guitar solos on that one if you listen. I just love that tune. One other thing I like (maybe I'm imagining it), after RR does his "spot" solo, I can swear that Levon's got a smile on his face as if to say, "allright Robbie - way to go". On the subject of Ron Wood. He was a perfect fit for the Stones. He blends with Keef perfectly - and what a career move, from the Faces to the Rolling Stones. Not bad. Also, he was a pretty good bass player with the Jeff Beck group way before that. John Donabie = it is sad about Robert Downey . It's like Darryl Strawberry and Doc Gooden. They destroyed hall of fame careers. I guess it goes to show how the grip of drugs and drink can do you in. John Belushi comes to mind. I'm glad I never had any use for that shit myself. Matt K = Nice words about Lennon. I think you said it well. It was great to see the lyrics for Gimmie Some Truth - what a great tune. BTW, on the subject of feuds, the line in that song where he says "schizophrenic, ego centric, paranoiac, prima donnas" - he is referring to Paul Macca. I also love the word "hypocritics" - pure Lennon. Knockin Lost John = Just an impartial observation. You say you got an e-mail from Jarp and talk about it - then say you are ignoring it..? Then you tell McGregor that you won't respond in anger.... then just about challenge him to a fight..... Just food for thought from neutral observer :)
Bones = I didn't realize that Scorsese tried to get Richard on "I Shall Be Released". How do you know? What happened? If there were 8 cameras I can't see how he missed him. I certainly wasn't looking for fault in TLW. It's a great movie that - like others have said - got me tuned in to the Band in the first place. I still wouldn't consider it THE BEST rock movie ever. I don't know what I'd pick. I would put The Kids Are Allright at least on par, if not better than, TLW. I too would like to get a copy of TCompleteLW but I'm scared off by the price of the thing when I've seen it for sale. I heard that the quality was so-so. Can anyone tell me? I'd be willing to buy a copy - even a burned one - even a cassette - from anyone who might be so moved.....Also, if it were a true documentary (the movie), than it would have featured Richard in all of his fucked-up glory - God rest his wonderful, fragile soul.
Posted on Wed Nov 29 00:21:22 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: the cabinet where Richard's footage is stored
I was always under the impression that John Lennon said 'the Beatles were bigger than Jesus' -- not that he was Jesus or any form thereof--Jeeezzzz, besides, after the Beatles-- to me-- "most" of what he wrote was second rate. Ooops, was that sacrilegious?
Posted on Wed Nov 29 00:19:47 CET 2000 from spider-wj072.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Bklyn, NY
Its good to know we're all thinking...Elvis probably would've kept to himself (Huge bunch of hangers-ons excluded) to sadly reminisce about when he was cool...In the 50's!!!(Im not a fan of Elvis after 1960) Thanks for the dicsussion, people...Keep it comin'!
Posted on Wed Nov 29 00:05:59 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkBut the real question is... "What would Brian Boitano do?"
Posted on Wed Nov 29 00:03:05 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkElvis would have hung out back stage and gotten sanctimonious about all the snorting and smoking going on. Then, after downing two or three bottles of amphetemine, he would have devoured the bulk of the Thanksgiving Dinner, gotten in a fight with Van the Man over who had the coolest jump suit, then shot out production monitors while downing his eighth fried baloney and liverwurst sandwich of the evening. Later, he would be found passed out in the lobby of the Miyako Hotel mumbling something about how the "road is a damn impossible way of life," all the while swatting a certain fly away from his head as it attempted to crawl in his mouth between snores. But then again, I was never an Elvis fan.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 23:28:12 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoNobody get there knickers in a twist. I wasn't saying that TLW isn't a great film about my favorite band...it is. I just recently watched it and given the feud talk in here I was more in tune to the relationship dynamics than before. I do think that Robbie was blue screened in though. I think that when Clapton's strap broke it seemed to pass right through Robbie's left arm. Very strange.
Ronnie sure enough tucked himself into the back row during I Shall Be Released. He didn't seem outa place to me though. Just a little amused at all the positioning going on up front. How would Elvis have reacted any ideas. I personally think he would have done a similiar thing.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 22:46:35 CET 2000 from spider-we072.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Bklyn,NY
Hey... On to business. Im not saying that The Last Waltz is a bad movie (quite the opposite!), I love it, and a few people who have responded made some good points...But I feel, to make a DOCUMENTARY, especially one about a band wherein ALL members were important, you should include ALL members!!! If Richard's performance wasn't up to par,maybe thats an excuse...but I haven't seen The Complete Last Waltz and therefor cannot judge according to that footage.I love Scorsese's films and I love Robbie's songs, so it's not an attack...These men are great at what they do! I just wish there could've been more Richard (and even Garth for that matter!)This film is probably the most important presentation of The Band put to film.To say it's a movie and must therefore have a "focus point" is doing an injustice to the fact that it is a band,The Band! If all the players weren't so important to the popularity and the LEGACY of The Band, my complaints might not have merit, but I feel I'm making some sense!!! ...(P.S.-Anyone know where I can get The Complete Last Waltz? Thanks...)
Posted on Tue Nov 28 22:31:41 CET 2000 from cw01.ol1.srv.t-online.de ( Mingus
KLJG: Concerning "Tailgating" : Although I adore most of Robbies recordings, I must admit that this song is not one of his highlights. It has a synthesizer-based arrangement with electronic drums. No guitar in it all. The composition is not bad though, but in my opinion not adequately arranged. It`s only worth hunting for, if you have already everything else. Anyway the sound of "Falling Angel" (Side A) is probably not to beat.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 22:16:59 CET 2000 from user-33qt9dm.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USAAs I recall, the visual focus of the original five-piece was Robbie and Rick up front, as much as both seemed to shrink from it. I also think this "who shook hands with who" is a bit misplaced, as none of us have seen the full outtakes from the film and those of us who were there probably don't recall who shook hands with who. Hank, perhaps I misunderstood, but you seemed to assert that John Lennon thought he was Christ returned to earth, a factor that was somehow in line--along with the rise of Reaganism and the subject matter of some of his songs-- with the fact that he was crucified and not assassinated. Now, you seem to be backing off your original claim. Do you really think Lennon thought he was Christ beyond an in-the-moment chuckle, drug-induced or otherwise? I don't know a lot of people who hate Jesus Christ, but I'm included in those who dislike much of what was and is done in his name.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 21:47:00 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
Scorsese wanted to get a good shot of Richard singing his verse of "I Shall Be Released", but it didn't work out. It amazes me that people in here are still trying to find fault with that movie. It is considered the best rock movie of all time.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 20:34:44 CET 2000 from ( KLJGFrom: INDIEOh yeah, nearly forgot. Do any of my fellow Band-fans have a copy of the rare Robbie single that has the song "Tailgate" on it? I've been trying to get the opinion of others to see if it's even worth hunting down. Appreciate any responses to this.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 20:30:37 CET 2000 from spider-tk074.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown,paThank you David Powell. I'm calling on all GB'ers to petition Mr. Jon Mulvaney at the following site: http://www.criterionco.com/Pages/TECHSUPPORT.htm Maybe a few hundred e-mails asking about TLW's DVD release will spur some thought on the matter at Criterion.Let's give it a try.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 20:28:13 CET 2000 from ( KLJGFrom: INDIEOoops, Sounds like somebody in here has once again taken some words the wrong way. And they're using the GB to publicly flog me. McGregor: I will not respond to you in anger, and this is the last of it as far as I'm concerned, no matter how hard you try to taunt me. As a GB guest I have learned the lesson taught to me by my fellow GB-ers. I meant nothing by any comments recently posted, and if you read it the wrong way then I'm sure you are completely alone in that respect. Besides, like many other things posted here it was only a joke, and NOT a personal slam towards anybody in the GB. I'm not doing that anymore, nor am I going to "slam" you here, although, if you'd like to step outside...
Posted on Tue Nov 28 19:59:54 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
On the subject of THE LAST WALTZ -- a question frequently asked here in the guestbook is "when will it be available on DVD?" The other week I posed that same question to the folks at MGM through their webpage and received a response from Glenn Erickson. Mr. Erickson, who's moniker as the "video savant" aptly reflects his knowledge on the subject of motion picture videos, writes a weekly column for MGM and fields questions from readers. His response to my question as to when THE LAST WALTZ will be released on DVD reads as follows: "MGM has beautiful letterboxed stereo masters of this film. I have to think that it must be some rights issues that are slowing its release, but I honestly don't know. I assume that if it COULD come out, it would have quite a long time ago." I recently checked with several on-line video retailers and found out that the videocassette version of TLW is currently unavailable. This seems to confirm that there are some licensing rights issues currently related to the home video marketing of the film. In the past year, the Turner Classic Movie cable tv network has twice broadcast a letterboxed widescreen version of TLW in stereo, evidently sourced from the masters that Mr. Erickson mentioned. It should be noted that years ago the Atlanta-based Turner empire acquired broadcast rights to MGM's film library. Apparently, however, there must be some glitch involving the licensing rights for the home video market. I believe that if anyone could possibly acquire the rights and do the film justice with a quality DVD version, it would be the Criterion company. I recently mentioned here that Criterion just released an excellent DVD version of the Rolling Stones' GIMME SHELTER. Criterion has also put out "director's approved" DVD version of Martin Scorsese's THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST. Mr. Scorsese was extensively involved in working on this DVD reissue with Criterion, and who knows, maybe one day soon Criterion and Scorsese will team up again to see that THE LAST WALTZ is released on DVD.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 19:18:39 CET 2000 from ( McGregorFrom: The HighlandsKLJG, I've been observing for quite a time now and find you to be terribly ( but conveniently ) forgetful. Did you not post the following ? "Jerry, oops, I mean Christ, also wanted me to pass along the fact that he truly is greatful to be dead, and recomends being dead as a lifestyle to certain members of the GB." What's the problem lad ?
Posted on Tue Nov 28 18:37:45 CET 2000 from du35-3.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: Nordic Countries, EuropeWeb page
Today I gave my little finger to devil (Not _D_evil but _d_evil in lower case like it is written in my Bible in English) and purchased the reissues. Well, he was in disguise of my friend Santa Claus. - I will send the reissues as a Christmas present to our next generation. I listened to 10 or 12 of my favourites in my car on my way home. WHAT A DISSAPPOINTMENT IT WAS!!! As a bass player with a passion to imitate Rick's playing it was very hard to hear his playing at all. It was written over by Levon's bass drum. The BUM-BUM-BUMTSI-BUM was most irritating. I can hear Rick's playing even clearer on my good ol' vinyl LPs!
Posted on Tue Nov 28 18:39:50 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( Mattk
KLJ, my wife might take exception. Still, I'm not one to turn down a nice dinner...
Posted on Tue Nov 28 18:27:24 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost John's GhostFrom: INDIEHey MattK: I just got an interesting email from Jarp, and he thinks I'm a woman and that you and I should get together! Anyway, I'm just ignoring those kinda things now, taking Pat Brennan's advise. But, I would like to say that I don't believe I've "wished ill" upon anyone here, like some GB-er had remarked below. Anyway, I've been reading alot of interesting stuff recently in everybody's posts. Keep the BAND talk coming!!
Posted on Tue Nov 28 18:02:42 CET 2000 from du-tele3-121.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyI’ve often had my say about TLW. First, Scorsese was making a movie. Movies need focal points, and if you remove any prejudices about RR, you could also say that Rick was on camera far more than the other three. That’s because the standing figure with guitar is more dynamic in visual terms than the seated one. The cynical will say Rick’s in shot a lot merely because he happened to be standing next to Robbie, but I think it’s a major visual artist, Scorsese, making a visual decision. Going on from that and the drummer is more visual than the keyboard player. You’ll see that the camera favours this order: 1) RR 2) RD 3) LH 4) GH 5) RM. Guest artists go to the top of the line. When guest artists were on stage, RR was standing close in, so is often in the edge of the shot. Next, the first choice is always the guy singing. So why does Richard get least camera? Well, Richard was largely out of it on the night. Listen to the TCLW boot for comparison (as Brien Sz pointed out). The camera angles can all be explained. If the cameraman didn’t get it, or had a flare from a stagelight on the picture, then the shot has had it. NBG, as we politely say in Britain (= No bloody good). This was a documentary, not a drama. No retakes on pictures, even if there were on sounds. If they were “light” on Richard throughout, there wasn’t much they could do in editing. Third, there are very few … possibly no … concert movies without overdubbing. TV shows, yes. Something for a movie or put out later, then everyone overdubs, and has done for 25 years. This came to mind watching Don Henley’s new live DVD. If 80% was overdub on “Hell freezes Over” then it’s 99% on the new one. All that isn’t overdubbed are the intros, where the hall ambience is wildly different. After watching Don Henley, who doesn’t break a bead of sweat in a highly polished note-perfect 90 minutes, I went straight to my example of what I felt was not overdubbed, The Band DVD “Live in New Orleans.” Levon moves back and forward on the mic throughout, and does it mid-line, but the sound of the voice is totally even. Rick’s fingers on the bass (I was told) do not totally match the soundtrack in places. IMO, there’s some overdubbing. I may be wrong, but take another look. Listen to a load of live tapes and boots, then listen to released live albums and videos. Notice a difference? Well, “Live in New Orleans” is more consistent than any unofficial live Band tape or boot. Having said that, I reckon it’s considerably closer to the real event than 90% of “live on video” shows you’ll ever see. Take “Live Aid.” That was totally live. But you’ll notice that none of the artists ever made any of it available for sell through. I taped chunks off it off-air, and it sounds like live tapes and boots, that is, less accomplished and polished than released recordings. I also think “Live in New Orleans” is such a good example of the 90s Band at work, that it should be considered a major part of their 90s output. I predict that the DVD following the album (Steely Dan … Prince … The Eagles … Don Henley …) is going to become commonplace, and people won’t do live albums, they’ll do studio albums and live DVDs, but I think they’d get a few sales by releasing an audio-only version of “Live in New Orleans”. But if they do, someone tell the record company that the song is not called “The Sun Don’t Shine anymore” (as printed on the index).
Finally, like everything else you listen to or watch, TLW is an artifact. It has been created FROM the event. The event was a different thing.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 16:37:59 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkI dunno Hank, it's a great song: I'm sick and tired of hearing things
I've had enough of reading things
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of tricky dicky
I'm sick to death of seeing things
I've had enough of watching scenes
I've had enough of reading things
John Lennon - "Just Gimme Some Truth" I redacted out some of the repetitive choruses, but 30 years later, the song seems more powerful and relevant to me. Sitting in the wake of yet another election in this faux-democracy here in the US and with the increased power in a highly compromised, corporatized, mass media focusing on two highly compromised, corporatized, mass media candidates. Well, like the man said, "just gimme some truth." I am not a 60s kid, and I don't hold Lennon up as some sort of deification - the man was as flawed and prone to hypocracy as any human. I try to make a habit out of not making idols out of people as they will always disappoint you. Still, like Dylan, when Lennon's rhetorical/poetic pen was sharp, it was brutal and brilliant. And like Dylan, I don't expect John Lennon or any musician to play the part of a messiah - if I want a humanitarian, I'll look to Albert Schweitzer. Frankly, I think if we spent more time trying to save ourselves and stop looking for people or entities to save us, we'd be much better off (which for me is the real central theme in the Christian Gospels anyway - "Love and only Love" makes sense whether it's the sermon on the mount or a Neil Young song). BTW, I just finished James Morrow's excellent triology ("Towing Jehovah," "Blameless in Abaddon," and "The Eternal Footman") which grapples with a world in which God commits suicide and plummets to Earth where his gigantic body is alternately towed to the North Pole, turned into an fundamentalist religous amusement park, put on trial for "crimes against humanity" and finally disintegrates. The ultimate point being drawn in these books is that God realizes that he must destroy his "big man in the sky" persona rather dramatically to force humankind to recognize that divinity ultimately resides in each of us and the belief in heaven/hell is a crutch that allows us to ignore taking care of each other here on Earth. Kinda sounds like "Imagine" to me...or the "Nag Hammadi." Peace Matt
Posted on Tue Nov 28 16:13:01 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: TorontoSince there are so many different non related Band threads these days, I would like to bring one up. Last night I tuned into Ally McBeal and had the real pleasure of watching Robert Downey Jr. sing Joni Mitchell's "River." There are many actors who believe they are singers and when I saw that Downey was about to sing I thought "Oh here's another actor who thinks he's a singer syndrome." DOWNEY CAN SING! I would buy a CD of his songs in a minute. Check out the Ally McBeal Vonda Shepard Christmas CD. The pain and feeling in his voice his voice is remarkable.
On the subject of Robert Downey Jr. I have never felt sad or sorry for a movie star because of marriage or drug problems ever! I am truly downhearted about the highly accomplished actor. I have no idea what his demons are; but I pray to God that he survives them. I think he is one of the most skilled actors of our time and it would be a shame to see him leave this world too soon. And what was he doing all alone on Thanksgiving? I wish him well and hope to God he gets healthy.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 15:32:09 CET 2000 from dialup-366.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: NutopiaWeb page
I have to admit......I'm getting a perverse kick outta the Lennon/Christ thread........some folks get SO upset........I mean, I don't think of Lennon as Christ.....I think of Lennon as Lennon and I think of Christ as Christ...........Jesus, I mean,... ....c'mon you guys!!!!!!....I think what Lennon and Christ have in common, tho', is a talent for (relative) modern communication and a willingness to preach about Peace and Love and Truth.........and there are people amongst us thru-out history who HATE that.......It's interesting to see how Lennon and Christ provoke such hatred and loathing and contempt and outright FEAR in folks......but apart from that, y'know, Lennon formed the most successful Rock'n'Roll band ever and Christ was The Son of God and The Blessed Virgin Mary..........There's a BIG difference, y'know........
Actually, now that I'm on it.....In "Christmas Must Be Tonight" , RR very pointedly maintains that the baby Jesus was "the son of a carpenter" and that Mary "carried the light"......maintaining that Jesus Christ was The Son of The Almighty Living God probably does'nt fit as well as "carpenter" in that song.....so I guess it's understandable..........and you GOTTA give St Joeseph credit for protecting the young one who claimed an angel told Her She was having Yawehs Son.......plus, we could start arguing about parthenogenesis here in The GB and that would upset folks, I guess.......so I'll stop now......on the other hand, Bob Weir once described Bob Dylan as "The voice of God on Earth today".......now howsabout that?......a friend of mine recently described Bob Dylan as a "living diety".........I'm well aware this sorta talk freaks out people......ah well.......I read once where Bob Dylan said he liked that Lennon song "Gimme Some Truth".......I dunno, but it figures that he Wood.......I mean, he would........
I heard an interview with Sinead O'Connor recently and she said she was working with someone on some sorta screen-play or Theatrical production which presents The Beatles as The Four Horseman of The Apocalypse.....but she Wood, would'nt she?
I do, however, LDO, dig Ronnie Wood as an all round Rock'n'Roll Character and guitarist.......did anyone here ever see the Stones Voodoo Lounge CD-Rom?......great stuff altogether.....there's a scene in it where Ronnie and Keith discuss influencers on The Stones and Ronnie tells a wonderful story about Muddy mistaking him for Keith BEFORE Ronnie joined the Stones and the piece ends off with a live clip of Muddy singing..."You gonna be a ROLLIN' Stone .....You gonna be a ROLLIN' Stone ...."
Posted on Tue Nov 28 15:08:21 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: the dumpster, just outside the cutting room floorTLW is the movie that hooked me into the Band. Sometimes I long for the days when I used to just watch the movie and rock to it --not knowing all the BS behind it now. None-the-less, as far as RR being all over it--he was the Producer, and the "quote unquote" leader of the group. Also, I too watched and payed homage on Thanksgiving to the TLW and noticed that RR is sole Producer of the movie and the other boys don't even get associate producer credit--that's a shame. As far as Richard not being in the film as much; wasn't there an explanation why during I Shall Be Released he doesn't have a close up? I thought I read one but can't remember what the excuse is. And yes, if you listen to TCLW Richard is zonked or at least seems so. One other note--has anyone else noticed that the version of Further Up On The Road on TLW LP/cd does not have RR's solo after EC's strap popped off? Wonder why he edited that off the LP?
Posted on Tue Nov 28 14:54:09 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
as levon wrote in his book, r/r amd marty had gotten pretty [sniff] tight during the filming. i'm sure at this point, r/r was quite enamored with the whole hollywood scene and would have acquiesced to marty when the editing was being done. the loving shots of r/r in tlw are indicative of marty's fascination with r/r. so with r/r and marty having little dreams of hollywhore stardom dancing in their heads, they formed a co-alition that would have pissed off any member in the band. as for richard in tlw, although he is my most poignant memory of the film in what little time he appeared, his condition at the time , could very well have been the result of an agreement by all members, to not put his illness on display in such an indelibly lasting form.
as for hollywood?
robbie got carny, [uugghhh!] as his legacy,
levon got the right stuff, [wow!], coalminer's daughter,[wow!] as his.
you choose.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 14:28:48 CET 2000 from ( McGregorFrom: The HighlandsTo Knockin' Lost John's Ghost......You sir, are a cobweb.You seem to have a bent for wishing ill upon others. Be advised.That sort of thing always comes back around to land upon the sender. Thank you Jan for a wonderful site.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 14:26:41 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Tommy from Brooklyn--think Robbie was featured too often
in TLW???? Come on. Why'd everyone gravitate to Rick
and Levon after their performance??? Heart and Soul!!!!
Posted on Tue Nov 28 14:12:37 CET 2000 from ( Johnny FlippoFrom: The Cutting Room FloorMy Dear Tommy: I think we all wish there was more Richard in the film, but the sad truth is this. Most of the camera play involved those who were either singing or soloing. Richard took no solos and was, sadly, too fried to sing any of the songs you mentioned, much less the songs he _did_ perform. I think the "Complete Last Waltz" bears this out (his voice gives out during "King Harvest", barely makes it through "Georgia" etc.)
Posted on Tue Nov 28 12:47:44 CET 2000 from ex-gatekeeper.be.ch ( GerritFrom: Switzerland
I am searching for the following show on CD-R:
Levon Helm / Russell Smith Muscle Shoals All-Stars - Sam's Place, San Jose, Apr 26 -82
21 tracks, 67:37/25 m, 2 CDR. A.
Any help would be great.
Thanks Gerrit
Posted on Tue Nov 28 12:45:42 CET 2000 from ukscsys.soundcraft.com ( DJMitchisonFrom: UK
Some orchestras play together for years and years. That doesn't mean that they don't need a conductor.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 09:06:50 CET 2000 from spider-tp072.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Brooklyn,NY
Hey kids!... Regarding the last few posts about 'The Last Waltz', I just wanna say that it's friggin disgraceful how Richard is handled in the film.Now, I'm a huge Scorsese fan and TLW is probably one of the main things that got me into The Band, but the fact that Richard is only shown singing lead on ONE sond ('The Shape Im In') is a diservice and discredit to The Band fans...And to the band themselves!!! Its a waste!! I definetly would've cut out the lackluster Dylan set (at least some of it!) for a chance to see "The Beak" belt out 'Tears of Rage' or 'We Can Talk' or 'Moon Struck One' or ANY of the songs he takes the lead on!!!And the shots of Robbie, who I can't begrudge as an artist and songwriter, "LEADING" the band...Uggghhh. Those guys were playing together for years, I'm sure they didn't need the directions.Anyone agree or disagree...I'll be glad to discuss. In closing,Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow..................
Posted on Tue Nov 28 07:39:29 CET 2000 from 03-148.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Hahahaha....I knew it couldn't just be me. I also noticed it with Butterfield. That long shot that you mentioned...I totally agree with you. It frustraes me that I don't have a bootleg of the Complete Last Waltz so that I could hear the Georgia On My Mind as well. That was a bullshit call on the editing I think. The footage must be out there and I think it should surface. They must have worked like eight cameras so I can't imagine that there is only one shot. I think Robbie has always been a total pro. I wish he played more guitar these days. He oughta hook up with one of these young bands and record some of the old stuff. I mean why not. As much as I love Levon and Garth,and of course I think they should be involved,that would never happen. So lets get Robbie back in the midst of some road dogs not this session musician bullshit. Some serious road dogs who are ready to play and will keep him honest.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 05:55:25 CET 2000 from host-209-214-114-117.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeWeb page
Go to www.rollingstone.com/2000readerspoll and you can vote this site as the best online fan site.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 05:47:26 CET 2000 from spider-to082.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: the voidHank = Hi! - I'm a big Lennon fan as I might have made obvious in here, and I don't recall Lennon ever saying that he was Christ. I wouldn't put it past him to have said it as a joke or to pull a fast one on somebody - don't forget, he was the "witty" Beatle. He considered himself a working class guy that kept that working class attitude even when he became rich and famous. He said that in an early '70s interview. I think that given the opportunity to be Christ he would have turned it down. He wanted to rock, then talk about peace on earth, then be a family man, then rock. It's not much more than that. I'd love to see more on this "Christ returned" thing. BTW, that Golman book - if it's the one I'm thinking of - was slammed by everyone who knew John even for five minutes, as total bullshit. If any of you have never seen it, go rent the film "Imagine" that was done around '87 or '88. It's a great movie about Lennon. There is a wonderful scene where he's just gotten out of bed and is talking with a spaced out kid who has wandered onto his estate in England (early '70s). There are lots of people around just in case this kid is a nutcase(like Chapman). This kid is expecting to just about meet Christ in talking to John. I think the way Lennon talks to him is a perfect image of the real Lennon. Check it out if you can. Chris = YES, I have noticed what you pointed out in TLW - but it's not only Dr. John. A few of the musicians gravitate right to Levon after they play to shake hands or slap five. I also watched TLW again on Thanksgiving. It was great, again. Did you ever notice how out of place The Hawk is at the end when everyone is singing and he's just hanging out near Levon drinking something? I still think it turns into too much of a Dylan thing at the end. When they do "I Shall Be Released" I get bugged. Why? - Dylan gets his closeup when the song starts, then when Richard takes his verse, we get a long shot of the stage from the back row. If you notice - Neil Diamond, and Dr. John seem to suddenly realize that they are blocking Richard and hurry to the side while he's singing. Then on the last verse, Dylan sings again - if you listen close, Richard is kind of following Bob in his falsetto voice. I love the fact that Richard is doing this. I think he should have sang most of the song with Dylan doing a verse.
Also - even the biggest Robbie haters have to take your hats off to the way he jumped in when Claptons guitar comes off the strap. Total pro.
Posted on Tue Nov 28 00:17:33 CET 2000 from a010-0148.blgs.splitrock.net ( Jack StrawFrom: "somewhere in the middle of Montana"Just out. British weekly "New Musical Express" has released the results of a poll of "hundreds of pop and rock stars to name their biggest musical influence". And the winner of their year-long survey.......David Bowie. The Beatles came in at number three and Bod Dylan number sixteen. Does anyone else feel old and in the way. Recounts?
Posted on Mon Nov 27 23:35:33 CET 2000 from ( Chris
That same fly ended up being sucked into the vortex created by Neil Young's nose. Only to end up being blown into a startled Rick Danko's face while sharing a mike during the chorus of Helpless.
Posted on Mon Nov 27 23:19:26 CET 2000 from spider-ta065.proxy.aol.com ( Rick S.From: Suffern, N.Y.
I agree with Butch Dener and Ed Blayzor's review of the
Gurus. Butch is too modest, but the Gurus "dedicated"
3 songs to him. Butch told Jim he'd get even. Gurus left
nothing on the table. Randy was unbelievable during
their 20 minute encore- where does he come up with those
sounds? Tommy Izzo fit right in on his two terrific harp
renditions. Catch these guys!
Posted on Mon Nov 27 23:11:00 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( Bill
Mattk: What about if he'd said, hey mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?
Posted on Mon Nov 27 22:57:45 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattk
Chris, actually Mac was swatting at the fly...from Rick's shoulder over to Garth and finally landing on Levon's kit. Robbie, of course, was hoping to save the fly for the later interview sessions...
Posted on Mon Nov 27 22:36:13 CET 2000 from 23-126.001.popsite.net ( Chris
By the way: has anyone ever noticed that Dr. John walks right past Robbie to thank Levon after the version of Such a Night they do in The Last Waltz. I swear I didn't dream it, he gets up pats Rick on the back waves to Garth and Richard, then walks past Robbie to shake hands with Levon. I began to think that maybe Robbie wasn't even onstage. They must have spliced him in using some sort of primitive blue screen. Otherwise why would Mac be rude. I think that this may be definitive evidence that Robbie was never actually even at The Last Waltz shows. Interesting.
Posted on Mon Nov 27 22:05:53 CET 2000 from p3ee0c213.dip.t-dialin.net ( ManfredFrom: GermanyWeb page
nice site, congratulation
Posted on Mon Nov 27 20:44:34 CET 2000 from spider-tm034.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Bklyn,NY
Hey Crabby, Thanks alot!!! Get in touch so that I could get your E-Mail address and possibly return the favor.Your very appreciative friend, Mr.Terry...Hope everyone had a hearty Thanksgiving!!!
Posted on Mon Nov 27 20:22:23 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattk"John Lennon walks into a hotel and slaps four nails on the desk and asks the innkeeper: 'Can you put me up for the night?'" Nope, just not as funny...
Posted on Mon Nov 27 19:59:44 CET 2000 from 23-126.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoI thought Duane Allman was the second coming. What the hell do I know?
"Wish I could do that." - Robbie?
"Yeah...looks like the second coming." - Rick?
"Let's knock off for a while..." - Robbie?
Whaddya say...I don't have the cd with me so I don't know but sounds right.
Posted on Mon Nov 27 19:56:42 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
I spent Thanksgiving with my family in Sea Island , GA. As I was leaving yesterday, FM 100.7 played a tribute to The Last Waltz and played "The Shape I'm In" and "Up On Cripple Creek". Wow! It is always thrilling to hear our boys on the radio.
Posted on Mon Nov 27 19:33:17 CET 2000 from ( Johnny FlippoFrom: Up yonder (where the roll is called)
Jesus Christ is one thing. I'm here to tell you that I believe myself to be the second coming of Jesus Alou. A little game of "pepper" anyone?
Posted on Mon Nov 27 19:21:14 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost John's GhostFrom: INDIESorry for posting so soon again. Just got an update on Christ's 3rd-coming comeback tour. It appears that the rest of the DEAD will not be involved, so Jerry is putting together an all-star lineup featuring, Elvis, Hendrix, Lennon, and perhaps Janis and Jim Morrison, although there are some legal tangles with the latter two. Geeze, who'da thought the big record companies would have so much power in R&R heaven? Anyway, if I hear anything else about this tour I'll keep ya'll posted. John
I do too much weed.
Posted on Mon Nov 27 19:18:34 CET 2000 from 23-126.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Does The Band family have something against Chicago. Aside from Rick (two dates right before his death in '99) and Professor Louie (two dates in October of 2000) we never see em out here. Incidentally, the Professor Louie shows were out in Berwyn. Nothing downtown. Why is that. Levon and the BarnBurners would blow the roof off of House of Blues in Chicago. They are gonna play the H.O.B in Hollywood before they do Chicago. Come on. Butch, Levon, Pat, Chris, do us all a favor. Come to Chicago and we will rock the joint down.
Posted on Mon Nov 27 19:15:37 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost John's GhostFrom: INDIEI know for a fact that Lennon is not Christ, 'cause I just got off the phone with Christ, and he told me to tell everyone that he's doing fine since he left this earth (for the 2nd time) in August of 1995. He is currently planning a third-coming comeback tour, if he can convince his fellow Dead-mates to quit bickering long enough to pull it off. Jerry, oops, I mean Christ, also wanted me to pass along the fact that he truly is greatful to be dead, and recomends being dead as a lifestyle to certain members of the GB. Later,
Posted on Mon Nov 27 18:32:59 CET 2000 from user-33qt9th.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USAHank, I'm sorry but one line from one person as to an incident in 1968--perhaps or not the result of a good hit of acid--would hardly qualify as Lennon thinking he was Christ. Also, Mark David Chapman was, and is, nuts. To ascribe anything deeper--the dawn of Reaganism, All You Need Is Love, etc.--to Chapman's actions is stretching it.
Posted on Mon Nov 27 18:28:17 CET 2000 from 23-126.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoHope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I cooked up a good meal for our friends and the wife and I fired up The Last Waltz. Our friends are varied, some like hip hop, others blues, some are familiar but not necessarily Band fans. But once we sat down to dinner and Ricky hits the stage saying "Happy Thanksgiving" everyones ears perked up. It was fun to watch everyone react to the music. One young black girl heavily into hip hop absolutely fell in love with Levon. Couldn't get enough...she made me rewind The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down. As for myself recently someone mentioned that they prefered the Hawk over Elvis. With my memory refreshed I think I might agree. I think that the John is Christ stuff is horseshit by the way. It may be that the other three thought that he had a martyr complex for all the persecution that he brought upon himself. It is highly unlikely that if he felt that way it wouldn't have come up in his songs. He is one of the most honest writers of pop music so I imagine a feeling that strong would have surfaced. On the which band would they have joined thread. Crosby, Still, Nash, Danko, Helm would have been something. Instrumentally a good fit as well. Kooper, Brooks, Keltner, Robertson. Manuel, Boz Scaggs, Hudson, Russ Kunkel,Carl Radle
All would have been super groups in my opinion. Any names come to mind for these line ups?
Posted on Mon Nov 27 18:21:16 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattk
Of course, if you were a Gnostic Christian, you'd believe that EVERYONE is Christ...Jesus just figured it out first...
Posted on Mon Nov 27 17:29:32 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
After watching the MTV Music(crap)Europe Awards--I
realize how right Mr. Butch. Can't beat a Barnburners or
Gurus show. That's where it is at!!!!!! Live, real music!!!
Posted on Mon Nov 27 16:59:11 CET 2000 from h0000f8718e9a.ne.mediaone.net ( Long Distance OperatorFrom: Last Thoughts On WoodyHank: Was that a shot at my boy Ronnie Wood?! I couldn't tell if it was or wasn't, which means it's a good lyric. Definitely capable of two interpretations. Knowing from your posts that you're a big Stones fan, I'm hoping the lyric was meant as a tribute to Woody. Ron Wood only knows how to do one thing, and that's rock and roll. As Levon said about the departed Richard Manuel, "That's a pretty good philosophy when you get down to it". Just in case you forgot how fun a live rock show can be, crank up Ronnie's incendiary "Slide On Live: Plugged In And Standing" album. You'll need a chisel to get the smile off your face!
Posted on Mon Nov 27 16:49:29 CET 2000 from proxy-1521.public.svc.webtv.net ( jarp
...I'm so sorry..but all this garbage about Rock stars as Jesus Christ is sickening....
Posted on Mon Nov 27 15:52:29 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-td072.proxy.aol.com ( MamaLisaFrom: Twickenham StudioAnyone interested in The Lennon as Christ controversy should consult Goldman's biography "The Lives of John Lennon". Goldman does not comment on the potency of the acid, however it must have been quite good, like Purple Owsley,LOLOL
Regarding The Beatles Anthology: While many have demonized Yoko Ono or even Linda, I found George Harrison's comments on the tension surrounding The Beatles demise very revealing. At the time of "Let it Be" George seems to have gravitated spiritually to "Bob Dylan and The Band"! Incidentally, as a Jew, I feel Dylan has a better claim to Messiahship than Lennon. (After all Bob is a Jew as well, and has been spreading THE WORD throughout the world for years. Besides, Lennon never met the Pope;) Clearly, as Harrison grew as an artist, his position as a "second tier" Beatle became more galling. It's not easy being in the shadow of Jesus Lennon and St.Paul McCartney. George found fulfillment in the creative company of Bob and OUR BAND. This observation please,pleased me. I'm goin', I'm goin', I'm gone...
Posted on Mon Nov 27 12:28:08 CET 2000 from dialup-381.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: Across The Universe..in CorkWeb page
Pat Brennan.....and everybody......."In My Life" is a book written by Pete Shotton, Lennons childhood friend. According to Shotten, in 1968, Lennon held a meeting with The Beatles at Apple and announced he was "Christ returmed....this is my thing...."......this is just prior to the time he REALLY got involved with Yoko.......I mean, it was'nt in the anthology.....and I've never read what the surviving Beatles have to say about it.......but, hey, I bet there were MANY things that went on that they don't talk about....
The thing is......MANY people thought they was Jesus Christ in the 60ies......many people think they's Jesus Christ TODAY!!!!!!.......I reckon the acid was better then..........As far as I can tell, it's OK if Lennon thought he was Jesus Christ returned.......I mean, George Harrison said he thought The Band were "the greatest band in the history of The Universe"......everyone goes along with that one here, don't they?.......Ja'i guru dev om
Posted on Mon Nov 27 08:50:55 CET 2000 from webcachew11b.cache.pol.co.uk ( video archivist acoustic blues and folk musicFrom: London ... EnglandWeb page
thought you might find my website interesting 200 odd unique photos of acoustic blues and folk musicians from my video archive
Posted on Mon Nov 27 06:38:21 CET 2000 from proxy-533.public.rwc.webtv.net ( Ed BlayzorFrom: New York
I must second Butch`s comments about Jim & the Gurus, having seen these guys too many times to count now they keep getting better everytime!Saturday night at the Towne Crier Jim was playing like a man possessed,as a guitarist myself i feel Jim is up there with Clapton & Stevie Ray Vaughn. so when these guys are in you neck of the woods don`t miss them.
Posted on Mon Nov 27 00:43:16 CET 2000 from spider-wl034.proxy.aol.com ( butchFrom: upstate ny
Last Night,, sat,, i dragged my old carcass out to spend a night with my friends,,,,,, Jim Weider, Randy Ciarlante, Malcolm Gold & Jeremy Baum,, The HONKY TONK GURUS !!!!!!!!!!
WATTA SHOW they gave us,,,,,,,,,,,Jim has morphed from a guitar player to a master telecaster virtuoso,,, his tone, technique, & emotion all combine into a performance of the highest level,,,,,,,,,,,,,& Randy,,,, Ive seen Randy in bands since the early 70's,,, & he has never been better,,, his drumming is of another dimension,,,,,learned at the knee of not only Helm,,,,, but latin percussionists,,, new orleans 2nd line masters,,,& anyone who had a snare or a conga or a cymbal, anywhere,,,he drives that band the way Levon drives his band,,,,,,, from the drummers point of view,, Malcolm & Jeremy bring energy & new influences to this grizzled road band,,,& their influences are felt not only in the great instrumental jams,, but in tunes like the Jeffrey Gaines song Mal does,,, or the latin-tinged piano riffs that find their way into Life is a Carnival,, or the Weight,,,, Some of the other highlights were a great Slidin Home,,,,the new BLUES CONDITION,, really rocked,,, Love Like Rain, Remedy, & Jimmy's extensive collection of instrumentals all add to a great night,,,,, it was FREEZING out side,, but inside smilin Phil Ciganer's Towne Crier,, the GOOD VIBES kept it toasty warm,, & the music was HOT !!!!
The Gurus had the enthusiastic crowd on their feet whoopin' & a hollerin,,,, Tom Izzo sat in on harp on a couple & brought that Blues feel that I love so much into the mix,,,,
This band is such a musical experience,,,,,, i cant figure out why they dont gey bigger press,,, they are w/o a doubt one of the great live bands playing anywhere,,,,,
catch them or miss out on real music,,,,,made by real musicians,, that respect their craft, & respect their audience,,, the way it should be,,,,,, IMO,,,,
Posted on Mon Nov 27 00:30:09 CET 2000 from ( SeaShepardFrom: Woodstock,NY
Hi everyone! Just wanted to mention that the email address I left prior to this message might not work. My mistake but I do hope to see everyone at some point in the chat room so grin and bare it until then oky doky? Until we meet again, love ya...and peace to all. PS: There is a dash between Shepard_25.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 23:42:59 CET 2000 from du-tele3-027.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyMartin Strong’s “The Great Rock Discography” is just out in an expanded version, now part of the MOJO books series. This 1100 word tome is essential reference, but the first two entries I read were light on accuracy. e.g. They reckon that Robbie Robertson acted in “Coal Miner’s Daughter” and “The right stuff.” Hmm They mention Rick’s death, but none of his solo albums, and miss Jubilation altogether. They reckon “She Knows” was by Procul Harum, and that “Bill Chaplin” (sic) wrote “Where should I always be” (sic) They reckon Levon “fell out with Dylan” and left at Forest Hills where Dylan “went electric” In another artist’s entry they credit John Lee Hooker with “Hoochie Coochie Man”
In fact I’ve read five artist’s entries where my knowledge is reasonably good and all have errors.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 20:11:01 CET 2000 from 1cust189.tnt1.jackson.wy.da.uu.net ( jhwygirlFrom: the land of snow (YeeeeeHawwwww!!!)Web page I want to thank everyone who answered my request for information on Sacred Harp music. Amanda from Arkansas, Deb, Peter Viney (duh!, I should of known he had an article on it located here!) and even a GBer from my old hometown of Pittsburgh! I've said it before, but I have to say it again. Most of the people in here are so very nice! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. And to the return of our long lost friend SeaShepard: I have missed ya. Welcome Back buddy! Toodles!
Posted on Sun Nov 26 20:03:25 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: my office on a wet afternoonA Suppose: Suppose after TLW each of the boys went and joined other bands. Which bands do you think they would have made perfect or close to perfect fits? Crosby, Still, Nash and Helm? Garth joins YES or the Dead--could you imagine Space? etc..,
Posted on Sun Nov 26 19:44:32 CET 2000 from spider-wj083.proxy.aol.com ( SAANDRA FRANKEN STIENFELTFrom: MT. SHASTA, CALIFORNIA & Boise, Idaho
Iorana!(hello in Rapa Nuian,(Easter Island) One of the best things in the whole wide universe was back in "89", when James Gurly & I came across BIG PINK, late one summers` eve, exploring James`collection of more than 3,000 albums. Maururu (Thankyou) Sincerely, Saandra
Posted on Sun Nov 26 19:30:18 CET 2000 from ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old VirginnyLos Lobos gets another favorable comparison to our guys (as several of us have done here over the years) in the December 1st issue of the too often musically clueless ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY. In a review of the new box set titled "El Canccionero: Mas Y Mas," David Browne writes, "[Los Lobos] may be the only combo to inherit the lagacy and grandeur of The Band, whose music Lobos' recalls in mood and scope." Interestingly enough, the same issue includes a half-page ad for the five reissues, which Capitol and Best Buy stores paired with an ad for the new Rick Nelson box set.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 16:49:54 CET 2000 from user-33qt918.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
Hank, please share the documentation that John Lennon thought he was Christ returned to earth with the rest of us.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 16:34:14 CET 2000 from spider-tp044.proxy.aol.com ( Rick S.From: Suffern, N.Y.
My wife and I caught the Cromatix at the Turning Point on
Friday night. Sheer enjoyment. "Endless Highway,"
"Tears of a Cloud," and a cover of "Rock and Roll Music"
were the highlights for me. Miss Marie is so friendly (recovering from a small hand injury) and Prof. Louie awarded one member of the audience with a great polka
rendition at the end of the evening.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 14:45:34 CET 2000 from dialup-320.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: CorkWeb page
Just kinda catchin' up on stuff here, folks.........
You don't write "All You Need is Love", "Give Peace a Chance" or "Imagine" and expect to live.......I'm sure Bayou Sam will verify this......a few weeks before he died, Lennon dismissed his bodyguard, saying something like....."if they wanna get you, they get the bodyguard first"........The weird thing about Chapman is that he was a celebrity-stalker....it came out in "Q" that there's a picture of Chapman with Dylan....Keith Richards said about Chapman recently that "it was'nt as if he was'nt well-known".......the thing you DON'T hear about Chapman is that he was well-known as a stalker....well, it's only NOW we're hearing about it...........John Lennons death was a tragedy but he was a marked man in many, many ways.......he was involved in all kindsa weird occult shit, was personally very violent and had alot of Long-Term (as opposed to Instant) Karma to deal with, not to mention that he was just about to relaunch his career in Reagans America.......in retrospect, he never stood a chance.........
I wrote this song once thinking about Lennon.....
"Elvis, John and Ron"
Elvis died
When he went into the Army
John Lennon died
When he wrote "Give Peace a Chance"
War is Over
Starting Over........
Elvis got fat and ugly
John Lennon got thin
and was blown away
War is Over
Starting Over.......
Your Rock'n'Roll stars can't save you
They can only entertain you
except for Ronnie Wood
as if only Ronnie could
War is Over
Starting Over.............. I made a demo of it once, but have'nt really thought about it until I clicked on to the old GB here and caught up with the carry on here.........Great to come back and see y'all on form .....bitchin' 'n' snitchin' ...you got to pick up every stitchin'........plus, all the historical Thanksgiving stuff was great to read........... Lennon once believed he was Christ returned to Earth.....it's well documented.....well, part of Christ's message was that "if you WILL be a God, be crucified".....Lennon was'nt asssassinated, JFK was assassinated, RFK was assassinated: Lennon, like MLK and Christ, was crucified....and he brought it on himself....just like Christ did..........by preachin' "Love your neighbour" 'n stuff.....nothing wrong with that...it's a mystical thing.............I read Goldmans book on Lennon and ended up liking Lennon even more 'cos he was SOOOOO out there!!!!!.....what a presence and charisma the man possessed......The recent Anthology book and series suffered greatly from lack of Lennon input........and yeah, AMANDA, John and Yoko started the punk rock movement...............
It's comin' on Christmas ......I've started singing "Christmas Must Be Tonight" at my acoustic gigs, as I have done for the past 11 years.........God Bless RR for writing that song....God Bless Rick for singing that song....God Bless The Band for recording that song ........God Bless John Lennon.....Good God is a concept to measure your pain and Bless you all..........and....for those of you who don't believe in God......may whatever it is that you believe in or don't believe in Bless you......when your Dream is over
.....sorry for taking so much space......I'm a bit rusty.........
Posted on Sun Nov 26 13:40:40 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp233.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilTo the elusive Mr. Manuel: Very happy to see you back Josh. And just _where_ have you been?? You have alot of 'splainin to do :-) We missed you! Thought Thanksgiving dinner last year might've killed you.. heheh :-) Keep in touch, and give my love to mom (hi Jane!) Aah...a very nice start to the holiday season. Have a good day everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 08:30:44 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
long distance operator, nov. 22 post,
" a change is gonna come" might be your choice of rick's most moving, but when my heart was broken, it was , "it makes no difference", that made me cry with sorrow and with hope, that someone else knew my pain.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 08:15:52 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benten
sue me if i post in spurts!!!!
crabgrass, astute observation on nov. 23.
however, consider this, without the "hawks", dylan
doesn't make the leap. i've done my best work in a collobrative enviroment.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 08:04:53 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
briensez, went tonight to "unbreakable", agree with your rating. what did sammy l. mean in his last line?
anyways, listen closely guys here, cause as my wife says, it's a guy's film, "THE RIGHT STUFF", is definitely one of the great films of the last half century. big bonus with levon doling out the "beemans" to sam shepard. if you haven't seen this film, rent it, make lots of pop-corn, it's a 3 hour film, kick back, and glory in just how right american propoganda can be.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 07:30:04 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
MATTK, whewww!!!, okay, did what works for me. when attacked, i take pause and chill. let me assure you, i go by no alias here, other than my regular cyber tag, which is benteen. the name is derived from a captain at the little big horn battle, for whom i have a belief has been wrongfully denigrated by what us little big horn buffs like to call custerphiles. [those who believe that lt. colonel george armstrong custer personifies the american heroic ideal]. i would like to take this opportunity to fire a few salvos at the people here who believe that this is a domain for the fanatics of "the band". with all due respect to jan, who by my deductions of the accolades accorded on this site, is one to be commended, that i am quite possibly a truer fan than those that would dissect the music to it's barest form. i do not care about the battles the remaining members might have, i do not care what type of organ garth used on which track, i do not care what some critic wrote about them, i do not care about their movie or record deals and i may blaspheme here to the point of being booted from this site, {jan, forbid} {*S}, i do not care about barnburners or any other reincarnation of their legacy.
i do despair over richard's and rick's deaths, i do care that my children hear their music, i do care that my car always has their music on hand before all other artists in it, and probably most importantly, i do care that there are other people out there, {here}, that were moved by their music as much as i was. god bless this community that jan has allowed by his hard work to come together in.
peace out brother.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 06:04:03 CET 2000 from ( The Shepard(or you may know me as Sea)From: woodstock NY
"Hey gals, did ya miss me? I'm back on the air!" So what's the weather like down south Calm? Did you break out the tabagonn(sp?)? And Bear, how's the clan coming along? How's baby bear? "Hehehe". And of course my friend jhwy, how's the weather there, is it cold yet? I bet it is! And let me not forget Molly, is it San Fran where you are? Sorry if I forgot but it's been awhile since I've spoken with you. Hi ya D! Best of luck on those tickets! I hope to hear from you all soon. Take care and I hope to make contact soon. Your pal Josh. Ps: If I forgot anyone I hope you forgive me but as I said, " it's been awhile!"
Posted on Sun Nov 26 02:23:02 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
my fave robertson memory was back in montreal in the early 70's. i used to set up gear for my friend dom troiano and he was playing a gig at the lakeshore inn in pte. claire.
anyways , the owner had a private room/courtyard that the crew and others could hang out in. anyways at this gig, i went back to rest and listen to dom playing. on a couch on the other side of the room was this guy dressed in my bowie opinion sense of fashion like a hickbilly, with a beautiful woman. anyways we start shooting the shit between songs and he could tell that i was a big troiano fan. when the set was over and i was getting back to work, i asked him if he was in a group and when he said yeah, i asked him what instrument he played. he replied , basically guitar. i asked what he thought of dom's playing, and he replied, something to the effect, "well some play lead guitar and some just follow the song. at the time i thought he was complimenting dom's flash style, but when word got back to me who he was, and after becoming a fan who loves the band,
well, i think i might have pegged his response incorrectly.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 02:09:18 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
pac, i digress to a more knowledgable historian. thanks for finetuning my post about the vanished. my interest in american history, starts primarily, with the minnesota uprising and progresses to wounded knee. i'm a plains type of guy.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 01:49:08 CET 2000 from cf3k-3.paradise.net.nz ( AmandaFrom: New ZealandI recently got back from holiday & now catching up with the GB- nice to see ya back, Pac. And hi to Amanda from Arkansas from another Amanda. The whole thread about the Sacred Harp was very interesting. I knew it was the name of a Hymn Book but the rest was news me. Anyway, while on holiday I read She's A Rebel: the History of Women in Rock & Roll. It was quite good. One factoid I thought might be of interest to some Band fans was about the band Peter, Paul and Mary. As you may know they were managed by Albert Grossman and apparently it was his edict that Mary should not speak. "His premise was for her to maintain a mystique. Mary was the sex object for the college male". Its funny to think this same person also managed Janis Joplin.
The book also had quite an interesting discussion about John Lennon and Yoko Ono as the originators of punk which some of you Beatles fans might find of interest.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 00:48:15 CET 2000 from 1cust153.tnt1.idaho-falls.id.da.uu.net ( rollie
To jcf,
Posted on Sun Nov 26 00:19:27 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tf011.proxy.aol.com ( PacFrom: one part of America
Canadians, forgive me for not acknowledging England's "Cupid Colony" in Newfoundland, settled before the Mayflower arrived. Interesting website: www.heritage.nf.ca/exploration/sponsored.html --
Start off by clicking "Sponsored Settlement" from the menu.
Posted on Sun Nov 26 00:16:38 CET 2000 from du-tele3-057.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter Viney
Pac: loved the story! For an alternative (and fictional account) see "The Sot Weed Factor" by John Barth - a great and funny account when they find John Smith's diary (before Barth went all academic and difficult).
Posted on Sat Nov 25 22:57:39 CET 2000 from spider-wk014.proxy.aol.com ( jcfFrom: new york
Rollie, I meant it is hard to take the show The List which arirs on VH1 seriously, not The Last Waltz!!!
Posted on Sat Nov 25 22:33:00 CET 2000 from spider-wi082.proxy.aol.com ( GinaFrom: my warm home
I agree with MATTK about Beteen (I think that's how he spells it ) anyway his message's do not make a bit of sense sometimes. And I don't mind if someone writes about other topics besides The Band, but make sense, or write about something interesting. Well now that I have insulted someone I feel so much better. That time of the month, us poor gals!! HaHa Bye
Posted on Sat Nov 25 22:06:53 CET 2000 from spider-tm042.proxy.aol.com ( PacFrom: SF now
Hi all! Great to see familiar names again after almost 2 months. Hope you've all been thoroughly enjoying life. Matt, you brought up my favorite subject -- early American history. Yes, Roanoke was the first English settlement in what became the U.S. Don't know if it even lasted 2 years. Governor White returned to England for more supplies before then, I think, then it took 3 years for him to finally get through the blockade (England at war)and return to Roanoke, only to find everyone vanished. Note the word "Croatoan" was carved into 2 trees, and years later a tribe with a similar name, farther back in the hills, had some members with blonde hair. Anyway, Jamestown was the second colony. What most people were never told in school is that's where the whole tobacco business started. John Rolfe (whom Pocahontas married) received a large tract of land. Ironically his wife died when in England seeking financial help for their business and the English colony; John Rolfe died in 1622 from a tomahawk injury at the Jamestown massacre (137 settlers killed?). John Smith had returned to England only 3 years after Jamestown Fort was constructed; a friend's stray spark accidentally ignited his gunpowder pouch and he needed more medical care. Smith was not allowed to return to Jamestown because he was such a bully, so his next work was mapping out the northeast. Trade was lucrative -- English ships brought back herring, beaver skins (for hats, quite the rage in Europe) and a few stolen "savages," one of them being a Patuxet named Squanto. After a few years in England, Squanto was used as an interpreter for the Newfoundland Company and caught a ride back to his people in the Cape Cod area from John Smith. Then Capt. Thomas Hunt captured Squanto and sold him into slavery in Spain -- he was bought by Catholic Monks whose mission it was to convert him. He eventually returned to Plymouth only to find his people had been completely wiped out by "the plague" (smallpox) between 1617-19. Meanwhile Samoset, an Abenaki from Maine, was visiting Massasoit (Wampanoag, MA) when Squanto went to live with them. Samoset learned English from traders. Squanto had learned it as a "slave" and interpreter for the English traders (Newfoundland Company). Enter the Pilgrims: The Mayflower was supposed to land at the mouth of the Hudson River (NYC?) so they could set up a prime trading colony. Rough seas blew them off course; it was too risky to attempt to head south. So began Plimoth Plantation. After the first year, when half the English died of scurvy and pneumonia, Samoset greeted them, brought back Massasoit and 60 Wampanoags, and eventually they had Squanto set up a peace treaty. Squanto's Patuxet's were all dead from the smallpox epidemic. Most of the Wampanoags were too, so their military strength was weakened. The Naragansetts were fierce; the Pequots wanted a trade monopoly and were very powerful; and then there was the rival Iroquois Nation. Also the people and English were fearful of attack by French and Spanish ships. So they formed a strong alliance between Wampanoags and Pilgrims which lasted 53 years. Squanto was their interpreter and lived with the Pilgrims. He's said to have abused his power so badly (bribing the people and threatening releasing smallpox) that even Massasoit at one point wanted him executed. Squanto died in 1622 of sickness. More and more English came. Read about King Philip's War. Well that's what I've been up to! Hope you're all doing well. Love and peace, Packie
Posted on Sat Nov 25 20:03:34 CET 2000 from spider-wj071.proxy.aol.com ( quincyFrom: nj
hi is anyone going to the 12/2 ny levon and the barnburners show if so can you tell me the price and time it starts. i just got the story of ronnie hawkins and the hawks a great book.
Posted on Sat Nov 25 19:05:51 CET 2000 from 247.cambridge-12rh15rt.ma.dial-access.att.net ( mattk
Benteen, you should e-mail Jarp/Patricia. You both seem to have a hell of a lot of time on your hands to post incessantly, and pointlessly. This constant posting/provocation is getting to be a real drag. In fact, I'm strongly suspicious that Benteen = Patricia = Jarp. Same obsessive posting. Same me-centric and inflammatory language. Same prediliction to type in lower-case all the time. It's really not very hard to spoof a DNS. All you need is a secondary internet account, or AOL for that matter. As they say, the irrational can change their DNS, but their spots don't come off. If Jarp is NOT Benteen (which I'm seriously doubting), then I think perhaps y'all are soulmates. Regardless, could you keep it down to a dull roar on the posts? They're rather tedious. And if not out of respect for the rest of us, how about out of respect for Jan, who's hard work is surely deserving of better tribute then using his GB simply to get a rise out of people. A word to the wise, my GB friends. It's always effective to just ignore people like this as they are just after attention. After a point, once they cannot get a rise out of you, they go on to greener pastures. I've risen to the bait myself before, but I've come to believe that "the shun" is surely the most effective way to make the madness stop - just ask the Amish. Oh, and by the way Benteen, the incident you cited regarding 28 disappearing settlers was NOT Massachusetts. That was the Roanoke colony, and it was in Virginia. Jamestown was the first permanent British settlement (again in Virginia) in the new world. Obviously, the Spanish had established settlements from the Carribean to South America and into the southwestern portion of North America for over a century by the time the British established their beacheads in North America. Plymouth was the first permanent settlement in what would be come the Massachusetts colony, which at one point stretched from the Androscoggin river in Maine through Rhode Island to the south. Plymouth itself was eventually abandoned, but not until after other settlements were established in Massachussetts. Roanoke existed for about two years as the ONLY English settlement in the New World. Hope everyone had a great Turkey day, if you celebrate it. I'm something of an Xmas Grinch, but still, I wish everyone a warm and happy holiday season. It will be tempting to dwell on Rick's loss one year later, but personally, I plan on honoring his memory by enjoying his music - by focusing on what he gave rather than the loss of him going to soon. Peace Matt
Posted on Sat Nov 25 16:36:49 CET 2000 from spider-wm013.proxy.aol.com ( JavaLina
thank you for your time on this great Band site, i'll be brief. For the fans of Jim Weider and the Gurus saw their on fire show in P.A. on fri night. Great Band covers[killer Carnival] great originals from Big Foot cd, and really burning new material from their next cd. keep up the great work.Also nice touch sending out the funky blues to Levon and the BarnBurners,and paying tribute to their gurus. if this band comes near your town it's worth it to check them out thanks JavaLina
Posted on Sat Nov 25 15:56:19 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: Nj
Just wanted to share a couple brief movie reviews that have no Band music in them what so ever. My wife and I saw three films this weekend.
Posted on Sat Nov 25 13:21:20 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp234.dialup.valstar.net ( Lil AgainA desperate plea to anyone in the Boston area: Does anyone have tickets (or know of anyone else who has tickets) to the Bosstones show next Saturday night (Dec 2)? If anyone has tickets they're not using and would like to sell...PLEASE e-mail me. This is the 3rd year in a row I've tried to get my son these tickets (his birthday is Dec 1) and the third year I've now failed. If anyone can help..I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks.
Posted on Sat Nov 25 11:09:51 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp108.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilWas driving to a friends house on Thanksgiving afternoon and "Alice's Restaurant" was on the car radio. Driving home many hours later (well ok...my designated son was driving %-} "Grandma got run over by a Reindeer" was playing. I guess the Christmas season has begun. 'It's been a long December and there's reason to believe Here's to nothing but happiness this holiday season. Have a good day everyone. Sing it with me Jan: "On the first day of Christmas...." :-)
Posted on Sat Nov 25 00:15:58 CET 2000 from proxy-1541.public.svc.webtv.net ( Ed BlayzorFrom: New York
WFUV 90.7 here in New York just had Levon and the Electrics (a side band) on for over an hour playing some kick-ass blues live in the studio. Levon also talked about the Banburners and some fond memories from The Last Waltz.overall he was sounding great and happy to be playing!
Posted on Fri Nov 24 23:28:35 CET 2000 from proxy.lfpress.com ( Mike Nomad
Gasp! . . . Levon hates Bill Clinton???
Posted on Fri Nov 24 23:28:04 CET 2000 from jan-hoiberg.hiof.no ( jh
Thanks to all the visitors flooding my mailbox
with way-too-nice e-mails about this web site lately.
After I'm done with all the free drinks and meals
in the Netherlands and Canada I'm sure I'll find the
time to sit down and give y'all a proper reply %-}
Posted on Fri Nov 24 17:02:13 CET 2000 from ( G-Man
Well, Well, Well---off by two years re. TLW. Hey, after tons
of mushrooms two yrs ain't bad(rite Donny P!!!) Watched
as usual on Thanks G. Rick doin Stagefrite--special.
Levon w Muddy, LEvon w Butter-smilin and playin. Robbie
was playin great, too!!! Never new he sang that much.
Man, could he take a bow(s)--tons of em!!!! Were Richard
and Garth there?????
Well-Butch ya got it rite--see what's happinen now!!
Train trip--for G & D to NYC. Let's support
the Barnburners!!!!!
Posted on Fri Nov 24 16:38:15 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( Bill
Like Emily Latella said, what's wrong with violins on TV?
Posted on Fri Nov 24 16:34:52 CET 2000 from du180-3.ppp.algonet.se ( My Christmas Present For YouFrom: IlkkaWeb page
Click "Web page" to get your present!
Posted on Fri Nov 24 16:24:59 CET 2000 from spider-wg064.proxy.aol.com ( butchFrom: Bluesville
Well, Levon & The Barn Burners have returned from a great tour through the southeast,,,,,,,,, We had enthusiastic crowds all the way through,,,,,,,,,,As usual, we started in N.Carolina, & our Good Luck Totem,, Mr Bob Margolin,,,sat in with us,,,,,, to start the tour off right,,,,,,,,,He had a time,, once he realised that the big fella next to him was the Wonderous BOBBY KEYS,,, now AN OFFICIAL BARN BURNER !!!!
What an addition he is,, the guy who goes from ELVIS to the Stones,,,,,,, & lived with Levon in the 70's,, ouch !! the music just keeps gettin better,,,,,, We played Freebird cafe in Jacksonville, ( Ronnie Van Zant's widow's club,,,,) great place,, big Blues following,,,& we were right on the water,,, way cool,,,,,,Cumberlands in Charleston, was a delight,, a real WILD CROWD,,,,, i mean WILD !!!!!!!
Atlanta was great too, our old friend "big frank"from the old Lone Star days showed up as did the GREAT DONNIE PUGATCH !!!!! a warm welcome he & friends gave us,,, WAY TO GO DONNIE,, THANKS for the Road Music,,,,too,,,,,,,,,
we got into Tallahassee just as the election crap was hittin the fan,,, ( & just for the record, to the guy who posted that Levon is clinton's friend,,, Levon hates Bill Clinton,, calls him a pedophile,, & an embarrassment to all of the South !!!!),,,,,,,,,We went to Ft Lauderdale to play in Alligator Alley,,,& we stayed @ The Breakers in Palm Beach,, HOO-HAH, FANCY-SCHMANCY,, again, right on the ocean,,, Matt Lauer ( from NBC) was there, & a gaggle of other big press folks,,,for the recount, too,,,,
but we killed @ the private party, there,,,, & on to Clearwater & then House of Blues in Orlando,,,,
The Barn Burners were SMOKIN,,, i mean BLISTERING,,, they were tight, Chris's vocals were strong all the way through,,,,,& His harp, just gettin better & better,, & he satrts out great !!!! Pat O'Shea's guitar is as swingy & bluesy as ya need,,,, no overplaying from him,, true to his craft,,,,,& with Bobby backin them on SAX,, well, the groove got real PHAT & GREASY !!!! YEAH!!!!
of course, Levon's playing was as solid as ever, more so, cause he is happy again, playin with The Barn Burners has given him a new musical lease on life, IMO,,,,
,,,,& playing with amy,,,, just makes him all the happier,,,
if ya love music, & love the blues,, & Levon,,,,, catch this band soon,,,,,,,,,they make some of the hottest music anywhere,,, IMHO,,,,
,,,,,& a special thanks to ALL our friends from this wonderful site, who came out & supported Levon & the Barn Burners,, Don, Ray & Amy-Jo,, chris'brother,,, EVERYONE,,,,,
THANKS,,,,,,, see ya @ CHICAGO B.L.U.E.S. in NYC on Dec 1st & 2nd,,,,, butch
Posted on Fri Nov 24 16:06:08 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
there is no such thing as to much [kate] bush,
i can do with less violent [femmes] content.
seriously, could they both be blowing smoke? could societies problems go deeper than just what we are being fed by the entertainment industry?
Posted on Fri Nov 24 15:51:09 CET 2000 from ( Posh SpiceFrom: UKBENTEEN : In their pre-election campaigns Gore and Dubya Bush both voiced their concern with the bad influence that today's media has on the general public. Gore said that there is too much violence and killing shown. Dubya said there's too much sex and frontal nudity for the public to see. In other words Bush said there's too much Gore, and Gore said there's too much Bush.
Posted on Fri Nov 24 06:38:38 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
excuse my negligence in not remembering who it was here, that recommended the film, PIST; THE FILTH AND THE FURY. a big thanks to you.
i marveled at the times that gave birth to the sex pistols.
i came away with the view that the pistols had to be, the cultural dichotomies were their birth mother.
sadly, rockand roll ,eats her young.
Posted on Fri Nov 24 06:23:46 CET 2000 from gdh2-25e.twcny.rr.com ( Dr PepperFrom: yessir
Speaking of "Hello in There"...John Prine did a great show in Syracuse last Friday night...never saw him before.....Great show! A lot of his on stage mannerisms as well as his "one of the guys" discourses reminded me of Rick. I hope all of Rick's close people have a nice Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted on Fri Nov 24 06:17:12 CET 2000 from 1cust54.tnt9.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnKevin Bacon is buddies with Levon and the Bacon Brothers opened for The Band at their very last appearance at Carnegie Hall a few years back (they were awful btw - I mean the Bacon Brothers, of course) when Dave Mason came down with laryngitus - so in the interest of fairness I have to say he may have been a bit biased in his choice. However, I am relieved to learn that one of the members of Milli Vanilli was not responsible for voting The Band off the list!! In fact, either guy from Milli Vanilli should have been voted off the panel. I'm burned - and I didn't even see the show!
Posted on Fri Nov 24 06:19:15 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
charlie young, the prosperity of the u.s. under clinton's terms could lead one to almost ponder the possibility of this whole vote farce as the only way of keeping him in office past his allowable 2 consecutive terms,,,,nnnaaaahhhh??????
however, a russian rabbi , now living in jersey, once told me a year ago, that the states prosperity, might not be to good for global peace. when i asked him how so, he replied as most men of faith with an analogy. you and your family live in a community of many families. alot of those families are really struggling to put food on their tables, however, there is one family who is putting their gluttony on display for all the other families to see. would you think that this would make for good community relations?
Posted on Fri Nov 24 03:58:02 CET 2000 from ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old Virginny
Pat Brennan: there is a BIG difference between Gore and Bush. Gore is only a second generation politician while Bush is a THIRD generation politician. Bush also brings presidential standards to a new low. All a candidate needs to say is "I made mistakes in the past and I have learned from them." If those are the criteria for being US President, then David Crosby should be elected. He actually served a year in Texas prison for his cocaine use--unlike Dubya. If I had my choice, Levon's Arkansas pal, Bill, could have another four year term in the White House. Eight years of unprecedented prosperity and peace are a decent legacy for a guy whose worst fault was accepting a few BJs from a promiscuous intern groupie (one who--at age 23--couldn't remember all the names of the men with whom she'd had sex).
Posted on Fri Nov 24 03:53:47 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
hey posh,
in the words of one of the all time great artists,
"i think i love you, oh what am i so afraid of?"
dump those other three spicers and come on tour with me.
i live in a 40 million dollar residence, the mental institute.
Posted on Fri Nov 24 01:14:22 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( Blind Willie McTellFrom: TorontoHey Jan,
I second Norbert's idea. If you ever come to southern Ontario, dinner and drinks are on me.
Posted on Fri Nov 24 00:44:31 CET 2000 from 1cust173.tnt1.idaho-falls.id.da.uu.net ( rollie
If you'd been standing there in the Winterland listening to Muddy Waters blowing the lid off the place, or Van Morrison ripping it up , you'd take it seriously! It was an incredible experience that no celluloid could ever fully capture. The entire building was shaking when Muddy sang Mannish Boy. Cheers, Happy Thanksgiving,--Rollie
Posted on Thu Nov 23 23:54:12 CET 2000 from cc5414-a.hnglo1.ov.nl.home.com ( NorbertFrom: The Netherlands
JAN, a good day to THANK you for the BOATLOAD of work it must be maintaining this site, DAY IN DAY out.....YEAR AFTER YEAR.......
If you ever come to Holland, you get drunk on my account.........(I throw in a good meal as well what the heck!)
Posted on Thu Nov 23 21:29:04 CET 2000 from spider-wm061.proxy.aol.com ( jcfFrom: new york
hAPPY thANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE. Dave Z. The Band made Kevin Bacon's top 3 list for best Band of the 70's. Some guy from Duran Duran voted them off. A good rationale would be that they broke up a few years before the 70's were finished, but. of course that wasn't his rationale... Leonard Maltin also had the Last waltz on his top three of best rock and roll movies... But really it's hard to take that show seriously...
Posted on Thu Nov 23 21:02:30 CET 2000 from 2cust58.tnt11.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnWell, if that was Jan counting ballots down in Florida let's hope the Bush camp doesn't find out - they might decide to launch an investigation into last year's VG Internet Rock Poll which would undoubtedly hurt Gore and might get The Band bounced from the top spot which would be quite embarrassing. I'd say that without Dylan's influence The Band would have never become The Band at all. These guys had no direction and were not creating original music of any worth before their fortuitous meeting with Bob and in fact were an anachronism being musically rooted in the '50s. Dylan changed rock when he recorded Bringing It All Back Home and Highway 61 Revisited without any help from The Band (or Hawks) at all. It was rock groups like the Byrds (composed of former folkies) that helped Dylan to cross over into the '60s rock genre. Dylan is pictured playing harmonica with the Byrds on the back of their first album.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 20:26:08 CET 2000 from ip-155.dial.webperception.com ( Molly Z.From: home in my roomHey y'all! Just wanted to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone!! How about we all just take a deep breath, move away from our computers, and listen to "Times Like These." Enjoy the music that we've been given. ;-)
I really liked your story Lil. Thanks for the morning smile.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 17:23:25 CET 2000 from 1cust165.tnt1.idaho-falls.id.da.uu.net ( rollieFrom: back of the Tetons
On this most prestigious day in Band history, to all GB'ers, chatters,rounders, and so forth, Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted on Thu Nov 23 17:01:26 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp201.dialup.valstar.net ( Lil
....something else we're all thankful for
Posted on Thu Nov 23 16:50:37 CET 2000 from proxy-1471.public.svc.webtv.net ( Jarp
...Levon is not Patricia.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 16:27:51 CET 2000 from wtrb-sh5-port61.snet.net ( Mid
Just dropping in to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone!!!
Let us be thankful for all we are blessed with.
Enjoy your feasts, but don't eat TOO much turkey!!!!
{luvulg} Peace!
Posted on Thu Nov 23 16:07:27 CET 2000 from ( Posh SpiceFrom: UK
BENTEEN: Your posts are some of the most intelligent on this site. The rest is booooooring.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 16:15:19 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
bayou sam, agreed.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 16:12:48 CET 2000 from spider-wo072.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou Sambenteen = ENOUGH
Lil = nice post about sittingin the car to listen to the whole song. It gave me a smile - and I bet Rick was smiling, wherever he is.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 15:23:02 CET 2000 from gimmie152.gimmie.tudelft.nl ( Mark SchenkFrom: The NetherlandsHi, I recently bought a "best of compilation" of The Band and I think I'm hooked for life. It's beautiful! But you guys already know this otherwise you wouldn't have made this fantastic site. It's one of the best sites about a band or artist I've ever encountered on the web, congratulations!
Keep up the great work on the site!
Posted on Thu Nov 23 15:18:29 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: Gobble, gobbleHappy Thanksgiving all! Hope everyone has a wonderful day with family and friends. Enjoy the food, spirits, company and GREAT music! I'm sippin my coffee, which will eventually graduate to wine (beer actually), wearing a Band T-shirt and will soon pop in my Last Waltz to fill the house with music. Enjoy the day and God Bless (to those who wish to accept it)
Posted on Thu Nov 23 14:48:55 CET 2000 from c5300-1-ip161.albany.thebiz.net ( Tom/Woodstock RecordsFrom: Woodstock RecordsWeb page GREETINGS ALL!
Just a quick salutation, wishing you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving !
Thanks to everyone for making this a great year.
Thanks to Jan for having this great site and especially thanks to Quentin Ryan & Breeze Hill Records. Have a wonderful holiday.
Peace - From Tom & the staff of Woodstock Records
Posted on Thu Nov 23 14:08:19 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp219.dialup.valstar.net ( Lil Seeing Double
Forgot to mention. Did any of you fellow Noo Yawkers see the front page of the NY Post yesterday? A photo of a man in Florida..helping to count ballots..who is the exact double of our own Mr. Hoiberg! Hmm.. perhaps they've called in Norwegian math professors to count now, hm? :-)
Posted on Thu Nov 23 13:50:31 CET 2000 from pd-iclpii-hh-28.ifi.uib.no ( Grei HasundFrom: NWeb page
Why is this guestbook displayed so often when I use the Norwegian search engine kvasir.no?
This site doesen't contain any of the things I search for.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 13:19:08 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp219.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond Lil
I left my house Tuesday morning for work at 3:30am. Dark and cold outside, I was feeling down about alot of things. I got into my car and turned on the radio..and was immediately warmed by the sound of a voice so loved and so familiar. It was Rick's voice. That station was playing "Chain Gang" from 'Times Like These'. I caught it at the beginning, and since my drive to work is literally like 2 minutes by car, I ended up sitting in the parking lot there and waiting till the song was over. Yes, I have the cd, but hearing it like that..by surprise..made me smile and feel better about the whole damn day. And so, on this Thanksgiving morning...I just want to say thanks to Rick...for everything. I miss you.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 05:39:37 CET 2000 from spider-to062.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: Chaska, MNA cool VH1 "The List" was on TV tonight... Topic was "Best Band Story" meaning whatever band you picked had to have a good story or history to it... Panel consisted of one member each from the Bangles, Doors, Milli Vanilli and Police... And some choices included Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, John Coltrane Quartet, Queen plus others... I didn’t stick it out, but was ONCE again frustrated that the Band never seems to get mentioned?... I also remember someone posting a while back that Levon didn’t even make the top 100 drummers list of some magazine?... So I thought my best band story selection would be, of course "The Band"... and if I was barefootin' it on one of those soft couches wearing my Garth T-Shirt... here’s the thirty second description I would have given for my first choice before being cut off by David Allen Greer... if anybody else wants to take a shot at this too... please jump in because I need a good statement for my hip pocket to use for those times I need to explain to friends why "The Band" is right up there with the best of 'em... Anyway, here goes...
In 1965 this band helped change R&R with Dylan, then kickstarted in the basement of a pink house something called bootleg recordings, then debuted one of the all time classic albums (and there definitely was no sophomore slump to follow), then for their farewell they made the best ever R&R concert movie... And after 40 some years, and even though this band has lost two of it’s lead singers to the hereafter, and the third is currently unable to sing at a level up to his own expectations, the three remaining original members if they chose to take the stage again could probably blow away most of today’s bands... And if you include their talented newer members, offspring etc,.. they definitely would... This group that I would select is all about stories and being a band... My selection is "The Band"...
Posted on Thu Nov 23 05:36:09 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
bayou, i'm sorry if youre offended as my lennon remark was meant in a humorous tone. i wish he wasn't murdered.
firemen are my heroes too, the way they repair houses when not just lying around in a firehall is truly inspiring.
that they would not only be overpaid by the city, but also have empathy for construction workers , by taking food off the construction workers table by working under the table, well, thats just an amazing example of self-sacrifice and should be applauded by all.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 05:30:16 CET 2000 from proxy-1371.public.svc.webtv.net ( ScottFrom: Decatur,NY
I have been staying away from here for a while due to the silly crap that is displayed here, but I recently noticed that I was also staying clear of Band music and tonight for the first time in awhile I played Blue River from the 1st DFA cd and became quite aware of my sad emotions, hearing Rick's voice really hit me. You know, I listen to music constantly and I think I have been avoiding that wonderful voice due to denial that I cannot see him live again, which was a wonderful experience....Damn....I miss it.....
Posted on Thu Nov 23 05:24:46 CET 2000 from spider-to014.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: the gutBenteen = your hot shit - or at least you think you are. You are so in love with yourself, it's unreal..... I do not think John Lennon was a god, or perfect. He is not one of my heros. My heros are people like firemen (and firewomen). I was mearly establishing why I felt very strongly that Lennon's murder was un-justified. Then I asked you to explain why it was justified. The best answer you have is that you were "joking". You have aninteresting sense of humor. You need to go to find a Lennon fan from Texas to make an adjustment to your "sense of humor". You should think twice about insulting the whole state of Texas and then blaming it on movie dialog. Don't post anything that you're not prepared to back up. Big fancy words don't impress me. You seem to think you're smart - when in fact you're a smart-ass. You posted something that I took as being directed at me, and that was "take a s@#$ pill". My reponse - if in fact it was directed at me - is "s@#$ you". Happy Thansgiving Carmen - come on let's go downtown. I was trying to figure out how to get a grasp on your "wasted 60's" comment and how to respond - then I read Peter Viney's response. It was perfect. Please go read it again. Brien Sz, Bob Wigo, Pehr = great posts regarding Lennon. The Last Waltz IS a good Thanksgiving movie - but you gotta watch Alice's Retaurant - or at least take a half-hour and listen to the song. Lastly - to Johnny Flippo, and all the others who wished the same - I wish you a great Thanksgiving Day.
Really lastly = I'll go out with a Lennon story. Back in '74, John was working on his Walls and Bridges album and he recorded a song, with Elton John playing and singing on the track. When they finished, EJ said that it was a definate #1 hit. When John chuckled, EJ made him promise to appear onstage with him at a concert if the song topped the charts. The song was "Whatever Gets You Through The Night" and it did hit #1. Lennon appeared onstage at Madison Square Garden with Elton on Thanksgiving 1974. They did about 4 songs. It was John's last live performance.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 05:07:47 CET 2000 from user-33qt95c.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USAmattk, it should read "George Bush was (not is) a cokehead" and "Al Gore was (not is) a pothead." Otherwise, the rest of the list looks pretty accurate. I know it's not music related, but this election is one of the most genuinely entertaining productions of the new century. Both of these guys have the worst speaking styles I've encountered since Phil Gramm. There's Dubya "I trust the people--power to the states" Bush hightailing to the Supreme Court (remember, that's in Washington where--according to Shrub--all the evil is) to overturn Florida's highest court. And Al Gore, takin' the high road, let's meet and straighten this thing out. Could you imagine these two dweebs, these two frat boys getting together? Go away, please, just go away. Oh yeah, Chaney's "mild" heart attack. Like that's ever mild. Academy of Outtakes. Amen. Once again, however, a live album is presented in a strange way. Seems the boys played the first two thirds of the show by themselves then brought the horns out for the last third. Gives an entirely different feel to the proceedings. The appearance of Smoke Signal on CTGD was something of a revelation. Same goes here; heck, it might be the same version, I haven't checked. Whatever the case, we can look forward to Rocking Chair and hopefully much more from the remastered ROA. BTW, can we all start applying some pressure somewhere to get the Palladium show (Sept. 76, the real Last Waltz) released? That would be a fitting closer to the remaster series.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 04:40:47 CET 2000 from pppa9-resalerochester3-5r7104.saturn.bbn.com ( LFrom: ???Web page
Thanks Charlie, sounds like alot of fun I bettya Bruce smiled ! T H A N K S Jan too , mmmmmoi,kisses, ..more snow , oh well , are there any Native Ameri......ya know what ? Im gonna stop.........now...... : ) Play On
Posted on Thu Nov 23 03:56:00 CET 2000 from ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old VirginnyMy Garth Hudson shirt was a hit the other night after the Bruce Hornsby show in Charlottesville, Virginia. Hornby's organist, J.T. Thomas, said "he's my hero" and noted the Breeze Hill web address so he could order one himself. He also told me that the number sequence on the shirt might have something to do with the pedals (I think) on a Hammond B-3. Hornsby himself told me a great Garth story. Bruce said he sat in with the reformed version of The Band when they were recording his song, "The Tide Will Rise." He said that Garth was isolated from the other musicians and they were not allowed to hear what he was playing. When the engineer hit the wrong switch so the other guys briefly heard him, Garth protested. Bruce said it was some of the most beautiful organ worked he's ever heard. Unfortunately the track remains in the can, though bootleg copies are around. One last note to Johnny Flippo: thanks for the thanks. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all those here who celebrate it. It also happens to be Hornsby's 46th birthday. Happy Birthday, Bruce. Teach your band to play "Chest Fever." Pleeese...
Posted on Thu Nov 23 03:44:59 CET 2000 from h2odam.sdccd.cc.ca.us ( Eric G RichterFrom: all over the dang place but mostly hang muh hat in San Diego
Now, how does a feller git other musicans ta play with? Down here in san diego, I been lookin for people who play a number of acoustic devices an can't find anyone. This is disturbing to say the least. can anyone offer a kind word?
P.S. take what you need and leave the rest!
Posted on Thu Nov 23 02:37:46 CET 2000 from spider-wk014.proxy.aol.com ( JavaLena
happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Thank you for this wonderful site. peace Java L
Posted on Thu Nov 23 02:18:50 CET 2000 from nas-203-3.rochester.navipath.net ( LFrom: The Land of the Ice and SnowWeb page Happy Thanksgiving Band fans, Love you mostly..THANKS can be a BIG sentiment so....... ummmm we are looking at a BIZZARo year, since Rick went on.......Weather is interesting here..I have a relative, that drove 7 hours down a 4 mile strip in Buffalo to get to her 1 year old and 2 year old child, just to pick them up and have to sleep in a Drugstore floor, in downtown Buffalo, .. so ~ Thanks, every body is ok....... and then theres TONOWANDA, geeze these Indain names.........every body is ok today just alittle cold, great night to cozy up to the BAND, and say THANKS, |n THANKS there is a bit of a myth up here in way Up Upstate about the "THANKS" people,[YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE] and Im SAYING T H A N K s !! no turkey but, THATS OK ! PLAY ON .....LIZ ( btw its snowing more, now ) Love ya's Its NaTURE WAY OF TELLING YOU IN A SONG........ baaaaaaaaa
Posted on Thu Nov 23 01:00:25 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
actually , the first white settlement in mass. was 28 or so people left to winter here.
when others returned, there was no trace of them,save for a sign on a tree pointing, though not conclusively to their deaths at indian hands. the truth of the n/a's initial "friendliness" was spurred by the trading potential these new people represented. if they could see into the future, they would have forgone the metals, trinkets and weapons the europeans brought and have done away with them as they landed. can't say i would blame em.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 00:53:38 CET 2000 from m198214190216.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrFrom: texas
Nice post Peter. As a fellow RR fan, I hope those native americans are still willing to help us now, and in the winters yet to come. This thread comes from the beautiful Chief Seattle quote in the "Music for the Native Americans" CD booklet.
Posted on Thu Nov 23 00:45:05 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
pehr, i just put on my lennon rose colored shades, [the man was fashionable], and reread your post. it made my day, it's the nicest post i've received this millenium. i do try to bring some sunshine to my fellow men, but when in a presence so munificent as yours, i stand in awe of a charachter borne of such grace and dignity.
the texas crack?? don't shoot the messenger, watch "geronimo" an excellent flic and you will see, it was duval. excuse my punctuation, but when you remarked on my unparralelled grasp of the english language, i thought i'd better stop showing off.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 22:55:08 CET 2000 from du-tele3-081.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyMost of the things Matt has learned from the GB are true, but not all. But I’m not saying which. (The first line about me was true of course). Hey Carmen, if John Lennon were alive today, you can bet that Levon, Garth or Robbie would be proud to record with him. Just as Levon and Rick were to play with Ringo. The Band were well-known to associate with old hippies (counting Bob, Joni, Neil and Van for starters) – Rick recorded “Ripple” and played with Jorma Kaukonen. The Grateful Dead often covered Band / RR stuff. Read the old RS stuff on the Festival Express (Rick, Janis, the Dead). Rick on the Garcia tribute. Think of Peter Gabriel and Genesis when they first started out. Robbie played with him. Garth is eclectic enough to play with anyone. I don’t see Levon having any problem with these people! Any Band aloofness was more Grossman than reality. A few weeks ago I was priviliged to see Paul Simon perform a beautiful and heartfelt “Late Great Johnny Ace” in London. No one said it better.
A happy Thanksgiving to you all. And as an RR-fan, I can’t help saying that the Native Americans helped the settlers through that first winter.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 21:16:47 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkAs we in the US move towards our day of national thanksgiving, I think it's important to take stock of all we've learned in the GB, lo these past few months: John Lennon was overrated
I think that about covers it. Have a happy triptofan induced nap everyone, whether you're in the US or not. Peace, Matt
Posted on Wed Nov 22 21:01:15 CET 2000 from spider-tk063.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paWishing all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Take stock in the good in your life. Family and friends, peace and good health. Among so many things for which I am grateful is the gift of music. Bless you all.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 20:50:14 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( BillPloughing through some old files, I found a list I'd made while going through a music publisher's files many years ago. The publisher had been sent two songs recorded by Jaime Robbie Robertson - with the Hawks, one assumes: "Biscuits and Taters" and "Uh Uh Uh". A couple of Johnny Rhythm tapes were shown in the files too, but I'm pretty sure they were post-Suedes tapes.
Speaking of Johnny Rhythm, one of his later songs was "Band Bandit", which was a hit in '70 for Tundra - Toronto group led by ex-Suede, ex-Hawk, Scott Cushnie. The other singer in Tundra was Lisa Garber, whose brother, Vic, appeared as the English butler on Frazier last night.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 20:24:24 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
To ALL GBers---enjoy the holiday!! It'll be a day to
think back 26 years, put on TLW and hear, "HAPPY THANKS-
Posted on Wed Nov 22 19:58:47 CET 2000 from host161-123-26-209.utelfla.com ( carmenFrom: laughing
All you x hippies supporting Lennon and the rest of the wasted 60's is kinda ironic, since the BAND was everything the 60's revolution wasn't.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 19:31:55 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost John's GhostFrom: INDIEWow Chris! Sounds like you're getting pretty mad at benteen. Please take my advice. You of course know I recently lost my temper here on the GB and trust me it will do you know good. It's not worth it, man. Just let it go. PEACE. Anyway, I do have a BAND-related item. Just got the soundtrack #2 to Any Given Sunday, featuring a bunch of Robbie Robertson stuff. It has a new version of "Out Of The Blue", but I was kinda disappointed by the fact that RR doesn't sing it he just plays it as a guitar instrumental. Of course, if you don't like RR's voice then maybe that's a good thing! The other RR tracks are also mostly instrumentals, one with a voice-over of Al Pacino giving a speech. There's also a new mix of RR's Ghost Dance, but I like the original better.
Anyhoo, does anybody know what extra tracks might be on the next BAND re-issues?
Posted on Wed Nov 22 19:07:23 CET 2000 from cache-hki-7.inet.fi ( KalervoFrom: Joulumaa
Thanks Ilkka,
Yeah Christmastime...it is the season when some of us
defend the magic of Christmas Must Be Tonight against
Crabgrass and other Grinches! (Sorry CG)...
I noticed the same Band praise...It is so good to see at least some of younger generation are appreciating the Band.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 18:47:45 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( pehrFrom: texas
benteen thanks for the numerous recent posts displaying your selfless concern for opinions other than your own, your awesome command of english, sensitivity, deep understanding and elegantly warm sense of humor.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 16:28:46 CET 2000 from 09-043.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
The deal with Lennon and the FBI files that were kept on him, which incidentally listed him as a dangerous subversive, really came to light when his continued activism was being directed into a high profile rock event. It was a precursor to the H.O.R.D.E festival but way more strident. Lennon and other bands would play and a political rally would happen before and between the bands' set. The yippies, black panthers, and others would all be there. Further than that let's not forget that Jerry Rubin, of the notorious Chicago 8 was in the Plastic Ono Band.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 18:03:34 CET 2000 from h0000f8718e9a.ne.mediaone.net ( Long Distance OperatorFrom: WinterlandWell, I got Danko on the brain again. Remember, the Last Waltz was filmed on Thanksgiving Day, 1976. The ultimate holiday movie. Watch it with the whole family, and remember to play it LOUD. Robbie: "You're still there, huh? We're gonna do one more song, and THAT'S IT." Rick: "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Cheers to the great Rick Danko. May God rest his ample soul.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 17:57:51 CET 2000 from du166-3.ppp.algonet.se ( MeadowlarkFrom: Girl from the North CountryWeb page
Posted on Wed Nov 22 17:52:43 CET 2000 from h0000f8718e9a.ne.mediaone.net ( Long Distance Operator
"A Change Is Gonna Come" may very well be the quintessential Rick Danko vocal. My goodness.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 17:45:25 CET 2000 from nb9.stockport.ac.uk ( AndyFrom: Macclesfield, UKWeb page
I love The Band and keep coming back to them ... I finally got The Complete Last Waltz and Rock Of Ages on CD this year, and will be getting Academy Of Outtakes and Genuine Bootleg Series 4 soon as well (don't buy 'em folks, trade 'em and screw the bootleggers!). Fave song: Unfaithful Servant. Bliss.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 16:42:21 CET 2000 from kbl-mbg2001.zeelandnet.nl ( HansFrom: The Netherlands
The Band is my favourite group for decades. I wonder if the Last Walz will come out on DVD. I got it on LP, Video and CD. Anyone who knows about this?
Posted on Wed Nov 22 16:19:10 CET 2000 from webcache2.netdoor.com ( DebHappy Thanksgiving to everyone -- jhwygirl, sacred harp (also known as shape note or fasola) is a type of music that's found throughout the southeastern U.S. It's a method of musical notation in which each note has a shape. People traditionally learned it in church-sponsored "singing schools" and many still do. Shape note originated in the early 19th century. It's four-part harmony sung w/o accompaniment(no harps -- "Sacred Harp" was the name of one of the early song books, and it stuck). To me, there's something ancient and mystical about the sound of this music and the harmonies are quite wonderful. And the Band connection? I think I recall a quote from Robbie on the "Anthology" liner notes saying that he'd been listening to sacred harp music during the period when he wrote Daniel and the Sacred Harp.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 15:33:05 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
chris, although i will admit to something not being right in my way of thinking, i can assure you, homicidal tendencies are not an issue with me. i'm not from texas where they believe you show society that killing is wrong, by killing. then again, as robert duval put it in the movie, "geronimo", texans, the lowest form of man known.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 15:28:09 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
bayou sam, although richard's voice would have qualified for a consideration of some kind of saint-like deal.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 15:24:27 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
bayou sam, my post said i would have defended chapman with a justifiable homicide defence for the mental anguish lennon caused him with his music. i was kidding, of course, but if j edgar was the judge?????
if you want to know who my heroes are, start with , say, jonas salk, mdme. currie, throw in a little mother theresa and ghandi along the way, and you start getting the idea.
rock musicians???? uh-uh, sorry.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 15:21:07 CET 2000 from spider-tl052.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, pa
Brian, In retrospect it was an utterly ridiculous stance, and most saw it as such even then. Time always seems to distort the truth. It can also move the facts out of the confusion of their moment and into the light of a much clearer perspective. In this case, I believe the latter has occurred.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 15:18:51 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
oops, brian, that was the kooky jens with the danger comment.
hey jens, get the book, "case closed", gerald posner, it will show you just how loony the conspiracists in the u.s. have become in regards to the kennedey assasination.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 15:15:16 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
brian, i never said he was dangerous, did i?
if i did i wasn't going j edgar, it was probably my warped sense of humour, kinda like the pro-active music critic remark.
hey, i think lennon had a warped sense of humour too, he might even have laughed.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 15:12:27 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
happy thanksgiving to all my american buds!
Posted on Wed Nov 22 14:22:07 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: conspiracy dot comC'mon now! Lennon was dangerous to the folks on the hill? You must have meant Lenin. To propose that conspiracy is about two steps off the horizon's edge. How is he a threat? 'Bloody government, i'll show them how much they can tax my money--YOKO! Get naked, we're having another bed-in, I'll show those bastards!' Now I could just be niave.., Please show me light as to why he was such a danger. Unless of course you were being "goony" too.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 14:13:39 CET 2000 from ( Johnny FlippoFrom: Plymouth RockTomorrow (here in the States, anyway) is the day set aside to give thanks for all we've been bee blessed with. In that spirit, I'm thankful for: Jan H.; Peter V.; Diamond Lil; MattK; Serge; Benteen; Bayou Sam; AHROOO!; BWNWITennessee; Brain Sz; The Beards; John Donabie; Knockin; Lost John; Don Pugatch; Paul Godfrey; Amy Jo & Ray (let's meet @ The Beehive someday); Pat Brennan; Ilkka; Sundog; Crabgrass; Charlie Young; WS Walcott; Brown eyed girl; PEHR; David Powell; Jonathan Katz; Bayou Sam; Laura & Dean Petix, and everyone else who makes this such a fun place to hang. Tomorrow, let's all raise a glass and toast (as someone very dear to all of us was fond of saying) to "spend it all." Happy Thanksgiving everyone. P.S. Stavros, I think you've got your headphones on backwards.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 13:18:36 CET 2000 from vp219-158.worldonline.nl ( StavrosFrom: Holland
The remastered CD "Big Pink":
listen to "We can talk" on vinyl
and then the "new" CD..
they reversed right and left.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 12:07:53 CET 2000 from du241-249.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: North Country BluesWeb page
The leading Finnish newspaper "HeSa" has in its weekend issue a whole page of new young producers. One of them, Jussi Jaakonaho - 29 years, has listed his three albums BEST TODAY: John Lee Hooker "More Real Folk Blues", Tuomari Nurmio & Korkein Oikeus (freely tarnslated: Judge Nurmio and the Supreme Court, a Finnish mix of Bob Dylan, Charlie Chaplin and Vladimir Iljitsh Lenin - unfortunately, 99,9 % of you will never hear The Judge) and The Band, "Music From Big Pink". This young producer says: "It is THE BEST ANYTIME. It gives an interesting perspective to many 'important' productions of today." - Good to see that it is liked by young producers, too. BTW good to see my compatriot Kalervo in gb. As always, Christmas time seems to bring him back ;-)
Posted on Wed Nov 22 11:42:41 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp46.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilJohn Donabie: (Hi! :-) You are correct. Thanksgiving is indeed tomorrow (Thursday). It's always the last Thursday of November here in the States. I heard there was an election to move it to Weds, but the votes are still being counted :-) A safe and happy holiday to all who are celebrating.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 09:42:53 CET 2000 from gateway.tono.no ( Jens MagnusI know Lennon fans (like myself) will never forgive Chapman. I also have difficulties in understanding Benteen's point of view. But we have to remember that Lennon was getting extremely dangerous for the folks on the hill. Just as with Kennedy in '63 it was mandatory to get him out of the way. My guess is they were both executed by Rotschild/Chase Manhattan bank. Chapman and Lee Harvey were merely tools or weapons.
Bought "1" yesterday, on vinyl. Brilliant sound. Lennon sings better than Sinatra and Richard M. Maybe he is god after all. (humor).
Posted on Wed Nov 22 07:23:34 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
does the word humour mean anything here?
was lennon a god? s@#$ take a pill.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 06:41:19 CET 2000 from balmer-0.dsl.speakeasy.net ( Mel
Desperately trying to get ahold of "The Band & Music From Big Pink" songbook, publ. 1970 and terribly out of print. I just lost an auction on eBay for it and am horribly depressed. Anybody have a lead on this book? I'll pay top dollar for it, thanks for any info.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 06:24:25 CET 2000 from spider-we031.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: Give Peace A ChanceBenteen = Saying that Lennons cold blooded murder was somehow justifiable is NOW the stupidest thing I've ever seen in here. It's OK for you to hate the music John made but you think he should have died in the manor that he did? I'm trying to be cool as I write this which is hard because I was one of those fans that cried on the night he was gunned down in the street in front of his wife and with his five year old son upstairs waiting for him to come home. Let me just educate you in a nutshell. Lennon's father left him and his mom when he was about three years old - his mom gave him to her sister shortly after - he started to re-aquaint himself with his mom when he was about 12 - shortly after that she was killed by a drunk driver - his father "appeared" when John was hitting the big time (John refused to have anything to do with him). The Beatles hit it big and the rest is history. Lennon always made music with the most raw honesty of anyone who ever recorded a single note. Listen to his first two post Beatle albums, Plastic Ono Band, and Imagine. He kicked herion - put up with a huge amount of ridicule because the world didn't approve of his love for Yoko. He fought the U.S. Government who was trying to throw him out because he basically was making too much of a stink about Vietnam. Then in 1975 he re-united with Yoko after a separation, they had a son, he was allowed to stay in the U.S., and for the first time in many years he didn't have any obligation to a record company. So he took a break from the music world(listen to Watching The Wheels), and dedicated his life to raising his son (listen to Beautiful Boy), and being a better dad than he was with his first son. After 5 years he felt refreshed at 40, and made music again. He beat alot of demons along the way and seemed to really have his shit together. Us Lennon fans were happier than a pig in shit to see and hear him again. He was suppossed to tour in March 1981. He was coming home from a recording session that horrible night, the 20th anniversary of which is a couple of weeks away. To say you were just being gooney because you think he was over-rated the an asinine statement. I think Jim Morrison was over-rated but I'm sorry he died. Chapman is a pathetic shit who had no reason for his act except that he seemed to want to be John Lennon. Lennon even gave the fucker his autograph just hours before he killed him. Shaun Lennon is now 25, and has just the little memories of those first five years. Please explain why it was justified. To Osceola = please don't leave because of this stupidity. I'm sure most of us don't feel the same.
To All = sorry for taking up so much space on a "non-Band" thing. It's just that I feel strongly about what was said. It is music related at least.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 05:32:38 CET 2000 from 27-137.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Benteen: I don't know what the fuck your talking about. Is that some sort of bullshit deflection... "I just thought Lennon's music was way overrated"... and of course the excusible "I was being goony". I thought you would come back saying it was a joke! You are not right in the head. That comment is more true than you are admittng.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 04:55:26 CET 2000 from spider-wl053.proxy.aol.com ( AmandaFrom: ArkansasWeb page
Hi jhwygirl;
Sacred Harp is a beautiful form of making music. As far as I know its roots are in Arkansas, but I can't be sure. I grew up in Arkansas and experienced performances many times at The Ozark Folk Center in Mountain View, Arkansas. Recently (the last couple of years)I have noticed that the Folk Center has offered weekend workshops and seminars regarding Sacred Harp. I think the students can actually make their own harps. If anyone ever gets the chance....go up to the Ozark Mountains, especially Mountain View and The Ozark Folk Center. It is enchanting and so non-commercial..a beautiful experince. I'm sure Levon knows a thing or two about it!
Posted on Wed Nov 22 04:22:15 CET 2000 from 1cust228.tnt1.jackson.wy.da.uu.net ( jhwygirlFrom: the land of....oh, you know whereWeb page
Ooops, almost forgot...BWNITTennessee, drink an IC Light for me, OK? Sure miss that stuff!
Posted on Wed Nov 22 04:20:25 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: Toronto
To my American friends. I'm a little confused. I see tomorrow (Wednesday) is Thanksgiving in the States. I always thought it was the last Thursday of November.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 04:18:32 CET 2000 from 1cust228.tnt1.jackson.wy.da.uu.net ( jhwygirlFrom: the land of snowWeb page On the local radio station today, during one of those five minute 'cultural' pieces, there was mention of the southern art of the "Sacred Harp." I have never heard of this, but apparently it is a southern tradition of a way to sing and read and write music, passed down generation to generation. I am wondering if any of our knowledgable GB posters can elaborate on this southern tradition. Does it tie-in with our buddy Levon? Or perhaps with Daniel and the Sacred Harp? Thanks for any info. I just love this GB, as it is so informative! Toodles!
Posted on Wed Nov 22 02:31:34 CET 2000 from host-209-214-117-37.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennessee
Happy Thanksgiving, to all those who celebrate it. I'm going to be BWNWIPittsburgh for a few days, in an attempt to rekindle the Civil War with all those GBers that kept popping up here from said locale. And if any of "yinz" happen to notice a big red monster truck with dual stacks, a confederate flag painted on the hood, shotgun rack, a pair of longhorn antlers on the front and a Tennessee license plate that reads, "GB POSTER," well, best steer clear, Bubba. Better hope God blessed ya, 'cause Cyril Wecht is gonna dress ya.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 00:32:02 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
i was being goony, i just thought lennon and his music was way over-rated. mental illness does not justify murder, it is at times a valid defence against punishment, although way over-used as such these days. open a door and a thousand lawyers rush in. it's their job.
Posted on Wed Nov 22 00:08:29 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp119.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilThis is not a Band related question, but since the comment I'm questioning was made in here, I'm going to ask anyway. benteen: You said you would defend Mark David Chapman on "justifiable homicide". Why? What can be justified in stalking an unarmed person and shooting him in cold blood? If indeed Mr. Chapman is mentally ill, what was he doing with a gun anyway? Mental illness does _not_ justify murder.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 22:51:44 CET 2000 from 961016.ahml.lib.il.us ( OsceolaFrom: doesn't matter
Consider this my resignation from the group consciousness. I can't believe I actually read a pro Mark David Chapman comment. The guy is a murder, period. Gonna defend Jeffrey Dahmer next? Besides, all this internet garbage is exactly that. Be careful; tangible forms of knowledge like books are already being viewed as being obsolete. Goodbye is too good a word, so I'll just say fare ye well.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 22:41:17 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: where the notes not to play --play
Hear, Hear! Paul G. Right on the money with the Garth comment. You listen to Levon, Rick and RR talk about Garth in interviews, he seems to have been the musical cornerstone and glue to the group. You can see the glow in Levon's face on the Brown album video, when he mixes down to highlight Garth's parts to songs. The man adds so many layers to songs without it sounding overly done. Though having seen Garth many times, (With the Band & w/ Rick) i've seen that genius take a pretty whacky turn or two. Butcha gotta lovit!
Posted on Tue Nov 21 22:25:09 CET 2000 from ( James SigmanWeb page
Just thought some of you may want to know...
Levon's scheduled to play at a Hot Tuna after-show party at Tribeca Blues in NYC this coming Saturday (11/25). Tickets are $25. For more info, click on the web page above.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 21:14:54 CET 2000 from 15-143.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoPlease...please...please mrs henry mrs henry please.... can we get the Barn Burners to Chicago fer crissakes... it's my new mantra
Why do think the boys haven't made it here yet. Any comments.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 21:00:41 CET 2000 from bus.promus.com ( Meradith McGeeFrom: Orlando, FL
As I type this, out of the corner of my eye I can see Levon's drumstick used last night at their incredible and energetic performance at the House of Blues at Downtown Disney. A gift from the legend.
My mother grew up with Levon and his sister, Linda in Marvell, Arkansas so it was a special treat to have the opportunity to reunite them! My mom always said she was in Levon's very FIRST band...the Marvell High School Marching Mustangs! HA!
He was a most gracious host backstage and a fabulous entertainer! If you have the opportunity to catch Levon Helm and the Barn Burners in person - don't miss it! His daughter, Amy, is a special treat! Great voice and great personality!
Thanks to Levon and Butch for making our night!
Posted on Tue Nov 21 20:57:02 CET 2000 from stcatherines-ppp109118.sympatico.ca ( Richard PattersonFrom: St Kitts
Thanks to KALERVO and MATTK for recommending Bruce Cockburn's 'Christmas' record... I must admit, I am not familiar with Bruce's 90s music, but 'Christmas' would seem to play up to his thematic strength : )
Posted on Tue Nov 21 20:45:25 CET 2000 from 15-143.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
WS. Walcott: I certainly agree with you on some points about the post Robertson Band albums and songwriting. Levon is a storyteller and the claim is that alot of lines and exact stories are lifted from Levon. I don't deny that Levon doesn't have alot of individual credits. But Rick has alot. In fact I think that the co writing credits prove the fact that the magic of The Band was in the collaboration. That's why they sound much closer to the original line up and magic. But Rick has a lot of material done solo and with anderson and fjeld. Its not fair to exclude him as a serious songwriter. Nor for that matter to forget Richard. Also, if you look at The Band albums and the songwriting credits, most of those guys are in the family.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 20:25:33 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattk
Kalervo, I do like the Xmas record. I just found the 90s material a bit on the pretensious side while lacking the energy and emotional commitment of the earlier works. The new record, as I said, is quite good, however.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 20:06:24 CET 2000 from cache-hki-6.inet.fi ( KalervoFrom: Suomi
I am glad to see Bruce Cockburn being appreciated...
Although I have agreed with MattK in so many things,
disliking Bruce' s 90' s material is beyond to me. I know
many who agree with MattK which is one of the greatest
mysteries in music to me. I have always considered Bruce
a fine singersongwriter and musician, but 90' s has made
him my favorite artist on this earth. Every his 90's albums
are pure joy to me, my heart music. For instance now when Christmas time is near: his Christmas album is one of the best Christmas albums of all time.
I think this difference is something to do with maturity
in music. I love the maturity of Bruce' s recent music.
There is so much idolization of clever immaturity in popular music, at worst puberty angst...Bruce is not a
member of eternal youth, but a grown-up man, more of himself than ever.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 20:03:24 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkRichard, "Mummy Dust" was released in the states, but I've never found it on CD down here. Is it widely available up there? I still have my vinyl copy, and you are right about it being a great retrospective, though I prefer 1987's "Waiting for a Miracle" (also not available in the US), which encompasses 70 - 86, and has some great alternates, including a live versions of "Rumors of Glory" and Facist Architecture, as well as "Stolen Land" that cannot be found elsewhere. It seems I have a more favorable view of his "cold" or "angry" heavily politicized work. While it's true those three albums ("Trouble With Normal," "Humans," and "World of Wonders") are darker, the latter two are also contain some of his most sensual of his works (Sahara Gold, Lilly of the Midnight Sky), and a good deal of humor ("Who Put the Bullethole..." and "Making Contact"). I've read interviews with Cockburn in which he says that beginning with "Humans," he begins a progressive movement towards darker imagery and a more fully encompassing view of human nature and the human condition - the dark side of which, hits it's crescendo with "World of Wonders" (which I think is a brilliant record, though very scathing). I've also read that some of this "darker exploration" was kicked off by Cockburn's divorce, which was very emotional, but also rather freeing in that he'd come to feel trapped by this overtly positive image he'd created, and that expressions of love can also find voice in outrage and anger as well as joy and worship. To a degree, this is the central theme on "Facist Architecture" from "Humans." "Humans" and "Dragons Jaws" have a similair instrumentation and both are very modal albums. However, lyrically, Humans is already a few shades darker than what you find on Dragons Jaws with songs like "Grim Travellers," "Guerilla Betrayed," and "Tokyo." After that you get "Inner City Front" and "Trouble with Normal" which seem to be in search of a theme. Then in 1983, Cockburn went to El Salvador and Nicauragua for awhile, and came back pissed. Keep in mind that Rocket Launcher was inspired by his visit to Guatamalan refugee camps in Southern Mexico where helicopters from the US backed Guatamalan military would fly in and machine gun the refugees, who were living in squalor to begin with. Cockburn has said that when he wrote it, he meant it, though it wasn't a call to arms, but a call to outrage, that unfortunately made many of his older fans and the Christian community somewhat anxious. Incidentally, funny you mention "The Clash." In 1989, when the US invaded Panama to arrest Noriega, the US Military reportedly blared "Rocket Launcher" and "I Fought the Law" incessently outside the Vatica Embassy where Noriega took refuge for a time before being captured and sent to the US for trial.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 19:55:32 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Stuck here in Buffalo, snow up to the eyebrows,
too late to catch Barnburners in FLORIDA, so I planned
my SUMMER TOUR Super Group: Rando & Levon on drums,
Malc on bass, Bobby keys on sax, Garth and B. Hornsby
on keys, Jim Weider and Joe Walsh on guitar, Amy
and Mr. O'Leary on vocals, Butch as MGR!!!!
Posted on Tue Nov 21 19:43:56 CET 2000 from 15-143.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoBenteen: Did I read that right...Mark David Chapman is a proactive music critic. That is either very tongue in cheek or frankly the most disturbing thing I've read on here in a long time.
Notwithstanding the last Knockin Lost John post. Wow. Dude you need to have a few less cups of coffee in the morning. Do us a favor and go let the air out of the tires on your next door neighbor's trailer to vent some anger before you bring it in here. If Bobby W. is e-mailing you block him as a sender. If he keeps calling you names then tell him that your feelings are hurt. If he won't stop then sting him with the ol' I'm rubber your glue approach (that always works).
Posted on Tue Nov 21 19:32:33 CET 2000 from spider-ti031.proxy.aol.com ( Bashful BillFrom: Minoa, N.Y.
Catching up on Jan's excellent GB after a few days away. New articles to read, new pix over at the Rumor site, and yet another award for Jan. Nancy from Australia had some good points re the election as observed from her vantage from afar. Does anyone know the percentage of eligible voters who actually voted in this election? I think I heard 51%, which seems to be the average in the U.S. As sad as that fact is, it's difficult to choose how to utilize your precious right to vote. You hear it so often that it sounds like a cliche, but it's a fact that most choices, from the smallest local contests but especially in the nationwide elections you are forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Or go third party, which I often have done despite having a truly competent or viable 3rd party to turn to.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 19:16:45 CET 2000 from spider-wa043.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: Chaska, MN
Thanks a whole bunch Matt!!! And while I'm at it, nice article Peter!!! I just finished reading "A Mansion On The Hill" as well as the Richie Furray book on Buffalo Springfield... they actually read well together, and were real eye openers for me... and makes me wonder how RR is doing at Dreamwerks?... I may also have to give Neil's "Trans" another listen after reading that he made the lyrics purposely unrecognizable because he was going through communication problems with his children... Take care all...
Posted on Tue Nov 21 19:10:46 CET 2000 from stcatherines-ppp109118.sympatico.ca ( Richard PattersonFrom: St KittsDAVE Z: regarding BRUCE COCKBURN. I would take a slightly different approach to collecting BC... In Canada, Bruce has a record called 'Mummy Dust'... it's choice cuts and unreleased stuff from the period 1969 to 1980, and it's an excellent collection... then I'd take 'Dancing in the Dragon's Jaws' from 1979, which IMHO is his best overall album (and has no overlapping tracks w/ 'Mummy Dust')... the 80's started off strong for Bruce w/ 'Humans' (along with "Wondering Where the Lions Are" from 'DITDJ', "Rumours of Glory" from 'Humans' received a lot of airplay on the radio up here), but then a strange thing happened... Perhaps it was the inspiration of the Clash and other political punk bands or Bruce's visits to third world countries and firsthand experience of seeing poverty and famine, but the music seemed to get colder and colder as the decade progressed... BC's religious lyrics were always endowed with a healthy dose of spirituality and joy, but his political lyrics were purely pragmatic... the man who was gonna leave "no footprints" when he left, now wanted a "rocket launcher" to solve things... while the sentiments were noble and the causes worthwhile, the music definately suffered (I think a parallel can be drawn here to Bob Geldof - it's hard to keep joy in your music when face to face with disaster)... To reinforce MATTK's opinion of his live shows, Bruce is an absolutely phenomenal guitar player (a minor league Pat Metheney), and is especially impressive on acoustic... if you can see him do a solo show w/ acoustic guitar you will not be dissapointed...
Posted on Tue Nov 21 18:51:56 CET 2000 from ( knockin' Lost JohnFrom: IndiePat Brennan and others have recently brought something important to my attention. I'm a big enough man to admit when I am wrong. I have been visiting this guestbook for years and have found it very informative and at times entertaining. It is true, as Pat stated in an email he sent me, that the GB is NOT for the type of trivial crap that has been going on here between me and this Bob guy, who I don't even know. Before this week I have never abused the privilege of the GB buy bringing personal "crap" into it. If you go back and read my posts most of them are simple and music-related. This all began with a statement that Crabgrass made about hunters, and my emotions got away from me. I am only human, and will not bring any "crap" into the GB again. In fact, I believe it is time to kill off "Knockin' Lost John" and assume a new GB name so that I can come back with some degree of secrecy and start over. There are 3 things in polite conversation that we are supposed to avoid as a rule: sex, religion, and politics. I will say this. When the topic of discussion in this GB is steered away from THE BAND and music in general, and folks start talking about "hot" issues, it is bound to raise the emotions in some readers. In my very first posts 2 years ago, I urged people to stick to the music. I am not here to piss people off or to be pissed off. But, it has happened and now I'm ready to forget about the foolishness and move on. Again, apologies to the GB-ers.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 18:40:40 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( BillPeter: Thanks for the excellent, as usual, work on "We Can Talk". Reading it, a couple of things came to mind: I'm sure "One voice for all" is a reference to the famous line from "The Three Musketeers". That there were three singers pitching in here may have been a coincidence, but wouldn't have passed unnoticed. The call-and-response nature of, and following, the childish "Have you ever milked a cow" line, recalls "Green Eggs and Ham" to me.
The entire "Everybody, everywhere" verse seems to me to be related to "The Stones I Throw". That is, civil rights in the US south. Except that the worst is over - fire and brimstone and the danger of turning into a pillar of salt is passed. While the burning/freezing can be made to fit this more political reading, I 'm inclined to agreee with you that the line came originally from band banter in the back of a car between gigs.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 17:53:52 CET 2000 from spider-wq073.proxy.aol.com ( Don PugatchFrom: Roswell, Ga
Besides the most neglected member of the original Band, we hardly ever hear of Richard Bell. Anyone know of his current exploits. Maybe he too will have a shirt for me to buy.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 16:47:18 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkCockburn recommendations. Bruce has a few different periods, but I admit my appreciation stops after 1989's "Big Circumstance." If I break his work from his first release until 1989 into three chunks, I'd label them: 1971 - 1976 (eponymous first album through the live "Circles in the Stream") - Folk Period. Mostly acoustic. Highly spiritual and confessional style.
Of course, some of the designations about the character are necessarily overbroad. Cockburn is a very religous guy, and his spiritualism is found in every album. Similairly, his politics are featured in every period as well. I guess I feel that in the periods mentioned above, not only do they mark demarkations in instrumentation, but also in overtness of topic. That said, I'll give two favorites from each period (I think you can buy almost anything but "trouble with normal" from 1971 to 1989 and not go wrong, but if I have to pick...): Folk Period - "High Winds, White Sky" and "Joy Will Find a Way" (Circles in the Stream is a great live record, though, which features the best songs from this whole period). "Jazz" Period - "Humans" is probably my favorite Cockburn album, period. "Dancing in the Dragon's Jaws" is very nice as well, and features Cockburns only real "hit" - "Wondering Where the Lions Are." "Angry" Period - "Stealing Fire" and "World of Wonders" are masterpeices, IMHO. Both rank in my top 100 albums of all time, with the edge going to "Stealing Fire" as it's top-to-bottom more consistent. As far as newer stuff goes, I never really got into it. It seemed like Bruce hit a rut with "Big Circumstance," which features some gems like "Shipwreck at the Stable Door" and a funny version of Monty Python's "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life." I recently picked up his latest CD, "Breakfast in New Orleans, Dinner in Timbuktu," however, and I was very encouraged. Bruce has said, in the past, that he often gets a burst of creativity from doing solo acoustic shows. He did such a tour in 1997, and it appears to have paid off with his last album. Also, if you get the chance to see him live, it's nearly always a good experience. I've seen him 7 or 8 times in various configurations, and the only time I was disappointed was on the Big Circumstance tour - he rearranged some old material to their detriment, and frankly, I thought his drummer really sucked and was very insensitive. Matt
Posted on Tue Nov 21 16:21:43 CET 2000 from fw1.clari.com ( Richard
Yes, John, the cover shot is an outtake from the Stage Fright wraparound by Norman Seeff.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 16:17:39 CET 2000 from fw1.clari.com ( Richard
Here, here...I second Paul's appreciation of Mr. Hudson's priceless contributions to The Band, as I'm sure Levon and Robbie will heartily agree, eh? Hmmm...makes you think. Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge. Say no more.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 16:08:36 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: Toronto
Sorry about the spelling errors below......typing too fast again.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 16:06:58 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: Toronto
Does anyone know id the photpgraph of The Band on the Academy of Outtakes Boot is from the Norman Seef Session?
Posted on Tue Nov 21 15:36:22 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyGreat to receive email from Stanley. With respect the correct spelling is "Ronstadt" and she opened for the Band at the CNE. Yep, The memory is the first to go unless you consider as a former musician and DJ, fully 25% of my hearing is gone. Yes it is hazardous to wear headphones turned up to the level of blinding db. Observation: too often the Band are referred to as individuals. Certainly they have their separate identities. But, in truth - "The Band knew what NOT to play!" That in itself would differentiate them from other contemporaries. Garth took them to a mountainous plateau. Remember, he was hired as their music teacher. (a funny way of pacifying his parents in the beginning) In retrosect he may have been a missing link...and the Band never would have climbed the mountain without him.
Keep Shinin'On!
Posted on Tue Nov 21 14:33:45 CET 2000 from spider-tl044.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paBayou Sam, What attack ?
Posted on Tue Nov 21 14:26:28 CET 2000 from sdn-ar-004nysyrap287.dialsprint.net ( Jim
hey there. does anybody have the correct cardifrose site address for cd's. i am looking for the Port Dover from 1964; i hear it's pretty great. Thank you.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 13:45:39 CET 2000 from du-tele3-069.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyA plea to the bootleggers (and given the intelligent content of recent Band-related bootlegs, which I have enjoyed, I’m pretty sure they must drop into this site regularly). Everyone is beginning to say “wish there was a Levon & the Barn-burners” bootleg, and especially those of us living too far away to see the show. Anyway, my plea would be NOT TODO IT, and give the man a chance to put together his official release without pre-empting it. I reckon there’s a difference between live shows with previously-released material and the odd cover, and taking a show BEFORE the artist has had a chance to exploit it himself. I also hope that Levon won’t feel rushed into getting a CD out before he gets bootlegged, which is a real risk nowadays. I’ve listened to the Levon & Crowmatix one a lot, and it’s great as what its title says – a souvenir. As a “regular release” it’s not a contender. btw, I’m told that a whole slew of US Dylan bootlegs (as well as others) are recorded off the hearing loop in the seats for the hard-of-hearing. These loops come straight off the soundboard, and instead of plugging in a hearing aid, you just plug in a DAT or mini-disc.
An interesting solution to the whole issue is what Pearl Jam are doing. It seems they’re offering all 25 shows from their last European tour on their website for about $10.98 per show CD. They reckon that people want a show they’ve seen. Radiohead did the same free last year as a download. The article I saw on this had an interesting prediction. In a couple of years, they’ll be able to burn copies so fast that you’ll be able to buy a complete soundboard of the show you’ve just seen on your way out of the concert hall, from the T-shirt concession.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 06:44:35 CET 2000 from spider-to021.proxy.aol.com ( Amy Jo & RayFrom: Western PA
Just flew back from Clearwater Florida..... GREAT GREAT show the BARNBURNERS put on at CLUB MORE Sunday night.... The crowd was dancing & grooving to some great blues!!! Wonderful treat having Bobby Keyes playing with the gang!! Levon, Chris, Pat & Frankie just keep getting better and better (and Amy's singing has gotten so much stronger, plus the moves on stage are fabulous - you go girl!). Great getting to see you all(& you too BUTCH...) Thanks Levon for letting us hang out for a bit, always love being with you..... SEE YA guys soon somewhere down the road!
Posted on Tue Nov 21 04:49:45 CET 2000 from host-209-214-113-95.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeSounds like Knockin' Lost John got up on the wrong side of the double-wide this morning. Pretty ironic that someone defends an attack on his personal dignity by posting a bunch of profanity-laden tripe. Did anyone else watch the Dixie Chicks tonight? I don't know why, but I kind of like 'em. You have to give them credit for succeeding in the ultra image-oriented Nashville system while still managing to be somewhat unique; and while also being somewhat "older," an unforgivable sin for female singers down here.
Here's my latest brain-teaser. Everyone knows how The Band intentionally stayed out of the limelight in their early years, and how that supposedly created an air of myth and mystery around them. Do you think that would be possible in today's media-driven, image-driven pop culture? Or that anyone who declined to do "Behind the Music," "Storytellers" and TRL would be shunned by the press and forbidden to succeed in the mainstream market? Phish worked their way up without a lot of publicity, but it took them ten years, and they're still not really "mainstream." Pearl Jam stopped doing interviews and videos, but that was after they had already become huge. Well, you don't really need to answer this, just consider it an extra-credit question.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 04:09:44 CET 2000 from user-33qt9bb.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
Two copies of the Band/Time Magazine cover and Genuine Rock Of Ages on ebay. In fact, all kinds of interesting Band stuff.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 03:15:02 CET 2000 from ( Michael
Bayou Sam, glad I could help, if Robbie Robertson only wtote "The Weight", Levon Helm only sang "Dixie", Richard only sang "The Great Pretender", Rick only sang "It Makes no Difference" their talent would be indelibly stamped, but Robbie wrote more than one great song and is still a great songwriter, everything Levon, Richard & Rick sang was worth listening to and still is. Add to this the maestro and we got some of the finest music ever made. I have been listening to the Band since the late 60's and never get tired of it, I love all the solo material and this is a fabulous site though I find the discussion on Robbie & Levon a little disturbing at times, these guys were like brothers for 16years and it is really shitty when friends fall out, but its their business.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 01:59:27 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
pehr, i'm with you.
a musician of supreme talent will reach the plateau where all the best of his contemporaries reside. on this plateau, there is no silliness as to who is best, there is only appreciation for the style. levon not considered for this palteau is only testament to the foolishness of the scribes who make lists. i copped this from a band's greatest hits liner notes, his style seems to be so laid back that it would seem he is always just behind. not verbatim.
p.s. when i bought this casette in 1989, iwas looking for a song whose title i didn't know, got hooked on acadian driftwood for a 3 month period. the title of the song i didn't know, until i found this sight, was rocking chair, which was another 3 month 8 times daily listening jag.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 01:49:09 CET 2000 from m198214190216.austin.cc.tx.us ( pehrI enjoyed the newly posted article about the club on Yonge St. where the Hawks met Bob Dylan. I thought everyone knew TBZB was hardly a "Folk Purist"... Geez! He's a Rock n Roller to the core! Legend has it He knew all about Ronnie Hawkins when in high school, so I imagine he had at least an Idea of what the Hawks were about. Re: Levon getting blown off MODERN DRUMMER all time top 100 list- Levon is a trancendent drummer, beyond forever the limitations of being a "Modern" drummer. Those magazines are too well known for missing all forms of subtle manifestaions in order to explore the obvious with fine tooth combs. I'm glad they forgot Levon.
Now, where did they list Manuel?
Posted on Tue Nov 21 01:05:35 CET 2000 from spider-wf012.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou Sam
Hey Bob Wigo - do us a favor and PLEASE don't respond to that attack here in the GB. This is not the place for it. I know I'm not in charge here but that stuff should be taken outside.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 00:38:45 CET 2000 from spider-wf051.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: Chaska, MN
Anybody got a good Bruce Cockburn recommendation?... I am eyeing up "Circles In The Stream"... Also, a question for those recently attending the Barnburners shows in Florida... did you see a lot of folks who looked like they were supposed to be recounting ballots instead of watching the shows?... They'd be the ones really shaking their booty during a sax solo... Gore says Nader took votes away, but my guess is Amy Helm stole some recounts from all three... he he hee... ok, I gotta go back and look at snow out the window now... Take care...
Posted on Tue Nov 21 00:34:23 CET 2000 from spider-tm033.proxy.aol.com ( ChrisFrom: connecticut
Just listening to the Big Pink re-issue.....love the Lonesome Suzie outtake with the shuffle feel and horns...did Richard ever write a bad song? I think not!
Posted on Tue Nov 21 00:25:16 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
just a note on this feud thing.
the more you love someone the more you can hate them.
could be the band members were so close, that when things went the way of all things, they could get so far apart.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 00:22:18 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
knockin john, that was me and my shepard you saw at the trailer park. sure i know beastiality is a crime in some states, but my dog feels it's worth the risk to have sex with an animal like me.
Posted on Tue Nov 21 00:17:17 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
bob r, did he get off completely or was he ordered to take treatment for his apparent mental illness.
there is a huge difference between the two and society would be better off than to just pay lip service to the issue of treatment for mentally ill offenders.
as for me, i viewed chapman as a pro-active music critic and would have defended him on a justifiable homicide/mental anguish approach.
Posted on Mon Nov 20 23:13:43 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattk"Never trust a man in a blue trenchcoat. Never drive a car when you're dead." Listening to Waits' "Big Time" all day today. What a groovy record. I think I need to re-watch the film version and perhaps update my fave concert films list...
Posted on Mon Nov 20 22:07:39 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrThanks Peter Viney for the notes on "We Can Talk About It Now"- Is it me or does that song get better all the time?
I enjoyed it very much!
Posted on Mon Nov 20 22:06:07 CET 2000 from ( emanuele "The Beards" marchioriFrom: Venice , ItalyWeb page
The Italian Page of The Band , return to December .
The Beards are record a The Band Cd Cover for January 2001
BEST REGARDS !! Emanuele " Thebeard"
Posted on Mon Nov 20 20:49:18 CET 2000 from ( Bob R
One other thing: Can you believe that the guy who tried to kill George Harrison basically got off ??? What in God's name is the English judicial system thinking of ?? John Lennon must be spinning wherever he is......
Posted on Mon Nov 20 20:44:27 CET 2000 from ( Bob RFrom: The Cape
I have to agree with an earlier post ---I would love to get my hands on a Levon & Barnburners boot if one exists---does anyone know of any / have any ?? wanna sell-trade ? it seems like it'll be quite awhile before we see an official release...When I saw them a couple of weeks ago they said only 6 tracks were completed...bootleggers, let those tapes roll.....
Also, I've heard that Danko,Anderson & Fjeld had recorded a number of live performances in Japan when they toured there--does anyone know if Ryko or some other label ever intends to release it ? or is it available as a bootleg yet ? Anyone have any info they can share...?
While I'm at it, has anyone seen the DVD of the Band at the
New Orleans Jazz Festival ? I am thinking about ordering it-- anyone have any feedback ?
Posted on Mon Nov 20 20:11:33 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
Someone in here offered a funny proposal that Robbie should offer Levon and the Barn Burners a big recording contract. That would be great! Unfortunately, I don't believe Levon is going to accept any recording contract. As you know, Levon is pretty paranoid of the record business ("the suits"). He doesn't even want to involve himself with Woodstock Records which surprises me. They have said that Levon will probably release the cd himself, but I don't really know what that means. Personally, I would like to see a big record company pick him up and promote the heck out of it.
Posted on Mon Nov 20 19:27:30 CET 2000 from du139-249.ppp.algonet.se ( Ilkka (again)I noticed that the eminent PAUL GODFREY used the term "for yours ears, mind and soul" about the music of The Band. I used "for body and soul". Let his words be the ultimate definition: THE MUSIC OF THE BAND IS FOR OUR EARS, MIND AND SOUL!
Posted on Mon Nov 20 19:00:12 CET 2000 from du82-3.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: North Country Blues - in the falling rainWeb page This is my second serious post in a period of ONE WEEK. Am I growing old or what? Anyway... PETER VINEY has written a very interesting article on "WE CAN TALK". His reflections on the relation of the song lyrics and poetry made me read his lines over and over again. Some of the rock lyrics can be enjoyed as poems (most of Dylan lyrics), some poems can be sung as a rock songs (The Byrds: "There is a time for any purpose ..." from The Holy Bible - sorry, for me The Bible is mostly a book of poems). "About the lyrics in general" in Mr. Viney's article is worth of reading for anyone commenting ANY rock song. I'm glad to see that Mr. Viney is so familiar with the works of Michael Gray. However, I found his term "dylanologist" somewhat pejorative. Who knows, maybe Michael Gray himself likes this attribute? Michael Gray has pointed out the difference of poem and lyrics in a very fine analysis in his book "SONG AND DANCE MAN". He writes: "...this Happy Family Man role, irrespective of how it applies to Dylan's private life, is unconvincing in his art; that you don't render a vision of happiness by insisting that you're happy, or simply by using your most bland voice. Yet this was what Dylan attempted - and failed with - on "Nashville Skyline" and "Self Portrait". On "New Morning" it is here again: yet with a significant difference". The lyrics of BIG PINK can't be THE KEY! Why is that? Simply because the English language is only the language #4 for me. In the late sixties I was just learning - BTW by translating BLONDE ON BLONDE and JOHN WESLEY HARDING. I didn't understand ANYTHING - well, The Weight was an easy one. I have never payed too much attention to the lyrics of ROBBIE ROBERTSON. I'm in a good company - he doesn't value the lyrics very much higher, either. When I like to listen to the lyrics I choose DYLAN - when I like to rock I choose the Band. The Band is for the body and soul - Dylan is for the intellect and the ethics. But we need them both, don't we? I highly recommend Mr. Viney's articles on this site - even if I don't necessarily agree with him ;-)
Posted on Mon Nov 20 18:45:44 CET 2000 from ppp94.a1-2.56k.execulink.com ( Paul GodfreyIf you have 8 1/2 minutes to really relax your mind...go to "Whats New" and playback the cover version of ACADIAN DRIFTWOOD" by Phil Lesh and friends....right after the Maud & Garth thank you. I remember Levon being a bit down because they ran out of time at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto while opening for Linda Ronstad. He really felt the song ACADIAN DRIFTWOOD was worth the listening. So give it a shot ... its good for your ears...your mind and soul.
Posted on Mon Nov 20 17:40:49 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost JohnFrom: INDIEHello fellow BAND fans. For the record: I never once have stated in this guestbook that I hate RR. I don't even know the guy! Besides, I try very hard not to hate anyone, although people like Bob Wigo make it difficult. The "Robbie and the Sacred Guitar" thing was only meant to be a joke and was not meant to ignite the flames of the feud discussion again. I thought that people on both sides of the issue could have atleast enough of a sense of humor to laught at those silly lyrics. I guess it was a misjudgement of character on my part. Also, let it be known that Bob Wigo has recently emailed my personal mailbox, taking advantage of the e-mail system to personally attack me be insinuating that I live in a trailer park. In fact, my fellow GB'ers, I do not live in a trailer park, but I think I drove past one once. I drove past the trailer park but I DID NOT enter the trailer park! I have voiced my opinions hear over the past few years, I have vented my emotions, I have tried to be funny, but I have refrained from personal attacks (with the exception of that one time I typed something about Crabby's mother; and I apologized for that). But insulting me does not cause me any great grief, because I know that a personal insult is the act of a man who is desperately trying to use what little brain he has left. Now, look what Bob made me do. That sounded alot like a personal attack didn't it? Bob has a problem. Bob is perhaps lacking something in his life that causes him to be unable to accept the fact that other people's opinions DO in fact exist. What about Bob? I don't know about Bob. But, no Bob, I don't want to have pizza with you at a place I've never heard of ("Pony Express Pizza"). Sounds like a place where only cowpokes eat pizza, and probably get shitfaced on moonshine. Perhaps you are the one from the trailer park Bob. Perhaps you're the guy I saw in that trailer park I passed that one day, screwing that German Shepard in the front yard. I hope the cops got you for cruelty to animals, and yes Bob, this can get very fucking ugly. I'm a nice man, until you piss me off, but in getting pissed off I am still able to contain myself. I lose no sleep over people like you Bob, and you brought this on yourself. I tried to intelligently discuss things in this GB, even though I have at times lost my temper with CRABBY. I don't know who the hell you are, or who the hell you think you are BOB, but I do not live in a trailer park, and you must be confusing me with your Mom and Dad, who also happen to be your brother and sister. Adios Bob. Fuck off. Leave me alone. You have the type of personality problem that I CAN and WILL deal with by simply ignoring your annoying ass from this point forward. Any emails from you will be deleted without having been read. Any posts in this GB will be passed over without having been read. This takes the power right out of your hands to address me in any way. I don't like you BOB, and that feels very strange because I've never met you. But I've met your kind. Go to hell Bob and tell your uncle Satan I said "Hi". You're an asshole, Bob, and you need to move out of your "Rent-a-Space" hole and get a fucking life. Adios. So long. Auf Weidersein! Good ridance to a goddamned nuisance. I apologize to my fellow GB-ers for my temper. I hope that we can now start to logically and peacefully discuss music-related matters again.
Thank you
John Swaney
Posted on Mon Nov 20 16:42:01 CET 2000 from extproxy.fdles.state.fl.us ( ty
caught levon helm & the barn burners friday at alligator alley. i strongly recommend any blues afficianados to catch 'em on this tour. i'm going to anxiously await their cd. a strong performance by a strong band with bobby keys on sax sittin' in to boot!
Posted on Mon Nov 20 05:58:32 CET 2000 from spider-wm072.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: just below the stairs
Thanks Michael. It was right there and I missed it when I first looked.
Posted on Mon Nov 20 02:43:31 CET 2000 from ( Michael
Bayou Sam,
look under articles "Down to old Dixie & back"
Posted on Mon Nov 20 02:39:18 CET 2000 from cacheflow.nettally.com ( BrentFrom: The RumorWeb page Check out The Rumor for fifteen exclusive photos of the Barn Burners show last week in Tallahassee, FL! Click the link above to access the site. Be sure to visit Adam's Corner while you're there to read Adam's take on the incredible Barn Burners show. Thanks Butch, Levon, and all the Barn Burners for a kick ass show.
Posted on Mon Nov 20 01:58:22 CET 2000 from spider-wc043.proxy.aol.com ( J RyanFrom: Troy,NY
Are the Barnburners playing at Joyous Lake anymore? Saw them there last year around Xmas, great time and show. Any info is appreciated. Thanks
Posted on Mon Nov 20 00:13:55 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tf043.proxy.aol.com ( Bob WilliamsFrom: Maryland
Posted on Sun Nov 19 23:47:28 CET 2000 from roc-24-93-30-191.rochester.rr.com ( travis
Just got done reading about The Band and Dylan and the making of the basement tapes.Great magazine from England called Mojo,a bit expensive but if you enjoy music it's a must.I found it at Borders books.
Posted on Sun Nov 19 23:09:09 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp211.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilWow! Worked all day..and came home to find _no_ new posts to read! Can that be possible? Thought I'd just see if this thing is working... Have a good night everyone.
Posted on Sun Nov 19 12:50:05 CET 2000 from ti01a73-0324.dialup.online.no ( Eric KingFrom: Norway
I'll just say that The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down is the best song written ever.
And noone can sing it like Levon Helm does.
P.S. Sad to hear about Rick Danko.
Posted on Sun Nov 19 12:46:33 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp220.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilCongrats to Jan on yet _another_ web award for this site! "The cup of wonder". I'll drink to that! Skål Jan...proud of you. Hug. Have a good day everyone.
Posted on Sun Nov 19 12:00:41 CET 2000 from pc248.botanik.univie.ac.at ( TwennyFrom: Austria - ViennaWeb page
Super Homepage, weiter so, liebe grüsse Twenny
Posted on Sun Nov 19 08:42:17 CET 2000 from 1cust245.tnt1.idaho-falls.id.da.uu.net ( rollie
Have the Barn Burners generated any "bootleg" recordings yet, and, more importantly, what is the Barnburner position on audience recordings? Thanks---Rollie
Posted on Sun Nov 19 07:46:04 CET 2000 from spider-ta068.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: the best seat in the houseJust Wonderin'= thanks, I'll look on eBay. I've gotten a couple of Band things on eBay but I haven't seen that mag. I'll keep checkin' Cat T = I agree with you about the Last Waltz Refrain. It is beautiful. Who wrote it? That's a double barrel question in here. John Donabie = I'm sure that Anthoney Ferry was just mortified that his hero was "selling out". We should try to find Mr. Ferry today. I'll bet he has Blonde On Blonde and Big Pink in his music collection...... It would be interesting to find all of the folkies that hated Dylan for going electric, and remained angry at him until this day, and never bought his stuff after '66. You could probably count them on one hand.
I got my Mojo - so to speak. I went to Tower records and coughed up the eight bucks for the Mojo mag that you've all been talking about. There was another mag there from England called "Q". It had a big Dylan thing going on, but that sucker was eleven bucks which is why I don't have a copy in front of me. I thumbed through it though and sure enough there is a four or five page story on the Band and the connection with Bob. There is a part called "where is the Band today". It's amusing...... I also picked up Modern Drummers 25th Anniversary issue. There is also a section in the back on "where are they now" drummers. Low and behold, Levon is in there. It's a nice little piece talking about the throat cancer and how he's doing great with the Barnburners. It has a couple of little Levon quotes - stuff you've heard. It was nice to see him included in the article though. They also did a top 25 drummers of all time
list. Buddy Rich was # 1, John Bonham #9, Ringo #13, Keith Moon #19. Then they listed 25 more honorable mentions including Ginger Baker, Jim Keltner, Hal Blaine, Charlie Watts, Carl Palmer, among others. How could Levon NOT be in there SOMEWHERE? I'm not just blindly saying that as a Band fan. I am a drummer and a fan of drummers. Levon is like Ringo, in that he doesn't do anything flashy that jumps out at the casual listener ala Bonham or Moon - but he does sooooo many "tasty" little subtle fills that are great. Listen to TNTD Old Dixie Down and listen to just the drums. What cool stuff. I don't have to convince you guys and gals though. Maybe I'll write a letter to Modern Drummer.
Posted on Sun Nov 19 04:55:28 CET 2000 from proxy1.doit.wisc.edu ( Tim(SUNDOG)CorcoranFrom: Same place, only richer!Web page
Hello to my friends here, its been almost a year since I left this site, but not because of The Band,,,I surely miss Rick, and The(full)Band. Just wanted to say hello to those of you that do care...
Posted on Sun Nov 19 04:20:25 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: Toronto
Thank you Jan for posting the article from The Toronto Star so quickly; on the first meeting of Dylan & The Hawks.
Posted on Sun Nov 19 03:01:27 CET 2000 from 14.charlotte-16-17rs.nc.dial-access.att.net ( Cat TFrom: Charlotte y'allAll you knowlegable Band fans can assist this casual fan. First - who actually wrote The Last Waltz Refrain; and second - is there sheet music out there anywhere for it?
I think it is one of the most beautiful melodies ever written and the orchestration is sublime.
Posted on Sun Nov 19 02:59:58 CET 2000 from pm2-74.delrio.com ( Just Wonderin'
Hey Bayou Sam! I found a copy of that magazine on Ebay for a couple of bucks. They show up there quite often so keep your eye out.
Posted on Sun Nov 19 01:28:40 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: TorontoIt's always been called Tour 66 and I forget sometimes that it was November of '65 that I first saw Dylan & The Hawks at Massey Hall. There is a famous quote from that show from The Toronto Star that I always thought was written by someone else. I stand corrected today. This is the quote that was in the paper the day after I saw Dylan and The Hawks. I still remember sitting in my parents living room, reading it and swearing under my breath.... Two months later after Dylan and the Hawks met they appeared at Massey Hall, before the Hawks' hometown crowd, Star reviewer Anthony Ferry let go one of the harshest attacks of the entire tour. ``Here was a Bob Dylan who once was a purist,'' he wrote, ``electronically hooked up to a third-rate Yonge St. rock 'n' roll band.''
Where is Ferry now?
Posted on Sun Nov 19 01:05:55 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: TorontoI would love to "borrow" a quote from today's Toronto Star which talks about the day 35 years ago that Bob Dylan met Levon and The Hawks for the first time; at the Friars Tavern in Toronto. This quote is from Mary Martin (former Torontonian); who worked for Albert Grossman and told Bob about The Hawks. This is a quote from Ms. Martin about her feelings watching the Hawks perform at that time. I don't believe I've ever heard a comment or review so poetic. The quote is..... "Those boys talked to each other musically," she says. "They had conversations with themselves that were so deeply musical that if you listened, you got to go along. They were the best band that we had ever, ever heard."
Isn't that beautiful????? I'll send a copy of the whole article to Jan.
Posted on Sun Nov 19 00:39:00 CET 2000 from spider-wf013.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: "in the fog"
........ hey, you know when The Band was on the cover of Time magazine back in 1970? I'd love to read the article from that issue. I was wondering if it's on this website anywhere. I took a trip through the library but didn't see it. I'd buy a copy of the mag if I could find one. Can any of you cats help me out?
Posted on Sun Nov 19 00:27:55 CET 2000 from st-catherines-ppp112413.sympatico.ca ( Richard PattersonFrom: St KittsWeb page Those interested in discussing the merits of the death penalty should click on the above "Web page" link for details regarding a group of three Arkansas youths known as the West Memphis 3... the website explains how alleged ring leader Damien Echols, friend James Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley were convicted of a triple homicide on very thin evidence... Stephen King books, black concert t-shirts and the testimony of a jailhouse snitch were considered evidence enough to put Damien Echols on death row and the two others in jail for life without parole... There is a connection to music here, as a CD called "Free the West Memphis 3: A Tribute for Truth and Justice" has just been released... the contributers are Tom Waits, Rocket From The Crypt, Steve Earle, Mark Lanegan, Zeke, The John Doe Thing, Kelley Deal, Murder City Devils, Nashville Pussy, Tony Scalzo, Killing Joke, Supersuckers (with Eddie Vedder), Joe Strummer + Long Beach Dub All Stars, and L7. From the press release... "
This is the kind of music that might get you into trouble, so be careful with it! Proceeds will go into an account for the West Memphis Three"...
Posted on Sun Nov 19 00:14:37 CET 2000 from 1cust203.tnt14.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front Lawn
Tony Curtis also played Ferdinand Demara aka The Great Impostor in the 1961 movie of the same name as well as Harry Houdini in the movie bio though Houdini is not Band related to my knowledge.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 23:33:53 CET 2000 from user-33qt98j.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
Benteen, Tony Curtis played Ira Hayes in a movie based on his life. I'd say late 50's/early 60's. Forgot the name.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 23:25:51 CET 2000 from ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old VirginnyStanley Landau: thanks for the story about the forgotten legacy of the building that is now the Hard Rock Cafe in Toronto (and the repository for Iggy Pop's jacket). That reminds me of a time when I was having lunch with American Civil War historian James I. Robertson at an anonymous "mom & pop" restaurant across the street from the then new Hard Rock Cafe in Washington, DC. A long line of teens stood outside the Hard Rock Cafe waiting to get in for mediocre food, served surrounded by minor league rock'n'roll relics. Almost next door was the Ford's Theater Museum where there was no appreciable crowd. Among the amazing articles on display in the museum: the blood-stained coat worn by Abraham Lincoln the night he died there. But, of course, nothing as significant as a jacket once worn by Iggy Pop--now THAT'S worth standing in line to see! It was yet another case of pearls before swine... Speaking of rock'n'roll relics: I picked up a Chuck Berry bargain CD (on the Dutch Telesonic label) the other day which turned out to be 14 tracks from his Mercury sessions of the 1960s. These were vastly inferior remakes of many of his 1950's hits, but nonetheless of historic interest. I think that Johhny Johnson even played electric keyboard on some of these. Does anyone know any more about these sessions? I have a Pickwick vinyl reissue of most of these tracks, though the CD actually sounds like a better mix.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 22:09:11 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: police training school
Real quick-- Newspapers want to sell the paper. When was the last time a paper told you all the good things cops do? More than 1 in 3 bad cops on the force --that's an awful lot.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 21:48:00 CET 2000 from wc1-int2.nbnet.nb.ca ( WS WalcottFrom: Canada
Hey, I'm having flashbacks of my Political Science classes. Let's get back to the music.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 21:40:27 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
brien sez ,judging by the press of the last few years, i think it would be safe to say that more than 1 in 3 cops in large cities are mentally unbalanced. it's probably a job hazard.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 21:17:25 CET 2000 from host-209-214-113-96.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: An air of cheese
I kind of think that all Rock 'n Roll biography movies are by nature kind of unspectacular. They're always the same plot line - band/musician is young and struggling, then they have some success and things get exciting, they break the really big time, then things start to fall apart, people either start doing drugs or managerial/record companies get in the way, a few people fall off, then oftentimes in the end there is the small comeback, where they are able to return to a portion of their former glory, all demons overcome. Sort of like a two-hour "Behind the Music." I think such movies are only interesting to people who have never ever seen a Rock biography before, or to die-hard fans. And for them, the fact that the actors don't look like the real people and the inevitable innacuracies lend an air of cheese to the whole proceedings. I think the way to make an interesting movie about an historical musician/group is to focus on just one particular event, rather than the whole career trajectory. Rather than making our Band movie start with Ronnie and end with "Jericho," let's instead focus on something like the creation of "Rock of Ages." We could start with the gang meeting Allen Tousaint during the tail end of the "Cahoots" sessions, then have them talk about how they felt the need to take some kind of break for awhile, and the discussion of a live album. Have the internal struggles about whether they should get Allen to do the charts, trying to get him to come up to Woodstock again, where they were going to do the show, etc. We can show the drugs taking their effect, Robbie complaining to Dominique about how things just weren't the way they used to be and he was concerned about the future. Then we can conclude with the triumph of the actual show, the relief that all the last-minute preparations all worked out. The last scene can be them all walking offstage, with a sense of relief and satisfaction, but also with someone asking, "Where do we go from here," and a hint of doubt about what's next. See, something like that, to me, is much more interesting. That's kind of like what "The Two of Us," or whatever that VH-1 Lennon/McCartney movie was called, was like. I thought that was much more interesting that just "The Story of The Beatles." Or that movie about Stu Sutcliffe, or even "Eddie and the Cruisers."
Posted on Sat Nov 18 21:10:08 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: a conference room where we draw up lists of people we want to exile out..,
Gene.., do you really think police get together and conspire to railroad all sorts of people. I don't doubt it happens every great once in a while but to make it sound like every third cop is evil is too much to swallow. As far demographics, I'm blind to that, No picture attached to the record, what did they do.., ah ha murdered 2 people and a rape conviction---PULL! Or like i've said in the past-- We don't need make our jails bigger, We just need to dig'em deeper. Sorry if this is a bit harsh.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 20:29:15 CET 2000 from cr514777-a.yec1.on.wave.home.com ( Stanley LandauFrom: Toronto
There is a full page article in the Toronto Star today about the first time Bob Dylan met and heard Levon and The Hawks in September 1965 at the Friar's Tavern in Toronto. The club is now a Hard Rock Cafe and the author of the article reports that the manager and staff knew nothing of this important moment in music history. There is, however, a major renovation planned and perhaps there will be some momento of the event to go along such important artifacts as a leather jacket worn at one time by Iggy Pop, now on display.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 20:11:48 CET 2000 from fe0-0.cache-01.nyc.bestweb.net ( Gene
I do, however, respectfully disagree on the issue of Death Penalty. It is too easy for cops to conspire to railroad an unfortunate party who happens to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Also, the death row demographic is also heavily skewed to minorities, reflecting the arbitrary standards applied by the various states in capital cases.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 20:00:17 CET 2000 from fe0-0.cache-01.nyc.bestweb.net ( GeneBrien Sz- Good point, the Supreme Court Justice nominated by the President has to be confirmed by the Congress. In fact, both Scalia and Thomas were put into the Supreme Court under Democrat-controlled Congresses. To me, the difference between being free to choose to vote, or not and being compelled to vote, under penalty of law, is the difference between being a citizen and being a subject.
Finally, all life is precious, be good to each other.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 19:28:26 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: somewhere over there--
benteen: I'd thought I'd share. I'm Pro-Death Penalty as I am Pro-Choice. If you can kill the innocent you surely can kill the guilty. Also, Supreme Court appointments don't worry me that much either. For one, we have so many centrists in both parties, that niether a too liberal or conservative judge would be confirmed. Plus, Supreme Court Justice History shows that, once conservative justices, have handed down liberal decisions and vice versa e.g.., Earl Warren and now David Souter have turned their backs on those who thought they would rule favorably for their philosophical bents.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 17:27:59 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
pat, enjoyed your post. a little known fact is that some sioux indians from the little big horn battle helped prepare teddy's roughriders for the san juan battle. one of
the most moving songs in regards to indians in the military i have ever heard is the ballad of ira hayes. hollywood could make one hell of a flic out of this american tragedy.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 17:22:23 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
as long as the popular vote doesn't decide who gets on the supreme court, i worry little about elections.
it's no longer the president but the machine he drives that counts. being against the death penalty, in the minority here in canada, i marvel at the lame reasons the regular joe gives for it's support. i don't believe the populace has the faculties, myself included to make these decisions. it should be our best legal minds, the supreme court, that rules on matters such as these. otherwise, crank up the hydro-power and bring on the offenders.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 17:16:27 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
i thought the temptations movie was pretty good.
and hey shoot me, but i think burt bacarach had some genius stuff in his head when it came to music.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 17:10:30 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown
Born on the Bayou (really Bronx) Sam:Musical Geniuses that I just cannot get enough of are Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Van Morrison and Robbie Robertson!
Posted on Sat Nov 18 17:02:17 CET 2000 from spider-wk083.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou Samuel - Bayou Sammie - Bayou Sammy ?, nah - Bayou SamFrom: Junior's FarmRegina mentioned that Beach Boys sepecial. I thought it was OK. The guy who played Mike Love was pretty good. The whole story about Brian and his problems is amazing. In my opinion Brian Wilson is a brilliant musical mind. I am a huge Beatles fan but I wasn't excited about watching that "what if" movie. I heard that Lennon came off not so great. I don't know if they used it in the movie, but John and Paul WERE actually together one night at The Dakota watching Sat. Nite Live when Lone Michaels came on and offered The Beatles $3,000. to re-unite on the show for one song. Lennon and McCartney came close to jumping in a car and going to the TV studio while the show was still on the air that nite. Now that is a real what if. That would have been one of the great moments in r&r. But, what if's are silly in a way. I don't think there would be a big enough market for a big screen movie on our beloved Band. A well done MTV or VH1 movie would be nice. But then who would be the consultant? Robbie?. Levon? - That would be throwing fuel on the fire that is the fued.
Brillant musical minds (genius'?) = Brian Wilson, George Martin, Garth Hudson.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 14:46:17 CET 2000 from ( NancyFrom: AustraliaTonight I heard the news that only 700 votes separate Bush and Gore in their quest towards the US presidency, and find it hard to believe that so few votes could be involved. The indecisive outcome of the election makes this casual observer from elsewhere wonder whether the voting public actually want either candidate much at all. Until this most recent election, I didn't know that Americans operated under a system of voluntary voting. In Australia no such chances are taken with the future of the nation, with voting for all over 18 years being mandatory if one wishes to avoid persecution by the relevant authorities. The first year I was eligible to vote, my best friend (who was the same age) failed to do so, and eventually found herself carpetted before a public servant in the Electoral Commission. She spun him a fine yarn as to why she hadn't voted, although the truth was more likely to have been 18 year old slackness and failure to get out of bed that day. Luckily her story was plausible enough to prevent the fine she was threatened with. I suppose compulsory voting ensures a high percentage of voter compliance, otherwise our statistics would probably be similar to those in the US. It also has the benefit of providing meaningful employment for people with note pads and red pens.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 10:54:50 CET 2000 from spider-wd064.proxy.aol.com ( ReginaFrom: my home
Sorry Peter but I don't think Hollywood will be knocking at your door for your "Band" story.But I give you an A+ for your imagination!!Speaking of Rock-N-Roll T.V. or film stories, did anyone see the T.V. movie they did on the Beach Boys. Oh boy they had the actors wear these dumb-ass wigs, it was a joke, I could'nt sit through it with a straight face. It was on again about 5 months ago!! On the lifetime channel. Ya did'nt miss anything. One the other hand the show called "What If" about if John Lennon were still alive and had a home visit by Paul, now that was well done. But I do think a well done T.V. or big screen film is due on the Band.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 06:44:58 CET 2000 from spider-wo084.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: standing on a cast iron shore yeahy'know, when John was "fueding" with Paul, he used his best form of expression to vent his angst. Listen to his first two post Beatle albums and you'll hear him let it all hang out with no holding back feelings - pure Lennon honesty. Then he felt better and got on with his life, and got on with Macca when they got together.
Perhaps the songwriter in Levon could be inspired to write some kind of "I'd Like to Kick Robbie's Ass Blues", then he'd be free of the demons and feel better. Robbie could even play guitar on the track. Even better, Robbie could help Levon write it - then Levon could not give Robbie credit. This could lead to some real healing.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 06:01:17 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp198.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilTired and wired (admitted caffeine addict who's just finishing a 24 ounce coffee and will stare at the ceiling tonight wondering why I can't sleep). Just got in from seeing my 10 year old daughter make her acting debut...was blown away to see her do the Charleston! My oldest son arranged all the music for the show, and played sax. Very proud mom here tonight. And yes, this post is somewhat Band related. I am wearing one of my Garth shirts as I type this... a nice, cozy, oversized one that makes a very comfy nightshirt :-) Maud and Garth: Very nice note that Jan posted from you both today. You know I love you guys...and it's just really wonderful to see such a gracious, thoughtful note from you. Going to bed now in a caffeine induced insomniac haze. Have a good night (morning) everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 05:52:17 CET 2000 from user-33qtam8.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USAThere were actually a lot of Native Americans who fought on both sides in the Civil War. Ely Parker, a Seneca, is perhaps the best known, reaching the rank of brigadier general (he was a colonel for most of the war) and serving as Grant's military secretary. He wrote out the surrender terms at Appomattox where he surprised Confederate General Robert E. Lee who thought Parker was black. When Lee realized his mistake, he supposedly said, "I am glad to see one real American here." Parker replied, "We are all Americans." A lawyer by training, Parker eventually became commissioner of Indian Affairs under President Grant. Sadly, he died broke but he kept a copy of the surrender terms which today would be worth six figures. There was a company of Natives from upstate NY--I think Oneida--and a number of Western tribes fought for the South, particularly at the battle of Pea Ridge in Arkansas. In fact, the last Confederate general to surrender was Stand Watie, a Cherokee.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 04:57:27 CET 2000 from ip-20-0-110.rochester.navipath.net ( LFrom: Tonawanda
I lost a couple posts, this is good history though, so those interested, Read about Parker.........Warrior in Two Worlds
Posted on Sat Nov 18 04:36:05 CET 2000 from nas-202-69.rochester.navipath.net ( ParkerFrom: Tonowanda
"my vist almost made me weep to think that my people might fade me.."Parker said this to ULLS. S Grant. 1863,CPT.Parker volunteered...for the US army, part of the Us wilderness campaign.......
Posted on Sat Nov 18 04:35:36 CET 2000 from user-33qt8jm.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
Putting Shelter From The Storm at the end of Jerry Maguire was also a nice touch.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 04:23:24 CET 2000 from nas-202-69.rochester.navipath.net ( LFrom: TonawandaPehr and others that have inquired....great hour on PBS about the 1800's and the Tonawanda Indians as well as the Senecas and a good explaination, that might explain some of this from Canada and Ny .look at your local schedules , otherwise, I have copies....saving Katherine Smith ? imagine that, me, here, 3 times, without a typo, bet I made one.... I bet they talk about Cripple Creek....ummmmm Get well soon Sharon, and Rollie...what type of harp should I buy ?
Posted on Sat Nov 18 03:31:15 CET 2000 from ip-67-69-56.rochester.navipath.net ( LFrom: music
Is anyone watching the history of the BEATLES right now, on ABC?? pretty interesting take ..........on the issues, or maybe its the spicy food , ABC~ NOW` The Beatles, : ) just thought Id share....... a happy moment: THE BEATLES.....
Posted on Sat Nov 18 02:36:11 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: Middle of the Night -- Plush office -- just a small desk light beaming onto a desk, where a man is crouched over with a manuscript
Peter V. -- "I found my Screenplay!" I yelled, doing my best Zero Mostel.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 02:06:48 CET 2000 from 1cust161.tnt2.idaho-falls.id.da.uu.net ( rollieFrom: alpha -7
HEY MAN! THERE'S A SHUFFLE, AND THEN THERE'S A SHUFFLE! And very few bands really know how to shuffle, to really GIT-IT! There's an art to everything,especially , the SHUFFLE!
Posted on Sat Nov 18 01:40:02 CET 2000 from host-209-214-113-143.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennessee
All you Levon-loving Robbie bashers, a la David Powell, why on earth do you think that musical talent/achievement equates to playing live gigs? If you don't think it takes a certain genius to choose appropriate music for specific scenes in a film, such as Moscani in "Raging Bull," or the soundtracks for "Carny," "The King of Comedy," "The Color of Money" and "Any Given Sunday"; well, then, go watch a Stanley Kubrick movie and he'll be glad to prove you wrong. Or a Martin Scorcese movie. If you think that creating music = playing "Shuffle in A" in a neighborhood bar, you must think Brian Wilson isn't much of a musician, nor Beethoven. Phil Spector, Syd Barrett, John Lennon. Or that Bruce Springsteen has musical talent for writing "Streets of Philadelphia," but the person that chose him to write that song for the movie has none. Or the person that put "Secret Garden" into "Jerry Maguire," taking a year-old Springsteen flop and turning it into a big hit.
Posted on Sat Nov 18 00:49:54 CET 2000 from nas-205-233.rochester.navipath.net ( Elizabeth ann ( Liz )From: Land of the Ice and SnowA vietnamese Band Playing the 'Star Spangelled Banner' for Bill Clinton Today.......no appologies? what do you all think of this ? This stupid war is still ridiculous, so many years later ? I love the recent posts on who plays who, can I play Joni Mitchell ? Please ? : ) smiles of Aisles Liz
Posted on Sat Nov 18 00:27:01 CET 2000 from du-tele3-169.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyFrom: Hollywood & VineyI think Matt K’s list will be fine. BUT it depends on who’s doing the script. If it’s me, then Robbie’s going to be played by someone great. As a “Carny” fan, I think he’d best play himself.
THE BAND STORY: But if it’s an anti-RR scriptwriter gets the job, then only British actors would qualify because he’ll be the bad guy. So, you’ll need this guy with one British parent, one Asian Indian parent arriving in Toronto on a school exchange (Hmm, sounds like Cliff Richard could do that. Won’t need make up for the younger scenes, either). Then he joins The Hawks (who will have to be mainly British to match) in an effort to get Olivia Newton-John to dance with him at the school hop. She won’t because he’s got a British accent, which invariably causes crooked teeth, and because The Hawks play matching ice-blue Fender guitars. So Jodie Foster (as Ophelia, the school bad girl) meets and falls in love with Robbie, and Ronnie Hawkins (played by John Goodman) throws him out of the band for smoking cheap British Players Number 6 cigarettes. Levon, the only American, (played by Levon Helm) rescues him from ignominy by leaving too, whereupon the others Rick (Robbie Williams), Garth (Ricky Tomlinson) and Richard (Liam Gallagher) join them. Their new manager is an evil British aristocrat (Hugh Grant) married to a stunning model (played by Madonna, who also does the title tune to “The Band Story” which of course is “Proud Mary,” over the closing credits). Grant is aided and abetted by an evil British film director (played by Alan Rickman), who plans to eradicate the Richard character from the movie because he spilled Grand Marnier on his new suede shoes. He locks him in a cupboard backstage when they do a celebrity concert (to save the school’s old theatre from closure) with Bob Dylan (played by Donovan), Neil Young (played by Wilfred Bramball aka Albert Steptoe aka Ringo’s grandad in a Hard Days Night), Neil Diamond (played by Tom Jones in “Mars Attacks” mode), Van Morrison (played by Elton John, who has to put on 40 pounds for the part) and Joni Mitchell (played by Sinead O’Connor). The Hawks race around the theatre trying to rescue Richard and get him on camera for “I Shall Be Released” – the televised finale with Stevie Wonder (Eddie Murphy), Paul McCartney (Eddie Murphy), Tina Turner (Eddie Murphy), Elvis Presley (Eddie Murphy), Kylie Minogue (Eddie Murphy) and Prince (Eddie Murphy). The Hawks are lost backstage and after hours wandering the corridors, inadvertently walk into a Spinal Tap concert. With the help of devoted fans played by Ricky Martin and Britney Spears (winners of the twist contest the night Robbie joined The Hawks) Levon nearly succeeds, but Robbie foils him at the last moment. Robbie sings the finale solo, without backing, to massed applause.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 23:26:35 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkThinking about a Celebrity Deathmatch (a show on MTV for the uninitiated) at work we were contemplating a match between Sesame Street's Oscar vs. Dr. Suess' "Ginch" (I'm going with Oscar as he has the full body armor, and the Grinch's dog would evenutally turn on him). That said, I was think about a cage match between feuding bandmates (obviously, mortal status is void): Robbie, Brian Wilson, Dennis DeYoung, John Fogerty, Lester Flatt, John Lennon, Ice Cube, Axl Rose, Roger Waters, Mick Jones, Noel Gallagher, David Byrne, and David Prater. Versus Levon Helm, Mike Love, Tommy Shaw, Tom Fogerty, Earl Scruggs, Paul McCartney, Easy E, Slash, Dave Gilmour, Joe Strummer, Liam Gallagher, Tina Weymouth, and Sam Moore.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 22:53:24 CET 2000 from well.health.nb.ca ( WS WalcottFrom: Somwehere down the crazy riverDear Chris: Interesting post, but not quite accurate. I never once said that Robbie's musical abilities were greater than any other of the Band members. They are all very capable musicians. And I agree with you on Garth. He is about as close to a musical genuis as one could get. I was talking about composing/songwriting ability. I even did a little research. In all, the 3 post Robbie LPs contained 34 songs. Only 10 were written or co-written by Band members. Of the 10, only about half were written exclusively by Band members. So how can you say how great the writing was in the post Robbie era? They wrote less than 30% of the recorded material. In comparison, look at Robbie's post Band stuff. It is infinitely superior. I won't stoop to your level of name calling. I just wanted to clarify a few things you obviously misinterpreted. By the way, as another GBer pointed out in an email to me, Levon put out 3 solo albums after TLW. They were comprised almost entirely of covers and a few collaorations. So much for the great songwritng ability. My fellow GBer also pointed out that Robbie always gave credits to Band memebers who co-wrote with him.
This is all I have to say on the matter. I don't want to get another feud going. We have enough of those around here already!
Posted on Fri Nov 17 22:09:49 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkFlippo, nice cast. I'd go with a slightly differnt cast and and have the whole thing directed by Frank Capra.Capra was particulary adept at portraying people at a crossroads: Danko - Jimmy Stewart
Posted on Fri Nov 17 21:52:54 CET 2000 from spider-ta058.proxy.aol.com ( Don PugatchFrom: Roswell, Ga
As promised, when the weather starts to become like a real Fall/Winter, I would buy and then wear a long sleeve Garth Shirt. Well, yes, I did buy and today at a nasty 45 degrees, wearing the shirt as I type. Here is the review of the "Shirt" Plenty of room, nice and comfortable, sleeves long enough to draw up, nice graphics, no embroiderary of the peacock. Still looking for clues on the numbers. I do know there are plenty of shirts left, so call Breeze Hill, those long sleeves come in handy.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 21:11:13 CET 2000 from ( Johnny FlippoFrom: The plush digs of Dreamworks SKG where the livin's easyMy cast for the post-Last Waltz era biopic. Nevermind all these actors are dead. Bear with me here. Robbie: Robert Mitchum Rick: Wallace Beary Garth: Edmund Gwenn Levon: Walter Brennan Richard: John Garfield.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 21:03:54 CET 2000 from m198214181138.austin.cc.tx.us ( pehrJonathan Katz: nice to hear from you. Enjoyed your post very much. Enjoyed hearing from you too MattK! Congratuations and good luck with your new band. Do you guys have a name? I'd love to make the Towne Crier show, but it looks like I'd have to hitchike there at this point, Starting on Christmas Day!
Well I'll think about it...a hero's journey perhaps
Posted on Fri Nov 17 21:03:02 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( Bill
Pursing the chad string, I'd add the republic, lake, everett and stuart varieties. And why doesn't one of you write a song about the chad that can't take a punch? Or update Robert Johnson: "I got chads in my votehole" would make a dilly of a song, don't you think?
Posted on Fri Nov 17 21:01:18 CET 2000 from 25-055.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Here's somethin' to chew on...seein' as in how we seem to like to discuss feuds in bands how about the current feud at the Grateful Dead camp. Phil vs Mickey and Bob, Captain Trips is gone but not forgotten. How about the feud which lasted for years among the guys from Badfinger. CCR is a good one as well. We could all pick sides in those feuds and debate that endlessly instead of The Band feud. Then we could just talk about the music. Beach Boys are a good one too.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 20:47:46 CET 2000 from 25-055.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Joe Pesci as Martin Scorcese
Posted on Fri Nov 17 20:47:46 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattk
I think Ralph Nader wrote everything, and there's no real difference between Robbie and Levon. The lesser of two musicians is still a musician.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 20:44:27 CET 2000 from 25-055.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoMovie Thread: Robert Duvall as Levon,Robert Redford as Robbie, Jim Belushi as Richard, Sean Penn as Ricky, Tommy Lee Jones as Garth, Dylan as Dylan.
Sorry about the post W.S. Walcott. Feeling a little sad right now....listened to the Radio Woodstock tribute to Rick in the audio files section and went into a depression. I met Rick a couple of times, not enough of course, and I agree with David Powell and Hank about how accessible Rick, Levon, Richard, and Garth have always been. Small bars never mattered to Rick, or at least that's the way it seemed when he was onstage. I admit to gushing over him like a schoolgirl every time I saw him. When I met him the first time he musta thought I was a loon. Anyway, I will say for the record that although I guess I'm considered a Levon supporter for me ever since Caledonia Mission it was always all about Rick. By the way...I have always said that i am floored by Robbie's talent but no more so than by the rest of the guys. All of them are equal talents in my book, five fingers on a hand.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 20:20:26 CET 2000 from 25-055.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
WS Walcott: I have said before that it makes no difference to me one way or another who did what or wrote what. And by the way bands break up everyday the world is an imperfect place. HOWEVER, you might be a little cooky...Just because a few people have a little fun with lyrics and, mine incidentally came from the Dylan tune I Pity The Poor Immigrant not a R.R. tune, doesn't mean that it's time to ONCE AGAIN annoint(spelled right?) him the messiah and the only true musical genius in the group. Fella by the name of Garth Hudson might get a nod for that as well. Another point to make is that this bullshit about the guys not writing anything of merit after J.R.R. abdicated is pure rubish. You sir are an ass. It is interesting that you could complain about us commenting on things that we observe, but then feel comfortable enough with slinging your own mud. Hypocrite.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 19:59:09 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: where hanging-door chads, swinging-door chads and tri-corner chads playIn reading the Mojo article, I couldn't help think about Peter V's idea for a movie. There is a great screenplay idea--it works in many layers. Niave kids, turn to the road, meet biggest rock star of his age, go on their own, hit drugs --spend money, lose money, struggle to redefine themselves, tragic death, lingering resentment/bitterness, and discovery of what's important in life. Sounds like a John Sayles movie in the making. I remember the last time this thread went around. People were casting predominately young people. How about casting the Post Last Waltz era of the movie. Just a lighthearted thought.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 19:06:52 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown
That Rollie! That closet Republican! That closet Robbie lover! But don't let him fool ya band fans, he can really play those harps and slide guitar. My students will even vouch for Rollie the impostor!
Posted on Fri Nov 17 17:57:58 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( Bill
For some reason BEG's last post brings to mind the musings of Paul and Edie: "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls" and "Philosophy is words on a cereal box".
Posted on Fri Nov 17 17:23:13 CET 2000 from extproxy.fdles.state.fl.us ( tyFrom: key biscayne fl
gonna see levon tonight...... envy me ye mere mortals!
Posted on Fri Nov 17 17:07:13 CET 2000 from dialup-378.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: CORKWeb page
I don't think anyone, even the most committed RR bashers, doubts the mans ability, talents or his immense contribution to The Band and North American Music......everyone KNOWS that RR has the chops.....or at least HAD 'em.....GREAT chops, too........instrumental AND lyrical........The problem with RR is that he has become SO inaccessible......Day after day, here in the GB, we read of Barnburners gigs, people who meet Levon at his gigs,......... Rick, God rest him, was very approachable after gigs........you can go SEE the Crowmatix gig....as Diamond L'il just pointed out there.....(L'il wants to meet folks from The GB at the gig!!!!!......if I could get to the gig, I WOULD).........in other words, with ALL these people it's REAL....in front of you....happening......except for Robbie Robertson.........Robbie don't play gigs no more.......he's inaccessible....unavailable....EXCEPT thru the Media........ONLY via The MEDIA........THEN, it's a BIG deal........It would SEEM that it's NO different for Levon or anyone else............ RR is NOT available for gigs or discussion on The Band......(I won't even DISCUSS it!!).......RR cut himself free from ALL that part of his life and is now an A&R man for a Multi-Media Conglomerate.............inaccessible.........and I have to say, fair dues to him....he survived........but it's a pity he don't play that much rock'n'roll guitar anymore..........'cos THAT'S what he GREAT at...........
Robbie is an A&R man with top record company, right?
How many Gb'ers think RR should give The Barnburners a deal? Like, a REALLY GREAT record deal?
How many GB'ers think Levon and The Barnburners should TAKE a deal offa RR if he offered one?
I enjoyed those re-writes of songs I've been reading here.......
Posted on Fri Nov 17 17:08:17 CET 2000 from dhcp58207.sunyocc.edu ( Funkadelic FreddieFrom: The train ride to hell
Yeah th ats right!! Happened to see Levon up at the Kampi Theater in Sterling NY last month. Great! Levon Laughin away, minglin with the crowd. looked to be havin one swell time.. Sound was superb. And,, he's drivin that new Saab. Night Lil,, Hugs to You. Hugs to John Boy Hugs to everyonedamn it!
Posted on Fri Nov 17 16:32:31 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
You won't find him sitting behind a polished desk in David Geffen's old office. Instead, he can be found behind his Yamaha drum kit, playing music like a man possessed, surrounded by a great group of talented musicians. The music -- down & dirty, authentic blues and R&B. I wish all of y'all could get out and hear this music. It might do you some good. Why talk this same old talk when there's a new band out there playing up a storm? Some of you might have a different impression of The Man if you'd see him at work -- beatin' the hell out of that simple drum kit with a big ole smile on his face :-).
Posted on Fri Nov 17 16:27:50 CET 2000 from ti09a62-0175.dialup.online.no ( Groan AloneFrom: CyberspaceWeb page Just checked out Phil Lesh' and co's version of Acadian Driftwood, great groove! Thanks to who ever submitted it(short memory span)Does anyone know who's in that band?? Hope all's well with the Band fans of the world, keep singing!
All the best
Posted on Fri Nov 17 16:25:27 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown"Life's like a mayonnaise soda And life's like space without room And life's like bacon and ice cream That's what life's like without you Life's like forever becoming But life's forever dealing in hurt Now life's like death without living That's what life's like without you Life's like Sanskrit read to a pony I see you in my mind's eye strangling on your tongue What good is knowing such devotion I've been around-I know what makes things run .......... What good are these thoughts that I'm thinking It must be better not to be thinking at all A styrofoam lover with emotions of concrete No not much, not much at all What good is life without living What good's this lion that barks You loved a life others throw away nightly It's not fair, not fair at all What's good? What's good? Not much at all Life's good But not fair at all" Lou Reed ("What's Good-The Thesis" from Magic and Loss) Lou wrote this song for Doc Pomus and "Rachel" but I also think of Richard Manuel and Rick Danko when I hear this song.......................
Posted on Fri Nov 17 16:18:43 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkWell, so much for Jarp's vehement denials regarding his/her alter ego as Patricia... Funny how someone who burns so many pixels on another site about the evil's of Jan's site and this Guestbook still has this need to "watch from the sidelines." Anyway, life's been a bit nuts here, which is why I've been "on the sidelines" myself for a bit. I've recently joined a new band that sports a full compliment of horns. I'm now in the process of lobbying the powers that be to let me take a shot at transcribing some of Toussant's vicious horn lines from ROA/TLW. It's gonna be a mostly blues affair, though, so I've been delving deeply into the horn arrangements used by Guitar Slim and Ray Charles (Atlantic era, circa 1956-1959). If anyone's looking to burn some time up in the NE corner of these lower 48 United States some weekend, let me know. Seems like we're always playing somewhere hereabouts. All this and a new day gig coming up soon too. Like I say, life is insanity at the break of the Third Millenium. Matt
Posted on Fri Nov 17 12:51:43 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp238.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond Lil
Sorry to interrupt this fascinating discussion about a 'feud' that exists more in here than it does in real life, but I was wondering if any of you other Noo Yawkers will be going to The Towne Crier in Pawling on December 29 to hear The Crowmatix and Garth? I'm going, and since it'll also be Rick's birthday, I thought it would be nice if some of us could get together that night. E-mail me and let me know, ok? Thanks.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 10:29:45 CET 2000 from 1cust121.tnt1.pittsburgh.pa.da.uu.net ( Johnny FlippoFrom: Kyllie Minogue's LoinsRandom thoughts: Best Rock n' Roll Movies: 1) The Last Waltz (c'mon. What did you expect me to say); 2) The Filth and the Fury; 3) Expresso Bongo Best Rock 'n Roll Song: "Papa Oo Mow Mow" (The Rivingtons) Lastly, poor poor Levon. Living in a big ole stone house/barn/studio on vast (and not inexpensive) acreage; driving a Saab; fronting a popular touring band, a loving daughter at his side. The guy's got it rough. This is no rip on Levon. I'm sure he's thankful for what he's got. My point is, from reading all the postings full of crocodile tears for Levon the Victim, you'd think he was pushing a Safeway Cart down the middle of Tinker Street carrying a sign "Will sing 'The Weight' for food."
Posted on Fri Nov 17 09:59:41 CET 2000 from 1cust144.tnt1.idaho-falls.id.da.uu.net ( rollie
That Robbie! What a bastard!
Posted on Fri Nov 17 06:24:38 CET 2000 from cache2.ev1.net ( Laura Holt LorfingFrom: Austin, Tx
Great story telling J. Katz. I could picture that abandoned club in New Orleans while reading your story. Too bad you didn't get to see Dylan and the rest of the boys that night. Maybe another opportunity will arise to see Dylan and Levon. As for my opinion on the JRR vs MLH feud. Can we not love them both? There are two superior talents here...always have been. Levon's probably a hot head and Robbie is probably snobby...who cares! Both are great talents and always will be. Enough of that! I could never understad why it had to be one or the other with some of these Band Fans in here. I'm sure both can be complete jerks like the rest of us can be at times. They are amazing people but they are human. Raise your glass to the music and drink everyone!!! Time for this pregnant lady to go to bed. I'm such an early bird now. I didn't think being pregnant would turn me into such a wuss! PEACE ALL! :)
Posted on Fri Nov 17 05:50:32 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetownAnother guitarist who played with Sonny Boy Williamson like The Band in their early days was Eric Clapton. The Band had been Williamson's backing unit during one of the bluesman's tours of the Deep South. In Williamson's opinion, there was an authenticity to the Hawk's playing that had been absent in the more imitative work he had witnessed a short time earlier in England, when he had played with Eric Burdon and the Animals and the Yardbirds. The Hawks he felt were naturals. When Clapton heard "Music From Big Pink", he said, "I felt we were dinosaurs and what we were doing was rapidly becoming outdated and boring." As Schumacher points out Robbie was a tremendously gifted instrumentalist capable of the kind of solos popular at the time, but instead of blistering eardrums with a volley of rapid-fire notes, Robertson used his guitar for effect, his fills adding subtle colour and definition to any given song. Robbie also influenced Stills and Young by observing that Young usually played too slow and Stills played too fast if left to their own devices. Stills however, was astute enough to realize it was more than just getting the speed right that would improve their playing. Stills recalled, "I teach Neil a little more about being polished. He teaches me a little more about being real." As the Belfast Cowboy reminds us let's get into the music and not into the interpersonal relationships between artists. Anyway, WS Walcott I'm with you concerning your last post. Just because we are Robbie lovers does not mean we don't appreciate what the whole Band produced together. We just choose not to bash any particular Band member. It saddens me to think that I did not even know that a so called feud even existed until I started reading the Guest Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on Fri Nov 17 05:50:19 CET 2000 from csiewert.student.princeton.edu ( CamFrom: TexasWS Walcott-- I don't want to, as Bayou Sam put it, spend too much time kicking the dead horse, but I will say that I agree that this feud should be let go. Move on. In my opinion, you're either a Band fan or not. No exceptions or selectivity factor involved. Long live the Band, even though they might be flawed human beings. God forbid.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 05:19:42 CET 2000 from parachute1-156-40-64-164.net.nih.gov ( Jonathan KatzFrom: Columbia, MDTwo weeks ago I extracted myself from a business trip to Germantown, NY, the only attraction being the prospect of a side trip to Big Pink. Last week I was in New Orleans, and made no attempt to extricate myself. The elegance and excitement to New Orleans largely comes from the jambalaya-like mix of cultures and peoples. The architecture is made surreal by the juxtaposition of finely appointed hotels and seedy bars in the French Quarter. The ante bellum houses of the Garden District are only a short walk from a decaying downtown section with cheap souvenir shops displaying Fat Tuesday beads, Aunt Jemima salt and pepper shakers, and clothing stores with windows displaying pure polyester. The city is continuing a migration, from the decaying downtown, south to the new hotels and the new casino. And now its continuing to the west, as the city planners unsuccessfully try to satisfy the voracious appetite for real estate of the convention center. The convention center now reaches a mile in length with plans for more, making it the largest in the world. With my meeting at the farthest western point of the convention center the walk from my hotel in the French Quarter was not trivial. But I knew that when I made the reservation. I declined a reservation in one of the new high rises - no Hilton, Omni, Marriott, or Wyndham for me. And each day I walked down Decatur on my way, and I paused briefly to look inside an abandoned building on the corner of Decatur and Bienville. For all but me it was no attraction, with broken windows, chipping paint and faded posters hanging in the windows. Inside I can see the mural of historic musicians painted above the stage. The light streaming through the window reveals peeling veneer on the podium from which the maitre de commanded patrons to their seats. Sitting on top of the podium made visible by the light from outside are three copies of Jubilation. Its been empty for a while now. But around two years ago it was a different story. A New Orleans freely distributed music paper had said that this club was the one to watch. The Band had recently played what was to be their last gig, but nobody knew that then. I had a meeting in New Orleans, and visited the club. I picked a date [Feb 4th, 1999 (Thursday)] just a day after Dylan played New Orleans. Rumors were that he would be playing an unscheduled date at a small club. How could it not be Levon's Café? I pictured Levon, Rick and Dylan drunk on their assess at the Lone Star - what I wouldn't give to have been there. This promised to be the same. I called the club as I debated the date of my meeting and asked about it. I asked the woman on the other end about whether Dylan would be there. "That's what I hear," she responded. I booked my trip for that date, which turned out to be the week before Mardi Gras. The French Quarter was to say the least lively. Sometime after dinner I made my way over to Decatur and Bienville. It was in contrast to the rest of the French Quarter tame at Levon's. Banu Gibson was on stage first, to be followed later by Irma Thomas. I talked with Levon's partner who said that Levon was next door at the Bienville House Hotel and might come down to the club later. I hung around for a while, then took off - Bourbon Street was about to be launched into the stratosphere. I stopped in a bar with a hot zydeco band. Outside a balcony was filling up with people and I was sure that the weight would pull it down. The women started calling for Fat Tuesday beads, the men tossed them up, and a couple of women flashed them in return. In about a millisecond the bar emptied, everyone including the band were out on the street in hopes of another flashing. Bobby Charles' "The Mardi Gras Song" captures the scene pretty well. I went back to Levon's. Irma Thomas was on and Levon was nowhere in sight. Levon's partner said that Levon would not be there that night. I hung around listening to Irma Thomas. On the way back to my hotel I left a note for Levon at the Bienville House, wishing him luck with the club. My meeting was successful. Obviously, Dylan never showed up at Levon's. It turns out the small club that he played was the New Daisy Theater in Memphis. That weekend Levon played his club, but I was long gone. I'd picked a date for the meeting hoping to see Dylan and Levon and saw neither, but I came home with a plastic cup with the "Levon Helm's Classic American Café" logo that now sits in my office - a small conciliation. In the latest edition to Levon's book he says that with the club he fell prey to a real estate scam - but, out of it came his new band. Last week I stopped by the House of Blues and asked the woman at the ticket window, "What happened to Levon Helm?" "He's gone," comes the reply. "Been gone for about a year and a half now." Nothing more.
Pehr - Hi back.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 05:05:16 CET 2000 from spider-tp072.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: Big StinkHi Walcott...just thought I'd jump in before you get hammered. I think you spoke volumes in that first paragraph. We can enjoy the Band from it's prime but we run out of things to talk about and the fued comes up. I happen to like all the talents in the Band pretty equally. I just get bugged - like Walcott - when RR gets slammed unfairly. The somgwriting proof is in the post RR stuff, as WS points out. Why didn't the other guys churn out songs after TLW? NOBODY CAN ANSWER THAT..... and who gives a rats ass anyway? We love the Bands music. I love Levon's voice, his drumming, and his general look at life. I feel incredibly sad for him that he will probably take this bitterness to the grave. That's HIS buisness, and his privelege(did I spell that right? My dictionary won't give me any). I would just disagree that Levon want's to be in charge. He seems like a team player to me. John and Tom Fogerty had a bad split between them. Tom even gave John a parting shot while on his deathbed. I'd hate to see our Band guys go that route. Lets keep in mind that we weren't there and we are not in these guys heads. We can have an opinion but that's all it is. Let's enjoy the music they made when they were pals - and please, Robbie haters, at least give him his due.
I can't believe I spent this much space kicking the dead horse. As JC Fogerty said, "I can't help-a myself".
Posted on Fri Nov 17 04:56:21 CET 2000 from proxy-563.public.rwc.webtv.net ( Patricia
...Bayou....patricia's not allowed to come back...she just stands on the outside and looks in........
Posted on Fri Nov 17 04:28:13 CET 2000 from well.health.nb.ca ( WS WalcottFrom: StoryvilleWhat's all this crap with Robbie again? All you Robbie haters are now poets. Give it up, get a life. I can't figure you people out. Do Stones fans hate Jagger? Do Who fans hate Townshend? Do Kinks fans hate Ray Davies? It amounts to the same thing. Robbie was the driving force behind The Band. What kind of songs would they have recorded without him? When it comes to composing the rest of the group ( no offense intended) are not in even in Robbie's league. Take "High on the Hog" for instance. How many original compositions-zero! I do not have The Band's other 2 post Robbie albums but I would guess that they are comprised of about 50% cover versions of other tunes. Just a guess, I'm sure you Levon lovers will correct me if I'm wrong.
Besides, Levon is just a bitter old fart. I don't think he ever got over not being frontman after The Hawks became The Band. He may have tried to be and may have given the impression that he was. However, we all know Robbie was the true genius behind the group. We should all acknowledge his brilliance and appreciate his talent rather than slinging mud. I really pity you Robbie haters. Let it go, get over it. Try submitting posts that are interesting instead of drudging up the same old tired stuff we all heard a million times before. Man, I'm I gonna get flak over this one. I may need a few Robbie lovers to help me out.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 04:03:37 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: a dark room making sure ballots are rigged properly
Was at Barnes and Noble earlier picking up a book on order and saw Mojo with the boys and Bob. I sat down and read the article (why not I pump a lot ofmoney into that place)-- It wasn't bad. It certainly didn't cover any new ground. Cooliest thing about it was that someone wrote a BIG article about the Band! And besides, the magazine was 8 bucks.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 03:02:26 CET 2000 from c5300-1-ip85.albany.thebiz.net ( miwaJAN- Love the Pictures you posted of Garth's T-shirt! The one from the back is very cool! HARRY- What 10 Stones songs did Keith name as his favorites? G-MAN- My favorite Levon movie is "The Dollmaker". He played her husband and I think this movie really shows his acting ability better than any other film he has done so far! It was made for TV, but has definitely been available as a rental for a while now. Check it out if you want to catch a great film! Fonda did a fine job of directing it.
Posted on Fri Nov 17 01:44:42 CET 2000 from spider-wm033.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: the whipping postI think you have to put The Kids Are Allright in with some of the best R & R movies. The other day I pulled out my video of The Concert for Bangladesh and watched it for perhaps the millionth time. It's really a great show with an interesting array of musicians. It's so great to see George, fresh off the Beatles split, as the main guy and the center of the gig. He really does some nice guitar work and he seems to be taking the show very seriously. There's a wonderful little moment where he's onstage with only the late Pete Ham (Badfinger) and he launches into Here Comes The Sun. The crowd explodes and George allows a quick smile to appear on his face, as if he kind of felt acknowledgement as a songwriter after spending all those years writing songs in the shadow of his former musical partners. It's a great moment. Ya know - scrolling through the recent posts in here, I almost wished Patricia would pop in - or rollie, with some ridiculous post that would make me crack up. Some folks really do need to get out more often and/or lighten up a little. This bell curve thing??? Shit already. One guy wants to cut another guys nuts off for "looking" at him the wrong way (sorry- I tried to think of a better way to put that but I couldn't). Some of you are having too much sex with your dictionary.
Allright - I'm done. Now I will preview this and decide if it's worth hitting the submit button. I almost always submit :)
Posted on Fri Nov 17 00:48:10 CET 2000 from m198214182042.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrFrom: Pittsburgh on Sundays
ah the smell of mimeograph! somewhere there is a song in that, of frozen memory, conveyed with mythic momentum! full of nighttime, enigma, nostalgia... I'll never forget that noisy, ungainly, cantankerous old machine that would hypnotize me as I sat outside the principals office. The Band and their fans stimulate cherished memories once again!
Posted on Thu Nov 16 22:50:54 CET 2000 from proxy1.zwoll1.ov.nl.home.com ( NorbertFrom: The NetherlandsAttn: Benteen Referring to The Bell Curve is way out of line!!!.......read _INEQUALITY by DESIGN_ Fischer 1996
Posted on Thu Nov 16 22:51:58 CET 2000 from du-tele3-032.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyFrom: Dept of Amateur PsycologyThough I always appreciate a poem or two (or to or too), and appreciate it through and threw, I fail to see why a man who you’ve never met attracts such hearsay vehemence. Especially when you have obviously devoted so much time to listening to his lyrics. Leave aside the feud / food / fued, there may be claims about arrangement, but I haven’t seen any (yet) about the lyrics. With this sort of sentiment abroad about strangers, I’m not surprised that George Harrison probably sleeps with the light on.
Makes you wonder if the whole feud isn’t a metaphor for our own lives, projected onto The Band. I know what it’s like to work in a creative team where only one or two people are pulling their weight and naturally empathize with Robbie- by Levon’s own admission the others stopped trying or contributing after about 1971. So, perhaps this bitterness wells up within the poets’ own lives, hence the identification. Try putting it behind you.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 22:43:30 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Pat: My day job doesn't pay either....unfortunately I might be better at rippin' off Dylan lyrics as well.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 21:54:32 CET 2000 from m198214178184.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrBill; thanks for the tip. I happen to be something of a Berton fan and will be interested to see what he has to say.
Berton isn't too well known here in the states, I became aware of him when I lived in Victoria B.C. before they dragged me back kicking and screaming. Berton also conducted the only television interview with Bruce Lee, of whom I am a huge fan. Thanks again!
Posted on Thu Nov 16 20:53:14 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
Pat: I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but the Criterion edition has a directors' commentary track. I'll have to see if that particular scene you mentioned is described as such. From a technical standpoint of film format, "Gimme Shelter" and "The Last Waltz" were directly opposite -- 16mm, handheld cameras as opposed to Scorsese's track-mounted 35mm cameras. "Gimme Shelter"'s 16mm was later blown up to a 35mm format (for the restoration, Criterion went back to the 16mm original). It should be pointed out also that Scorsese admittedly chose the antiseptic approach of avoiding any shots of the audience. (How you can convey the true emotional sense of the live concert experience without showing the audience is still beyond my understanding.) In the case of "Gimme Shelter", footage of the audience was an essential ingredient of the emoitional power of that film.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 20:17:51 CET 2000 from user-33qta3s.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USADavid P., I'd heard that the final scene in Gimme Shelter--Mick Jagger watching the murder scene on a Movieola--was staged. Something to the effect that they didn't have the footage on hand when he arrived to shoot the scene so he basically faked it. And I just love the level of discourse the feud engenders. Don't quit the day jobs.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 19:39:40 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
I feel priviledged to have been able to witness Levon & The Barn Burners perform last Sunday night, here in Atlanta. In fact, I'm still savoring the music I heard. Since I saw them down here last April, they've not only gotten better, but they've added new material. And words alone can't adequately describe what Bobby Keys adds to the mix -- it's something you have to experience to fully appreciciate. So if you have the chance to go see them, don't pass it up! Devotees of The Last Waltz might be interested to know that the other night they performed incredible versions of both "Mannish Boy" and "Mystery Train" (which was included at the end of another "train song"). I have to admit I gotten lost trying to follow all this talk about politics, ethnic backgrounds, etc. in the guestbook this week. I would add, however, that the Cotton Club, where Levon & The BBs played the other night, is just down the street from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, where part of our current election controversy is being weighed. For those of you who have DVD players -- I mentioned the excellent Criterion version of "The Third Man" last week. This week Criterion released an incredible, deluxe edition of "Gimme Shelter", the cinema verite documentary of The Rolling Stones' 1969 tour which ended on a tragic note at Altamont. In addition to the restoration of both the picture and sound, lots of bonus footage is presented for the first time, including three songs, "Little Queenie", "Oh Carol" & "Prodigal Son", from the Madison Square Garden concert. Also included with the disc is a booklet containing essays, anlyses, memoirs and notes from various authors relating to the film itself, the Altamont concert, the 1969 Stones tour and the "cultural climate" of the Sixties. In my opinion, there are two great rock 'n roll movies, "Gimme Shelter" and "The Last Waltz". Both present the music in it's finest form, but differ extremely in the method of presentation. Whereas, "The Last Waltz" is presented through the vision of Scorsese & Robertson of what happened, "Gimme Shelter" is a more brutally honest depiction of events, as seen directly through the camera lenses of the Maysles Brothers and Charlotte Zwerin. If you haven't already, compare these two films back-to-back, and judge for yourselves.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 19:34:42 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoI pity the poor drummer who likely lost a friend he trusted him with everything and got screwed by him in the end
the managers the business men they toyed with all their lives.... they put them up on pedestals then through horseshit in their eyes.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 19:18:51 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
When it comes to acting in movies Levon Helm wins hands
down. Right Stuff's Ridley was as good as it gets.
However, when it comes to the best actor in the Band
Robbie wins hands down. He could act like a friend,
a brother, a band mate, a co-performer. Then check
out TLW!! How could I overlook that stellar performance
in Crappy, or was it Carney. John & Crabby got the info.,
Posted on Thu Nov 16 18:48:35 CET 2000 from ( KLJFrom: INDIE
Too much time on my hands? It took only 5 minutes. Lighten up man. Hey, you folks here don't like me, that's fine. I'm not going away. I was only trying to be funny.
You don't think it's funny, too bad. I'll lose no sleep over it.
Right now, I'm working on a bit of poetry about Bob Wigo.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 18:46:23 CET 2000 from ( HarryFrom: Bucks County, PA USA EARTH
Re: "Run, Run Rudolph" - CB's "brainstorm" to have a "hit single" with a bullet every Holiday Season.
Keith Richard recorded a THUNDEROUS version with Ian Stewart on piano around the time of his pending drug "trafficking" trial in Canada. (see, we have a "Canada" tie in here, fan(atic)s). Seemed like a good idea to Keith, too, I guess, if "you've had enough snow." Keith's version was great, but never quite got that Holiday audience he was hoping for...As much as I can appreciate PigPen doing his version, Keiths' cuts like a hot knife through butter and Mr. Pig's fairs poorly, in comparison.
And, Keith Richards wrote "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction". (He was delighted that the great Otis Redding chose to cover it).
When asked what his ten favorite Stones songs were, Keith said (with his usual subtlety) "My f-----g ten favorite stones songs are (and then proceeded to name ten classics, all of which he had written.)Well, no need for false humility, if you can back it up.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 18:44:00 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CTKnockin' Lost John: You got too much time on your hands my man. That time could be better spent listening to Times Like These. Paul: Thanks for sharing the Mrs. Helm story.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 18:33:14 CET 2000 from spc-isp-mtl-58-6-417.sprint.ca ( A.F.Hello to all. I've drawn up some Band art and I wanted to share it with all The Band fans out there. Here are some links to them: http://www.geocities.com/queen_blues/the_band.jpg http://www.geocities.com/queen_blues/band.jpg http://www.geocities.com/queen_blues/portrait.jpg http://www.geocities.com/queen_blues/garth.JPG If any one else does art work of The Band I encourage them to post them up and show us. It is always good to see some artistically expressive art work of one's favorite band.
All good things.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 18:10:07 CET 2000 from ( Dave HopkinsFrom: Rochester, NY
"benteen": I plead guilty to the charge of being "hot" about the insinuation that certain groups of people are genetically superior to other groups in terms of intellect. One need not subscribe to ethnic stereotypes to believe in evolution. Robbie Robertson is, in my opinion, an unusually talented man...but his "european jew ancestry," in your words, has nothing to do with it.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 17:41:49 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost JohnFrom: INDIERobbie And The Sacred Guitar Robbie, Robbie and the sacred guitar Dancing through the clover Robbie, Robbie would you mind If I look it over I heard of this guitar years ago Back in my hometown But I sure never thought ol' Robbie be the one To come and bring it around Tell me Robbie how this 6-string Came into your possession Are you one of the stupid ones Who will steal American tradition And Robbie said, "The sacred guitar was handed down From bluesman unto son And me not being American I could never be the one So I saved up all my money And I took it to a man Who said he would deliver that axe Straight into my hands So for years I played with the Hawks And backed up that folkie named Dylan 'Til he said to me, son, write your own tunes And quit your stealin'" Now Robbie looked quite satisfied As that guitar seemed to glow But the price that Robbie had really paid He did not even know So to his brother he took his troubled mind He said "Levon I'm in a bind!" But Levon would not hear his tale He said "Robbie, boy, you can go to hell" So to Bob Dylan Robbie did run And he said "Oh Bob what have I done?" Bob said "Son you've given in You won your fame but you lost a friend" Then Robbie took his axe and went up on Hickory Hill After he took everything that he could steal He played his guitar just for time to pass But as he danced around, ya' know he looked like an ass Robbie Robbie and the sacred guitar Dancing through the clover Robbie Robbie would you mind If I screw you over
Posted on Thu Nov 16 17:25:22 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
bill, i believe you're right.
i remember it from the front page of "a farewell to arms".
love that mimeo smell.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 17:22:29 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
dave, a little hot about the reference, about 451 fahrenheit hot? i myself, think the book is smoke and mirrors, but lets not discount the genetic impact a european jew ancestry would have on someone. unless of course you're from the school that disbelieves darwin's work.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 17:11:32 CET 2000 from spider-tl044.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, pa
Dave, Bill,
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:58:59 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( Bill
benteen: I'm pretty sure that the "no man is an island" line comes from John Dunne. I remember being asked to compare the mimeographed poem with the mimeographed lyrics to Paul Simon's "I Am A Rock" in grade 8 English. For you youngsters, mimeos came before photocopies and smelled funnier.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:57:31 CET 2000 from ( Dave HopkinsFrom: Rochester, NY
Bob Wigo & other interested parties: "The Bell Curve," by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein, was a book published about five or six years ago which purported to demonstrate that people of different ethnic/racial backgrounds have different innate intelligence, as measured by IQ. My personal opinion, for what it's worth, is that the book was a fundamentally flawed and dishonest piece of scholarship, and I must admit that I'm a bit troubled by the post in this Guestbook that applied "The Bell Curve"'s argument to the members of the Band, particularly Mr. Robertson.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:45:36 CET 2000 from spider-ta055.proxy.aol.com ( Terry Cagle Wins Porky Hill Memorial Best Drummer AwardFrom: ArkansasWeb page
Terry Cagle, Levon Helm's newphew, won the Porky Hill Memorial Best Drummer Award at the OMA's in Fayetteville, AR last night. Terry's band The Jungle Bush Beaters won Best New Band also - The Jungle Bush Beaters are releasing their first CD entitled "Distant Drummer" on December 09, 2000. Copies of the CD can be reserved by sending an email to jbbeaters@aol.com
Other Band related artist The Cates Brothers, Earl and Ernie won song writers of the year and Earl won for Best Guitarist
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:46:10 CET 2000 from proxy1.doit.wisc.edu ( Ryan StangFrom: Madison, WI
Anyone in the Midwest here who likes Wilco, they're starting their last tour of the year in Madison WI tonight, followed by gigs in Minneapolis, Chicago, Iowa City, and Columbia. No matter what you think about Summerteeth, when they play live all their material blends together perfectly. Piano, organ, bass, guitar, drums? People switching instruments? Long forgotten forms of American music? Rock'n'roll versions of Woody Guthrie? Where have I seen that before? Hmmmm.....
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:43:57 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
brown eyed girl, karl had a better way of wording, no man is an island unto himself, huh?
i prefer the more direct quote.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:43:28 CET 2000 from spider-tl064.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, pa
Could someone clear this up ? What is the "bell curve" reference all about ?
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:41:17 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
please disregard my last post.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:29:14 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
was my post cancelled?
was it the bell curve reference?
if so, don't blame me, it was a couple of professors who wrote it. while cultural enviroment plays a part, unless you've read it, don't pass judgement on what was a sound piece of work.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:24:56 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown........ "Save me from the madness Save me from myself Save me from the sadness of losing someone else Carry me carry me Carry me carry me Carry me home Carry me home ..... You know God Only gives you The things you sort out Never the big stuff That way he can make sure That you stick around until The end of the party ..... Save me from the darkness Save me from the hardness Carry me carry me Carry me carry me Carry me home Carry me home" Brilliant song written by Robbie Robertson and Tim Gordine who clearly see the big picture..... I would agree with Benteen that Robbie's particular cultural background has had a great impact on his life as well as the fact that he was an only child who never knew his biological father. He is easily able to identify with oppression for he has experienced it himself. As Karl Marx would say the oppression of one is the oppression of all.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 16:07:04 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( BillIsn't it interesting how benteen used the initials r.r. in his last two posts, but with quite different meanings? Robbie Robertson and railroad. Mostly we say 'railway' in Canada when we're talking formally or legally or technically, but we'll lapse into 'railroad' when we're - I suspect - in nostalgic or artistic mode. "Did you hear about the railway going under" just doesn't have the same je ne sais quoi, does it?
Pehr: The classic books on the politicking, planning and construction that went in to the Canadian Pacific Railway are Pierre Berton's "The National Dream" and "The Last Spike". But they add up to 1000 pages. I know Berton shortened them into a single volume of a few hundred pages, so I guess I'd suggest finding that. Of course there's also the equally correct yin view to Berton's yang, and benteen sounds like the kind of person who'd have some suggestions there.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 15:36:41 CET 2000 from 1ib9i.gcac.uncwil.edu ( RileyFrom: NC
I was able to catch The Barnburners last week in Winston-Salem and I find it easy to agree with all the wonderful reviews I have read in this guest book.
Levon looks great,is playing better than ever and the band is really tight.I was able to say hello to Levon and everyone backstage and as always they
could not of been cooler.Butch was nice enough to snap a picture for my Dad and I with Levon. It was also a real pleasure to meet Amy. She really got the
crowd going with her vocals. She has the gift. The highlight of the show for me was watching Bobby Keys air-drumming along with Levon off-stage during one
of his breaks. I thought it was a classic moment and showed just how much fun these guys are having and how much they respect the music. I can't imagine there
is a better blues band out there. God bless them.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 15:37:36 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
because r.r. is such a big part of the bands songwriting, one has to look at his roots to try to get a handle on his approach. his father was a european jew, a bell curve champion mind, his mother was a full blooded indian, a strong sense of a mystical awareness of the wonders of the creator, you combine these two, if you believe in genetic inheritance, and you have a uniquely potent combination for some outstanding artistic production. now throw in the sensibilities of canadian stock, who if they get to fancy, freeze to the death, talking 1870's, and this production is tempered with practicality. we can also mention the horrors that both sides of his parents ancestors had encountered and we get a dose of compassion for others. i might add, while not qualified to assert, that this compassion might not be put into action in his one on one relations, but he is certainly aware of it's importance in the big picture.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 14:37:29 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Crabby--be in touch; John L.--thanks, both!! Band song,
forgot--Carnival. Must say Don't Do It and Carnival
were special w/Rick doin bass, however, MALC sure rocks
that Bass when GURUS do those songs. Sadness thinkin
of Rick: TOO SOON GONE. Good thing the RU's are doin
some Band songs in their shows-keeps tradition around!!
Posted on Thu Nov 16 13:02:02 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: the land of Milk and Honey
Ahhhh, I long for the day when the Whig party will rise again.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 09:22:00 CET 2000 from cf3k-3.paradise.net.nz ( AmandaI think of the GB as being a group improvisation with the Band as our central motif. I'm sure this metaphor could be developed more but I'm too lazy to do it… So, if I may at this point move on from just looking at the Band from an American perspective IMO a lot of the themes they touch on transcend locality. This might be some of the reason why there are Band fans all over the world. For example I actually see Old Jawbone as fitting in with an Australian "Ned Kelly" type of context. And with reference to what Little Brother was saying about the Band's music "as fitting into a dream-time outside the flow of ordinary duration" I can see Unfaithful Servant taking place somewhere like Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights itself is an imagined nightmarish landscape despite being superficially rooted in 19th century Northern England. This is NOT to discount the importance of the American & Canadian imagery and roots. I just think that a more international and multi-layered appreciation of the Band's music is also possible. Incidentally, Little Brother gets my vote as Poster Laureate too. I'm sure he knows and won't mind if I respectfully note that pioneers and carpetbaggers are a Colonial, rather than a uniquely North American, phenomena.
I laughed at the blues thing, Bob Wigo…but be fair to the kiwi. I think Mad Kiwi Carter sounds better as a blues name than Diabetic Banana Nixon or Anorexic Apple Wash…but that's probably more than enough of that!
Posted on Thu Nov 16 05:32:44 CET 2000 from spider-wm083.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: on the hill with the fooloh yeah...... The last issue of Rolling Stone has some nice John Lennon stuff in it, including the memories of alot of famous people, of first hearing of Johns death. If your a Lennon fan you'll enjoy it.
Also, Lennon's first couple of albums have been remastered and re-released.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 05:21:32 CET 2000 from spider-wm083.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fieldsI don't know - sometimes things get WAY too over analyzed. HANK - I can't argue with Brown Sugar. It's one of my all time favorite tunes. When I was playing my drums regularly in a band, there were a couple of songs that just always felt great and I never didn't feel like doing them. These songs include Brown Sugar, China Grove, and Lola.
Little Brother - I would have read your whole post but I didn't want to miss my kids growing up. :)
Posted on Thu Nov 16 05:02:53 CET 2000 from user-33qt8e7.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USAAs you all know, when pressed I prefer the pot-smoker to the cokehead. But a couple of things tonight really struck me. After months of hearing the cokehead intone that his opponent trusted Washington while he trusted the people, I really had to chuckle when he got up in front of the lights tonight and said that he trusted machines over people. Funnier still, Texas law prefers hand counting over machine counting, a law the cokehead signed into existence. I love all these political hacks saying that "America" is really sweating this thing out and getting awfully bent out of shape. James Baker should give me a call, because I feel great. And did anyone notice the absolutely insane picture of the VP that hovered over the pothead's left shoulder while he read from his teleprompter? 2000 is truly the Year of the Clowns. Just got Dylan's remastered Street Legal. It only sounds about a million times better than the original album for reasons that are well explained elsewhere. And although the direction is a bit weak and the playing conservative, Dylan is really singing on this album. Has this Rhino Little Feat compilation been mentioned here before? Highly, highly recommended. A fifty page history of the group comes with the 4 cd's, and The Band is mentioned a lot. "California's answer to the Band" seems a theme. Although there's a certain tilt towards Bill Payne--they actually include two versions of him singing Front Page News, both of which shouldn't be in the same room as Lowell's reworking--the raritites CD is really good. Needs to be repeated as often as possible: Lowell George is an American musical treasure, a genius, a true star.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 03:07:57 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
bill, van horne figured out that he could pay cinese half what he was paying navvies, so he did, and when the r.r. was through the rockies and r.r. work was getting lean, the navvies of vancouver attacked chinatown and sent them packing. fortunately, the effects of alcohol cooled off and clearer heads prevailed, with only one dead and hundreds homeless.
Posted on Thu Nov 16 02:52:42 CET 2000 from spider-wj072.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Bklyn,NY
How's it hangin',people...? I just wanted to see if anybody knows of any existing 'BAND' live videos (besides The Last Waltz) official or otherwise and where I would be able to get/order them. I've been looking but cant seem to find any... Thanks for listenin'...
Posted on Thu Nov 16 02:10:29 CET 2000 from m198214190216.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrPaul Godfrey: Thanks for the Mrs. Helm story! As a proud young American I mus confess some confusion about the whole Republic or Democracy. I'm willing to be brought into the fold of common knowledge on this issue. Some lady being interviewed on CNN said tersely that "This is a Republic, Not a Democracy, Which the people need to remember!" which began my real curiousity on this issue. Now I wonder why certain people are considered threats to democacy over fairly small matters or why people in a republic would care. I did think that voting was democratic process up to now, so I am confused and support the question. I am known to be partisan and opinionated, but here I'm not being cynical... My favorite Rock song seems to change all the time. Lately its been "Who Do You Love" by Ronnie Hawkins w/ Hawks. I'm with someone, maybe Crabby on the Elvis issue- I never will get it beyond the 1st year or two, I prefer Ronnie to Elvis by far. My king of Rock n' Roll is between Chuck Berry, Little Richard and the Killer; I just dont know... Ok- Link Wray! I'm still open to some reading suggestions on Canadian History; Bill, If you have a word or two about the railroads I'd like to hear it.
Jonathan Katz how you been doin' out there? Hi also to Carmen and MattK.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 23:32:49 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( Bill
Paul: I hope you know that I was referring to the guestbook, not the US, when I typed "our great 'democracy'" in my last post. I guess what I've learned from the fun in Florida is that the US is more like our parliamentary democracy than I'd realised - where your share of the popular vote doesn't guarantee your place in the final standings.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 22:58:46 CET 2000 from dialup-366.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: CorkWeb page
Driving in my car tonight.....bringing our eldest two children home from athletics.....my daughter, Sarah asked me "Dad.....d'y know, The Band?....do they actually write BACK to you?"
Posted on Wed Nov 15 22:46:39 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyBill - question: " The United States of America " is a Republic - not a Democracy? right?....wrong? Three all-time favourite rock n roll songs: 1.THE WEIGHT by The Band 2. THE WEIGHT by The Band 3. THE WEIGHT by The Band Three favourite Levon Movies: 1. Coal Miner's Daughter 2. The Right Stuff 3. End of the Line Forgive me if I told this story before. I had need to be in touch with Levon and called his folks in Arkansas to ask his where abouts. While on the phone to Mrs. Helm I congratulated her on her son's great acting ability in THE COAL MINER'S DAUGHTER. She replied: " Oh Paul, he wasn't acting....we really were that poor!" Keep shinin on...you too Cam, that Long Tall Texan.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 21:41:02 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp185.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilBob Wigo: _Loved_ your post on the blues! Thanks for the smile :-) Have a good evening everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 20:52:51 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
There is a new Supremes box set out that has a version of "The Weight". I know they did a version with the Temptations , but I've been told this is different. Does anyone know more about this??
Posted on Wed Nov 15 20:32:38 CET 2000 from fw1.clari.com ( Richard
Jack Straw: I spoke to Ed Kasper, Bob Cato and Robbie about the Moondog painting some years ago. At that time, the painting was thought to have disappeared into some Capitol executive's home, but its whereabouts is a mystery. Anyone with more information, please post.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 19:18:15 CET 2000 from ( Little BrøtherFrom: around Philly, PA
Flabbergasted: Those WERE the Cliff Notes, dude.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 19:16:55 CET 2000 from spider-tr071.proxy.aol.com ( Bashful BillFrom: Minoa,N.Y.
G-Man-I would add to your list The Stuff U Gotta Watch & W.S. Walcott, both of which I saw the boys open shows with a few times.Those tunes got the audience on their feet fast! And Bayou Sam, regarding your post,I recall Hoskyns book quoting some family members about what you mentioned. I think it was specifically the BTF tour. And here is a safe subject most everybody here must have an opinion about: What is Levon's best movie role? I can't even narrow it down to one. Coal Miner's Daughter is a wonderful acting debut and possibly his best acting role,so that's my sentimental favorite. But, The Right Stuff and The Dollmaker only a few years later showcase real talent also. Also, notably, each of my 3-way tie picks include Levon as parts of good ensembles.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 18:40:24 CET 2000 from csiewert.student.princeton.edu ( CamFrom: TexasThanks Benteen, G-Man, Just Wonderin' and Hank. BWNWITenn--What a concept! It IS an interesting way to look at it... G-Man-- I have until January 14! So for maybe the first time in my life I'm not cutting it close... :)
Posted on Wed Nov 15 18:34:02 CET 2000 from ( Peter ShawFrom: Vancouver, WA
I got Rick's album a couple of weeks ago (Times Like These). After many listens, I have to say to me it is at best okay. I find some tracks, such as "Chain Gang" unlistenable (check out Sam Cooke's "Live at the Harlem Square"). Most of the problem, as I find with most of the Band's post-Robbie stuff is the lack of focus instrumentally, and most importantly, I am sure a lack of budgeted money. That said, the first track "Times Like These" is as beautiful a song as I have ever heard, and if the rest of the album was Rick farting into the mic, I would not mind. I imagine the song was written to his wife, and hopefully Elizabeth and Justin can always hear that one and have fond memories.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 16:53:53 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( BillBob: Thanks for the very funny blues post. FY edification, Mainline recorded a fabulous blues shuffle called "Goin' To Toronto". Bassist/harpist was Zeke Shepherd, who'd played with one of the Hawkins/Hawks farm teams, Jerry Warren and the Tremblers. BWNWIT: Your guestbook-as-America metaphor (or is it a simile?) is appealing. But it says something about something that our great "democracy" is kept safe not by our own efforts (most of us would have voted most of us off the island long ago) but by some guy in far off Norway. If the guestbook is a microcosm of America, Jan must be the constitution! Little Brother: Jumpin' Jack would certainly make my short list too. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing (nothing) when CHUM first played it as a "world exclusive". But I think it was another Medley who wrote T&S. Benteen: Nice capsule summary of the settling of the Canadian west. I would have said something about the railway though.
An addendum to my Bearfoot/Skylark posting of last week: Skylark's leader, David Foster, later became one of those LA superproducers. He returned to Toronto to produce "Tears Are Not Enough", which featured Richard Manuel and many other bigger names (if lesser talents).
Posted on Wed Nov 15 16:49:21 CET 2000 from a010-0028.blgs.splitrock.net ( Jack StrawFrom: "somewhere in the middle of Montana"
Someone is offering a sealed "Moondog Matinee" LP over at E-Bay. Can anybody in Bandland tell me the whereabouts of the original Edward Kasper painting that the poster was copied from?
Posted on Wed Nov 15 15:05:13 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-td041.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paPlease accept my apology for the length of this post. This came to me via e-mail this morning and I felt obliged to share it with all of you.I firmly believe, like music, humor is good for the soul. P.S. Once again, Little Brother has staked his claim as "GB Poster Laureate". HOW TO SING THE BLUES 1. Most Blues begin, "Woke up this morning." 2. "I got a good woman" is a bad way to begin the Blues, 'less you stick something nasty in the next line, like "I got a good woman, with the meanest face in town." 3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it. Then find something that rhymes ... sort of: "Got a good woman - with the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher - and she weigh 500 pound." 4. The Blues are not about choice. You stuck in a ditch, you stuck in a ditch; ain't no way out. 5. Blues cars: Chevys and Cadillacs and broken-down trucks. Blues don't travel in Volvos, BMWs, or Sport Utility Vehicles. Most Blues transportation is a Greyhound bus or a southbound train. Jet aircraft an' state-sponsored motor pools ain't even in the running. Walkin' plays a major part in the blues lifestyle. So does fixin' to die. 6. Teenagers can't sing the Blues. They ain't fixin' to die yet. Adults sing the Blues. In Blues, " adulthood" means being old enough to get the electric chair if you shoot a man in Memphis. 7. Blues can take place in New York City but not in Hawaii or any place in Canada. Hard times in St. Paul or Tucson is just depression. Chicago, St.Louis, and Kansas City still the best places to have the Blues. You cannot have the blues in any place that don't get rain. 8. A man with male pattern baldness ain't the blues. A woman with male pattern baldness is. Breaking your leg cuz you skiing is not the blues. Breaking your leg cuz an alligator be chomping on it is. 9. You can't have no Blues in an office or a shopping mall. The lighting is wrong. Go outside to the parking lot or sit by the dumpster.
10. Good places for the Blues:
Bad places: 11. No one will believe it's the Blues if you wear a suit, 'less you happen to be an old ethnic person, and you slept in it.
12. Do you have the right to sing the Blues?
No, if: 13. Blues is not a matter of color. It's a matter of bad luck. Tiger Woods cannot sing the blues. Gary Coleman could. Ugly white people also got a leg up on the blues. 14. If you ask for water and Baby give you gasoline, it's the Blues.
Other acceptable Blues beverages are:
The following are NOT Blues beverages:
15. If it occurs in a cheap motel or a shotgun shack, it's a
Blues death. Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is
another Blues way to die. So is the electric chair, substance abuse,
and dying lonely on a broken down cot. 16. Some Blues names for women:
a. Sadie 17. Some Blues names for men:
a. Joe 18. Persons with names like Sierra, Sequoia, Auburn, and Rainbow can't sing the Blues no matter how many men they shoot in Memphis. 19. Make your own Blues name (starter kit): a. name of physical infirmity (Blind, Cripple, Lame, etc.)
Definitely not "Kiwi."
Posted on Wed Nov 15 15:01:40 CET 2000 from pm1-72.delrio.com ( Just Wonderin'
Cam: You might want to watch "The Band" classics albums video or "The Band Authorized Video" or RR's "Going Home". Any or all of the above, I am sure would give you some insights.
Good Luck!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 14:24:08 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Cam---cuttin it close near end of semester--I know the
feelin. Read Levon's book, read "Across the Great
Divide", and check out G. Marcus' book(s); also articles
in this site!!! Best BAND RR song: Remedy, Don't Do It;
Highway 61 & Watch Tower-W/Dylan!!!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 14:23:26 CET 2000 from ( FLABBERGASTED
Hey Little Bother--- just read your treatise ---are you an English teacher or something?? Next time, just send the cliff notes, tolstoy--I got lost after the first half hour dude
Posted on Wed Nov 15 14:14:03 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Anyone have directions--street address-for Chicago
B.L.U.E.S., New York City?? Thanks and have a great day!!!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 13:07:29 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
cam, i reccommended bound for glory not for it's politics but for it's tone. the band has a bare bones , no gimmick style. the movie evokes that sensibility borne of a country for the most part, spiritually aching, not understanding exactly why, yet having by the grace of god, a voice so true, so plaintive, that it can't be extinguished and manifests itself through artists who can set this collective voice to words and music.
whereas guthrie tapped into the bleakness of the depression of the dustbowl, the band tapped into the wasteland of the sixties. it was all timing. they were raised on the mindless hawkins style rock for rock's sake music, and when this faddish music was in it's deatht throes, the hawks were young enough and lucky enough to have met dylan both musically and management team wise. they did the only thing they could, combine the years of bar band music with the feeling of lots of their contempararies that music should be more honest and had the good fortune to find a place and time to bring it together. while popular music was turning on itself with the advent of black sabbath, cooper, bowie, the band members did the only thing they could, asa they were a bit to mature in years and music to try anything new.
they played their roots and it clicked with a percentage of "not goin to the psychedelic side" people.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 11:53:40 CET 2000 from dialup-334.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: CORKWeb page
LDO!!!!!!.....This is a FAMILY GB!!!!........"comes off" as a wanker??......there's sites for that sorta thing, y'know.......THIS is a site for lovers of family, Walt Whitman, dead dogs and the odd scholastic thesis or two........Actually......what I've seen and heard of "Eat The Document", it looks EVERYONE is a bit of a tosser........The Road makes animals of men and women.....no doubt about it........
Thanks to everyone who got on the Chuck Berry buzz.........and thanks to PETER VINEY for pointing in the direction of your article.....I shall read it soon and come back to y'all upon it.....I think it's wonderful they sent a copy of "Johnny B. Goode" out into Deep Space........./n BAYOU SAM......"Brown Sugar"....without question is the greatest Rock'n'Roll song (NEVER forget the 'n'roll.....otherwise it just stays there like a rock.......you GOTTA roll it).....Brown Sugar was recorded by a band on the run in The USA.....deep in the south.....in Muscle Shoals, Alabama......a buncha English boys, The Rollin' Stones.......working with American engineers.........a song about the The South and it's history.....AND a song about Sex......which, to this day will get eveyone on the dancefloor ANYWHERE and get EVERYONE to yell YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! WOOOOOOOOOOO! and a Chuck Berry finish, too........no guitar solos, but a wonderful sax solo from Bobby Keys (mentioned many times here in the GB recently).........It's a pure distillation of what the music is and where it came from and HOW it should sound....SWINGIN!!!!!!!!...........I woulda loved to have heard Levon sing "Brown Sugar" or at least jam it out on drums.......Hey Butch!!!.....did The Barnburners play Brown Sugar with Bobby Keys recently? .......
OK, everybody, deep breath..........
Is "Brown Sugar" The Rolling Stones answer to "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"? both were recorded in 1969.......The Stones were WELL aware of The Band and The Bands effect on music.....
Having said all THAT folks.........I must say The GREATEST live recording of a Rock'n'Roll song has GOT to be The Bands "Back to Memphis" from Watkins Glen..........the ratioanal being......how do you deal with half a million people in a field who wanna party????....play 'em an obscure Chuck Berry song!!!!!.........sorry, girls, but that took SERIOUS balls....very serious.........oops sorry....this is a FAMILY GB......
Besta luck in your scholastic endeavours, CAM.........BWNWinTenn is right: I'd say you could sit here at The GB for a few days and just glean bits and pieces off and VOILA!.....your thesis would be done!!!!!!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 07:32:26 CET 2000 from 1cust110.tnt14.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front Lawn
Yeah, that holding of the concept of "family" as precious is what initially attracted me to The Band. I never understood why Lawrence Welk didn't invite them to perform on his show.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 06:57:36 CET 2000 from host-209-214-116-30.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: The Lecture HallHey Cam, personally I think you shouldn't write your paper about The Band, but about The Band's guestbook on their website instead. Okay, maybe it's a stretch, but follow me -it originated from people in another land, but was then taken over by an influx of selfish invaders. The Americans seem to have the dominate vantage point here, but tolerate the opinions of those from other places. We're a melting pot, with each of us learning from the experience of sharing and blending with other cultures. We all have a certain common ideology that binds us together, but also have wildly divergent beliefs that cause friction and tension. There are occasional uprisings, but our system of democracy that allows for expressions of individuality also serves to preserve the well-being of the community. And we have been known to forcibly remove those whose beliefs we don't agree with. The Guestbook is a microcosm for America; nay, for all mankind! I have a recording of the Grateful Dead playing "Run Run Rudolph," with Pigpen singing lead. The Chuck Berry story I always heard is that the only instruction he gives his bands is, "Watch my foot. If I'm playing and stomp my foot, you stop. When I stomp my foot again, start playing." Which, given his predilection for changing keys in mid-song and seldom playing in the same key as on his records, surely must make for a wonderful experience for all involved. Here's a local Elvis story that someone told me. When he was in town recording - whenever that was, in the late '60s or early '70s, I guess - he was riding around Music Row one night in the back of his limo with some of his buddies. At this one intersection they saw their producer, or someone, on the corner. Elvis told the driver to pull up to the side of the road. He waved to the guy, who came up to the window of the car. The King said, "Hey, man, lean over, I've got to tell you something." The guy did, and said, "Okay, now, what is it?" E said, "No, stick your head in here, it's a secret; I gotta tell you this." So said guy sticks his head in the back window, at which point Elvis rolls it up on the guy's throat, and tells his driver to go. So they go all the way down 16th Ave. with this guy running alongside the limo with his head stuck in the window. Now, I also heard that this guy was no spring chicken and that it's a miracle he didn't have a heart attack. Ah, Rock 'n' Roll.
Of course, that story is probably well enshrined in the pantheon of Rock, and now I look like a jerk for thinking y'all haven't heard it before. Oh, well.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 06:37:44 CET 2000 from user-33qtabc.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
The best R&R song? Keith's 98.6. What?
Posted on Wed Nov 15 06:21:57 CET 2000 from csiewert.student.princeton.edu ( CamFrom: TexasThank you thank you thank you for some great angles and ideas from Lil, Amanda, Bayou Sam, and Little Brother. And thank you to John Donabie too. Little Brother-- :) Thanks for the great post. You are hitting on a lot of ideas I have had, but it's so helpful to hear them from someone else's perspective. It makes more sense somehow...I appreciate you doing the "homework" for me. The verse you brought up is something great to think about, as well... I hope that all of you know that I am a life-long, head-over-heels Band fan and am just taking an American perspective on all this, though I know that is not the only perspective to take, by any means. But I guess I've already said that. Good night to all!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 05:49:52 CET 2000 from atmax-6-41.enter.net ( Little BrøtherFrom: under the Walt Whitman BridgeOK, Cam, I'm just spitballin' here, but... This may be TOO obvious or literal-minded, but however wondrous it may be, it's not such a mystery that an "80% Canadian band" became such a quintessentially American voice. Why not take Robbie at face value on this? (I have problems with his self-serving, narcissistic post-Band Hollywood persona, but I try not to let that contaminate my appreciation of his achievements.) I respectfully disagree with Amanda's initial focus on his latter-day Native American evocations, since that's post-Band. I'd suggest you BEGIN by going back to the time when this young artist/hustler/pioneer crossed the USA like Huck Finn rafting down the Mississippi. Robbie tells us he was just knocked out and overwhelmed by all the richness of the land, people, and culture, particularly of the South. His original "Storyville" roots seem nourished by his passionate psychedelic sojourns. Being a young artist with something to say, and superheated with intense infatuation for the land and its music, proto-stars begin to form in the creative whirlpool of his subconscious. After some intervening years of travel, work, and intellectual cultivation, (culminating in a period of intimate study with an American Master, Bob Dylan) these primordial bodies are released in the constellations of the repertoire recorded in "Big Pink" and "the Band"-- not excluding the later albums, "Basement Tapes", etc. I offer Robbie as an axis or zone of focus here, not to slight the rest of the Band in REALIZING the sublime, rich, and beautiful "American Voice". I'll risk being trite again to note that the Band, even though "mostly" Canadian, was itself a kind of echo of the often-discredited metaphor of the "melting pot". I think "melting pot" in the best sense was anything BUT a pejorative, banal, oppressive symbol of surrendering distinctive character and identity. I think it was MEANT to suggest that ALL the different ingredients were equally good and worthy, just that the mix of different flavors and textures gave up something of their essence to contribute to an ideal in which the whole was greater than the sum of the parts. That's a pretty fair description of the Band. Yes, the Band's Icarus-like arc of soaring success, stalling at the apex, and plunging down is an archetypal American story. Though, as others have written tonight, not an EXCLUSIVELY American story. Even Robbie's experiences as sketched above are a kind of recap of the best and worst of (North) American pioneer spirit: Robbie is the pioneer from a strange land who is smitten by the New World and sows and reaps a bountiful harvest. He's a searcher, a seeker, and is motivated by both genuine rapture and ambition. Because, in the American tradition, he wants to BE someone, to make a better life for himself. So ambition drives him to make the most of the opportunities knocking at every turn. But opportunity also makes opportunists; he's also a carpetbagger, the sharp itinerant trader who buys treasures for a few strings of beads and cuts his losses, maybe leaving the wounded behind because pioneer life tells you that saving your neck or saving your brother IS an either/or... And reinvents himself as circumstance and inclination permit; America has always been notoriously flexible on the matter of personal history. Parenthetically: I think the Band's music is indeed quintessentially American, but not in a way that you can pin down on a map or limit by latitude and longitude. So I don't see the vision and spirit evoked by their music as excluding or betraying Canadian influence. Imagine North America as, say, a big ol' hog on a spit. The snout is laying up by the North Pole, and the tail is in Mexico. Well, the jowls and shoulder may have unique properties and special recipes to suit them, and they may differ from the ribs and loins, but there's an undeniable porkiness to it all, be it Canadian bacon, Boston butt, or Virginia ham. Levon's influence and the Southern heart of R&B pulled the Band's esthetic center of gravity away from Canada, but (as "Northern Lights" proved), you can take the Canadian away from Canada, but not Canada away from the Canadian. Prophecy? Well, the fact that all great music transcends time makes it susceptible to being truly prophetic. There are innumerable phrases from the justly celebrated "We Can Talk" through "Smoke Signal" and beyond that seem to have been written for events occurring decades later! At the moment, the verse: "Pepote Rouge, come down from the mountain sort of hits the spot, eh? Yes, the transcendent, magical quality of much of the Band's music puts it in a special time, or maybe a Dream Time OUTSIDE of the flow of ordinary duration. So it is always fresh and present, and contains both intrinsic prophecy like the verse quoted above, and also lends itself to interpretation, like the stars or tea leaves. Or bird guts, but the less said about THOSE the better... The Band's biography as prophecy? Well, y... hey, enough of this already. Yeah... do your own damn homework!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 05:45:43 CET 2000 from spider-we043.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: Chaska, MNBest rock song?... That's a hard one but for me it has to do with girls, and it has to have a driving jam with good guitar... so I'd say Buffalo Springfield's Bluebird (the 9 minute version) would be my choice... but I have always been moved by the Band cover Don't Do It (ROA version)... My favorite tune of all time though is Gord's If You Could Read My Mind...
Americana?... I originally thought of the Band as a NY rock band from Canada because I started my listening with ROA and the intro of the great NY horn players, and was later blown away by TLW, which I thought occurred in NY too...
Posted on Wed Nov 15 05:36:09 CET 2000 from spider-wk042.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: nyThe Band did have a "family" type image, especially with their next of kin photo, but let's be realistic and not paint them as totally pure innocent saints either. Richard says in TLW that the women of the road is probably why they stayed on the road for so long. I wonder how their families felt about that part of the rock band scene. They were saints, sinners, losers, and winners at different times
I think the appeal of the Band, for me, is the simple way they presented themselves and the music. Here was a bunch of guys that were not into images or trends. They came along during the era of acid rock and flowers, and psychadelia (did I come close to spelling that right?) They played guitars, drums, and keyboards at a nice volume - with quality lyrics that you could get something from. They didn't burn, or wreck the instruments at the end of the show. Finally, I think the biggest appeal is that they seem like guys you might bump into at the local coffe shop, and would sit and talk with you if you did. As a matter of fact they did, and do this, as I've seen by reading stories in this guestbook all the time. I think that that feeling came through in the music.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 05:35:46 CET 2000 from ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old Virginny Beach Tonight
Crabgrass and Bayou Sam: I'm with you on Chuck Berry. The only thing I can add to the Springsteen/Berry story is where it took place--at Cole Field House, University of Maryland (just outside of Washington, DC), early 1970's. It's sad to think that the Chuckster never jammed with The Band, though. Hell, the Beach Boys and Grateful Dead even played together onstage once...
Posted on Wed Nov 15 05:34:40 CET 2000 from wc1-int2.nbnet.nb.ca ( WS WalcottFrom: Cross Fire HurricaneBest R&R song? I have 3. Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who Jumpin' Jack Flash - Stones
Twist and Shout - The Beatles ( I know Bill Medley wrote it but their version was the best).
Posted on Wed Nov 15 05:28:38 CET 2000 from h0000f8718e9a.ne.mediaone.net ( Long Distance Operator
I just finally witnessed "Eat The Document" for the first time. Does anybody else think that Richard Manuel comes off as a bit of a wanker in the film?
Posted on Wed Nov 15 04:36:12 CET 2000 from 2cust47.tnt12.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnGee, writing up that Chuck Berry story took me twenty minutes - I should've held off a little longer and had it done for me. Chuck Berry is the essence of early guitar driven rock and his classic stuff sounds just as exciting today as it did in the '50s. Elvis was sold to mainstream America by virtue of his good looks and swivelling pelvis. He'd pretty much stopped making good music by the time he signed with RCA and had the Jordanaires doing their middle-of-the-road backing vocals. I never listen to Elvis but need a dose of Chuck every so often! Chuck always sounds contemporary. BTW I believe it's been mentioned more than a few times that Chuck borrowed many of his guitar licks from jazz guitarist Charlie Christian. And as most already know the basic driving bass line was taken from the clickety clack sound of trains passing by which was a musical convention with many acoustic blues players pre-dating Chuck. Man imitating the sound of a machine. I might write a thesis on this!!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 04:18:15 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp75.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilCam: I'd like to add something about The Band and America. No, not as American lore goes, but more about the spirit of the music. The Band held the concept of "family" as something precious, unlike alot of Bands that came out during the same time. The "next of kin" photo from Big Pink was something very dear to all of them. Loving and talking about your family was not something that epitomized the average 'rock star'..and I believe a part of that is what made The Band so endearing to so many. It's a part of Americana that's becoming all but extinct now, which I guess is why I get so excited when I read a post from a member of the 'next generation' extolling the virtues of The Band and the music. Perhaps that American ideal of family will re-ignite with our kids. I hope so. Thanks for listening. Tired and going to bed. Hugs to Maud and Garth..and Jan. Nite...
Posted on Wed Nov 15 03:49:33 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
best r&r song?
gimme shelter!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 03:44:41 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetownBayou Sam: My favourite all time rock song would be "Sweet Jane" by Lou Reed (Loaded by the Velvet Underground, Rock and Roll and Take No Prisoners versions). Lou Reed is a very literate writer who studied literature at Syracuse University with Delmore Schwartz. Delmore's "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities and Other Stories" is an excellent book of short stories on the experiences of the children of immigrant parents. Lou's goal was always to write songs that were like mini novels which explored not only the light side of life but the very very dark side. Perhaps Lou was the original wrapper? The one Band connection I think of is when Dominique introduced Robbie to the Velvet Underground because she was friends with Edie Sedgewick. However, Robbie left after five minutes of listening to the VU in the mid sixties!! ...... "Some people they like to go out dancin' and other people they have to work And there's even some evil mothers Well there gonna tell you that everything is just dirt You know that women never really faint and that villains always blink their eyes that children are the only ones who blush and that life is just to die But anyone who ever had a heart They wouldn't turn around and break it And anyone whoever played a part They wouldn't turn around and hate it Sweet Jane, Sweet Sweet Jane" My other all time favourite songs would be Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone". This was the first song that I ever heard by Dylan. I kept thinking, yes, he feels alienated and isolated too! I also love "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones. Although I had heard on a radio station that it was actually Otis Redding who wrote this song but that he sold it to Jagger and Richards for 5000.00 when he was very desperate..... If anyone has any further information regarding this song please let me know because I am a huge fan of Otis Redding too!!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 03:37:53 CET 2000 from spider-tq083.proxy.aol.com ( Don pugatchFrom: Roswell, GaI have lived in 3 distinclty and unique parts of the US. The Northeast, The Midwest and now the South. Calling The Band, an American voice, whose voice? What is so unique about the US is that the culture mirrors the region. If you go back to the Levon interview on TLW, he descripes how Rock and Roll was formed in the Delta, remember, cultures, people from different regions in the area, etc. Isn't this the US. Of course the country is ever changing and with more and more movement internally and more and more movement externally, we have become such a melting pot, but at the same time, each region keeps a part of it's identity. Could you imagine Crabby being a man of the South?
Posted on Wed Nov 15 03:04:12 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: Toronto
CAM.....Don't let anyone put you off. It's a good and fair question and I hope you get some intelligent answers.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 02:15:33 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul Godfrey
In the early 70's Bruce Springsteen was called: "The next Bob Dylan!" Do you think this made it harder for Bruce during that period or that the statement might have held back his career development and potential success during that period?
Posted on Wed Nov 15 02:10:22 CET 2000 from spider-wn072.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: no particular placeSee, I knew the fued would be back. There's no basis for a fued until someone explains why the other Band members were not songwriting machines after TLW. RR has put out albums and written for soundtracks and other artists. Nobody has explained this so far. John Donabie - I've been looking for Keef's Run Run Rudolph 45 for years. I know a guy that might be able to get one. I can see if he can get another if you'd like and ship it to you. Crabby - you beat me to that great Chuck Berry/Springsteen story. Bruce also said about "Nadine" that he'd never seen a coffee colored Caddillac, but after hearing that song, he knew exactly what one looked like. Speaking of Nadine, I couldn't agree with Peter Viney more. That is a great tune. I also like Almost Grown. I think Chuck is really the king of Rock and Roll (with all due respect to Elvis). Chuck layed out the blueprint for rock guitar. Here's a thread. The greatest rock song EVER. I happen to think it's Johnny B. Goode. This song embodies rock and roll in it's sound, it's pace, and the content of the lyrics. It opens with a guitar hook that's been recycled a million times. It has a couple of verses, chorus, great solo- and the lyrics are about a kid guitar player with his sights set on the "big time". That's my number one.
CB also wrote, and played the songs, which is the big reason for me that he stands apart from Elvis.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 01:49:05 CET 2000 from cf3k-3.paradise.net.nz ( AmandaI'll help you brainstorm Cam…although I'm not American, of course, I am a Band fan & maybe I can trigger some ideas or something… Some thoughts: if the Band are the embodiment of "the voice" of America I have to point out that it's a MALE voice which has some implications you could explore. As individuals Robbie and Levon can both be seen as embodying different aspects of American "mythology": most obviously Robbie through his exploration of his Native American roots and Levon through his identity as a poor but full of pride Southern man. Here you could refer to "the Night they Drove Old Dixie Down" and the title of his post TLW album "American Son". Also if you haven't seen it, I would urge you to see "Coal Miner's Daughter" for Levon's very touching portrayal of the dignity of Kentucky Coal Miner. Of course, the Southern man stereotype has its darker side. I know some people get upset when the feud is referred to but to me it seems like a logical extension of the Southern man persona that Levon projects. To crudely stereotype I'm thinking of the Hatfields and McCoys at this point. As far as their musical influence on American culture goes: the Band's association with Dylan is probably critical. (A while ago Guenevere made some interesting points about the significance of Dylan in American culture re. Vietnam etc). Otherwise I have the impression (which may be wrong) that the Band tended to influence musicians more than the mainstream culture as a whole. Maybe they were influential in a similar way to the Velvet Underground who, as someone said, did not achieve mainstream success but everyone who was into them started their own bands. Tenessee (?) said something interesting a while back (correct me if I'm wrong Tenessee) to the effect that he wondered if they had really started the whole country rock thing as is sometimes claimed or whether they were just part of a general movement in that direction. As for Greil Marcus I think he is a good writer but he sometimes gets carried away with his own metaphors- I'm just going to quote myself at this point. This is something I wrote in my journal after I read "Invisible Republic"…"I don't quite get Marcus's reading of Dylan's work with the Band as expressing the "real America"...or the view that, that prior to Dylan, Americans felt alienated in their own land because they'd lost contract with the "real America". What does "real America" mean? Well, Marcus seems to think it means Delta blues, authentic folk music from the South and so forth. But, while I love that music as much as the next person, I don't see why the life of a blues singing cotton picker from the Delta, is more" real" or even more American than the life of a book keeper from Minnesota....or a shop assistant in Cleveland. We can't all live lives of gritty rural poverty and song but that doesn't mean our lives are less real. They are just different. I suppose Marcus's thing of idealising a certain minority lifestyle as defining a nation is not a million miles away from the perception that the no 8 wire wielding rural kiwi bloke is quintessential New Zealand- when in fact the typical New Zealander is statistically far more likely to live in Auckland "
Good luck with the paper! I expect I'm not the only one here who'd be interested to read it when you've finished.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 01:21:30 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
pehr, canada was settled basically the same way as the u.s.
make a treaty with the indians , break the treaty. make another treaty, break it again. keep repeating the process , while filling the country with more and more europeans. encourage wholesale slaughter of buffalo as to deprive the indians their nomadic existence, make reservations for them, make reservations smaller. encourage them to become farmers by giving them the worst land and not sending promised implements and seed and rations. watch them starve and if they protest, call it war and start killing them. the only difference here in canada, was we didn't have 12,000 soldiers in the field, talking plains, we had about 300, so we had to try to be friends with them until we had enough troops in position to quell any singular uprising. regardless, the land is ultimately cursed, having been settled in such a fashion.
Posted on Wed Nov 15 00:50:16 CET 2000 from m198214181179.austin.cc.tx.us ( pehr againFrom: texasI would be interested in hearing more about the settling of Canada, I really haven't heard much about it - the curiousity hadnt hit me till just now. I do know about the cowboy culture up in Calgary being alot like what we have in parts of Texas. maybe with regards to this thread one of our Canadian friends can help steer us to a good book on this aspect of Canadian history. If 'dubya wins I'm thinking of goin up to Canada, stuffin' some bologna, groceries and condiments in my big coat,buy a loaf of bread, play clubs on Yonge St. a couple years with some Americans- Then move close to the Arctic Circle, write mythic portrayals of the Canadian Zeitgeist, and have some real good times.
I didn't know Walt Whitman was a rocker! I though he only wrote songs to himself!
Posted on Wed Nov 15 00:13:18 CET 2000 from csiewert.student.princeton.edu ( CamFrom: TexasCrabgrass-- Rest assured that I am not writing my paper about The Band for you, or for anyone besides myself and my professor. It's for a class, that's all. As for your Walt Whitman quip, I'm not sure what connection you think you're drawing, but I do think The Band's music is extraordinary and worth talking about and spending time to write a paper about. I'm really surprised at the general unfriendliness over my questions on this board. I have received one or two positive, helpful feedback posts/emails, but other than that I've gotten rude comments and even an email claiming that I "take The Band for granted" and "will never understand where they come from". Come on, people. I was just asking for opinions because I respect your opinions. So much for an open and accepting forum, I guess, huh?
Posted on Wed Nov 15 00:06:52 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: TorontoThis is really not a response to Jon Lyness wondering about the Canadian / American thing. More of a comment really. Although there are subtle differences between the two countries ; when driving across the 49th parallel, the vegetation doesn't change....the moon is in the same spot and as ZZ Top would say an automobile is an automobile. All kidding aside; with the exception of heading into Dixie, my wife and I always say that we don't feel like we're in the States until we get south of Ohio. When I'm in the northern part of the U.S. it could be anywhere Canada for the most part. Maine is like the Maritimes. New York State and Ontario are much the same as are Vermont and Quebec.
I suppose that's why it always bugged me that the Band was called an Americana Band. When 4/5ths are from north of the border that doesn't really make sense. Then again when I saw a PBS special on Alexander Graham Bell awhile back they totally skipped him living in Canada working on the telephone; before moving on to the U.S. The same could be said for Walt Disney and Art Linkletter. In truth the latter two were born here. There talents were nutured in the good old U.S.A. a country which I love to visit and my wife and I spend all of our holiday time there; which is getting tougher since for ever dollar I spend in the states, it cost me $1.50 Canadian. God I wish we had the American dollar. God Bless America. Good Night.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 23:58:41 CET 2000 from 1cust134.tnt14.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnI heard Bruce Springsteen tell a Chuck Berry anecdote once on some program (I don't think it's in "Hail, Hail" though I might be wrong.) Anyway, in the early Springsteen days Bruce (then virtually unknown) and his band were playing some venue on the Jersey Shore and were told Chuck was booked on a particular night and they would have to serve as his back-up band since Chuck's preference was to travel alone and use pick-up bands instead of bringing his own. Bruce's band had finished their set and Chuck hadn't yet shown up though it was almost time for his advertised appearance. Suddenly, Chuck strolled in, guitar case in hand, about 5 minutes to show time and Bruce and his band were kinda nervous about playing with him since they didn't know what his set would consist of and they hadn't rehearsed so Bruce asked Chuck who was plugging in his ax what they were going to play and Chuck answered simply, "Well, we're gonna play some Chuck Berry tunes." and then launched right into "Johnny B. Goode" or some other classic. Bruce said he was so nervous that he started off playing bass guitar in the wrong key. Nice indeed to see Joseph Campbell mentioned. I saw the PBS series a few years back and my favorite part was when he shocked the Methodist brainwashed narrator Bill Moyers by saying he didn't believe in an afterlife - that quite simply "this is it" so to speak. Moyers gasped. That recently posted fictitious conversation between the two meat shoppers is probably quite accurate. Most people don't really think about the ramifications too seriously (i.e. the connection between the slaughterhouse and their meatloaf) when they hear an animal story like the one I recently recounted - but maybe a few do - it's a slow process. After all, the veggie minority is battling McDonald's multi-billion dollar ad campaigns and they have no contractual tie-ins with kid targeted movies. Probably, Oprah Winfrey was the only convert to vegetarianism after seeing "Babe" - still that's good since she probably converted a few others in turn. The meat thread btw was started by the deer butchering story in Levon's book so it's Band related in case anyone forgot. And as for The Band as a "thesis topic" isn't that what Griel Marcus had been doing all along capping it off with his most recent book about Dylan, The Band, and the Basement Tapes? Do we really need any more? The Band wasn't Walt Whitman, you know.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 23:31:25 CET 2000 from spider-wf082.proxy.aol.com ( quincyFrom: nj
Posted on Tue Nov 14 22:36:41 CET 2000 from 961026.ahml.lib.il.us ( Osceola
"Baby Let Me Follow You Down" is actually an old blues tune. The earliest version I have heard is by Rev. Gary Davis in the 40's sometime, and it probably goes back further than that.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 22:09:14 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Sorry for the spelling guys and gals. I say lets bury the hatchet and put out a fresh Band album with Garth and Robbie singing. Mix in a little Ronnie Hawkins and we'll tie it all together with Duck Dunn on bass.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 22:08:45 CET 2000 from du-tele3-171.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter Viney
When I first visited Toronto, kids in tow, we spent a happy and informative day at Black Creek Pioneer Village, which is why I agree with Bill that a lot of these things, a lot of the pioneer spirit in The Band if you like, is equally likely to originate in Canada as the USA. Ontario and upper New York state are only divided by a moderate size river. I recall the film sequence on just how many trees (over how many years) the average pioneer had to cut down and root up before they could start growing food. Of course the Civil war, New Orleans and twisters down the Mississippi Valley are American, but as Bill says, and Robertson Davies’ novels support, the general “American” experience was as much Canadian as US. Same setting, same people, different political institutions. Canadians are held to be too polite to point this out sufficiently often :-)
Posted on Tue Nov 14 22:03:15 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Bones: I'm really not bashing Robbie. I don't really give a damn what happened one way or the other. It seems to be that both sides are right on points and wrong on others. I do think that they should have had it worked out by now. It just makes me laugh when you think about guys that ar past or goin on 60 and they can't let this shit go. That is not a stab at Levon. They both do the same thing. How about the Robbie acceptance speach at the Hall of Fame. "I couldn't have asked for better guys to play the songs I wrote." Rick's face when he said that was so funny that I almost pissed myself. He just sort of looked away and it looked like he smelled something bad. Like the pungent smell of shit being spread. Hahahaha.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 21:53:56 CET 2000 from m198214178062.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrFrom: texasDave Z: The Campbell reference comes from "A Joseph Campbell Companion- (as I'm pretty sure it is called) Reflections on Art and Life." The book is a compendium of Campbell essaays. (I love to keep a good misspelling now and then, please excuse me...\ what may be of interest to Band fans is a great chapter I often read to my students while they are drawing, that is about Campbell's time spent in Woodstock during the Depression, where he lived in a cabin and read books the whole time and begun to pull himself together during this "Down time" (no pun) It reminds me of what the band did after as with Campbell, having a mind blowing experience in europe. Cambell goes on to say he finally jumped into his old Model A and drove across the country to see the depression- bummed around and fell into a group of writers and poets and artists that included a yet to be published John Stienbeck! I thought somehow the roots of "Baby Let Me Follow You Down" go back to Rev. Gary Davis. Just a thought I've had in my head for 20 some odd years. might be true, I dont remember where it came from
I really enjoyed the "Song and Dance Man" book by Micheal Gray, and was very influenced by it. At the time I read a book called "Cosmic Conciousness" at the same time and really was getting excited about being in school for the first time...
Posted on Tue Nov 14 21:21:54 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp196.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond Lil
John: Not sure if this is the same tune, but there's a version of "Run Rudolph Run" on Jimmy Buffet's "Christmas Island" (written by Mavin Brodie/Johnny Marks).
Posted on Tue Nov 14 21:07:30 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( Bill
John: If it doesn't have to be Keith Richards, a reformed version of Crowbar released "Run Run Rudolph" on 45 in the late '70s. (Kelly Jay, Rheal Lanthier, John Gibbard, Sonny Bernardi and newcomer Ray Harrison.) On the Puck label that was owned by some NHL-er at the time.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 20:53:14 CET 2000 from spider-tk014.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, pa
Among all of this carniverous conversation concerning our flora and fauna not one mention of Canadian bacon ? And you call yourselves meat eaters ?
Posted on Tue Nov 14 20:43:11 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: Toronto
TOTALLY OFF TOPIC. Peter Viney or one of our European or Japanese friends. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of the 45 rpm single of Keith Richards doing "Run Rudolph Run" the old Chuck Berry tune. It was released in 78 or 79 on 45 only......never put on a compilation. Thank you very much. Sure there must be some specialty store out there somewhere.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 20:31:45 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( BillPeter: If memory serves, Dylan's spoken intro to his version of "Baby Let Me Follow You Down" indicates that he learnt the song from Eric Von Schmidt, not necessarily that Von Schmidt wrote it. Russell-Farrell (sp?) are credited with many hit pop and R&B songs of the early '60s. I believe Russell was really Bert Berns, who owned the Bang labels so had a hand in the careers of both Van Morrison and Neil Diamond. For all I know Farrell was also Bert Berns trying to cover off the eventuality that his Russell persona would successfully be sued for copyright infringement. Eric Von Schmidt did a Woodstock album in the early '70s. I think the regular suspects were rounded up for the sessions, though Amos Garrett is the only one I'm certain of.
Jon: Farming, frontiers, trains, settlers, buffalo, unions, harvest time, rocking chairs, minstrel shows, vanishing countryside, streetcorner scam artists, fiddles, sex .... All of these are things that could have been written and sung about from a Hawk's southern/southwestern Ontario perspective.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 19:03:29 CET 2000 from du-tele3-047.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyP.S. Sorry, Eric Von Schmidt. And The Animals “Gonna Send You Back to Walker” is actually “Gonna Send You back to Georgia”. The Animals version is “Matthews / Hammond Jnr” – now would that be “John Hammond Jnr”? The Timmy Shaw song “Gonna send You Back to Georgia” a few months earlier was written by “T. Taylor”. The Animals album itself says “Rising Sun” was “inspired” by Josh White – why didn’t they or Dylan pay him then? It hasn’t stopped. A few months ago there was a big MTV hit which was huge in the UK which faithfully recycled the chorus melody of “Knocking On Heaven’s Door” while the current single by Eagle Eye whatever and Neneh Cherry has the chorus of Supertramp’s “Take the long way Home” cunningly changed to “Take the long way round”.
Has anyone directly plagiarized The Band?
Posted on Tue Nov 14 18:54:18 CET 2000 from sjiassoc16.erols.com ( Jon LynessFrom: New York City
Bill Munson, I'm quite curious about your assertion that "much of what the Band wrote and sang about was as Canadian as it was American". I'm not disagreeing, but am genuinely interested in your perspective. Can you elaborate?
Posted on Tue Nov 14 18:53:38 CET 2000 from spider-wb081.proxy.aol.com ( Hazel
Thy life lives all outspread in light;
Our lives feel thy life all around;
NO Star is ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been.
The hopes that lost in some far distance seem,
May be the truer life, and this the dream.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 18:48:05 CET 2000 from du-tele3-071.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyThe story continues – as well as Mick Taylor complaining about Jagger and songwriting, Mojo has another one. Eric Burdon on Alan Price. Seems when The Animals did “House of TheRising Sun” it was credited “Traditional, arranged Alan Price.” Well Eric reckons they ALL arranged it and that Price left as soon as he got the cheque for it. Which ignores the fact that none of them wrote it in the first place. But I’d have to agree their arrangement was influential, supposedly on Dylan who saw the potential for electrifying his material as a result (they had found it on the first Dylan LP). I was led back to look at the credits for “Baby Let Me take you Home” which everyone knows is Rick Von Schmidt’s “Baby Let Me Follow You down” with (some) new words. And they found it the same place as they found “Rising Sun”, the first Dylan LP. It turns out that the Animals version was “written” by “Russell / Farall. ” I’m not ignoring the fact that The Animals were a great band, just pointing out that there was a lot of dishonesty in the early 60s, and in any case songwriting inevitably causes friction.
Hank, on Chuck Berry, many, many musicians who were struggling in the 60s backed him live, as his only criterion for a pick-up band was the one with the lowest price. I’d doubt that the Hawks ever backed him, because they were comparatively successful for the time and pro, rather than semi-pro. Remembering tales of his negotiations, I think they’d have been too expensive in Chuck’s terms by about 1959. I guess they could have been on the same bill somewhere though. But in spite of his legendary meaness and other foibles and peculiarities, he was a great writer. “Nadine” is an all-time great rock lyric. So many Chuck Berry songs are, but “Nadine” is my all-time favourite of his. Pity Dylan didn’t know the words on the appalling version with Levon on “Crossing The Great Divide.” Chuck must have been on a roll in that particular post-jail period because “No Particular Place To Go” comes second for me, and “The Promised Land” comes from the same era. See my article “The Band and Chuck Berry” on this site.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 18:42:11 CET 2000 from du2-3.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: North Country Blues - and beyondWeb page Time for a serious post from me, I guess. - Peter Viney sent a message about MICHAEL GRAY, the author to "Song And Dance Man". This book has been one of my rock 'bibles' from the early seventies. As a hungry reader I used to high-light certain lines. It makes me always embarrassed - and also proud - to see what I have high-lighted for some thirty years ago. Believe me, most of the underlined words were unrealistic, idealistic and foolish (some of you know what I mean)- BUT the following underlined lines are still adequate: "Poetry, music, songs, stories are all part of that realm of creation that deepens our lives and can endow our lives with a special kind of grace, tension, perhaps with beauty and splendor. Meaning has many levels - one might meet the artist himself on one of those levels, find friends on another, reach a fine solitude in the light of another man's creation on yet another level. That kind of power in art might be scary - " The last sentence is haunting in my mind - especially thinking about the history of this guestbook: Yes indeed, "that kind of power in art might be scary..."
Posted on Tue Nov 14 18:27:57 CET 2000 from spider-wb032.proxy.aol.com ( Ghost RiderFrom: In Your yardDamn.
I played the Powerball lottery the other day, but the numbers I wanted to pick were not the ones I marked. The ones that I wanted to pick turned out to be the winning numbers. The ballot confused me. Can I sue anybody?
Posted on Tue Nov 14 18:05:34 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CTChris: You are welcome to bash Robbie in here, but why start off your rant by saying that you don't want to stir the feud. You have a problem with Robbie's ego.....get in line. Levon and the BBs are getting better and better. They sound even tighter now than they did last spring, and I thought they sounded great then.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 17:38:00 CET 2000 from csiewert.student.princeton.edu ( CamFrom: TexasBenteen--Thanks! I actually have Bound for Glory at home but have never watched it...shame... Bill--My thinking comes from my own observations of The Band and their role in America. I know that much of where they came from and what they brought with them to The Band is Canadian, and I think in the end a lot of it came back around to Canada. I have read a lot of Greil Marcus' work, and it does run mostly in tune with my own ideas, in a much more thorough and well-ordered way, of course. But these are simply ideas I have had running around in my head since I got old enough to really appreciate the music I had been listening to since I was in the womb (literally)--not conclusions I have drawn from any writings, other than the songs themselves. If I can actually get anyone off the topic of killing animals, any ideas about the American role The Band played would be so appreciated. Yes, I do realize that they are not an American band, and I do acknowledge the huge role their Canadian identity played, as well, but the paper I am writing is about the role The Band played in AMERICA. It's just a topic focusing on a specific aspect of The Band's music and career, not all of it. Thanks all.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 17:12:53 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( BillCam: I think I see Greil Marcus's thinking behind your own. And Greil, while admirable in so many ways, misses many many important considerations. He entirely overlooks the idea that much of what the Band wrote and sang about was as Canadian as it was American. Both Robertson and Hudson drop broad hints in "Invisible Republic" that they brought baggage to the US, but Marcus doesn't seem to notice - I guess because he's too busy using the quotes for other purposes. (All of this is just my opinion of course, as I've never spoken to anyone who'd be in a strong position to know the truth.)
Consider "Airport" as your guide. A Canadian writes a TV play set on a flight between Canadian cities. All twelve Canadian TV sets tune to it: an overwhelming hit, but there's little money for the author. So the author moves south with his story, changes the Canadian city names to American city names and get rich.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 16:54:22 CET 2000 from kayroybal.lanl.gov ( KayFrom: New Mexico
For you music fans here in the southwest, there'll be an opportunity next month to help out an old friend of Levon's and maybe get yourself a guitar signed by Levon and Garth. It's a Dec. 3rd benefit in Tulsa for Leo Feathers, one of the old Tulsa mafia that Levon used to hang with back in the day.. . Leo's been diagnosed with a serious illness and has no health insurance. So Jimmy Markham and Rocky Frisco and some others on the Tulsa music scene are throwing this party next month and if you're in the neighborhood ya might want to stop by. For more information, check out Rocky's website, specifically http://home.earthlink.net/~rockyfrisco/Leo.html. I only hope there's not 3 feet of snow on the roads by then. . .K
Posted on Tue Nov 14 15:34:23 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp76.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilHow bout ending the discussion about the slaughtering of animals, hm? What's next in here...people? Little Brother: Adding to your list that there's a water buffalo standing in the rain in "Where do we go from here?"... Have a good day everyone. I'm not. So have one for me too, ok?
Posted on Tue Nov 14 14:41:22 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: a fly's perspective at a Shop Rite near by..,"Oh Helen did you about that poor little cow?" "Wasn't that terrible Madge, the thing must have been frightened to death." "And those people were so smug in the way they treated that defenseless creature, well they got what they deserve." "Yes, I'm glad they re-did they're thing so they can't keep doing that horrible stuff they do." "I think I heard the little devil was sent to a petting zoo upstate." "AH isn't that nice." A voice breaks their conversation "Next!" Madge looks down at her ticket, "Oooo, that's me. Yes, yes, I'd like 10 pounds of prime rib, can you give it a slightly thinner cut please, and oooo double wrap it" She looks to Helen and whispers,"I hate seeing all that blood, it can be such a mess." The mans voice breaks in again, "Anything else?" "oh yes, ribs, the boys would kill me if i didn't get ribs for this party..," "Double wrap those maam?" "Please, by the way Helen, You have to have some of the venison my husband prepared, I couldn't believe how wonderful it was." The fly then saw some genetically altered lunch meat that was exposed and made a line for that, all the while hoping to sink his hairy little tongue into a 5 day old twinkie.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 14:14:34 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown
I think that Rollie is one of the most misunderstood and underrated harp players around. By the way, don't let Rollie fool you, he is a closet Robbie lover!!
Posted on Tue Nov 14 11:46:21 CET 2000 from dialup-349.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: CorkWeb page
Thank You BWNWinTenn. !!!!!!! I FORGOT about "Hail! Hail! Rock'n'Roll"...Robbies name comes up at the end of the show on the credits..........a great show, but it HAD to be Keith, did'nt it?.......I was just wondering whether The Hawks ever share a bill with Chuck somewhere along the way......on Yonge Street or Deep Down in Arkansas close to Memphis, Tennessee........I mean, Ronnie Hawkins sang "40 Days" which is the same as Chuck's "30 Days".....except for 10 days.......The Band did "The Promised Land" and "Back to Memphis"........Did they ever get the "backing-band-for-Chuck" gig somewhere along the way?......I betcha if someone asked Levon...he'd tell a few stories about Chuck on the road.....I could be wrong about that but it would figure........I'm on a bit of a Chuck buzz at the moment 'cos I just got a compliation outta the library, it's in the car and it's knockin' me out!!!!!............and Yeah Yeah Yeah, I KNOW he's a dirty old Tax-Cheatin, Camera-in-the-Ladies-Toilet Scuzzbucket who has'nt written anything since "Tulane" in 1969........but he wrote the book on Rock'n'Roll....no doubt about it..........
Nice to see Joeseph Campbell get a mention in here
Posted on Tue Nov 14 07:41:30 CET 2000 from dial230.acns.fsu.edu ( BrentFrom: The RumorWeb page AAAAAOOOOOOOHHHH DOGGIEEEEEE! i have just seen the Barn Burners in Tallahassee, FL and i am feelin' fine! They tore it up and had everybody dancin' and havin' a good time. BOBBY KEYES lit it up on the saxophone... if i weren't newly married i'd be trying to court the lovely Ms. Amy Helm!!! Shout outs to Butch, Frankie, and everyone in the Barn Burners! The Rumor loves you!! Look out for exclusive photos and a chat with Mr. Levon Helm this week at The Rumor! Peace, Brent
Posted on Tue Nov 14 07:41:24 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoIt's getting cold in Chicago. Would love to start a big ol' bonfire....better yet a barnfire.....let's get the Barnburners to Chicago fer chrisssakes....this town needs my man Levon. "It seems to me /we been holdin' somethin'/ underneath our tongue...."
Posted on Tue Nov 14 07:30:49 CET 2000 from spider-to037.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamI could never shoot an animal, but I love a good cheeseburger. Does that make me a hypocritical bastard?
Does any animal suffer in the production of Twinkees? I hope not.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 06:38:51 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
cam, if it helps, watch "bound for glory" with david carradine as guthrie and you kind of get a feel for where the band comes from.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 06:35:43 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
i think you can exclude ragtime willie from being a dog, unless he can raise the sails.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 06:07:48 CET 2000 from wc1-int2.nbnet.nb.ca ( WS WalcottFrom: Canada
Wipporwil (did I spell it right?) mentioned in Daniel and the Sacred Harp.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 05:58:37 CET 2000 from spider-to084.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: Chaska, MNHey Pehr, I think I read the same book earlier this year... Was it that Power of Myth PBS interview series thing?...
I think I am right in the midst of a serious cold because for some reason I have deliriously convinced myself that Ollie, Ragtime Willie and Jawbone are all in fact dogs... and worse yet the same dog... and yes, he's hanging out and being bothered by that pesky TLW fly...
Posted on Tue Nov 14 05:56:03 CET 2000 from 1cust193.tnt9.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnI agree that often the horrid and inhumane "living conditions" that livestock and fowl are subjected to may be even more cruel than hunting. Recently, in Astoria, Queens NY a calf being prodded off a truck and into a local slaughterhouse made a break for it. A nearby female veterinarian and the police caught up with it twenty blocks on and it was sent to a petting zoo upstate which is usually the case with escaped livestock. (A similar case about 3 years ago involved a cow in the Bronx.) The slaughterhouse was fined and public outcry resulted in the area being re-zoned not to permit such business activity and ultimately it was closed down. A rare and happy ending for the lucky calf. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Thanks for the recent "Crabbyesque" post!! Maybe someday I'll be able to retire. BTW that pack of hunters hasn't caught up with me yet.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 05:14:59 CET 2000 from csiewert.student.princeton.edu ( CamFrom: TexasI need help, all you Band fanatics! I am writing my final paper about The Band for this phenomenal course, Prophecy and the American Voice, that I am taking this semester. I am meeting with my prof on Friday to discuss organization/focus, and I thought it might be interesting to get some feedback from you guys. How, if at all, do you guys see The Band (ie thinking in terms of their music, of them as individuals, of their career, or of them as a musical group--pretty much anything) as "prophetic" or as an embodiment of the "American voice", all in terms of America, of course. I think they are a wonderful choice with lots of possibilities on both sides, and to me it's so interesting that a group 80% Canadian could so embody the "American voice" in a lot of their music, most obviously the Brown Album. Any thoughts? Disagreements? Expansions on this idea? General mumbo jumbo? I'm just brainstorming, and what better people to brainstorm with?? :) I had also thought that the fluctuations, the rise and fall of their career is perhaps prophetic of the course of American growth in itself, and with all the shit that flew over The Last Waltz, to Richard's tragic suicide, to Rick's too-young death, to Levon's throat cancer (ie the loss of all three of The Band's voices) may parallel the perversion and disintegration of American ideals and ideas in general. I hope this isn't too incoherent. Anyway, I want any and all thoughts from you guys. Let 'em fly... Loving the remaster bonus of "Don't Do It", Cam
Posted on Tue Nov 14 05:04:21 CET 2000 from m198214190216.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrFrom: texasGolden Calf sighted in "To Kingdom Come"! speaking of Golden calves and sacred cows, reminds me of Joseph Campbell, who spoke about the difficulty of some accepting that life lives on life to survive here, and myths way of addressing some of that. I remember him bringing up the recent tests that concluded plants liked to be talked to and touched, and that even a tomato will "Scream" when it is cut into or boiled. the point being that anything we eat has some reality as a living organic being pretty much, outsside of the saltine family as I see it. Campbell says something to the effect that the vegetarians hunt food that cant run away or fight back.
I dont have such strong feelings on the issue, other than I feel alot better when I avoid meat, and I've taken a real shine to macrobiotic food, but the lifestyle is a bit demanding for me. Milk and Donuts dont hurt anybody really, do they?
Posted on Tue Nov 14 04:00:26 CET 2000 from rochester-ip-6-204.dynamic.ziplink.net ( LizFrom: ,,O)((&*&^%&^
hey folks : remember Sharon ? she has just recently had some serious sugery,and is in the hospital, If ya know her send her a card ! to this address: majikhnds@hotmail.com
Posted on Tue Nov 14 02:59:58 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: mmmmmmmmm, genetically altered breasts
Nothing like hunting genetically altered animals. Forget the natural one--they don't run as fast, don't taste as good, don't look as pretty and gosh darn it, they's just to dang easy to shoot.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 02:55:57 CET 2000 from nas-204-55.rochester.navipath.net ( LizFrom: hereI just wanted to say thanks for the smiles Sam and Hank and Pete V also Lil. How could this GB~~ NOt be political?? ok we have til December, but some folks dont pay aatttention...if Florida doesnt come up with 25 electoral votes, thers no preZZ haaaa,so the odd couple Like on SNL last Sat ?? the latest is Mr Bush wacker is undermining his bro. !! trying to stop normal political progression, yeah , like sheep to the kill. ok so lets change the process.
Jhwy : thaNKS FOR THE PROTEST INFO LOTS OF US WENT ! and Tommy........great website Play on (always) and Keep listening...specially now
Posted on Tue Nov 14 02:56:41 CET 2000 from mat-9-36.enter.net ( Little BrøtherFrom: around Philly, PAOne of my favorite pastimes is listening to the Band while gobbling down minced Spam on animal crackers-- and now I won't be able to so much as LOOK at the crispy little critters for, well, days anyway. PS -- Is it me or does this comment have a disturbingly Crabgrass feel to it?
Posted on Tue Nov 14 02:44:22 CET 2000 from host-209-214-119-227.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: The Devil's AdvocateSorry to eat a dead dog, but... Did you know that the chickens you buy from the grocery store are fed marigolds so that their skin is a nice, "healthy" yellow? Or that the turkeys you're about to buy for Thanksgiving have been genetically modified to have such gargantuanly enormous breasts that they can't even stand up? Now, I have no problem whatsoever with gargantuanly enormous breasts, but do you really think THAT'S more humane than shooting an animal in the wild? That these pea-brained creatures enjoy spending their lives locked in a cage in the filth of their own excrement, their spindly legs unable to support the weight of their artificially inflated busoms, like some sort of ornithological Pamela Anderson caricature? It may be sick to kill an animal in the name of sport, but is it worse than keeping animals locked in a small box their entire lives, with nothing to do but eat the food that is force-fed to them, only to be led one day, lowing and bleating, down a chute to the automated blades that cut their throats and spill their entrails over the bloody floor? If you're sickened by the thought of someone skinning a deer on the bough of a tree, have you never thought that the steak you buy from the store was also skinned? If you knew you were going to die at age 18, would you rather spend you life free and on your own terms, only to have someone put a bullet in the back of your head one day; or spend your life locked in the attic with nothing to eat but Spam from day one in perpetuo, only to have someone take you from the attic one day, throw you down a flight of stairs and cut your throad? Dead is dead, it's the quality of life that counts. So, it comes down to slaughtering an animal for fun vs. increasingly efficient means of slaughtering animals to fatten the corporation's bottom line in order to provide you with a lower-priced and convenient method of supporting the capitalist system. THAT'S why I say it's a bit hypocritical to condemn hunters if you are not a vegetarian.
Hank, RR was the musical director, or something, on Chuck's movie, "Hail, Hail Rock and Roll." I don't know what his involvement was or if he played with Chuck. I seem to recall that he was supposed to be involved more, maybe being the band director, a la what Keef eventually did, but pulled out or was relegated to a smaller role. I would be surprised, though, if no one from The Band had ever played with Chuck. Or, to put it clearer, if somebody hadn't crossed paths with him on a stage at some time.
Posted on Tue Nov 14 02:34:38 CET 2000 from mat-9-36.enter.net ( Little BrøtherFrom: around Philly, PA"Jemima Surrender" has a bird. "Look Out, Cleveland" has a bird (not). "King Harvest" has a horse named Jethro. "Shoot Out In Chinatown" has dragons. (Mythical animals count-- I call it.) "We Can Talk" has a cow, man. "Sleeping" has a hoot owl. "Time to Kill" has a cat skill. "When I Paint My Masterpiece" has lions and geese. "It Makes No Difference" has (stampedin') cattle. "Across the Great Divide" has a chicken, sort of... Plus there's a whole mess of figurative animal allusions and metaphors: vipers, geese, hawks, alley cats, fish(ing), frogs... The walrus was Garth.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 23:45:48 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoCaledonia Mission has - " I know the dogs don't bother you..we'll be gone in moonshine time" I just got the copy of Mojo with the Band article. I'm not stirring the feud but I didn't feel that Levon's comments were all that strong considering the man. He is a lot of man, a big personality, a when he talks he has always had a commanding tone. I believe that his manner is so strong that he seems more bitter than he is. He's obviously pissed still but the comments were not as strong as had been portrayed in this guestbook. On the other hand good ol' Robbie never fails to toot his own horn. He deserves a great deal of respect of course but even the strongest Robbie fan has to feel a little uncomfortable when he waxes on about his successes with his backing band. "Robbie CHOSE to leave the singing to the others.....'I didn't want it to be Joe Blow and the Mangoes,' he explains. 'If I write the songs, play the guitar solos, and sing the songs were out of balance. Plus when I'm writing the songs, I'll hear the voices;....." I love it. I'm not sure if a paragraph could be structured to use the line "When I write the songs" more frequently and still sound like a conversation and not a mantra. It gives me a good chuckle. Regardless of who did what.
By the By it wasn't that Robbie's voice is thin and reedy that made it better for Richard, Rick, or Levon to sing lead it was that Robbie benevolently let these inferiors sing HIS tunes so that they could be in the "humblest way ... a band"
Posted on Mon Nov 13 23:31:12 CET 2000 from 1cust55.tnt5.providence.ri.da.uu.net ( JakeFrom: Rhode Island
I was in a local music store and noticed the re-releases of Big Pink and the brown album with the new cuts. While I would love to hear that material I can't really justify buying the new CD's when there's nothing wrong with the ones I have. I'm wondering if the Band has any plans to release a CD of all the unreleased material to save their loyal fans from a big record company ripoff.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 23:03:18 CET 2000 from du-tele3-091.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyPaul: Animals in Band songs: “When you awake” is surely “my old CAR froze up last night.” But “if you’ll take Jack my dog” is in “The Weight”. ‘Chest Fever’ has a moon calf (?) “Last of The Blacksmiths” has a wolf … “Cry wolf …” “The moon struck one” has horses, a snake and a bird with a broken wing. “Where Do We Go From Here” has … well, buffaloes, and an eagle. “Rags & bones” has a cat fight, a monkey and watch dogs. “Ring your Bell” has bloodhounds. “Forbidden Fruit’ has a golden calf.
There might be others!
Posted on Mon Nov 13 22:17:54 CET 2000 from bgm-24-169-43-173.stny.rr.com ( KetchFrom: Upstate New York
Was just surfing around and seen this wonderful site. I was a little to young to remember The Band,but my brother in law has made a web site that if you were in New York back in 1973 you might want to see if your picture is on his site. You can reach it at http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/2668/SJ1.html
Enjoy and rock on!
Posted on Mon Nov 13 22:14:07 CET 2000 from dialup-329.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: CorkWeb page
Did The Band EVER play with Chuck Berry....Ever?........even post TLW?...... I wanna see The Barnburners in Ireland, please, Butch!!!!.......I'll even throw some Brownie material into the deal.........
Brian Sz....what kinda vegetables do you like.....just so's i can cook ya a meal if you get to cork one day.....Amen!!!!
Posted on Mon Nov 13 21:49:04 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul Godfreyjhwygirl...don't know just yet. Remember the line: "My old dog died last night?" Consider, where would rock n roll gone without the "King" and "You Ain't nuthin' but a......)
Keep Rockin & Shinin' On! paulg
Posted on Mon Nov 13 21:42:58 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
WOW!! Levon and the BBs were great in North Carolina last Thursday night. Bobby Keyes was wonderful! They also had special guest Steady Rollin' Bob Margolin sit in all night. I enjoyed getting to meet Butch for the first time, and I had a nice conversation with Amy, who is adorable. For Band fans, there was a cover of "Mystery Train". Levon looked and played great! They said the CD is coming soon.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 20:54:43 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Don Pugatch-Ya really know how to slice out!!! Glad
you were able to catch Levon & Crew; Butch, too!!!
They DO ROCK!!. Goin through withdrawls--one week
no Barnburners, no Gurus!!!! Like down time in the 60's!!!
Posted on Mon Nov 13 20:33:43 CET 2000 from spider-wq061.proxy.aol.com ( Don PugatchFrom: Roswell, GAWent last night to spend in my "Living Room" an evening of great talent. First, I must reference that I had the privledge of seeing the BB in April preform 2 nights at a small roadhouse enviornment. I was blown away and enjoyed every moment and all I was hoping for was a return engagement last night. Well,my wishes were not to be, no, not a return engagement but a total exciting, stupifying, magical music moment that has to rate as an A+++++. Talk about a tight group, talk about Bluez in the Nth degree. Chris was on fire, his harp, his voice, strong, an understatement. Levon, how do you improve on perfection, guess he has found the secret. Amy, a full time Keyboardist, and can she wail, I thought Koko Taylor was in the house. Pat, smokin on guitar, Frank, keeping the bottom so rounded and the special guest, as Butch introduced to me, was his friend, Bobby Keyes. Man, can that man "blow da sax. Tonight I will replay my copy of Steel Wheels, with The Stones, and rewatch Bobby do his magic on Brown Sugar. As I mentioned in previous comments, you got to see Levon and the BB. If you can drive, drive, fly, fly, walk, walk, just go!!!! The moment will last a lifetime
Posted on Mon Nov 13 20:30:03 CET 2000 from du-tele3-021.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter Viney
Latest Mojo news (how fast the months roll by): the new one has stuff on the Hubert Sumlin sessions with Levon; Emmylou Harris (for David P.) and an insightful review of The Beatles “1” by Charles Shaar Murray. It seems that the Blur cover last month was UK the Dylan one USA, which doesn’t explain why the Dylan one turned up in Birmingham, UK.
“1” annoys everyone in the UK by missing “Please please me” and “Strawberry fields.” The strict rule was it had to be #1 in Record Retailer (UK) or Billboard (USA). As Murray points out, Please please me was #1 in NME and on the BBC, and everyone, including The Beatles in “Anthology” thought it got to #1. No one read the trade only Record Retailer, where it didn’t. It was their break through record in the UK. “Eight Days A Week” is included, though it wasn’t a single in many markets (nor were Yesterday and Long & Winding Road), including the UK, and should have been replaced by Please, please me. Strawberry Fields is the unforgiveable one, even though it only got to #2. Who wouldn’t prefer it to “The Ballad of John & Yoko” or “Eight Days A Week”? Few, I believe. Why The Beatles on the Band site? Because like-minded people discuss great music. We can talk about it now.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 19:18:05 CET 2000 from du171-2.ppp.algonet.se ( Ilkka's dogFrom: Pink Painted DoghouseWeb page Sorry to interrupt this polysyllable, odourless, buoyant, contradictory, nondescript, imprudent and gluttonously impertinent - yet so snub-nosed - debate of the dogs with a STRAIGHTFORWARD GOOD OL' ROCK'N'ROLL MESSAGE: Ragtime, call to my email/voicemail cellular phone next Monday between 1200 and 1300 CET and I'll play you "Rockin' Chair" with my blues harmonica in a way you have never heard it before. No living soul can't miss it. It is The World Premier only for You!
Posted on Mon Nov 13 18:46:36 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkFrom: Otherside of Valis
"If I'd known it was harmless, I would have killed it myself." Philip K. Dick
Posted on Mon Nov 13 17:28:12 CET 2000 from 1cust223.tnt1.jackson.wy.da.uu.net ( jhwygirlFrom: the land of 5 below mornings!!! brrrrrrWeb page Well, Brent, since you said you'd ask, why not ask Levon - or Amy - if there are any plans to head out to the Mangy Moose in Jackson Hole or back to Bozeman Montana? PAUL GODFREY: How many times DOES the word 'dog' appear in Band tunes?
Posted on Mon Nov 13 17:25:52 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost JohnFrom: indie
GENE: VERY VERY FUNNY! It didn't even strike me that a basement tapes reference would be so fitting over 30 years after it was recorded!
Posted on Mon Nov 13 16:41:07 CET 2000 from electro7206vxr.electro-net.com ( BrentFrom: The RumorWeb page
I'm hoping to have the chance to speak with Levon tonight, and was wondering if anyone had any particular questions (other than the usual) that they'd like to ask him.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 16:24:36 CET 2000 from fe0-0.cache-01.nyc.bestweb.net ( Gene
"Have you heard the news?", he said, with a grin, "The Vice-President's gone mad".
Posted on Mon Nov 13 16:22:13 CET 2000 from 6dyn145.beverw.casema.net ( Mike GroeneveldFrom: Netherlands
Always good to hear you, your music is timeless.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 16:15:21 CET 2000 from pool- ( Dexy
Lil -- Thanks for your response about Levon's singing. Yes, it makes sense that, under the circumstances, singing too much would be a strain on the chords. Maybe he can eventually get back to recording some vocals though. I like the idea of the "spoken word" stuff too.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 16:10:16 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
re the deer hunting line.
was with a person when he stopped to shoot a deer for the sport of it. the impression it left me, was just how unfair it seemed.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 15:56:09 CET 2000 from d92221.dtk.chello.nl ( peter bertouFrom: the Netherlands
The band
they are the best
Posted on Mon Nov 13 15:55:40 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
like the late great jimmy stewart, aka george bailey, i have two goldens. the old one is my soulmate and i swear he knows what i'm saying when i talk to him. the young one is a seeing eye dog school reject, and while the old one tolerates and guides him in the ways of our uniquely eccentric household, he has that , "not playing with a full deck" look.
by the way, i am finishing up a screenplay on the little big horn and if anyone here knows r.r., let him know that i would like to somehow communicate with scorcese about possibly directing. i have made inquiries with sean penn about playing custer and to my amazement, mr. penn has been gracious enough to ask for the screenplay upon completion.
i would have loved oliver stone to direct, but word is, oliver is not in top form right now and financing would be difficult with his name attached to the project.
let r.r. know that my perspective on custer is one of a bragging, {he said he could ride through all the warriors there in one day when told by his ree scout bloody knife that there were enough warriors for 3 days fighting], army puppet, being sent on a mission of wholesale slaughter. this perspective however, is not intended to detract from the many soldiers bravery, mostly immigrants just trying to draw a days rations during the depression. it is more a story, of the last great plains indian victory, which resulted in the required public sentiment , to allow the gov't and army to finally grab that which they had promised.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 15:35:55 CET 2000 from ( John Donabie
OK DAVID POWELL......How was the show?
Posted on Mon Nov 13 14:33:58 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyHave you ever taken the time to spell D-0-G backwards?
Or for that matter counted the times the word D-0-G makes up part of a Band song?
Posted on Mon Nov 13 13:49:39 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: mmmmmmmmmm, meat
Amen brother! I like Chinese, I like meat, I like fish(cooked and un), I was always against hunting but in recent years it has entered my mind to try it (more to see if i could do it){then a friend talked about bow hunting, NOW that intrigued me}, I like deserts, I like healthy food, I don't mind tofu (is that how you spell it), Veggie burgers can be delicious if done right. Momma makes her own medicine (ooops)I'm in the basement thinkin bout our government. And I would never own a dog unless I had a ranch.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 07:29:29 CET 2000 from 1cust28.tnt1.idaho-falls.id.da.uu.net ( rollie
That RR is such a bastard!
Posted on Mon Nov 13 07:12:42 CET 2000 from rdu163-46-149.nc.rr.com ( MichaelWeb page
Very nice site. Tons of information and content in one place. Keep up the good work.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 07:01:06 CET 2000 from ch4smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetownEric Andersen at the Rivoli in Toronto on Sunday night was like an angel from heaven!!! He not only sang some of my favourite songs like "Sheila" (I asked someone that I just met to ask Eric for me), "Is It Really Love At All" and "Eyes Of The Immigrant" but he was very funny telling jokes and he even read poetry by Canada's Irving Layton!! "Three golden apples fell from heaven. One for the storyteller, one for the listener and one for the one who heard". Thank You Eric for a very intimate evening with all of your friends. Also, a special thank you to Jon Lyness who reaquainted me to Eric's music and haunting voice!!!
Posted on Mon Nov 13 07:01:22 CET 2000 from spider-wf082.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eyeAwww stop complaining about all these animal stories. It's a diversion. Anytime now someone will fire up the fued again, and you'll be begging for dead dog stories. :)
Posted on Mon Nov 13 06:15:37 CET 2000 from spider-wl024.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: Chaska, MN
Last night I had dreams about all ten or so dogs I owned over the years... good years... good but intense dreams... and I too liked Levon's "Don't Wait" voice and could see Levon doing some spoken word stuff, maybe even to jazz music... you know, telling some real life stories... yeah, he could pull it off, maybe on a Garth solo CD?... I've been listening to a lot of John Trudell's music lately, and initially the music part of it bugged me a little but then it grows on you, and now I'm hooked... and he's gots lot's of cool phrasing like "human being, human physical, being spiritual"... His book Stickman is pretty cool too... I wonder by chance if when the Band did a lot of their storytelling, did anybody play a mandolin or finger a guitar to any of the chatter?... getting back to the other GB topic, I don't hunt, but I guess I am glad somebody's tied to the natural food cycle... I'm a third generation suburbanite... which means I can drive through McDonald's for beef, Baker's Square for pie, drop off film and video, and even pickup some beer... all w/o leaving the Suburban... of course, I am listening to the Band on the CD player all the while... and the gained efficiency helped me to get to the woods quicker... where I just look at and count deer before heading back to bed so I can get up early to vote and then go work for the man... I forget where I was trying to go with this... anyway, it's sad that little kids have to shoot their dog...
Posted on Mon Nov 13 05:00:35 CET 2000 from atmax-5-8.enter.net ( Little BrøtherFrom: around Philly, PAThis whole thread-- more like a vein or muscle fiber or ganglion, actually-- tying together heartfelt pet stories and hunting and, er, road kill, is VERY strange. I'm a squeamish carnivore who can barely stand handling the slimy plastic wrap when I peel it off in the sink at home-- after patiently stalking and trapping the kill in my weenie little plastic market basket. Therefore, the deer story causes me to reflexively cover my mouth rather than slap my knee. Ditto with the dog nuts-- or was that guts? Anyway, Amanda, I hope for your bereaved friend's sake that the folks who dragged the poor critter off to the pot weren't the same ones who mowed him (or her or it) down in the first place. Ya gotta consider all the possibilities. Well, YOU ALL started this... And didn't I read somewhere that Robbie actually TAUGHT the rest of them to hunt, using his finely honed ancestral intuitive skills? Sorry, I must have nibbled some gall by mistake. For a refreshing change of subject, to Peter's question about "Classical Band": I can imagine "Chest Fever" orchestrated. Not with a baroque treatment, despite its alleged Bach inspiration. More like a big Rossini or Wagnerian overture, with booming tympani and such. And I can imagine a Copelandesque "The Band" Suite, weaving themes from "Dixie", "Rocking Chair", "Look Out Cleveland", and "King Harvest"... It could be done, but there's a danger of reducing it all to Muzak, even high-end Muzak. And that would not, I think, be altogether meet...
Posted on Mon Nov 13 01:58:44 CET 2000 from dialup-299.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: CORKWeb page
........I thought Illkas story about The Devil trying to get him to buy the re-issues was great.......I've BEEN to Stockholm......I always wondered who that person was..... tempting me outside of Record Stores
The Catholic Church in Italy came out against McDonalds recently........some theologian came out and said it's not good to eat that stuff.........COMPLETELY in line with veggies world-wide.......can you be veggie and eat the Body of Christ? Live and let live, Eat and be eaten.....Eat to live......don't live to eat......you can't escape the ever evolving, twisting mulch of life, can you?......The Genetic Method has us all and will be more powerful than anything we THINK we can do........Everything that lives is food..........The Chinese will make a dish out of ANYTHING not human that lives and breathes, plant or animal.....I like Chinese food.....Remember how everyone used to think China was a-gonna take over the world?........They ALREADY HAVE...check out all them restaurants in your neighbourhood!!!!! I bet 'cha some of you read this GB while eating Chinese!!!!!!........can I hear an AMEN??????!!!!
I had to have my dog put down when I was 14........he was a car-chasin' junkie......could'nt stop chasin' 'em .....he got hit and badly injured.......What EXACTLY does this dog thing have to do with The Band exactly?........Did' ya ever hear the dog barking on Dylans "Every Grain of Sand" out-take?
Posted on Mon Nov 13 01:38:48 CET 2000 from pm2-17.delrio.com ( Just Wonderin'
I seem to recall a few days ago someone looking for "Stagefright" in cd format. There are a couple of them on Ebay at the moment.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 01:29:25 CET 2000 from pm2-17.delrio.com ( Just Wonderin'From: Somewhere outta San Antone
Robbie said in a "Q" magazine interview that he's pretty good at barbecueing ribs on the grill. So I definatly think that lets him out for a vegetarian.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 01:10:12 CET 2000 from spider-tm023.proxy.aol.com ( Rose ArsenaultFrom: behind rees shad's house
I would like to communicate with Mr. Shad regarding a few questions I need help with. I have relatives on Prince Edward Island in music business and recording studio business. My needs are strictly amateur and simple. Signed, "cow milker in little red house around the corner"
Posted on Mon Nov 13 01:05:07 CET 2000 from ( AmandaFrom: ...don't need no caviar...The sad dog stories are making me rather sad. I won't add mine but perhaps to tie in with recent threads I will mention a story a friend of mine tells. This friend is from the Philippines and when he was about 12, or so, his dog was run over. He was very upset, of course, and he went to get help. When he got back, sadly, the dog was gone and, on enquiry, it turned out some people had taken it away to cook and eat Now when I heard this story on the one hand, I knew and could totally empathise with how heartbreaking it is to lose a pet. Yet on the other hand, in a painful, black and bathetic way, I found it slightly funny too…But I don't think I would have found any humour in the story, at all, if it had concluded with some hilarious detail about someone being covered in dog guts as they butchered my friends pet. Call me squeamish, if you must. Humour is a very individualistic thing, isn't it? Incidentally, even though I am a vegetarian, if those people in the Philippines who took my friends dead dog to eat were hungry and needed food then I can't really condemn their actions. And I accept that sometimes hunting is necessary to control vermin- especially if they are damaging the eco-system- but taking another creatures life for purely recreational purposes is not something I can really understand. That said I can see what Tenessee is getting at. If someone has killed their own meat they know that what they are eating was once a living creature. If you buy meat in a sterile supermarket it is very easy to distance yourself from the fact that something had to die for you to enjoy your lamb chops/whatever. Thank you Bayou Sam for agreeing with me as to the recent wussiness of Crabgrass and jcf- I'm glad to have some help in making sure the Vegetarian Perspective is properly represented here in the GB. I agree that John Simon seems most likely of them all to have vegetarian tendencies. However, as much as I idolise Garth Hudson's musical genius and sheer style, unfortunately, I think it unlikely that he shares the vegetarian dietary preference. I seem to recall reading somewhere (perhaps in the Hoskyn's book) that at the time of recording Big Pink he had a large collection of guns and knives which does seem to point to vegetarianism.
Posted on Mon Nov 13 00:36:29 CET 2000 from 2cust96.tnt11.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnHave enjoyed the recently posted heartwarming pet stories. As most of you probably know dogs and cats are frequent guests on the dinner table in the Far East. And likewise our closer relatives the monkeys (apologies to any Christian GBer's who don't accept Darwin's theory). This of course, may not be any worse than those individuals in our "more civilized" countries who consume frogs, rabbits, calves, lambs, and ducks (which are hunted by burly he-man types using decoys and duck call sound effect devices to lure these innocent birds within shooting range.) I don't think one needs to be a vegetarian in order to condemn hunting for sport. Hunters aren't starving to death and killing animals in order to survive which would be somewhat comprehensible. They do it for "fun." Lions in the wild kill to survive. Would any one of us eat an animal if they went to the supermarket and were told they had to kill it themselves first with a gun or a knife? (Probably not more than a few dozen I'd guess.) And now, back to more important issues of discussing music, politics, and the seemingly endless birthday greetings!! (Mine is coming up soon on December 25th btw.) Posted on Sun Nov 12 23:19:11 CET 2000 from host-209-214-119-158.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: Outback SteakhouseJust out of curiosity, have any of the anti-hunting animal pro-lifers here ever gone fishing? Or swatted a fly, for that matter? Gross as it may be, hunting a deer is a lot more natural, and humane, than buying cow parts wrapped in plastic from Piggly Wiggly or Acme. If you think shooting a deer is sick, ain't y'all never watched what them lions do to the gazelles on "Wild Kingdom"? I've never been hunting in my entire life, and probably never will, but I do think it's a little hypocritical to condemn hunters unless you are a vegetarian.
What happened to "Automatic Al"?
Posted on Sun Nov 12 21:15:25 CET 2000 from spider-wk042.proxy.aol.com ( jcfFrom: new york
Hey Amanda, I strive to be a vegetarian but I'm actually onlya semi- vegetarian. I am willing to provide a vegetarian perspective our back up your own... I assume that none of the Band members were ever vegetarians at one point, but Garth gets my vote for the member that is most likely to have ever been. John Simon also seem like he could have been one. High end restuarants, at least in L.A. , don't have too many vegetarian options, so I don't expect Robbie is one. Levon eats a lot of sushi but i guess that "real vegetarians" eschew fish. However I don't see how they could have a prolbelm with shellfish.
Posted on Sun Nov 12 19:58:24 CET 2000 from spider-wf074.proxy.aol.com ( quincyFrom: nj
can anyone tell me who sinhg what on the old shoes cd, just on the hawks tracks.
Posted on Sun Nov 12 17:25:29 CET 2000 from 1cust19.tnt1.idaho-falls.id.da.uu.net ( rollie
"I love animals, that's why I kill 'em!" Quote from the big game hunter, Monty Pythons Flying Circus.
Posted on Sun Nov 12 14:18:21 CET 2000 from spider-wn074.proxy.aol.com ( Arkansas GalFrom: Blytheville, Arkansas
The show in Charleston, SC last night.........absolutely INSPIRATIONAL! Levon was beautiful! Let us be grateful to people who make us happy.........
Posted on Sun Nov 12 13:20:47 CET 2000 from du-tele3-161.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter Viney
Last Friday I saw an album in the classical section, “The Riders on the Storm Concerto: Nigel Kennedy plays the music of the Doors.” “Look”, I said to my wife, “There’s a new Monty Python album.”I remembered those pastiche LP covers they did in the 70s, especially the 1812 Overture with the title crossed out. In today’s paper, I read the interview with classical violinist Kennedy … and it’s real. So, what would you choose if Kennedy wanted to give The Band the same treatment? (I don’t actually think he has enough taste!)
Posted on Sun Nov 12 13:20:07 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp163.dialup.valstar.net ( Lil Again
Dexy: Just saw your post. Singing puts a tremendous strain on both the vocal chords and the throat. The fact that Levon sounded 'different but wonderful' on Jubilation (I, personally would buy an entire cd of stuff like "Don't Wait"...), the strain wasn't the best for his health. But being a person who always tries to live by the thought of "never say never"...one of my greatest hopes and wishes is that oneday, Levon will sing again.
Posted on Sun Nov 12 12:47:43 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp163.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilPaul & Dave: Geez, you guys are killing me with the dog stories (she says while wiping away a tear). Brings back the memory of "Barney". Had him for 12 years and he was my husband's buddy. Shortly after my husband died, Barney just disappeared. I've always wondered what happened... "I spend the day with my old dog Mo Sigh. Have a good day everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Sun Nov 12 04:04:25 CET 2000 from spider-wo063.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: A creek in Ashton
Geez Paul, I got Van's Redwood Tree playing in the background, and it's getting pretty blurry in here... I've got some sad dog tales too... but on a lighter note, the best dog that ever owned me... was a black lab that didn't swim, was an epileptic that used to eat bees and freak, smoked (o.k. he had some help), and you know how you're in a tight spot with maybe a guy or two just getting on you... and out of nowhere a dog always appears to save the day with loud barking and the potential to bite if necessary... well that's another guy's dog... mine was much more effective jumping on the aggressor's leg and humping away til I was free and clear... and I mean all you had to do was grab my arm... He hated water too after my brother and a friend threw him into a cold river at a very young age... used to moo at cows... and we couldn't stop him from bringing varments to us and softly letting them go to scurry away (of course we didn't hunt)... and he had too much attitude to retrieve balls or sticks... I could go on and on... and no, I don't think owners are like their dogs... mine was way cooler than me... but some of my earliest memories of Band songs (from ROA) associate with memories of that dog and those times... jumping creeks we couldn't think he could do or being found asleep in the woods while on a hike...
Posted on Sun Nov 12 03:54:18 CET 2000 from spider-we071.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: Desmond's barrow in the market placeI kind of agree with Amanda. I thought you defended your position nicely Crabby - 2 posts ago. But you went past "lightening up" in the last post - you caved man. I could never point a gun at an animal and kill it, unless it was planning to kill me. My friend hunts, and one time he told me he had video taped himself skinning a dear. I told him I would never want to see this video. His father, who was standing there, laughed and said,"what's the matter, you chicken". I asked him how much courage it took to shoot the dear. I also said that if he took down a grizzly bear with a pocketknife - I might be a little more impressed.
I don't have a negative image of a person who hunts. I hate the attitude of those who somehow think they are better in someway than me because they can kill an animal and hang it on the wall. I actually pity these people.
Posted on Sun Nov 12 02:41:41 CET 2000 from 1cust188.tnt1.topeka.ks.da.uu.net ( Dexy
Just read the Talahassee Levon interview on The Rumor site (whew!). My question -- maybe Lil, Donabie, Bones, Godfrey or someone else would know -- what exactly is the deal with Levon's voice (obviously Butch could answer this)? If he can sing like he did on JUBILATION, by damn, I'd buy a new CD with his vocals. No, it's not the same voice of old, but it is the same man, the same timing, and it's got a certain old blues guy temper to it that I do like. So, why did he sing so much on JUBILATION, then follow up with interviews like this in which he suggests he'll never sing again?
Posted on Sun Nov 12 01:20:26 CET 2000 from ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old Virginny
Hell, this whole American presidential election is such a mess that I think we should just let Levon's Arkansas buddy Bill go on for another four years. The right-wing takeover here in Virginia made my daughter and her high school pals say they're ready to move to Canada. It's not a bad idea. "...I'd rather be burned in Canada..."
Posted on Sun Nov 12 00:52:47 CET 2000 from cobalt.nextlink.net ( MikeYou're not a sellout, Crabby. Some folks just take dietary habits a little too seriously. It's the music, remember? "You fix your man chicken evr'y Sunday..." C'mon folks, the story IS funny, whether you eat meat or not... Life's too short. Hankster...what's your take on the (now) infamous deer story. Please comment, as you'll probably see a different side of it. :) Paul Godfrey -- If anyone has ever loved a dog, that story is a real-life heartbreaker. Dug a hole in the backyard about 3 years ago for my 11 year old Golden Retriever Maggie. I still think of her and the great memories she gave our family. (I've since gotten a Huskie -- I love her to death, but she's no Maggie.) Happy Veterans Day all.
Posted on Sun Nov 12 00:40:30 CET 2000 from user-33qt8j7.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
Richard was an awfully good storyteller too.
Posted on Sun Nov 12 00:01:25 CET 2000 from proxy1.zwoll1.ov.nl.home.com ( NorbertFrom: Up a Lazy River (a sixpack drive into The Kompelling Spelling Low Lands)Heavy Band related BREAKING news!!!
Just saw on Low Lands tv a journalist .....quote "The Band is the best group I've ever seen perform" end quote......!!!!!!..... and they played The Weight (5 youngsters there!)..... GREAT!!!!.....happy that the other 432 Lows know too now!!!... ( to those 5 Lows with a computer .... TOLD YA!!!)... just wanted to share this.....ok safe to scroll on now..... UP new..... DOWN history..... (some great posts there)
Posted on Sat Nov 11 23:21:46 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyProbably two of the best story tellers ever, just could be Ronnie Hawkins and Levon Helm. Might be something in the Arkansa water. Levon's deer story is just one of many to be passed down thru the years. We had tall old tales as entertainment in Canada as well. As a child I would sit around the furnace grate on a long winters night at Jack Young's General Store and listen to the old timers tell their tales of politics, religion and lack of wages. It was in the telling that you took to heart. Understand that for many in the country a rifle was a tool. In those days the only time you went to a dentist, was to get a tooth out. No prevention care like today. A vet might be called if you were in danger of loosing a horse or cow that would make the difference in your lively-hood. At age 11 my dog Tanny got run over by a car. He survived but was in bad shape. Brother Jack..six years senior said we would drive him up to the dump as there was nothing we could do for him. We gently loaded him in the back of a pickup truck and off we went. If any have heard the song "Old Shep" you can better relate to this. At the dump my brother handed me a borrowed rifle and said: "kid, he is your dog...you shoot him!" And so it was. They were other times,poorer times, that was the way. I do not own a fire arm today and sold those my grandfather left me.
Posted on Sat Nov 11 22:57:51 CET 2000 from cf3k-3.paradise.net.nz ( AmandaFrom: Careful where you step and watch what you eat...
Shame on you Crabby, you big sell out...The deer story is not funny. It is GROSS! I guess this means its up to me now to (bravely and singlehandedly) represent the Vegetarian perspective on Band related matters & also to pass the message down to future generations.
Posted on Sat Nov 11 20:07:07 CET 2000 from cacheflow.nettally.com ( BrentFrom: The Rumor, Tallahassee, FL, the center of the political worldWeb page Please check out The Rumor by clicking the link above. Look for the new article and interview with Levon Helm, lots of news and updates, new poll, new Adam's Corner, the works!! Have fun at the Barn Burners shows, everyone!! Love, The Rumor staff
Posted on Sat Nov 11 19:37:36 CET 2000 from spider-we071.proxy.aol.com ( quincyFrom: NJ
Posted on Sat Nov 11 17:58:20 CET 2000 from du165-1.ppp.algonet.se ( Ilkka The SaintFrom: forty days in the desertWeb page
Filled with the Band Spirit I returned from the River and I was guided by the devil in the music stores in Stockholm. I was eating only McDonalds burgers on our completion. I was hungry. So the devil said to me: "If you are a Band fan, buy these re-issues." I answered: "It is written. Man shall not live on re-issues alone." Then leadind me up [to a high mountain, that is Høiberg in Norwegian], the devil showed me all the fancy re-issues and said: "If you worship me instead of your old vinyl LPs it shall all be Yours." I answered him: "It is written, "You shall worship the Original First-Issues Vinyl LPs only and serve them alone." Then he brought me to Stockholm's fanciest music store, and placing me on the top of it, told me, If you are the Band fan, throw yourself down from here to the re-issues." I answered to the devil, 'It is also written, you shall not test The Original First Issue Vinyl LPs' " So the devil, after bringing to completion every kind of temptation, left me until a favourable time.
Posted on Sat Nov 11 17:22:20 CET 2000 from ( John Donabie
No.....I meant our own guitar playing musicologist David Powell of the Guestbook Fame. I know he'll be there and it would be his dream to "jam" with the boys.
Posted on Sat Nov 11 17:11:15 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: Nj
I'm playing euchre on-line, having a cup of coffee and listening to Chris Russo on Sports Radio this morning, when he digresses a moment to talk about the election. It turns out Bush slapped some injunction in Florida on the manual vote count. I'm so disapponited by this.., I voted for W. but this is a farce. Just let the process play out. You win by the process or lose by it, JUST abide by it! It's starting to become a joke. I guess it's time to run over to K-Mart and buy a rifle. Not to protect myself from our own government but by whoever is getting set to pick us off. Here we go, America -- the worlds first third world Superpower.
Posted on Sat Nov 11 15:38:47 CET 2000 from dialup-301.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: CORKWeb page
Well, first of all, I must apologise for getting the deer story ALL wrong....it's just that, well, y'know, DEER was mentioned and I HAD to relate it to The Band SOMEHOW....I feel it's imperative that if you write something here in the GB no matter WHAT it's about, you GOTTA, or, at least, I GOTTA relate it to the Band somehow....After All, They were the Greatest Band in the History of the Universe, were'nt they?....were'nt they?.....but I got the story wrong....I'm sorry.........I was havin' too much fun on this GB over the past few posts.......and you know what happens when you have toooo much fun on The GB............
Belated Happy Birthday wishes to WS Walcott....
Amen, Brother Brian SZ.....AMEN!!!!!!
Posted on Sat Nov 11 08:24:45 CET 2000 from spider-tl033.proxy.aol.com ( m00nd0gShare Your Love With Me and A Change Is Gonna Come. Does it get any better?
Posted on Sat Nov 11 08:08:40 CET 2000 from spider-wj033.proxy.aol.com ( Todd Ashley LefflerFrom: Houston, Texas
Viva el Band
Posted on Sat Nov 11 08:05:43 CET 2000 from cache2.ev1.net ( Laura Holt LorfingFrom: Austin, Tx
Molly: Sorry I couldn't chat in the room the other day..computer acting up on me....go figure!! Maybe I'll catch ya this weekend. Happy birthday W.S. Walcott! Have a good day Band Family! PEACE ALL :)
PS...Glad I'm not a Floridian! (tee hee)!
Posted on Sat Nov 11 07:36:22 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
a note about the members' movie careers. levon has the distinction of being in one of the all time great films and doing a splendid job in a small but important role.
he had the, "right stuff" in that role of ridley.
Posted on Sat Nov 11 06:05:01 CET 2000 from 20-163.001.popsite.net ( Chris
Jon: Do you mean David Powell the tuba player?
Posted on Sat Nov 11 05:29:39 CET 2000 from 1cust196.tnt1.smyrna.ga.da.uu.net ( GaryFrom: Georgia
If anyone is going to Levon Helm show on Sunday at Cotton Club in Atlanta, let me know.
Posted on Sat Nov 11 02:49:01 CET 2000 from proxy1.zwoll1.ov.nl.home.com ( Norbert
Re: Wolle,
Die Band als Gruppe gibt es heute leider nicht mehr......
Posted on Sat Nov 11 02:12:55 CET 2000 from 1cust23.tnt1.jackson.wy.da.uu.net ( jhwygirlFrom: CubaWeb page
For those interested, tomorrow, in cities across America, there will be protests against what many are calling the stealing of the Presidential election. Click on the web page link above for more information. Peace
Posted on Sat Nov 11 00:11:40 CET 2000 from 1cust20.tnt14.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnInteresting to see a number of GBer's so emotionally charged about the possibility of "voting irregularities" in the recent U.S. Presidential election. Maybe these same individuals should have been appointed to oversee Band fan voting methods in last year's Norwegian VG Rock Poll in which The Band came out on top. Let's just hope this whole voting fraud hysteria thing dies down before the Norwegian government decides to investigate!! Thanks to that poster who suggested I "lighten up." I just re-read Levon's account of Rick's botched deer butchering ordeal and to be quite honest - I laughed so hard my stomach almost split open just like that deer's. Fortunately, it didn't happen or I'd still be mopping up a mess of my own blood and entrails from the living room floor. But it came pretty close! Ha, ha, ha! Posted on Fri Nov 10 23:19:31 CET 2000 from proxy1.zwoll1.ov.nl.home.com ( NorbertFrom: Even Worse Creek
Happy Birthday WS Walcott!!! (all 7 Creeks)
Posted on Fri Nov 10 23:13:50 CET 2000 from spider-wm033.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Brooklyn,NY
Hey kids...I just bought a new Band video yesterday.It's in a series called "CLASSIC ALBUMS"...which I believe was a short lived series on VH1 some years back.It focuses on 'the brown album' and has some good interviews and performances, old and new. So, go get it! (it's a tan colored box...about $20...Nice!)Have a good weekend, people!
Posted on Fri Nov 10 22:33:18 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieWILL DAVID POWELL JAM WITH THE BARNBURNERS........?
Posted on Fri Nov 10 22:27:38 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: Nj
Yes, the ballot may have been poorly designed but this wasn't the first election that these ballots were used. Yes the sample ballot may have been different BUT If the individual had a question or concern, each booth has someone there to help you out. If you can't take a couple of moments to look over the ballot in the booth, then shame on you. Protesters claiming they were robbed or misled or as one sign said, Ignorance(or Incompetence) Robbed Me of my Chance to Vote are only trying to pass the buck. Again, no accountability--they messed up--fess up -- and suck it up. Let's face it, it's voting! Not rocket science.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 21:13:11 CET 2000 from spider-th023.proxy.aol.com ( Don PugatchFrom: Roswell, GaToday's Atlanta paper has a write up this Sunday's concert. Here is goes, "Levon Helm and the Barn Burners" Throat cancer several years ago may have robbed Levon Helm of his singing voice, but his drumming, the blues, and a young band have provided solace for the 60 year old. So the blues will be a the cornerstone of the show Helm and his group, the Barn Burners, play Sunday at the Cotton Club. "It goes back to my roots," Helm recently said in an interview with Regis Behe of the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, adding that he listened to Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon, and other blues legends while growing up in rural Arkansas. Helm's band however,is a young one that includes daughter Amy Helm on vocals, guitarists Pat O'Shea and Frankie Ingrao and vocalist Chris O'Leary, who also plays harmonica."They love the Delta blues..... three years into it, we're starting to sound pretty good." With Helm unable to sing, the Barn Burners try to avoid songs he recorded with The Band befroe the group bowed out in '76 with a farewell party that produced the Martin Scorsese film "The Last Waltz." Also is a note, on the web: More on Levon, guess the site, yes yes yes Not a bad article. The interesting aspect is the photo of Levon, must be 30 years old.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 19:10:09 CET 2000 from stk-pm1-50-178.dialup.slip.net ( GuenevereFrom: The Diamond CampPeter, you're right, anyone in their right mind can clearly see that the ballot in question is poorly designed. However, there are also two other important factors. In the US, before every election, registered voters are sent what are called "Sample Ballots" in the mail, which voters are accustomed to filling out at home and then taking into the polling booths and simply copying. Normally, the order of the candidates on the "sample" and "actual" ballots are identical, and voters simple copy over onto their actual ballots what they've marked at home on their sample ballots (btw, I've voted this way many times myself). In this case, Pat Buchanan's name was in second place on the actual ballot, whereas Al Gore's name was in second place on the Sample Ballot creating further margin for error.
Another problem with ballot in question that you saw in the morning news, was that when it was placed into the "holder" in the actual voting booth, some are now saying that the holes on the ballot didn't line up correctly with the holes on the machine either. Anyone who's taken statistics knows that the more margin for error that you create, the more errors will occur. Some here are comparing this to "slight of hand" trickery, and even Pat Buchanan himself admitted on national TV last night that it was next to impossible for him to have received the amount of votes that he did in the democratic counties where people have claimed that errors have occurred. I just want to add, that this does not effect me personally since I wrote in... Neil Diamond for President... OK, now back to the music, thermodynamics, or whatever.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 18:43:39 CET 2000 from stjhts22c11.nbnet.nb.ca ( WS WalcottFrom: Canada
You are all too kind, shucks.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 18:38:41 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
If any of y'all out there make it to the Cotton Club in Atlanta Sunday night, come by & say hello. I'll be wearin' my University of Georgia Bulldogs cap. I know Donnie P. from the GB will be there too. It's fun talking about great music, but let me tell you -- getting the chance to hear Levon & The Barn Burners play the real deal live is the ultimate. Ms. Amy and Bobby Keyes added to the mix -- good God almighty, I'm starting to get excited. "Cause I'm ready, ready as anybody can be." See ya!
Posted on Fri Nov 10 18:30:41 CET 2000 from ppp149.a1-2.56k.execulink.com ( Paul GodfreyW.S. happy birthday from a former "Friendly Host on the Fundy Coast 93 CFBC." Shine On! paulg
Posted on Fri Nov 10 18:12:19 CET 2000 from ip-167.dial.webperception.com ( Molly Z.Just wanted to say thanks for a great chat last night for those who were there. Also wanted to say Happy Birthday to WS Walcott!
Have a great day everyone!
Posted on Fri Nov 10 17:33:05 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( BillPeter: Between Big Brother and Full Tilt was the Kozmic Blues Band. I'd say that Big Brother weren't great musicians, but at least jelled like a proper group. Kozmic Blues had great musicians but didn't jell. Full Tilt managed well on both counts. John: Yes, Chas managed Slade. A fine example of making the best of a bad lot.
BEG: Willie Johnson is the Howlin' Wolf guitarist who's name I couldn't remember a couple of days ago. And, further to your Butterfield/Bloomfield comment, I wouldn't question that our guys met, were taken to bars by, and jammed with those guys, but I don't see any of that as meaning they influenced Robertson in the same sense as did Sumlin, Burton and the others you mentioned.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 16:54:10 CET 2000 from cobalt.nextlink.net ( Mike
C'mon Crabby, lighten up...Rick's deer story is hilarious!!! It's one of the high points in Levon's book! "C'mon guys, help me out." Tickles me everytime I read it. It crosses my mind everytime I eat chili. Have a nice day, everyone. Lil -- thanks for the hug a while back...
Posted on Fri Nov 10 16:46:27 CET 2000 from ulab33.med.gu.se ( Markku (Quos)Web pageJust a quick note that Sweden's biggest evening paper Aftonbladet today had a short review of Times Like These. I was suprised they picked that upp. In overall a positive review (rating 3 out of 5), ending with a nice comment that Rick's vocals on "It makes no difference" is "one of the most unforgettable vocal performances from a white man". Personally, I'm not sure if the "white man"-part is necessary on that comment.
OT: Emmylou and the great Buddy Miller are coming to town, can't wait!
Posted on Fri Nov 10 16:03:12 CET 2000 from ubhs201.uio.no ( mongo 1 og 2From: SwedenWeb page
who are you?
Posted on Fri Nov 10 14:05:37 CET 2000 from ch7smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY WS WALCOTT!!!! Mr. Maximum wishes you a great birthday too. Robbie also wishes you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY as well!!!!
Posted on Fri Nov 10 09:47:07 CET 2000 from ( SupratikFrom: Calcutta, IndiaFeels great to be back posting on this hallowed GB. I'm soon going to be celebrating the first anniversary of my first visit to this mother of all sites and that's a wonderful feeling. I might not have posted very regularly out here but having been coming regularly about a few thousand times over the past year or so its really been a fantastic experience. Have read posts by some very wonderful people and I am not going to take names because I would invariably miss out some of you lovely folks. Thanx everybody, it feels great to be part of the family. I got one small request for some of you people here, actually to people who visit this site from Sweden and nearby countries. My uncle stays in Sweden ( Stockholm )and is coming down very shortly to visit us ( he does so every year ). If any of you guys are into trading Band stuff, could you please help me out by doing some trades or B & Ps with me. I have some ( read very few ) Pink Floyd, Beatles and Billy Joel boot stuff on CD. I am looking basically for boot CDs of The Band but am open to tapes too ( I would really prefer CDs ! ). In case you are not interested in the above stuff I still would be happy to do some B & Ps ( 1:1, 2:1 etc. ). I really have to tell you, this band means a helluva lot to me and I am pretty much crazy about their music. It's almost impossible to get their music out here and I have had a really tough time getting whatever Band stuff I have got. There is one hitch however. This is that the Indian postal system sucks completely. I tried getting some B & Ps before and got royally screwed ( I am still just a college student so my funds are somewhat limited ). So the way I would prefer doing the trade is if you send your stuff down with my uncle and I then send back whatever you want, back with him to Sweden, a month later when he returns. I know I am asking for a bit too much but then this is the safest way for both of us. There are too many blokes in the postal dept. here who love opening parcels to examine the contents and which they never remember to close again. In case you want me to send first through my uncle, well..............we could do that ( I am_really_that desperate ) but then the unfortunate part is that I will be getting my Band boots only next year, when my uncle visits us again. I won't be taking any chance with the Band music arriving here by mail. There's a 99% chance it will never arrive. If any of you folks can help me out, please please send a mail to the above mail address. I will remain grateful forever. I know it kind of sounds stupid saying it, but I am an honest guy and I shall do my part of the deal honestly.
Thanx for reading everybody , sorry for eating up so much space on the GB. It wasn't my intention to.......
Posted on Fri Nov 10 09:26:29 CET 2000 from du-tele3-056.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter Viney
A short rant. My morning newspaper shows the disputed ballot paper this morning. I went through the same process last week trying to explain to a designer that English reads from left to right, not right to left nor up or down (we were discussing material to be used in Japan and the Middle East). I find it hard to believe that the designer of this ballot paper should be so totally incompetent and unaware of basic readability. You don't look at a name (eye moving from left to right) then reverse directions to go back to something to the left of the name. But according to the TV both sides approved it. Anyway. Back to the music …
Posted on Fri Nov 10 08:27:41 CET 2000 from 27-119.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: chigaco
Watching the hard Rain concerts on video ...who doesn't love the Dylan/Baez "I pity the Poor Immigrant"....if anyone wants to trade for Band botlegs I'd love to.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 07:59:49 CET 2000 from 1cust171.tnt12.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnThe deer story in Levon's book was about Rick attempting to butcher one that was roadkilled - I didn't find it funny. I guess I would have had to be there to see the entrails and blood splashing all over Rick to appreciate it. I concede that some of you are able to lift this experience with more vividness from the printed page than I am. Ted Nugent, of course, is a hunting nut and I don't have any of his albums. I do have a thing about violent people adopting hippie affectations like long hair. (Charles Manson also falls into this catagory.) That said, there are plenty of songs about guns around some of which are quite violent - "Delia's Gone," "Hey, Joe," "Stagger Lee," "I Shot the Sheriff," "Four In The Morning," "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence," "Don't Take Your Guns To Town," and thousands more I'm certain and I like many of them as well. Songs reflect life itself and so should the GB - it takes all kinds. If you want to impose restrictions on GB topics then you're also imposing restrictions on discussing music 'cause there are songs about every topic under the sun. And I feel the younger violent prone Band fans have every right to express their opinions too - after all, we peacefull hippies will eventually have to rely on you to keep the Band's memory and the GB going after we drop dead. I am quite aware of animal overpopulation problems and as I stated in my last post there are humane alternatives - I'm sure you can discover many if you do a search on the net. State governments profit hugely from the issuance of hunting licenses and reap taxes from the sales of hunting equipment and assorted accessories and companies which manufacture such items obviously profit as well so the humane methods of animal population control aren't given a chance - there's too much money at stake for all the profiting parties concerned. Lastly, the deer I believe, was invented long before the automobile and didn't invite man to move into the animal domain and divide it up into plots of real estate. And I don't think I have to treat hunters with any show of "respect" at all when stating an opinion about a class of people engaged in an activity. I didn't choose to use obscenities either.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 07:46:15 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: NjDo I hear an Amen for brother Hank!!!! I do! I do Hear One..!,But name me this brother.., Tell me the civilization that wasn't, my fine Shangrilaesque preacher or is it teacher?! Can I have an Amen! (It's late)
Posted on Fri Nov 10 07:45:33 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: NjDo I hear an Amen for brother Hank!!!! I do! I do Hear One..!,But name me this brother.., Tell me the civilization that wasn't, my fine Shrangrilaesque preacher or is it teacher?! Can I have an Amen! (It's late)
Posted on Fri Nov 10 06:24:15 CET 2000 from dialup-282.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: Above The Fruited Plane.........in Spacious SkiesWeb page
I'm sorry.....but Rick Danko shooting a deer in The Levon noveL (How'bout that?) is a REALLY funny story.......tough on the deer no doubt, but we all git it up the ass eventually....sooner or later....Rich or Poor.......Black, Red or White or Yellow or Green......born or unborn, slave or free......right?..........Well?...... we DO, don't we???....and it's gonna hurt 'n' feel good while it lasts........that's life as Frank Sinatra or JamesBrown said....that's life that's death that's death.......The end of the beginning of the end of and in the end the love you take is equal to the love ....you make, beautiful friend, The End of The beginning of YEARS of copyright, royalty, publishing fat-cat turncoat expensive haircut "I and I alone wrote the songs" hassles......having said all THAT , I should add here I would NEVER shoot a dear......... or play with guns......weapons are for soldiers....military or otherwise......and I don't like vension.....not my cup of meat, I must say....... Thanks to LDO and PETER VINEY for your nice comments on my USA President rant yesterday.......I mean, ........I 's just watchin the news and apparently this could run for weeks..........it's a BIG TV show and has NOTHING to do with citizens whose hearts and minds believe in what The Founding Fathers and Mothers of The USA set up when they broke the British monopoly on that piece of prime real estate in North America.......just so as you know....I live in Ireland but me Dad was a New Yorker and I was born in Ohio AND lived in NYC 'till I was 11.....I'm 37 now and have spent much of the intevening time Back in The USA.........Ahoy there, Brien SZ!!!! Thanks for the reply.....I grew up believing in the Freedom The USA offers it's citizens via what it calls Democracy.........I STILL believe in what you might call "The American Way"..........but it's not actually the Worlds Greatest Democracy.......I believe it's The Most Consistently Productive Anarchy in Recent History............face it, The USA is and always has been run by GANGS of people....usually Families......like The Kennedies.....Rockerfellers......MGM.......Jesse and Frank James gang......The Daughters of The American Revolution.....The Clintons, The Simpsons, The Bushes........The Army The Navy Democrats Republicans........The Grateful Dead.....local mobs in big Cities of various religious or ethnic background.....competing for a bigger share of the pie......hence a keen desire to own guns and a sado-masochistic delight in hearing them and seeing them being used........Anarchy....but productive in feeding /educating people so as not to be a famine.........That's quite a feat......and admirable, too......more so than any notion of democracy..........the trick is to NOT wear out the natural resources......hope it's not too late.....It may be the beginning of the time that the settlers and their descendants have to atone for what they did to the natives who lived there before they arrived with guns and horses........... their GUNS and Horses
..........O Beautiful for Spacious Skies.........
......Listen to the rice as the wind blows ......Anyway The Wind blows.... The answer is...........
Posted on Fri Nov 10 05:15:32 CET 2000 from p3ee2f09b.dip.t-dialin.net ( WolleFrom: Germany ( Hamburg )Web page
Hallo liebe The Band Fans,
gibt es "The Band" eigentlich Heute als Gruppe noch? Denn nach Rick Dankos Tod sind doch meines Wissens die anderen garnicht mehr zusammen als "The Band" aufgetreten.Und eine neue Studio oder Aktuelle Live-CD gibt nach Ricks Tod bis Heute leider auch noch nicht.Ich hoffe doch das Levon,Garth,Jim,Randy und Richard nochmal ins Studio gehen,und als The Band weiterhin phantastische Musik aufnehmen.Ein Aushilfsbassist müßte doch wohl auch noch für Rick Danko gefunden werden!Das The Band weiter besteht wäre doch bestimmt auch in Rick seinem Sinne gewesen!1996 gaben The Band in Deutschland Ihr letztes Concert(WDR-Rockpalast,Loreley-Festival),wird es jemals nochmal eins geben??????Grüße alle The Band Fans,Wolfgang
Posted on Fri Nov 10 04:59:07 CET 2000 from spider-tm022.proxy.aol.com ( Don PugatchFrom: Roswell, Ga
3 days and counting till Levon and the barn re burn Atlanta. Not bad, a little "Gone with the Wind" humor. Hope Bobby Keyes is with the band. I do know that Al Kooper won't be if BK is there, inside joke. Guns. lets see Terry Kath,of the band Chicago, oh, Marvin Gaye, thnks Daddy Gaye, who else, hmmm. oh Crabby's favorite, Tu Pac!!! Yeah, great invention. Oh forgot the best one, their spokesman from the mountain, Moses himself. Here, another musical quote, with a little poetic twist, Guns, what are they good for, absolutely nothin, say it again. Thanks War.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 04:35:12 CET 2000 from rochester-ip-4-192.dynamic.ziplink.net ( LFrom: OK are you ?
ok listen to( BWNWITennessee:) as I said : A Suggestion , again, is JERICHO............
Posted on Fri Nov 10 04:37:40 CET 2000 from ch7smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown
In relation to the artists that Grossman signed besides Dylan, he signed Paul Butterfield, John Lee Hooker, The Kweskin Jug Band, Peter, Paul and Mary and The Band. " Peter Yarrow maintained that Dylan found in Grossman the father he was looking for, and that, as their relationship deteriorated in 1965-1971, Bob was symbolically destroying the father, the authority figure, to whom he was indebted. Albert Grossman already knew there was a aura of mystery around The Band. Grossman and The Band had decided to take the mystique factor to the limit and release MUSIC FROM BIG PINK without a name on it at all - The Band- "just so they can file it in the stores," said Levon.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 03:52:37 CET 2000 from pool- ( Bobby Jones
In an effort to get back to the current music - What do you think is the barnburners best song? How about the Crowmatix?
Anything but Guns, Politics and Rights. Anybody
Posted on Fri Nov 10 03:30:07 CET 2000 from host-209-214-117-142.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeAmanda: That's exactly the reason why I always stay the hell away from virgins with guns! They don't like me and I don't like them. (Someone had to say it.) Crabgrass: While I, too, sometimes think the deers to be cute and fluffy little creatures - and despite the sentiments expressed in my last post I don't really have a problem with responsible hunters and gun collectors having access to their chosen firearms so long as there are severe restrictions placed on what is the most deadly item a private citizen can possess - one does gain a different perspective on the overgrown rodents when you live in parts of the country where their sole mission in life seems to be to perform flying leaps into the front of your car every half mile.
Abortion is a wonderful and necessary right for all mankind!!! Err...
Posted on Fri Nov 10 03:12:52 CET 2000 from p128.amax18.dialup.hou1.flash.net ( TexasFrom: Houston
Just got our tickets for Levon's Jan. 26th show today.
They said they are almost sold out and it will be SRO.
I hope Bobby Keys is still a Barn Burner for this show.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 03:01:49 CET 2000 from nas-203-137.rochester.navipath.net ( LizFrom: ?? notsureWHATS THE VOTEWeb page PEHR what a wonderful distraction~ all of my exes live in Texas: KIDDING KIDDING haaaaaaaa( yeah thats for UKNOWWHOU RP hoOnnie )I've been to Gruene HAll, I lived New Braunfels too , up on the Hill, I Did the 'Rockin R's river RAFT' trip many times!! I have some great tapes of Joe Ely, live from Gruene Hall, amazing place ,it has vibes~~~~ folks, Janis played there, and well.....Jimmy Dale Gilmore, ummmmmm just go.lets video tape ok ? or my texas 'taper' friends `may come out of retirement ?? GOD I HOPE SO, SPOIL LEVON OK ???? bythe way the movie "MICHAEL," about Angels ? the Dance scene ( John Travolta) was filmed there at Gruene Hall ........ pLAY ON VOTE IF WE VOTE AGAIN
Posted on Fri Nov 10 01:52:07 CET 2000 from nas-202-59.rochester.navipath.net ( LFrom: YIKESok what now....... count count,COUNTplease- AGAIN!!!( I guess the 'Greens' made the Point any ways, this IS a joke, all the $$$ in the world HAAAAAAAA ) " Its a blowout" nope.... umm theres a LASER DISC of THE Last Waltz on: www.Half.com, right now for 7$ ??? check it out [if ya have a laser disc] and ummmmm[I never Really say 'UMM '] only in here.....cause I love you guys ( and gals)What would we do without our opinions and beliefs?? I actually received an e mail from Florida asking to sign a petition for all the 'Snowbirds' that sign ~absentee Ballots ~to RE -VOTE, when they are physically in Florida,which happens this week ( the Migration ) hehee just another WRENCH in the mix........maybe, Its nice to share in everyones thoughts and opinions in the BAND GB , once again, its a right, being an American, THANKS JAN, and pay attention to those Supreme Court Nominations comin up!!!PLAY ON , for some reason I have JERICHO on Political ?? LIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Posted on Fri Nov 10 01:14:25 CET 2000 from m198214181165.austin.cc.tx.us ( pehrFrom: texasI am grateful and excited about Levon and the BB's coming south. As suggested by G-Man, I'm putting away my TLW till late Jan., after the show. The place where they are playing, Gruene Hall in New Braunfels, is the oldest dance hall in Central Texas. It's as charming as a club can possibly be, old school - wood floors, screened in, Casablanca fans,like a big old barn right at the center of an old sleepy german town, with streets more designed for craft fairs on Sunday than traffic, lying just outside San Antonio. I'm afraid for the old watertower thats just round the bend. ( actually, for the old barn more, for obvious reasons!) All this and from what I've heard, the greatest blues band on earth. It doesnt get much better! Thanks for comin', Levon, Butch and co. I'm not alone down here being very excited. By then this election horse hockey match will be over, I hope. With my age, the price of a decent drink, and the options as to who gets the White House, I'll just have to hang in there otherwise a few years longer.
This upcoming show will make it so much easier.
Posted on Fri Nov 10 00:24:17 CET 2000 from cobalt.nextlink.net ( Mike
Hmmm...Discussing thermodynamics now, are we?
Posted on Fri Nov 10 00:17:19 CET 2000 from x2-10.poughkeepsie.bestweb.net ( GeneFrom: the OK Corral
Hey Lil, I'm sorry, too. This isn't a forum for expressing
2nd Amendment opinions. From now on, I'll check my guns at the door. And remember, kids, in all things, practice SAFETY FIRST!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 23:25:42 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkPaul Simon provides the best definition of entropy in it's most basic conception - perhaps a fitting notation as I write from the NE corner of these here United States... "Everything put together, sooner or later falls apart." Ever notice that so many people who go for a broad definition of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution would describe themselves as "strict interpreters" when it comes to every other amendment? Also, seems to me, these same folks who claim a willingness to fight and die to protect the second amendment are the same folks ready and willing to roll over on the 1st and 4th amendments - which arguably are the two attributes of the original ratification that gave the US Constitution the moniker of "the great experiment." That said, I never argue the 2nd amendment anymore. Like religion, abortion rights and the limited merits of capitalism, the tone becomes to jihad-like for anything productive to come of it.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 23:19:25 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyFrom the GREAT CANADIAN BAND FAMILY! We are proud here in the 'promised land' to have adopted 2 southern sons....The Hawk and Levon. Oh, we have a national election here in Canada in a couple of weeks. You all guessed who I am voting for eh? The most democratic party in the music world...THE BAND!
From the land of snow...Shine On!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 22:32:22 CET 2000 from spider-wc043.proxy.aol.com ( DaveFrom: Pgh, Pa.With all due respect to freedom of speech ; it seems that there are a few members of this GB that need to get a life and not be so preoccupied with insturments of death and destruction. Instead; how about peaceful discussions about insturments, songs and the celebration of life.
Bobby Keyes ehh...??? Damn I wish that he would've hooked up with the Barnburners back in Sept. when I saw them here in Pittsburgh. Last time I saw Bobby was with the Rolling Stones. He's got a fat tone and is capable of incredible feats of musicianship. How about posting some pics; you lucky dogs down south ?!?!?
Posted on Thu Nov 9 22:23:02 CET 2000 from proxy1.zwoll1.ov.nl.home.com ( NorbertFrom: Even Worse Creek (a hamlet in the little My Spelling Is Kompelling Low Lands, far away)Attn: The Great American Band Family subject: QUILTY VOTING
.....what y'all doin' there?.....
votin'?.....discussin'?.......countin'?.....or what?....
.....and we all wonder what the COUNTING TOOL on Garth T-shirt is all about........HA!!!! ......
Wow Maud........ you knew!!!..........
(I know......I know...... I need one with a spelling tool.....)
Posted on Thu Nov 9 22:09:09 CET 2000 from stk-pm1-48-176.dialup.slip.net ( GuenevereFrom: The Funny FarmIllka: now that Santa Claus's true identity has been revealed.... I am asking for a recount of the results of your Internet Intelligence Quiz...based on the grounds that the quiz's design was too confusing for most of us to understand. My answers are as follows: 1)A, 2)C, 3)B, and 4)B... I hope I win!
Also I'd just like to add something to the discussion regarding metal institutions. It is my opinion that there's really nothing wrong with mental institutions per se, after all they are merely places to house the psychos...... (IMHO we could use a few more of them around here)...
Posted on Thu Nov 9 21:53:18 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp88.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilAfter reading some of the posts in here today, I feel like I have to apologize. This is probably my fault for starting this whole gun discussion. It really didn't belong in this music discussion room to begin with, and I'm sorry. We all seem to have very passionate views of this subject, and my mistake was voicing mine in here. Please let's get back to the music. Thanks.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 21:45:00 CET 2000 from du-tele3-157.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyLiving in a political word: When strange and important events happen, I reckon it’s justified to go away from the music and discuss them. It’s informative to see the issues as they stand to the GB crowd. And Hank, thank you for quoting Paul Simon so well (a loose affiliation …). Comments from another outside perspective. I was always taught never to comment on other nations’ politics, but as my undergraduate years were immersed in US politics, it’s hard to resist. And it affects us all, wherever we live. : Few democracies actually have a direct vote for an elected political leader. France is an exception and they further have a second round of votes exactly a week later, eliminating all but the top two candidates, so that their votes get reassigned, rather than “lost”. If Nader’s votes were reassigned …. You can also use a transferable vote (first choice, second choice) and then in the event of one getting less than 50%, second choices come into play. Same effect. In nearly all countries it’s possible to win with a minority of the popular vote. When there are three parties, it happens every time. Don’t know when we last had a leader with over 50% of the vote. Germany must be the same. I seem to remember it’s been done in the UK with less than 40%. In the UK, in the 1960s constituencies varied in size between one in Glasgow with 18,000 voters and one in Essex with 102,000. Change was difficult because virtually all reforms that matched population movement (south and to the suburbs) benefitted the Conservatives. Even now after years of trying to even the area sizes up, Scotland is “over-represented” in the British parliament (because the 1701 Act of Union had federalist thoughts behind it) just as all the smaller states are in the US electoral system. Perhaps all we can say is that the U.S. electoral college system was originally designed to allow six or seven weeks for collecting the votes. The gun debate is pretty arcane and alien to most Europeans, and yes, we get along fine without them. Gun laws were massively tightened in the UK a few years back after yet another school massacre. No, it doesn’t mean our criminals entirely eschew guns, and only last week British newspapers featured Nottingham police who are now wearing guns on ordinary patrols. But it does mean that guns are rare, and for a criminal simply possessing one means a heavy jail sentence, let alone using one in commission of a crime. At the opposite extreme, most Swiss have guns at home in a remarkably peaceful society, because military service consists of three weeks every year, and the rifle is kept at home. Part of the reasoning behind the right to bear arms in the USA was fear of a political coup, part fear of the British and Hessians ill-intent, and another part was fear of loyalists invading … from, er, Canada. Now you can all see that Canadian “invaders” have actually been an extremely good thing for the USA … Rick, Garth, Robbie and Richard for starters. From a distance, the vote among GB posters seems to split between those who live in rural areas, where hunting is part of the culture, and urban areas were gun ownership is hard to justify. But at the end of the day you can’t have two sets of rules, and it’s hard to argue that hunters need either handguns or automatic weapons … or anything with more than two shots. I’m sure Illka will want to join me as “ex-SAAB owning Band fans” in wishing Levon great joy with his SAAB. I had three and loved them dearly … until GM bought the company.
p.s. "Mind your own business" is a response that will not offend!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 21:14:17 CET 2000 from spider-wi074.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paNo further urging required. Consider it done. A shame too. I had a little niche all carved out for you right next to my Ted Nugent collection. Maybe you guys could provide the soundtrack for "The Bobby Knight Story" on the Lifetime channel. It was a hateful thing to say KLJ. Cowardly as well. Face it. Subject closed from this side, so you still have time for one more lame retort. My apologies to the rest of the GBers.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 21:09:17 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost JohnFrom: INDIANA"You have lost so much more than you could ever know And the greatest thing that you ever lost is the thing that doesn't show Although none of us are weeping now as you turn to go Not one of us is laughing at you because each of us knows You can tell your lies until they sound just like the gospel You would have us all believe that you are the 13th desciple You could do what's right but to you what's right is wrong It's your weakness and your weakness is too strong"
Posted on Thu Nov 9 20:59:03 CET 2000 from ( Knockin'Lost JohnFrom: INDIANA
Rights? Attention Bob. Yes,Crabby has a right to his opinion, yet opinions should be presented in a respectful manner. And yes,I greet disrespect with disrespect. And yes, my comments were violent and contrary to the beliefs of the last remaining hippies in this world violence IS a part of human nature,like it or not.
Crabby's OPINION didn't bother me, (as I stated I am not a hunter myself) but his reference to hunters "belonging in mental institutions" pissed me off.
Hardcore? Well, maybe I am somewhat, especially when I'm pissed.
It's the fact that people don't how to PROPERLY discuss opinionated issues with respect that is a big problem in our nation today. Also, addressing my previous coments as a "death threat" is also a bit overboard! It was NO death threat but merely an expulsion of emotion and I make no apoligies for it.
By the way, I make music for enjoyment,not sales.
Bob, that sound you just heard was a little tear dropping on my keyboard!(that was meant to be sarcastic in case you missed it). Don't try to hurt my feelings 'cause I'm sure you'll be getting nowhere fast.
Also, threatening my "record sales" is rather ridiculous since I'm sure as an independent artist I'll barely break even anyway. And guess what, I don't CARE!
Bob, to show how far removed from the "business" part of the record business I am, I would like to urge you NOT to buy my disc! And urge all your friends NOT to buy it either. I'd be more than happy to wallpaper my studio with the 300 discs I won't be selling! It'd look kinda nice actually!
Oh, also, thanx for the well-wishing Chris, but I'm not the UNCLE JOHN'S BAND that you're thinking of. OOPs, maybe we'll have to change our name!!!!
As for Crabby, I don't really care what you think about anything and I should have passed over your post without reading it. That's my only mistake.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 20:36:50 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
I'm going to see Levon TONIGHT!! He's playing at The Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill, N.C. (Dean Smith country for all you basketball lovers). Butch, great news about Bobby Keyes! I am very excited.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 19:27:47 CET 2000 from spider-wg052.proxy.aol.com ( Bashful BillFrom: Minoa,N.Y.
Man, this has been one busy GB the last few days. Butch & the boys, I hope you all have a GREAT tour, wish I could be there. Lil, Hank, Little Bro, etc. etc. you guys have written some great posts in here recently. And...it was a real pleasure to actually shoot the s--t with you in the chatroom on Election night Hank & Liz & Brown-eyed Girl literally while history was being made.It was one of my rare chatroom excursions, & it was funny how we all appeared there at approx. the same time. It was great!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 19:18:32 CET 2000 from ( wingFrom: Rock CastleWeb page
There has been mention of PRO BONO work here from time to time. What I've not heard is anything about pro dake-bono work. If there is any pro dake-bono work that comes available please post notification the usenet newsgroup alt.religion.dake-bonoism.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 19:14:10 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Sometimes I wonder if any of the boys pay any attention at all to the G.B.. Then I think wouldn't it be a trip if one day I came here and there was a post from Levon or for that matter R.R.. I might piss my pants if there was one from ol' Garth. Still a nice vision to think that they would be interested in any way about what we were obsessing about.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 19:07:53 CET 2000 from dhcp58207.sunyocc.edu ( FREDDIE THE FUNKFrom: Ya know? Ive never figured it out
Levon? Will you be drivin that new set of wheels down south
(Beautiful SAAB). "Ain't no one drivin this caaar but me". Havea good one.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 18:34:57 CET 2000 from spider-wi054.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown,paTruth be told, my response wasn't intended to be "funny, funny, funny". KLJ's comment was malicious and completely uncalled for. Like Crabby or don't like Crabby, that's his right. Agree or disagree, that's his right. He went a long way past his rights with that comment. That strange sound you just heard KLJ, that's the sound of potential sales dropping at a very high rate of speed.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 18:26:40 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoBob-- funny funny funny
Truth be told I bet it will be a great disc. I screwed up a good two years of college listening to those guys.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 18:23:14 CET 2000 from spider-wi054.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paPlease hurry KLJ, and get that disc to market. Nothing makes me want to support an artist more than a good old fashioned death threat. Way out of line.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 18:12:19 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoOuch...hardcore Knockin Lost John....nothin like a passionate discussion in the mornin...
Knockin how's the recording coming...are you gonna track that The Race is On. You guys always did a nice job on that.
If of course you are the UJB that used to do Wrigleyside and Brother Jimmy's and the like.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 18:07:40 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost JohnFrom: Indiana
Crabby, I haven't bothered you for a while now, but the blatant ignorance of your last post jumped right out at me.
I am not a hunter either, and probably never would kill for "sport", but I can at least RESPECT the right of others to hunt.
Comparing them to people who belong in mental institutions is a very ignorant thing to say (or type). Perhaps I agree that hunters shouldn't use the guns on the deer, but instead on ignorant fuckers like you.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 18:03:42 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoOh you Masters of War... You that never done nothin' But build to destroy You play with my world Like it's your little toy You put a gun in my hand And you hide from my eyes And you turn and run farther When the fast bullets fly You fasten the triggers For the others to fire Then you set back and watch When the death count gets higher You hide in your mansion As young people's blood Flows out of their bodies And is buried in the mud
But then again its not guns that kill people it's people that kill people...
which is one of the more inane statements of denial I have ever heard.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 17:57:55 CET 2000 from 1cust135.tnt11.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnAnyone who would seek thrills by firing off 12 Gauge shotgun shells at beautiful defenseless animals like deer should be incarcerated in a home the mentally ill. There are humane alternatives to controlling animal populations as there are to controlling human population - the latter btw being the most crucial problem facing the planet in the 21st Century though most people seem not to be aware of it. When I was a kid I had older second cousins (not blood related fortunately since my father was adopted) who went hunting upstate every year. The sight of half a dozen buck and an occasional doe hanging from the backyard tree or bound to the hood of a car with rope each with several bloody silver dollar sized wounds throughout it's body was not a pretty one.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 17:35:37 CET 2000 from du228-249.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: North Country Blues and worseWeb page I say directly that there is not too much Band related on this message. Feel free to scroll on. This must have been one of the toughest day in my life. I have teached 50% on the senior level of a high school and fooled around the rest 50%. This was the day to tell everybody that I'm going to teach 0% and fool around 100%. - After that we went to the computer lab. We sort of cancelled the ordinary programme and I let the tough guys to logg in to Napster. One after another they filled the lab with the music from the 60s, the music I dearly love. Ik hebbe post voor Ragtime in Hotmail.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 17:27:01 CET 2000 from bethany.chartworksinc.com ( Brien SzFrom: NjHank Please.., I like reading your posts but please--You complain about a peanut farmer and an actor running the US but that is precisly what the US is about. Every citizen has the right to run for office, if the citizenry see's fit to put an actor, a teacher, a gas station attendent that's our choice for better or worse. Anyway, isn't that what you guys fought for(the right to choose your elected officials), for centuries to get out from the thumb of the "Crown"? I'm not niave enough to think the presidency is the end all to power--I just watch CNBC for that. But if you've got a better system, lets hear it. And if you do, will you lay your life down for it? History shows, if you can't back it up in blood, it isn't worth fightin' for! Forgive me if this seems personal, it's not. It's passion. Agree with me or not, I'm proud to be a citizen of the US and our system of government. It's not perfect but I surely have not heard a better alternative.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 17:16:54 CET 2000 from spider-tl024.proxy.aol.com ( Long Distance OperatorFrom: the back of a fish truck that loads while my conscience explodes
Hank, man, wow! That's tellin' it like it is, my brother. Old hippies never die, they just play rock and roll and split the country! God bless ya, man. Yet another thought-provoking post from Ireland's most notorious badass!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 16:51:17 CET 2000 from 56k-la-01-13.dial.qnet.com ( Dave the Phone GuyFrom: Mono LakeAwwwright!!Levon's comming to California! One show 450 miles south of Mono Lake at San Diego is cool,but loading up Arizona,West coast,and Nevada with multiple dates would be better. Butch, us west coasters want to go on tour.Give us a few more dates so we can take a week or two vacation. We got one in San Diego!!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 16:24:32 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
May I please interrupt the political programming to announce the following -- NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD CITIZENS TO SUPPORT LEVON & THE BURN BURNERS. Welcome South brothers & sister. Great news about the addition of Bobby Keyes! Go out & see them when they come to a town near you. You won't regret it & you sure as hell won't forget it. All of you in the vicinity of Atlanta -- this Sunday night at the Cotton Club @ 152 Luckie Street downtown. Info line: (404)688-1193. Now back to our political programming. One thing that's often overlooked in all the rhetoric for & against guns is that they are one of the most coldly efficient products that man has ever designed. When they are loaded, pointed at someone and the trigger is pulled, they do what they were designed to do -- kill & maim. Remember that the next time someone argues against a mandate of trigger locks to protect children.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 15:54:14 CET 2000 from dialup-362.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: The Realm of 1000 conspiraciesWeb page
That's exactly the type of reply to the "John Wesley Harding" thread I needed to hear.....As I said, I like JWH just fine as it is.....a classic, masterful piece of work from Bob Zimmy.....but y'know, you often hear that thing of how Garth and RR were gonna do overdubs and I thought "Yeah, what does the GB think of that?....." I liked the way you pointed out how the Band backed Dylan on those songs at subsequent gigs around that time and beyond........Personally, I think after all their time in the basement, that both parties went off to do their own thing is pretty amazing and a challenging way to work.....The Band came up with "Big Pink" and Dylan came up with JWH....independent of each other!! It came out in the recent "Mojo" article that Dylan never even HEARD "Big Pink" until it was done......it's no big deal, I guess, but I find that amazing........
Yiz are all up in arms (Ho! Ho!) over the US election.......that's natural I 'spose, but really, folks.....Do You Really Believe in US Democracy Anymore?....How can you?........In 1960, two dynamic, political men ran for the Presidency of The United states of America.....Kennedy and Nixon.......Kennedy won......Kennedy really thought HE was running the show......so three years later he was publicly executed in Dallas......Johnson took over and effectively let The Military-Industrial Complex divert money and young mens lives towards yet ANOTHER Asian war.......which was beamed home for money on TV to every US household......in 1968, Nixon was elected.....by 1973, Nixon thought HE was running the show......There was NO point in shooting Nixon.......that woulda led to Totally Unprofitable National/International Anarchy.......so they brought him down by media crucifixtion.......more money for TV shows and advertisers.....prior to this, his Vice President, Agnew resigned.....replaced by Gerald Ford........When Nixon resigned....Gerald Ford became President......GERALD FORD HAD NO MANDATE FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.........NONE!!!!!!!!!......That was a clear message to The People of The USA......"You DID NOT elect this man to be your leader......It Does'nt MATTER who you vote in....." Luckily, Gerald Ford was a nice man (or so it seems) and did not abuse his power......but he had NO mandate from the people......as Peanut Farmer Governors and Movie Stars became Presidents like musicians becoming Pop Stars...it became more obvious than The Presidency of The USA was and is a debased and cheapened office.........There's NO difference between what someone like Britney Spears does and Hillary Clinton does........"I wanna be a Pop Star" "I wanna be President of The USA"........."OK kid, Do THIS and say THAT and smile and glamtart yerself up and we'll get you on all the cool magazines/TV shows and people will buy yer records/vote for you"...... The obvious exception here is George Bush Senior....VP and Pres from 1980-1992....obviously, Bush Sr. ran that show all those years......but when you consider he was the head of the CIA for a while....you gotta KNOW he was working for the loose affiliation of Millionaires and Billionaires, baby.......As I write this, there has been NO result from Florida......and who exactly are profiting from this.....The TV stations reporting it......the comediands and the commentators being hauled out to lively up the hourly news-reports....I betcha this delayed result will not be the ONLY thing to drag this thing out......and meanwhile we've all gotta sit thru this stuff......WANTING to Believe in it ....but Deep in our Hearts KNOWING that The Presidents of The USA DO NOT run The USA...........It's become just another TV show.....very sad.....
Democracy DON'T rule the world....y'all better get that thru yer head
this world is ruled by violence....but I guess that's better left unsaid......
Thank you, Bob Zimmy
Posted on Thu Nov 9 15:45:32 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
ALL you lucky GBer's down south--get ready to STOMP,
Posted on Thu Nov 9 15:02:28 CET 2000 from spider-tk062.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paArchie Bunker editorialized on the issue of hijacking some twenty five years ago. His solution: Arm all the passengers! As great as this country is we are just as misguided when it comes to the issue of gun control. I agree with BWNWIT.The freedom to bear arms was never intended to take us to the place we now find ourselves. The NRA is a national disgrace in my estimation. Mr.LaPierre is ,without question, one of the most misguided and arrogant figureheads on our planet. As for Mr. Heston, we all know the planet for which he is best suited. "Fire all the guns at once and explode into space."
Posted on Thu Nov 9 12:30:17 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp175.dialup.valstar.net ( Lil AgainAmanda: Forgot to mention this to you. I saw your post about not being able to access the BREEZE HILL site to order a Garth t-shirt. You can also order a shirt through the WOODSTOCK RECORDS site (www.woodstockrecords.com). Good luck! And for those of you who haven't seen it yet, please check out Jan's page on these wonderful shirts. There's a link there to the BREEZE HILL site for ordering. Not only do these shirts depict our Garth, but have been designed by the very creative and talented Maud as well. Order yours today! Hug to Jan..and to Mr.and Mrs. Claus :-)
Posted on Thu Nov 9 12:11:26 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp175.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond Lil...Aww c'mon Crabgrass..everyone knows that Garth is Santa Claus :-) Pat Brennan: With very much respect to your last post, _conscientious_ and _safe_ hunters should not be hassled. Drunk, careless ones (and there are alot of them) should _not_ be toting guns. I live here, right in the middle of upstate NY deer hunting mania..and it's scary. I will say however that it's _not_ the people who live here, it's the "visitors" who use hunting season as one big drunken vacation away from their jobs or whatever. Running through the woods with a rifle is _not_ a game. It can kill. And it has...too many times. Thanks for listening. Have a good day everyone.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 08:23:06 CET 2000 from cf3k-3.paradise.net.nz ( AmandaWeb page
Well if you lived in Virgin, Utah you would be required to own a gun (click webpage above...)
Posted on Thu Nov 9 07:46:15 CET 2000 from 1cust131.tnt11.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnRANDOM THOUGHTS: There is no God but if there was I'd rather he look like Garth - unless she was female, of course. We lucky New Yorkers now have 2 new Senators for the price of one - Hillary and Bad Boy Bill. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. With guns.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 06:13:51 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.etntwn1.nj.home.com ( Regina
Someone said something about one of the Band members being God ( Richard they said ) But I got to thinking that if any of the Band members could pass as GOD it would be Levon, picture it folks a warm, down to earth beared man with siver-gold hair!! Even Elton John said it in his song "Levon" he calls his son Jesus!! Whoa what do us Band fans smoke! Oh well it's a nice thought!!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 05:45:36 CET 2000 from 10-100.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoBarnburners- Won't You Please Come To Chicago If You Can Lend A Hand. Politically it could be a long cold winter. Personally I really miss good ol' Billy Clinton allready. What's the verse in Crash on the Levee. "If you go down in the flood it's gonna be your fault
oh mamma ain't you gonna miss your best friend now"
Posted on Thu Nov 9 05:32:06 CET 2000 from 10-100.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: chicagoOpen the door Homer! Went back to the basement tapes....Lo and Behold. Whaddya know not the first time that a kind soul has righted my wrong swiftly. I am always floored by that guitar solo as well with the harp second. Great stuff. Who said Bush couldn't pour piss from a boot if the instructions were on the heel? Hilarious.
I'm a drummer trying to force Band songs down my guitarist's throat. I figure he could knock long Distance Operator out. But i wonder if any of you guitar guys have a good line on at least the chord structure.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 05:18:49 CET 2000 from spider-th052.proxy.aol.com ( butchFrom: ny
well,,,,, down the road we go,,,, leaving in 10 minutes,, for N. Carolina,,,,,Atlanta,,,,, & most of Florida,,,,,,
BOBBY KEYES is now a BARN BURNER,,,, he had so much fun last weekend with Levon & the fellas ( & amy, of course ),,that he signed on for the next two weeks,,,,so WE ARE ARMED & LOADED FOR BEAR !!!!!!! cmon down & catch the show,,,,
see ya in a few weeks,,,, & thanks for all the great folks who have joined us,,,out there On The Road,,,,,,,,,,
later,,,, butch
Posted on Thu Nov 9 04:52:29 CET 2000 from user-33qta4a.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USAAnd the right of free speech has many limitations. There is no such thing as unlimited freedom, sorry. When I was young, a guy who lived next door and used to shoot a .22 at squirrels told me that the communists wanted all the guns registered because that's who they would round up first. However, I love old powder muskets and Civil War era rifles--Sharps, Winchesters, Springfields, those sorts of pieces. And hunters should not be hasselled. But, certain types of guns should be illegal. "Tell me hon, whatchyew done with the gun..." And really, what kind of democracy has the guy that gets the most votes lose?
Posted on Thu Nov 9 04:44:55 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tc073.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: a rumble in the alleyI just realized that "Levon" spelled backwards is "novel". I don't know what that means, but I just realized it. Sorry - I'm tired. Please don't wake me, no don't shake me, leave me where I am I'm only sleeping. The shepherd and his sheep, will wind you to sleep Where else on earth would you wanna go?
Posted on Thu Nov 9 04:19:51 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tc061.proxy.aol.com ( JoeFrom: New Rochelle - Red Hook, NY
Good Luck Levon & the Barn Burners on your southern tour.
Don't miss em' folks!!!!!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 03:23:41 CET 2000 from mat-6-27.enter.net ( Little BrøtherFrom: around Philly, PAI don't want to talk about the painfully persistent Erection. I'll just wait and see if the Other Molly-- Ivins, that is-- can write anything even remotely comforting. Ralph didn't even get his 5%, proving Adlai Stevenson's aphorism that Americans pretty much get the government we deserve... brrr. I want to take the taste out of my mouth by belatedly commenting on Hank's question about how Band performances might have affected "John Wesley Harding". Generally, after a-settin' and a-listenin' some, I reaffirmed my opinion that Robbie and Garth were astute as usual in declining to fix what wasn't broke. The overall tone and integrity of the album is rooted in the spare but rich instrumentation. So, short answer is "let it be". Of course, the Band did play several JWH tunes with Dylan in concert, and did their usual great job, as with "All Along the Watchtower". (Although on the very uneven sound in the "Isle of Wight" boot, performances of "Immigrant" and "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight" sound a bit too rough and improvised.) I think if they had overtracked JWH, it might've sounded like more like "Planet Waves"-- but again, I feel that more would've been less. That said, I can imagine Garth's plaintive, passionate accordion on "St. Augustine" and "Immigrant" to great effect. I can also imagine "Down Along the Cove" and "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight" with the kind of fresh, punchy electric honky-tonk/rock/bluegrass sound reminiscent of the outtake of "If I Lose". And, hell-- help me out here, how come I can't remember hearing a Dylan/Band "Dear Landlord"? It seems too perfect to pass up; it should be right up there with "Like A Rolling Stone". Still, all these tasty variations don't seem to "belong" in the JWH that I know! PS -- BTW, BWNWIT: I've often complained about not being able to walk down the street naked sucking on my bong, not to mention the bong pickins getting so scarce. But I've complained to MYSELF, until now. Anyhoo, if I tried it, all them gun nuts would soon leave me stretched out on the sidewalk like a cross between Moby Dick and a hairy cherry Swiss cheese danish. Come to think of it, I have to grudgingly admit that it would be justifiable homicide. One man's pursuit of happiness is another man's violation of fundamental standards of decency and order. And isn't protecting that what the Second Amendment is all about? I mean, apart from making damn sure that Queen Elizabeth and her goons don't tamper with my personal effects. Little Brøther go bed now...
Posted on Thu Nov 9 02:51:48 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: NjHey BWNWITenn.., Your rant on guns was amusing but remember this --We were suppose to bomb the Viet Cong back into the Stone Age. That didn't happen. In 1776 we were suppose to be easy pickins for the Brits but hey we stole guerrilla warfare from the Indians and won. Never under estimate passion and will! I've stated before I'm not an NRA guy but we the people were given certain rights and that has to be respected. People kill,not guns. If people aren't responsible with them, they should be held accountable. If that means frying every one of them--so be it. If you don't like that well.,, as Jefferson once paraphrased, "every country should have a revolution about every 10 years." Pehr, thanks for the respect - it helps making the politcal debate exciting. You have your reasons for your vote and I have mine. Who's wrong? Know one or maybe both! One last thing--As far as Hillary's qualifications go--Watch the scene from Monty Pythons Holy Grail when King Arthur tells the peasant why he's King- "some aquatic bink handing out simitars is no basis to form a system of government"--classic!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 02:28:20 CET 2000 from m198214190216.austin.cc.tx.us ( Pehr againFrom: dont ask dont tellCarmen: nice question. my early returns are "Lonesome Suzie" for Pat Loosecannon, "We can talk about it now" for Rap Nadir, "I aint got no home" for Al Bore, and "The Genetic Method" for da shrub! Lovely post, Paul Godfrey!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 02:26:46 CET 2000 from host-209-214-117-116.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: redundancySorry, it took me so long to compose that monstrosity that I missed Carmen's post until after I reloaded. So...
I think a good semi-Band song for Georgie Boy might be, "YOU AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE!"
Posted on Thu Nov 9 02:23:56 CET 2000 from 240.mercerville-23-24rs.nj.dial-access.att.net ( carmenFrom: PA
Long Black Vail-Bush
King Harvest-Nader
Knocken Lost John-Pat
Stage Freight-Gore
Posted on Thu Nov 9 02:19:02 CET 2000 from host-209-214-117-116.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: The home of the future President of the U.S. - THIS ELECTION!What I want to know is why tightening laws on gun control equates "giving away your freedom"? How come nobody ever complains about the fact that they can't walk down the street naked, or they can't light up a crack pipe on the street corner? Those are both restrictions of our own personal freedom. How come it is accepted that the ability to drive an automobile, something designed solely for personal transportation, is a priledge, not a right; but that the ability to own guns designed specifically to kill people, is seen as a God-given right? What is the difference? It's both government restriction. People accept so many infringements on their freedom with no complaints at all, but then see any restrictions at all on their beloved guns as some kind of mortal, Satanic threat, simply because they're ignorant and buy the NRA's line that God wants them to be able to shoot guns. If the government says someone under 17 can't go to an R-Rated movie, that is also "giving up your freedom." What's the difference? Okay, I guess there's the concept that guns allow some measure of personal defense against the Government becoming some kind of Totalitarian state. Okay, hello, the government has nuclear bombs and jet fighters, I don't think your Saturday Night Special is going to provide you too much defense if they really decide they want to take over your property and possesions. Then there is the brilliant idea that the good guys should be able to have guns because the bad guys are always going to have them. You need to have a gun in case somebody else with a gun tries to rob you. Okay, that's why other first-world countries with gun-control laws have a fraction of the gun-related violence that this one does. Ask Peter. I guess it's like the ingenius concept that our popular culture, i.e. music, movies and video games, is responsible for all of the youth violence in this country. But Canada, Australia, most of Europe, all have virtually the same access to American entertainment that most Americans do with a fraction of the crime. Poof, there goes that concept right there. Or at least, if more people actually paid attention to anything. But no, the politicians need a scapegoat, as do the mom's putting all the kids that they ignore on Ritalin so they can blame something else for their own inadeqacies. Get over it already. And okay, the second amendment says you have the right to keep and bear arms. Mm-hmm. The Constitution also says that the manufacture, transport and sale alcoholic beverages is prohibited. The 18th Amendment. Yes, amendments to the Constitution can be repealed when the majority of citizens realize that they are outdated or innapropriate. Sorry, but the founding fathers weren't infallible gods; and do you really think they wanted you to have the right to buy armor-piercing bullets? Okay, which brings me to another point. How do you define "arms"? You guys aren't complaining that you're not allowed to have bazookas, tanks, nuclear bombs, cruise missiles, napalm. They're all "arms", but at least you accept that they are outside the boundaries of what is your constitutional right. So how come you have decided that handguns aren't? Or that assault rifles aren't? It's all hypocrisy.
Sorry, guess I posted in the wrong guestbook. But you should all know by now that I have a minimum requirement of spouting off once per month. :-) (The smiley face forgives all transgressions.)
Posted on Thu Nov 9 02:06:27 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyQuincy.... It is possible that Richard Manuel is God, but some may have another slant on it. However, consider that God on occassion might sit down at the piano to play and sing a little bit of the blues and thinks he is, Richard Manuel.
Shine On =0)
Posted on Thu Nov 9 01:56:19 CET 2000 from sjiassoc16.erols.com ( Jon LynessFrom: NYC
Hey Peter Viney, great one! :)
Posted on Thu Nov 9 01:47:18 CET 2000 from 5.mercerville-28-29rs.nj.dial-access.att.net ( carmenFrom: paPehr-No offense taken. As you may see, I tend to stick up for "W" & RR. This may make me somewhat of an oddball in the GB, however, reasonable people are always free to disagree. Since we are where we are, here is a question. What BAND song would have made the best campaign song for Gore, Bush, Nader & Go Pat Go! Best Regards!
Posted on Thu Nov 9 01:20:19 CET 2000 from akcf2.xtra.co.nz ( RodFrom: N.ZWeb page The November edition of Mojo has a lengthy articile on The Band and another articile on The Basement tapes. The former seems to be mainly focusing on the recent reissues and has the normal things from Levon and Robbie. Worth a read though - and they have a promotion for a free Band album with every new subscription to the magazine.
I have just recently got The Band and Cahoots reissues (not the other two yet). The hightlight for me was Endless Highway which is completely different to the other two versions. I liked the extended solos on the live versions but I much prefer Richard's singing and the bouncy feel of the studio version.
Posted on Thu Nov 9 01:02:22 CET 2000 from b102-33.blgs.splitrock.net ( Jack StrawFrom: "somewhere in the middle of Montana"OK, but remember Peter Viney Started this:)
"THERE'S SOMTHING ROTTEN IN DENMARK" (Florida "for those in Rio Lindo")
Posted on Wed Nov 8 23:58:45 CET 2000 from spider-wq052.proxy.aol.com ( samFrom: TexasPehr, I'm with you on the Baby Bush. He's shown his colors already here in Texas. He talks "compassion" but sure doesn't legislate with compassion. Seems to have great reserves of affability & amiability but is sadly devoid of simple ability. Heck, it's easy to be affable when you keep banker's hours even as a governor! Here in the great state of Texas, our schools and our air rank at the bottom of the country, but our deathwatch ranks at the top. Oh -- and we can bring our concealed handguns with us wherever we go, like my son brings his teddy. My company had one man killed and another blinded by a teenage mentally-retarded kid who went on a crime spree after EASILY obtaining a gun. And anyway, we already had one lousy actor in the White House, so I'd really rather keep Charlton Heston from whispering sweet legislative nothings in Baby Bush's ear. Well, for the sake of the rest of the country, I can only hope we keep Dubya down here on the farm with us.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 23:36:17 CET 2000 from du-tele3-018.mailbox.co.uk ( Richard Burbage Esquire, actorFrom: c.o. Peter VineyPress cutting from “The Stage”, London 1614. It’s an interview with Richard Burbage, the famous actor. “First, Shakespeare can’t act, didn’t act, isn’t an actor. I remember him as a kid, listening to us telling tales about our tours of Italy. That’s where he got all that stuff about Venice and Verona. Why, Juliet was a girl used to come see us everytime we played Verona, and Romeo was a guy who helped us set up the stage. You know, carry the cannons, rig up the curtains. Anyhow, we played Elsinore one time with the Earl of Leicester’s men. We were like brothers then. I took Will up to the battlements, introduced him to the history of the place. Hamlet was a group effort. When he came to rehearsals, he had “To be or not. That is the question.’ I added that second “to be” and that’s the hook everyone remembers. It was about that time Henslowe became the manager. Managers always do the same, pick one out and make him a star. None of us realized what was going down with publishing till we saw those first quartos with “By William Shakespeare” on the front page. So, I ask you, when you think of Hamlet do you remember my speech as the Prince? Or Hal and Thomas doing the gravediggers? Or young Jeremiah dressed up as Ophelia with a cushion stuffed up his jerkin?Or do you remember Shakespeare wafting on as the ghost? I tell you, we didn’t even let him speak those lines! Giles did them from behind the curtain. Anyhow, he’s up in that big fine house in Stratford now schmoozing with the gentry, while we’re down here still doing Hamlet in The Olde Red Lion. There’s no justice.”
(Intended purely as light relief from the election)
Posted on Wed Nov 8 22:59:33 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrFrom: TexasCarmen; Please forgive my ill advised locally flavored humor. It was inappropriate - I just couldn't help myself. I could back up my assertions here but its not necessary. I've lived here for 20+ years and know more than I want to about the pros and cons of 'Dubya. All I am really saying is that I just can't see him going toe to toe with Putin and the other hardliners out there. The Governorship of this state is a long long way from that reality and I'd be almost willing to bet my life he is going to be out of his league completely, for his, well, whole term, probably! His honesty, integrity and character will soon enough be tested, I dont think he should have made such a case for them himself...We'll see about some of his own "inventions", all in due time. I also suspect some of his "friends" in this state (with very hardline agenda's of their own) and elsewhere that have seemingly disappeared since this campaign came on will be let loose from their bottle and descend upon us and leave "Compassion" right next to "Hope" - inside Pandora's box! If he wins, (or has won already) I'll move on and taking a que from Rick Danko, find a way to live with it. I can still choose to be happy rather than be miserable... (Blaming the President), as alot of people at large, in the media, and in Congress have been doing the last 8 years.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 22:57:43 CET 2000 from ( Long Distance OperatorFrom: Yazoo St.Funny that somebody recently mentioned that it sounds like Rick singing lead on Long Distance Operator. I, the LDO himself, was fooled into thinking it was Ricky for the longest time. After I shot my mouth off in here about it being one of Rick's finest vocals, I was quickly set straight by many GB regulars. How embarrassing! If you give it a hard listen, my friend, you will hear that it's actually the late, great Richard Manuel. Crank it up, and rock on forever y'all! -Love, LDO
Posted on Wed Nov 8 22:02:45 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: ChicagoPeter Stone Brown corrected me on a point I had raised about Albert Grossman. He listed some of the bands Grossman had worked with such as Electric Flag, Peter Paul and Mary, Butterfield Blues Band and more. Thanks for the info Peter.. I still have a question about his preference for individual vs. group and if as in Electric Flag or Butterfield he would handle groups only if they had a clear leader or front man. Just curious any info out there.
Sorry about the negativity towards Caron.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 21:54:43 CET 2000 from ( Chris
Hey Caron. I said out of your mind not out of your league. Don't leave on my account. I simply had a resonse to your interesting view point. In fact to be truthful I'd like to see your point of view....it's just that I'm having a hard time sticking my head up my own ass.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 21:49:55 CET 2000 from spider-te084.proxy.aol.com ( DonnaFrom: PALil: Why should us mom's of young children be concerned on the issue of gun control? What the real issue here is, why does George Dubya's top lip rarely ever move when he speaks???
G-Man: I somehow lost the list of tour dates you sent me
on the Gurus. When are they coming to PA?
Posted on Wed Nov 8 21:22:26 CET 2000 from spider-wl083.proxy.aol.com ( Caron WestFrom: OUT OF MY LEAGUE
You're a what? Oh, excuse me. Is there a door on this place? I thought corrals had gates. Naw, doan git yurselves a'ahl ri'ele'd upp...A'im a'goin...I only step through shit once.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 21:07:12 CET 2000 from pool- ( Bobby Jones
What can anyone tell me about an album named, Music from Free Creek by a group named Free Creek. The list of musicians reads like a who's who of the music industry,Band Related.... You betta... amoung the artists are: Larry Packer, Alen Ruben, Joe Farrell, Eric Clapton, DR. John, Tom "Bones" Malone and Todd Rundgren amoung others....
Posted on Wed Nov 8 21:01:08 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
While we are on the subject, Mansion On A Hill is a great book regarding Albert Grossman and the beginning of the rock and roll business. It mentions the Band and Dylan often.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 20:42:01 CET 2000 from pool- ( Bobby JonesFrom: ColumbusYesterday while I was at the check out line in Best Buy ( doing a little Christmas shopping for my son), I noticed the lady (in her early 20's) behind me had The Last Waltz. I told her it was a great album and asked how she had heard of it. She said her husband plays bass in a band and they were getting ready to do some covers. Her son was was with her and was acting up. She looked to calm him down and said "DANKO CHASE SHORE you calm down." I almost fell over!!! I asked about the name and sure enough he was named after Rick. Rick was her husbands favorite musician. I voted green, my thought is Bush and Gore are both about the rich and famous, not the common man.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 20:42:37 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Part II of the 900 mi road trip: 11/03/2000. Jim Weider
and the Honky Tonk Gurus, Metro, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Jeremy ("A" Bomb) Baum--smokin. Sound comin out fore his
fingers hit the keys(great choice in movies, too)!!
Malc, we appreciated the bass info. then seein ya groovin
it on stage---super!! Rando--drumin was rockin the house.
One liners good, too(youse guys)!! JW-explainin slide guitar
then hittin the stage and knockin em down. Class crew.
Thanks much for the CBS video!! Kid says-could get a van
but can't choose color!! New songs sound fine, fine!!
Rumor of new CD--recorded live????? Tell ya--many people
there were awed by the talent--most just gazen and shaken
their heads. Pehr--put those old videos away and catch
some real rockin---just kiddin!!!
Posted on Wed Nov 8 20:02:25 CET 2000 from spider-tp044.proxy.aol.com ( quincyFrom: nj
Posted on Wed Nov 8 19:54:27 CET 2000 from host161-123-26-209.utelfla.com ( carmenFrom: paDidn't Gore invent electricity and therefore electric fences? I think it is silly to bash someone's smarts because you may happen to disagree with his/her positions. Carter and Clinton were thought to be 2 of the smartest Presidents and they made some dumb mistakes! Remember, a Government big enough to give you everything you want is a Government big enough to take away everything you have!
Posted on Wed Nov 8 19:21:47 CET 2000 from b102-39.blgs.splitrock.net ( Jack StrawFrom: "somewhere in the middle of Montana"
Pehr, I'm surprised you posted that "Dubya" piss story. The one I heard was that peeing was how he checked if the electric fence was working!
Posted on Wed Nov 8 19:00:44 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
I get concerned when power swings too far in one direction or another. The majority of our country gets their political views from the back of cereal boxes and cartoons so when the equilibrium gets unbalanced I get concerned about a herd of sheep stampeding to be on the winning side. To me some core issues are threatened including the destruction of natural resources and the parceling and auction of our federal forest preserves to the highest bidder. Did anyone else catch the irony of the press release..on election day...of the fact that the supreme court is considering whether cost analysis should weigh into decisions about environmental protection. In other words the river is polluted but fuck it it will take to much money to clean it up.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 18:53:40 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
My God...It never fails to amaze me when people post such disgusting displays of ignorance. I admit to the occassional sound off on the inequities with publishing rights or songwriting credit. However, through it all I still see R.R. as a tremendous musician and the best quitar player,in his prime, that I have ever heard. Regardless of what went down, and whether or not he sold out his friends, the body of work that he was involved in is tremendous and he deserves a huge amount of respect. I see the real evil players as suits that didn't care if anybody in the band got credit or made money anyway. But to hear Caron West tell it nobody but R.R. deserves any respect and our friend Levon is nothing more than a hick with an attitude that owes everything to R.R.. I mean give me a break. Did you know that Robbie taught Garth how to play organ. No it's true Ronnie Hawkins couldn't sing a lick till he met Robbie and Levon had so much trouble playing drums with that tobacco in his ass. Thank god for Robbie. Did you know that Robbie wrote every bass line that Ricky ever played and that Rick never sang harmony until he met Robbie.
Caron: You are out of your mind.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 18:50:13 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( pehrFrom: texasBrien Sz: I have yet to be convinced of any of your reasonings but I respect them, and appreciate that we hold firm commonality in the Rock n Roll view of things at least.
I, personally dont think "'Dubya" is capable of pouring piss from a boot with instructions on the heel...
Posted on Wed Nov 8 18:06:02 CET 2000 from spider-tf021.proxy.aol.com ( Arkansas Gal
I am so excited......3 more days till I see Levon Helm in Charleston, SC. I have waited all my life for this! I just wish I was going to be able to hear his beautiful voice. I feel like I am going to step back into the past...but, I am so thrilled that Levon is in the present. Levon is almost like some mythical creature to me. I'm counting the days!!
Posted on Wed Nov 8 18:01:47 CET 2000 from revlukup2.clr.com ( Brown-Eyed JohnnyFrom: Massapequa Lake
Chris:Did Albert Grossman manage Mike Bloomfield? Grossman was manager of the Electric Flag, the great, short-lived band started by Bloomfield. Let me recommend the just-published Michael Bloomfield: If You Love These Blues (An Oral History) by Jan Mark Wolkin and Bill Keenom. It's a great read and comes with a wonderful CD containing rare acoustic and electric performances by Bloomfield (on guitar and piano) in 1964 (the CD is 43+ minutes long and supporting players include Charlie Musselwhite on harp). The book gives Bloomfield's biography through interviews (new and old) with the likes of Maria Muldaur, Mark Naftalin, Barry Goldberg, Bill Graham, Nick Gravenites, and Bloomfield's mother, Dorothy, and his ex-wife.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 17:49:14 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: Nj
Amen Gene! I'm not a big gun guy, but to take them away from responsible users is nuts. Does something need to be done, Yes! How about accountability! Forget leniancy for criminals--3 strikes and gone at the very least.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 17:21:54 CET 2000 from fe0-0.cache-01.nyc.bestweb.net ( Gene
I'm happy to NOT talk politics, however, Teddy's car has killed more people than my guns (or anybody in my family).
Gun Control laws will NEVER work because CRIMINALS DON'T OBEY THE LAW. Be careful when you give away your freedom, it's a bitch to get it back. ps The Mrs voted her conscience, totally GREEN, and I am very proud of her. We respect our right to hold differing opinions.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 17:20:31 CET 2000 from spider-tr014.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, pa
Pat, at this point you'll take the one who manages to get the right guy on the phone down there in F-L-A.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 17:17:07 CET 2000 from spider-wl082.proxy.aol.com ( Caron WestFrom: Knoxville
HEY,Levon! Nice hearin from you buddy, very sweet. You should write songs dude. From what I heard, you got quite an imagination. I got the perfect title: "Never gonna Leave it all behind and move On". What do ya think of that?Lay off R.R. dude. If it wasn't for him you'd be pickin' tabacci out your ass. Ya, know.....CHILE?!!
Posted on Wed Nov 8 17:13:56 CET 2000 from user-33qt8hu.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
If some of the GBer's want to avoic the feud, why talk about politics? Except for the fact that two rich American princes are trying to fulfill their respective fathers' expectations. I'll take the pot smoker over the cokehead.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 16:47:02 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
Brown eyed girl and Paul Godfrey touched upon the subject of guitarists using banjo strings. Up until around the '70s, guitar strings were only made in relatively heavy-gauges of thickness (with the first two strings unwound and the others wound with an outside wrapping). Around the late '50s, Southern pickers like James Burton discovered that they could use much lighter-gauged banjo strings for the first and sometimes the second string also. To do this they would take the sixth (E) and, if necessary, the fifth (A) strings off, move the other strings up, add the banjo string(s), and tune them to standard tuning. As kids, learning to play guitar, my friends and I soon grew tired of wearing are fingers out trying to bend the heavy old Black Diamond strings. We soon discovered a variation of the banjo string technique. What we did was take the sixth string off, move the other strings up one, and add another E string, so we had two E strings for the first & second. This also gave us an unwound B string for the third string. The only problem was keeping these altered strings in proper tune, but man what a difference it made when you went to bend a note. The companies that made strings eventually began making much lighter-gauged strings, so guitarists happily no longer had to resort to these tricks.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 16:25:15 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chris
Does anyone know if Grossman managed Mike Bloomfield. I was looking for the chord structure to Long Distance Operator...anyone know it.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 16:12:25 CET 2000 from fe0-0.cache-01.nyc.bestweb.net ( Gene
Sorry, I don't know who manages Slade.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 15:51:57 CET 2000 from ( John Donabie
GENE.....didn't Chas also manage Slade?
Posted on Wed Nov 8 15:50:34 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: Toronto
By the way and slightly off topic. Picked up the soundtrack yesterday "the ballad of Ramblin' Jack. Starring Ramblin' Jack Elliot who is described as the missing link between Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan. He never became as famous as the others; but his duets with Dylan (doing doo-wop) Woody and Johnny Cash are worth the price of admission.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 15:47:57 CET 2000 from fe0-0.cache-01.nyc.bestweb.net ( Gene
Chas Chandler, formerly of the Animals, was Jimi's manager, Albert Grossman wasn't. I voted for GW, too, and YES, my
guns are safe.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 15:47:00 CET 2000 from ( John DonabieFrom: TorontoJAN
Thanks for the clip from Eat The Document. Everyone should take a peak and remember why we loved (love) the music so much. Truly magic! It cuts right to the chase and took me back to Tour 66 at Massey Hall, Toronto.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 15:24:15 CET 2000 from dialup-302.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: CorkWeb page
Aw, thanks Bayou Sam......I play 'Evageline" at quite a few of my gigs with this mandolin player.......so I think of you when you get namechecked......seriously.......this GB is part of my daily thought-processes......."Hmmmmmnnnn"....I think..."Let me run that by The GB....."......so, seriously, thanks for the words of encouragement AND the timely reminder that this place is, indeed, the NYC of Web-Sites........and yer right about Queen, too....a seriously singing drummer............. ah but last night, folks, I actually went to the chat-room!!!!.....came across LIZ getting everyone to vote AND BROWN-EYED GIRL and BASHFUL BILL......What a blast!!!!!!.......The chatroom is like some high-speed, surreal GB!!!!!!! Great talking to y'all and sorry that I got cut off there at the end.......my computer started slowing up or something.....but it were great fun while it lasted.........
Posted on Wed Nov 8 14:57:01 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: NjOne man buys his election--If Corzine pulls off his plan for medical coverage for everyone, get ready to dig deep into those middle class pockets. And the Carpetbagger wins NY. That'll be a laugh as she spends NYers tax dollars to drift around the world setting up her presidential campaign ala Robert Kennedy. Hey, she's a smart woman, a strong figure and I don't doubt can do a good job--Just do it in your own State--I lost all respect for her and her motives. As far as our possible next President goes--What a night! That was an exciting race and still is! I voted for W. I was undecided until Thursday last week. What turned me? Two and a half things. 1. Bush isn't a believer in using our military as a police squad. Gore supposedly thinks we need to play an even bigger role--No Way! 2. Bush will put together a better staff to surround him. a.) I feel more secure with Dick Cheney as VP than Lieberman. b.) Colin Powell as Secretary of State works for me and damn I don't have the list here of some of the other people he'll appoint, must be back at the office (sorry). 1/2 reason--Oil! As much as I'm pro-environment and always vote for open space. I hate relying onthe middle east for so much of our oil. Bush is in favor of looking to ourselves for oil more so than Gore. It's a double edge sword issue for me but I leaned toward self reliance. As far as the other issues go--well it will take up too much space here to talk about. Just thought I'd share. I know I'm in the minority here. The Supreme Court Justices issue is moot because if you look at their history, Justices who were conservative have voted liberal and vice versa--Roe v. Wade is safe, Unless Buchanan wins someday--it'll never be over turned. I'm Pro Death by the way, If you can kill the innocent you surely can kill the guilty.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 14:52:20 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyHello guitar players.... One thing I never got around to asking Robbie during the times I interviewed or spoke with him has to do with quitar technique. I am let to believe that he uses a banjo string on the high e string. Has anybody heard anything along that line? Be in touch & shine on!
Posted on Wed Nov 8 14:25:05 CET 2000 from spider-tl062.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paHooooooooooold on thar' Lil. Don't go jumpin' the gun. Thar' could be good news yet !! November 8th --- National Pun Day Now that's irony whether you're capable of appreciating it or not !
Posted on Wed Nov 8 12:38:51 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp224.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond Lil
George 'dubya'?? How did _that_ happen? A rhetorical question..not expecting or even wanting a reply. I guess all you gun owners are happy now that your guns are safe. Your kids aren't...but hell..your guns are. The way of the world is truly upside down.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 10:38:49 CET 2000 from 1cust17.tnt1.jackson.wy.da.uu.net ( jhwygirlFrom: the land of snowWeb page
Sam, that last line gave me a good laugh...It's 2:30 am here, and I sure needed one. Thanks. :-)
Posted on Wed Nov 8 06:54:43 CET 2000 from spider-wl013.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: my bicycleHank - don't apologise for the Queen thread. It got some interesting responses. I think Queen was great. Freddie was a terrible loss. what a singer. Two of my favorite Queen tunes = Your My Best Friend (written by the drummer), and "Fat Bottom Girls". I know that last one is kind of silly, but if you catch it on the radio and you don't crank up the volume, you just ain't alive.
Anytime you post here Hank - you risk pissing someone off. So you get your ass kicked and when your wounds heal you come on back. The guestbook is an adult portion.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 05:27:13 CET 2000 from nas-202-103.rochester.navipath.net ( LFrom: ?I try not to be political BUT : : ) HILLARY WON ! OH I knew it ..[ Imagine the scorn she dealt with, the husband thing......} she has been very involved with Native Americans here as well as the environmental issues, soooo ooook,NOW WE CAN HAVE MORE BIG CONCERTS IN NY STATE!!! so now WEST Coast,are you saying ?m waaaaa waaa,: " Im tired tonight,: my vote wont make difference: ?YES IT WILL %^^&^%$#$^** please get out and vote VOTE !
Posted on Wed Nov 8 03:08:00 CET 2000 from spider-wd084.proxy.aol.com ( Bashful BillFrom: Minoa,N.Y.
You're right Liz. Everyone turn off the computer, go vote, and come back and turn the computer back on. Oh, wait a minute, it's a couple minutes past nine, polls are closed in NY. Whoever won, it's a done deal now. I haven't had the TV on, don't know what's happening, but I predict tomrrow morning the US will have a Republican president and NY will have a Republican senator. Not my druthers, mind you, just my prediction.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 03:02:34 CET 2000 from dialup-117.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: BohemiaWeb page
As I Went Out One Morning......to breathe the air around Tom Paine.............Well, now, Uncle Sam elects a new frontman..........I think James Brown and Willie Nelson are The REAL Presidents of The United States of America..........Overdubs on "John Wesley Harding".....anyone?.......No?.......Ok OK OK.......I won't bring up Queen EVER again..........but it WAS a bit of a giggle from where I'm sitting, anyway........Thanks for the replies and sorry if it pissed you off.........
Posted on Wed Nov 8 02:53:08 CET 2000 from nas-203-90.rochester.navipath.net ( LFrom: ?Please VOTE Please there are alot of NY'ers, please, believe it or not this does, effect the way we hear and aquire music *** and share it, in our future....for our children... USE your voice make a difference.......... Please vote someone is listening!~!! you all are so opinionated.....So voice that opinion and VOTE NOW.........there is still time..... : ) so many issues, use your voice....
Posted on Wed Nov 8 02:48:49 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetownBill Munson and Rollie: "Blues brought the Hawks together not only with old legends like Sonny Boy Williamson but with such like - minded white hipsters as Mike Bloomfield and Paul Butterfield. The latter pair took Levon and Robbie on a guided tour of the clubs on Chicago's South Side, even inviting Robbie onstage to jam with them." Some other blues and rock and roll guitar players that impressed Robbie in the early days were Link Wray, Dale Hawkins, Bo Diddley, Hubert Sumlin, Howlin' Wolf and James Burton. "I wanted to be part of that SOUND", says Robbie. At first I thought these guys like James Burton were really strong to be able to bend strings the way they did. It was only later that I found out they'd taken the heaviest string off, strung the other five down, and used a banjo string for the sixth!"
Posted on Wed Nov 8 01:25:54 CET 2000 from spider-tr034.proxy.aol.com ( Bashful BillFrom: Minoa,N.Y.
Nothing much Band-related in this post, except there is a Dylan song-Times Have Changed-on the soundtrack. Later this week Paramount Pictures is taking the rare step of rereleasing a movie which last year was a box office failure. The movie is Wonder Boys, a gem which I saw when it was originally out last Feb. It's unusual that it didn't go the video/pay TV route long before now. Michael Douglas was rightfully lauded by critics at the time for doing some of his best work. But they are marketing it this time, also rightfully so,as more of an ensemble piece, costarring Toby Maquire(who will swing across screens as Spiderman in a year and a half or so), Robert Downey Jr. and Frances McDormand. It's directed by Curtis Hanson of LA Confidential fame. I believe this movie was discussed on this GB at the time of its original release, and I know there are some serious movie lovers around here. Check it out if you can.
Posted on Wed Nov 8 00:07:23 CET 2000 from du-tele3-143.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter Viney
An agent takes a cut if they arrange the deal. So if Grossman took a cut on publishing it came out of Robbie’s pocket. I can see how the rest would feel about money still going that way and them getting none (for e.g. Garth’s organ part on Chest Fever, which is Levon’s example), but legally, it’s Robbie’s loss not theirs. I don’t know much about Grossman (beyond Mansion on the Hill), but to my recall everyone was telling Janis to drop Big Brother, mainly on the grounds that they were a lousy band – as live tracks indicate. So instead she got a much better band. Enter Richard Bell.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 23:44:20 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: about 10 feet in front of the TV watching the election because I'm getting paid for it!
This whole Queen thing is too much. Maybe it's because I've never really liked Queen. I can't see the Band doing Bohemian Rhapsody or We are the Champions. For some reason I can see them doing Tie Your Mother Down. I don't know why I think that -- maybe it's because they were able to pull off Free Your Mind so well(IMO).
Posted on Tue Nov 7 23:24:51 CET 2000 from user-33qt82a.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
Hank, RR has commented a number of times on the feud. The one I recall most clearly was something to the effect that Levon was confused as to what writing a song entailed.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 22:59:24 CET 2000 from dialup-127.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: CorkWeb page
So.......as I was saying, before y'all got so strung out on publishing and the Feud.......You often read how RR and Garth were gonna do overdubs on Dylans "John Wesley Harding" album.......As I said, I like that album well enough as it is .....but does anyone here think any of the tracks coulda been improved by overdubs?.......The only one I can think of is "Drifters Escape", maybe.......Now, I KNOW this may be a sacreligious thing to suggest but, for those of you who consider it worthy of discussion, I'd love to hear your views on it.........
There now
........The WORST thing about the so-called Feud is that RR NEVER replies to Levons accusations .....never refutes them or sez "Now, hold on a minute....THIS is what went down......." If RR would make some sorta comment .....even to say Levon is "wrong about that but right about this"......then we would probably have no feud...or at least, it would have a new dimension......but RR NEVER sez a word about it........probably because in HIS world, that stuff is sooooo far behind him now......and y'know, folks?...... fair enuff.....'cos you really can't live in the past and let bitterness eat you up......and I don't think Levon is doing that, either, BTW.....it's wonderful to read night after night here that he's rockin' it up with The Barnburners.....it's only when the media get a hold of him that he spits it out like he sees it......and that's fair enuff, too......... Hey folks!!!.....I heard "Don't Stop me Now" by Queen on the radio today.......Now, Try to imagine Levon singing it with The Band.....or maybe Richard ......."Tonight......I'm gonna have myself........a real good time........." ........Nah!!!!!......Maybe???.....Whaddaya think?.....see y'all later
Posted on Tue Nov 7 22:59:51 CET 2000 from ( Chris
Bones...that's an interesting point. Supported by the fact that regardless of how benevolent Brian Epstein was with The Beatles when he died his company (which owned the rights to the songs)was put up for sale by the people handling his estate. Unfortunately The Beatles were having a hard time at that time and were arguing about representation and after two years they lost the inside line and the estate sold it to someone else. Thus creating the eventual opportunity for mikey Jackson to own the rights eventually. But how does that relate to his interest in cutting off the "star" from the "band". I can only imagine that the amount of money you offer one person to get him to say yes is clearly less than the amount to get five to say yes.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 22:35:53 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
One of the reasons Grossman was ahead of his time with regard to managing artists was the idea of shared publishing rights. Songwriters get their share of the publishing revenue and the publishing company (managers, businessmen,etc) get the other share. Grossman was one of the first to offer people like Bob Dylan a percentage of the publishing company. You better believe that Chuck Berry, although he wrote his own songs, did not get as big a piece of the pie. David Powell is right in that it is an ongoing process, but I still think Levon's rage over this is puzzling because he acts like he is just finding out all of this now.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 21:45:31 CET 2000 from spider-tm053.proxy.aol.com ( QUINCYFrom: NJ
Posted on Tue Nov 7 20:16:35 CET 2000 from spider-tl062.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, pa
And I can't get a "second" ? This should be a landslide !!!
Posted on Tue Nov 7 20:10:13 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( Bill
The What's New section links to updated info on the Bobby Charles LP. This reminds me to say the violinist Harry Lookofsy was the father of Michael Lookofsky, who, as Michael Brown, led the Left Banke and wrote their immortal "Walk Away Renee". I believe it was troubabdour Billy Bragg, in pre-Woody Guthrie mode, who used that tune as a backdrop for "Levi Stubbs' Tears". Come to think of it, the original had a prominent cello or something, so maybe Michael got his old man to play on his record. In which case we'd have a tenuous Band / Left Banke link!
Posted on Tue Nov 7 19:33:21 CET 2000 from host161-123-26-209.utelfla.com ( carmenFrom: pa
The half time show for the Eagles vs Cowboys game this past week end was a Neil Diamond Look/Sound alike. Go figure!
Posted on Tue Nov 7 19:24:25 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-td044.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paThus proving, once and for all, that the knee bone is, in fact,connected to the thigh bone. Bill Munson, thank you for your posts. On Election Day here in the States I hereby nominate you as the official GB historian. Will someone second that (e)motion ??
Posted on Tue Nov 7 18:58:49 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
sorry for the number of posts today...had a little extra time on my hands. Hey Jan on the who sang what page you've got Richard listed on Long Distance Operator...I swear that's Rick. Anyone else got feelings on it.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 18:45:14 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Does anyone know why Robbie is not given guitar credits on his first solo record?
Posted on Tue Nov 7 18:31:43 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
I apologize for straying off the subject of the music itself. The bottom line is that I, for one, can understand Levon's bitterness about the music industry. Yes Pat, I realize Mr. Grossman had his hand in everything. Perhaps, ethically, that's where the problem lies. A manager should act is the best interests of his clients -- all of his clients. Back to the subject of music -- I plan on going to see Levon & the Barn Burners when they play here in Atlanta this weekend. Realistically, however, I realize that by supporting these fine musicians, a portion of the ticket price will be going to the "suits" that work for SFX.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 18:22:26 CET 2000 from gw.itac.ca ( BillI've been away for a few days, so this one's long: Amanda mentioned Al Kooper's book. Don't know about the current edition, but the first edition has some good stuff (text and personal photos) about Kooper playing with Dylan, Robertson and Helm. Also a really nifty reference to Sandy Konikoff (who played the Big Sur festival in a short-lived trio with Kooper and BST bassist Jim Fielder) and his "sphincterphone". Rollie: I've been told that Robertson's early blues influences were Hubert Sumlin and somebody Johnson who played with Howlin' Wolf. Bo Diddley is an obvious addition to the list. Don't know how he'd have been influenced by Bloomfield of Butterfield, as somebody else seems to have suggested. Vic: It was eerie to see your post regarding John Kay, as I was humming "Bold Marauder" to myself on the way from the bus to the office, and thinking of his version of "Moving On" and how it was a part of the Hawkins/Hawks set for a while in the early '60s when singing drummer Matt Lucas joined the show for a few weeks while his version of that song was a continental hit. Kay talks glowingly about the Hawks in "Axes, Chops and Hot Licks" a horribly titled look at the Canadian rock scene in the early '70s. Kay's band at the time of that album consisted of two guys from Steppenwolf and two Torontonians from the Mandala. Bearfoot: Let's see. In the early '70s, after Crowbar, Ronnie Hawkins went through a billion musicians. He had one outfit that included drummer Brian Hilton, keyboardists David Foster and Dwayne Ford, singer BJ Cook, guitarist Hugh Brockie and others. He called them the Fayetville University Collegiate Klan in the tawdry hope that the acronym would get him press. Into that group was somehow folded a couple of members of Tin Pan Alley, a Simcoe group - Terry Danko and Jim Atkinson. Foster and Cook split to form Skylark with singer Donny Gerrard, leaving Atkinson, Danko, Ford, Hilton and Brockie - an exceptionally tight unit who can be heard on two songs on the Canadian version of Hawkins' second Cotillion/Atlantic LP. Then Atkinson, Danko and Ford left Hawkins to become the darlings of the coffeehouse circuit in Toronto. They decided they needed firepower and drafted in Hilton and Brockie - with whom they recorded one LP - "Atkinson, Danko and Ford with Hilton and Brockie". Then Hilton decamped to Skylark (in time to be part of their beautiful original, "Wildflower" which has been ruinously redone by somebody who gets too much airplay on "adult" radio in Toronto). Then they changed their name, added another drummer, Mal Turner, and remixed/redid the LP as Bearfoot. Then another LP - the one with Molly. Then, everyone but Ford and Brockie having left, they added bassist Chris Vickery (ex Jay Smith and the Majestics) and drummer Malcolm Tomlinson (ex Rhinoceros) and had a final hit with "Passing Time".
I think Atkinson and Terry Danko both went back to Hawkins, then left to be part of Rick Danko's solo project, then rejoined Hawkins.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 17:55:42 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Hey Pat or anyone. Given Grossman's well known preference to only work with solo artists how instrumental do you think he was in the way the publishing issue went down. Not to debate the merits of who desrves what but more to just understand what was happening from Robbie's side. Grossman split Janis away from Big Brother. Wouldn't accept the Dead as a client because they were way too collective. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he manage Bloomfield and Hendrix as well.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 17:47:50 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Sorry everyone I hope it wasn't me that started the publishing issue off again. Got a nice message from Paul Godfrey which I think implies that and I certainly don't want to be the kicker of the proverbial dead horse.
Thank you for the comments on the publishing vs. arrangment credits Peter. One question, when you say top line or melody, does the hook of a song come into consideration. Like Garth's organ in "Up on Cripple Creek". Second Jerry and Hunter brought complete songs to the band. Hunter brought complete lyrics and chord structure to Jerry and Jerry arranged them changing lyrics only if he was uncomfortable singing them. Jerry would then run the band through the tune. Much like later years of The Beatles work where you can hear Paul or John run the band through the complete composition but yet credit is still Lennon-Mcartney. But again that is how it worked with those bands. Hunter/Garcia had an early arrangement. Anyone that knows of Hunter's solo work knows that some songs were intact prior to Garcia's influence but yet still received co-credit just like Lennon-Mcartney. It seems that mutual respect won out in these instances, something far different motivated the decision making for R.R. Robbie doesn't deserve the bullshit he gets for this however. It's standard fare in the management or promotion business to try and cut one member out of a band and tell him that he is the star. Even little Marty Scorcese couldn't help but put R.R. on a weird pedestal. It's tough to make decisions in that environment. Robbie has always been a gentleman and deserves much respect. I think the problem in guestbook terms is that there is so much love for the music and the people that one jumps to the defense of their favorite at the drop of a hat. Just put it down to the record company execs achieving their goal once again. Which is to divide and conquer and wring all that can be wrung from the tapestry of talent available, leaving it pale and drawn and in need of a good rest (ie Richard in the Last Waltz).
Posted on Tue Nov 7 17:46:35 CET 2000 from cache2.ev1.net ( Laura Holt LorfingFrom: Austin
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all your nice posts and e-mails I have received in regards to my great news. PEACE to you all! :)
Posted on Tue Nov 7 17:12:07 CET 2000 from user-33qt82n.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
Dave, Grossman managed all their affairs, including I assume negotiating publishing contracts. As one of the most powerful managers of that period, he could demand those sorts of percentages.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 16:12:39 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
I certainly don't want to argue with Peter Viney's contention on the issue of songwriting royalties. In the MOJO article, however, Levon's comments singled out the late Albert Grossman, in addition to Robbie Robertson, in the context of discussing publishing. The distinction between sharing publishing as opposed to songwritng credit here should be emphasized. Levon's remarks seem to confirm what has already been reported before -- that in addition to receiving his commission for managing his artists (reportedly the large figure of 25%), Mr. Grossman also received a percentage of the publishing income from the songs his clients recorded. Mr. Grossman had nothing to do with actually writing, arranging or performing any of the songs, but yet he received, and one would assume his estate or heir(s), still receive significant royalty payments from the publishing rights.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 15:52:37 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
BLUES, BLUES, BLUES!!!! 11/2-Levon and the Barnburners
TORE it up!!! (Matt-great place-Higher Ground-thanks)
When Levon came out and started loadin towels and stone
in the bass drum---it was SHOW time!!! BOSSMAN & FRANKIE
kicked off-SMOKIN. Pat O'Shea--wow!! MR. Chris was the
best to date--singin and playin like the Devil makes
him do it!!! Bobby Keys--great great sax!! Ms. Amy
quiet & reserved till she hits the stage--look out,
Blues Women # 1. BUTCH-you the man-thanks for the post
show tour!! Class crew--
some great music and fun times--THANKS..!!!
File away that LW video and go see the the Barnburners!!!
Posted on Tue Nov 7 15:31:50 CET 2000 from du103-4.ppp.algonet.se ( Ilkka
Santa Claus has now sent the postcard to the lucky winner. To whom? - it will be kept as a secret between him and her.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 14:34:45 CET 2000 from ukscsys.soundcraft.com ( DJMitchisonFrom: UKI was thinking about benteen's "What if the Band had all died in a plane crash after the brown album?" hypothesis last night, and reached the conclusion that such an event would have only made rabid fans such as ourselves even more rabid still: we'd be keenly discussing the wasted potential, and "imagine what they could have gone on to achieve"-style issues. Here in the real world, we know they went on to achieve "Islands"... Such a situation would of course leave the Band with a pretty much 100% record. Two of the finest studio albums ever made, one of the finest live albums ever made (Live '66) and one of the finest oddball albums ever made (The Basement Tapes, excepting Bessie Smith which is obviously a Cahoots outtake...). Anything else from the Hawks days would be a bonus. How many other acts are there with such an immaculate career? On top of that, we'd never have known about Richard's decline, the drug problems or the publishing Feud, and we'd never be able to bicker about Neil Diamond.
It's almost enough to make you wish the Band had been wiped out... Somebody pinch me now...
Posted on Tue Nov 7 12:49:56 CET 2000 from du-tele3-044.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyI’m going to keep this on the computer to save retyping as I post it every time the publishing issue emerges – about 6 to 8 weeks at most, I’d say. It’s quicker than accessing the archives. So scroll by if you’ve seen it before. Copyright on a song lies only in the top line(melody) and the lyric. Everything else is arrangement. That is and has always been the case. So, if you take Diana Ross & The Supremes with The Temptations version of “The Weight,” every single bit of the arrangement is new, but it is still recognisably “The Weight” written by J.R. Robertson. So, you can take most of the things you love about The Weight, Garth’s piano, the interplay of voices, Robbie’s guitar, the bass line, that wonderful drum part (the things that the group no doubt spent ages hammering out, as Levon says), discard them, and you still have the song. Which is why what’s left counts as “the song”. And on the song, the publishing is the key and safest source of income. RR didn’t invent that. Every other significant rock band has lived with the fact that the principal songwriters end up richer than the other players. Where they’ve tried to do a wider split, the songwriter has worked it out within a couple of years and invariably leaves.
It is clear that in the last 30 years, Levon has written no songs of significance, and his credits have been co-credits. Rick wrote very little, a pity, as what there was, was good. Richard dried up. Robbie has continued to write new songs with new melodies. The evidence points to him being the “songwriter”- i.e. top line and lyric – within all accepted definitions of the word. There is a confusion between arrangment – which does not attract publishing royalties – and songwriting which does. Now you may think arrangers and musicians are hard done by, but if you do a totally new and different arrangement of (e.g.) a Lennon-McCartney standard, which is so innovative that it becomes a worldwide hit, you will not get to share in the publishing (nor will they, but that’s another story!) It’s historical. Publishing royalties get sourced earlier down the line, before all the record company shenanigans over returns, promotion and breakages kick in. RR is not unique. As I’ve said before, even in “communal” bands like the Dead or Airplane, the songwriters protected their compositions jealously – it’s Garcia / Hunter NOT the Grateful Dead on writing. Ditto Kantner / Slick. It’s natural to do so.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 11:09:14 CET 2000 from ( Oldtimer
Got my Maud Hudson-designed Garth shirt today!
Check "What's New" here for some nice pix of it.
I love that photo there of the back of the shirt.
This site needs more stuff like that :-D
Posted on Tue Nov 7 05:01:31 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tc021.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: Chaska, MNCharlie Y: When I wakeup from an intense dream I usually drowsily look up at the nearest ceiling air vent and calm myself by counting the vents (hey, I don't play organ)... it's the process of counting or venting, and not the specific numbers that gives me comfort... and I usually don't make it past 3 or 4 before I start all over again... so I'm guessing that Garth is a friggin genius who can not only count up to 8 but then back down to 1 again... just picture Garth waking up from such a dream at 3 o'clock in the am and heading for the organ... and think of all the comforting music packed in any given Garth 8 count... now that's some venting...
Or maybe Maud is astutely aware firsthand of the ninja protection value provided to parents by placing the numbers themselves on the back of the tee shirt... anyway, sounds like a good future Breeze Hill Quiz question to me... the Crowmatix one was way too tough for me... same goes for Ilkka's test... HIOF = He's In Our Familyrooms?...
Posted on Tue Nov 7 05:00:33 CET 2000 from spider-ta058.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: the foothills of the headlandsCaron West - don't let the door hit you in the ass I've don't recall hearing any southern accent in Richard's voice either. Speaking of Queen - when people are talking about great guitar players, you don't hear Brian May's name enough. That's one great player, IMHO. Laura - congratulations. We just had a little bayou sam 2 months ago. Kids are great - alot of work - but great. Ahhhh, the dead horse is taking some more kicks. Brien Sz asks the same questions I've wondered. Nobody seems to know the answer Brien. Not even the Robbie haters.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 04:57:27 CET 2000 from spider-tm023.proxy.aol.com ( tom izzoFrom: the land of the blind where the one eyed man is king
Black Eyed Sallys in Hartford: How ya doing good? Fantastic show! Jim's starting to scare me (and several others) on his Tele(s). Packed house.Dancers and Romancers. The Bum On The Drums (Rando) floored the house several times with his prowlness, vocals, and (ahem) wit. i.e: "This one's for Sharen. (pause) Sharen come into my harem." (sporatic laughter) Malcome is running for some seat in Ct. During the break he was shaking babys and kissing hands. Jeremy was missed, however The Gurus have nothing to fear as long THE GUY FROM PA. is there! Lars: The boys were asking for you. Hope to see you all in Newport and Pawling. Jim: Enjoy your vacation! Special hello to BIG Jim! Peace: Tom and Marrianne
Posted on Tue Nov 7 03:52:06 CET 2000 from 1cust137.tnt1.jackson.wy.da.uu.net ( jhwygirlFrom: the land of snowWeb page Barnburners coming out west??!! YeeeeeeHawwwww! So let me now, if I could, put my request in for a stop in, hmmmm, let see, maybe The Mangy Moose Saloon??? On the hopes that Amy might like to come back to The Hole? Or perhaps Bozeman, a great music town??? Both venues quite worthy of their presence....Come on Butch, help me out!!!! Vote! Peace ;-)
Posted on Tue Nov 7 02:41:45 CET 2000 from ( John Donabie
It's great to see mentions of Atkinson Danko & Ford who later became Bearfoot in the guestbook. Many years ago I drove to the Danko Farm in Simcoe Ontario and there the boys laid down demo tracks. I still have the originals on reel to reel. Mrs. Danko was very kind and it was a hot sunny day in tobacco country. Terry Danko (like Rick) and Jim Atkinson are two of the nicest people you would want to meet. I remember at the time trying to get Melanie's (Beautiful People) husband, Peter, to produce them and release them in the U.S. Never happened unfortunately.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 01:59:35 CET 2000 from host-216-76-151-138.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: The home of the next President of the United States
Congratulations to Laura Holt Lorfing on the invention of a future GB poster.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 01:42:47 CET 2000 from nas-203-92.rochester.navipath.net ( LizFrom: ?
'Time is surely wasting.......Fight the Power,' comes to mind, on this U.S. election eve, or "Its Your Thing" or " For the Love of you" just The Isleys....this may sound bizarro{ but when havent I ?] does any one know of any Isley~Band connects ?oh BTW: 'Northern Lights'- Tonight friends and Neighbors......... VOTE
Posted on Tue Nov 7 01:42:29 CET 2000 from m198214190216.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrWell I'll be dipped in sh*t! Glad to see Levon y' the BB's are comin to Texas! Yaaaahhhh-ooooo! See y'all in New Braunfels! Congratulations to Laura Holt Lorfing- Laura have you been to Gruene Hall? Its the place to catch him and its less than an hour from here.
Chris: Thanks for the great Danko story!
Posted on Tue Nov 7 01:26:04 CET 2000 from ip-171.dial.webperception.com ( Molly Z.From: Ca, USA.Hi y'all!! Just wanted to say thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I had an excellent time with my family, and it's the best birthday I've had in a long time. Something Band related now: I've always thought for a long time that one of the lines in "We Can Talk" was "the flames have turned to chalk." I know it doesn't make sense, but have any of you guys thought of that same thing? Or is it just me?
Have a good night everyone! :-)
Posted on Tue Nov 7 00:45:06 CET 2000 from 04-177.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
On another subject I love to see the positive comments about Amy Helm. I agree I hope she reads this. When my wife and I caught the Barnburners in Memphis she was absolutely terrific, although I couldn't hear her keys in the mix at all, her singing was great. Not hard on the eyes either ...if you know what I mean nudge nudge wink. Say no more ey.wink.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 00:36:29 CET 2000 from proxy.lfpress.com ( Mike Nomad
Mucho thnx to Lil, Cam, Paul Godfrey & Carol Caffin for info on Terry Danko. My faith in the guestbook is restored.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 00:28:44 CET 2000 from 04-177.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Just for the record.
I'm not saying that Levon doesn't have any cause for being bitter. We could try to reason but he clearly thinks it was treason. I think the core of the argument goes to the idea of the collective effort that went into the songs. These guys were together for ten years before these songs came together and I believe that you can see the quality of the songs credited to Robbie diminish greatly as the years go by. It seems to me that Robbie was holding something underneath his tongue. Like the truth about the extent of the collaboration. I believe that an arranged by The Band credit would at least be more accurate in the context of the fact that they hammered these songs out together.
Posted on Tue Nov 7 00:13:05 CET 2000 from 04-177.001.popsite.net ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Man alive....I hadn't seen the book in a couple of days, come bak to it and there's more sniping than I care to deal with. Thanks for the firm hand Jan.
Rick Danko once said to me (when i mistakingly questioned him about R.R.) " I,ve really got no time for that...things are moving so quickly that I just like to have my fun and love my friends." He went on to say that He was just trying to stay focused on what was in front of him. Granted that he was just back from incarceration in Japan and was probably happier than hell just to have things in front of him except more time.
I just sort of feel that Levon has such a new and vital thing happening that it makes me sad to think of him as bitter. I think that interviewers have now started to bait him.. They know that he will sound off and it will make good print so they go right after it.
For the record was anyone else at the Rick show in San Francisco 1997 at the Last Day Saloon. What a night and what a show. Rick was in great form...some clown kept yellin for "Out of the Blue" until Ricky started the chords with the first line "your out of your mind." laughter all around and warm hugs from Rick after the show.
God I miss him.
And once again.....
Can we get the Barnburners to Chicago fer chrissakes...I'm dyin over hereee
Posted on Tue Nov 7 00:08:24 CET 2000 from ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old VirginnyWhat is the significance of that series of numbers on the back of the Garth shirt again? I think that Levon and Mike Love should write some songs together...
Posted on Mon Nov 6 23:55:48 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp62.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilNope Bob...sorry..can't get you a spot on 'Millionaire". And yup..that's my final answer :-) Have a good night everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 23:35:15 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: Nj
All this writing credit talk has got me thinking. I understand Levon is bitter that he's not getting his due for his writing contributions. Then it hits me..,(Now understand, I love everything these guys have done, old, new, solo etc..,) If Levon was such a force in the writing of Band material, then why has he written so little since the glory days. I mean his track record of writing has been slim. I'm looking at Jericho and he co-wrote 2 songs. Jubilation and HOTH are in the car but if memory serves me well, he doesn't write a whole lot on those either. I don't want to take away anything he contributed to (writing wise) back in the day but maybe he didn't "write" as much as his revisionist history recalls. RR gets the majority of credit for writing because as the evidense before me stands, he still writes a lot of material. Maybe Levon got clipped in someof the writing but hey! It doesn't mean he had to stop writing.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 22:49:26 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
Publishing is by it's very nature an on-going thing. Long after a recording is made, the publishing lives on & on, because that's where the real money lies. Each and every time that old music resurfaces in any form, that money keeps changing hands. People like Albert Grossman and Robbie Robertson realized this long ago. Since Levon, in the MOJO article, specifically mentioned Robertson & Grossman in this context, one can pretty much guess where, in Watergate parlance, the money trail leads. Since the MOJO issue coincides with, yet again, another series of CD reissues from Capitol, money will be changing hands yet again. The publishing issue is not something that's buried 25 years in the past, it's very much a living, breathing presence.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 22:26:37 CET 2000 from spider-tq062.proxy.aol.com ( Mike
Bob R -- Barnburners? Coming out WEST? Woo Hoo!!! Butch --Can you confirm? Will Portland be in the loop? Woo Hoo!!!
Posted on Mon Nov 6 21:55:24 CET 2000 from news.lotus.com ( MikeFrom: Marshfield, Ma
I saw LH and the Barnburners Saturday night in Allston, Ma. Saturday night.....fantastic night of blues (with special guests Bobbie Keys and Jerry Portnoy). It was so good to see Levon playing again and the place was really rocking. I also enjoyed trading stories with Butch and got a kick out of the people inquiring about the t-shirt I was wearing....Levon's Classic American Cafe. Keep rockin Levon!
Posted on Mon Nov 6 20:16:56 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
I finally got my Garth t-shirt, and I hope I will have a Garth CD in the not-so-distant future. The new Mojo with The Band has finally come. Very depressing. I get so excited to read recent articles on our boys, and then I get bogged down by Levon's bitterness. Levon has every right to say what he wants, but I just have a hard time with the fact that we are bringing up the publishing issue almost 25 years later. For those people (like Paul Godfrey) who attended Levon's post-Last Waltz RCO party, it seemed like any Band-related problems were behind them. Levon and Robbie acted like the brothers they once were. Why now??
Posted on Mon Nov 6 20:07:50 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
Thanks, as always, to Paul Godfrey for the background info on Terry Danko and the Canadian music scene. Did anyone else find the name, Atkinson, Danko & Ford, somewhat similar to Danko / Fjeld / Andersen? Not too long ago I ran across an album by the group Bearfoot, featuring Terry Danko, in a used record store. Is this group an off-shoot of ADF?
Posted on Mon Nov 6 19:11:55 CET 2000 from ( Laura Holt LorfingFrom: Austin
Hello all! This BAND FAN is excited about 2 things. First off I found out I'm going to be a mom!! My husband and I are thrilled AND another wish of mine that is FINALLY comming true (I have lovely Donna from PA. to thank for the info)...LEVON is going to be in HOUSTON on 1/26!!! This is such fantastic news for me in addition to the other wonderful news about being pregnant. I have waited so long for Mr. Helm to come to Texas. Houston is only 3 hours from me here in Austin so what an easy trip. Just wanted to share that with you all. What a GREAT DAY!! PEACE ALL!!:)
Posted on Mon Nov 6 18:58:08 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( pehr againWow Ilkka, I'll have to mull on all that awhile. Today I got them bullfrogs on my mind!
Nice to see an Ilkka quiz again!
Posted on Mon Nov 6 18:03:04 CET 2000 from du9-3.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: the garbage can of The AcademyWeb page THE BAND WEBSITE QUIZ 2000
1. This site will be updated (it gives me sleepless nights already). Who will be in responsibility of this threath for the Western Civilization?
2. You are namesake to JAN if your name is
3. HIOF means
4. Which one of these is true
5. What does Høiberg mean The first right answer will get a postcard from Santa Claus (You might now Levon and Garth but I know Santa Claus!)
Posted on Mon Nov 6 16:04:20 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrI think the We Can talk line is The flames have turned to chalk- I think its a reference to Sodom and Gommorah, when Sarah turned back to see the leveling against the orders of God not to turn back she turned into a pillar of salt.
BWNWIT: Congrats on a big win yesterday. Remember I said y'll wouldnt get any touchdowns though... At least your politics arent too bad.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 15:37:42 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-td061.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown,paHey Lil,Can you get me shot on "Millionaire" ? ;-{]
Posted on Mon Nov 6 15:24:06 CET 2000 from gatekeeper.shym.com ( RickFrom: BostonI saw Levon and The Barnburners this past Saturday night in Allston, MA. Unbelievable. Not only did we Bostonians get the added treat of Bobby Keys sitting in, we also got to see Jerry Portnoy (the harmonica player on Clapton's "From The Cradle") take the stage for a couple of songs.
They should make car fenders out of the material Levon has on his drums - dents would be a thing of the past. It seems like The Barnburners have given him a vehicle to wail in a way that few Band songs ever did. And the rest of the group ... ah, I guess there's not much point in boring everyone here with superlatives. I hope they put out a CD soon. If you have a chance, go see this group. They can play.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 15:18:35 CET 2000 from ( Bob RFrom: Cape Cawd, Mass
Well, BIG TIME r&b hit Portland Maine last Friday night!! Levon & the Barnburners (with special guest Bobby Keys) took the city by storm! I drove the 4 hours to get to Portland and it was by far the hottest show I've seen all year!! They hit the stage about 10:00 pm and it was after 1:00 am when they finally called it quits-- an amazing show-Levon was outstanding..easily the swinginest drummer out there today--he drove that band all night long! Amy was incredible as usual and the rest of the band was awesome! Bobby Keys was a welcome addition--playing some "Brown Sugar'-type solo's that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up! I was able to talk with Bobby at the bar, and he said that he origionally had been heading to see Keith Richards to start working on some upcoming Stones stuff, but after running into Levon decided to do a couple of shows with the Barnburners--Keith would have to wait !
Also, good news for Barnburner fans: was talking with Chris from the Barnburners (vocals & harp) and he said the upcoming CD is hopefully coming out in the spring- 6 tracks cut so far--Barnburners are heading down south starting this week, then to Texas, and he said out to the West coast-- so, Barnburner fans--heads up-- they're coming ! Hey Butch- thanks for being such a nice guy- you & the band & your road people are really a fantastic group of people--very very nice to the fans..
Posted on Mon Nov 6 13:21:14 CET 2000 from dialup-286.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: Down Along the Cobh.......Web page
Hmmmmnnnnnnn......the reaction to the Queen thing has been interesting.....Some folks getting into it and coming up with some interesting scenarios...and some folks who think it's just plain daft.......and I respect all your replies and views.....thank y'all!!!!!.....I only thought of it when I realised there's a Piano, Guitar, Drums and Bass and THREE distinct voices in Queen and an obvious desire and willingness to "getting the SONGS together".......not unlike The Band.........Hey! don't get me wrong.....I understand The Band and Queen made COMPLETELY different sounds....but at the root of it they had something in common.....maybe I should just wander over to the Queen GB and find out if Queen ever covered 'The Weight"...just for fun, at a soundcheck or something......
.......and NOW, just to change direction entirely....you often read how RR and Garth were gonna do overdubs for Bob Dylans "John Wesley Harding" album......I like JWH just fine as it is......I'm trying to think of which songs, in particular, might have benefited from those abandoned overdubs......The only one I can think of at the moment is "Wicked Messenger".....anyone got any ideas/info on this?.....like, how close did it get to actually doing overdubs......anyone here think the album woulda been even better than what it is if those overdubs happened?........of course, there may be some of you who feel it's sacreligious to even SUGGEST such blasphemy.........well, OK....but let's be havin' yer opinion anyway
We Can Talk about it.......later...........
Posted on Mon Nov 6 12:28:25 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp77.dialup.valstar.net ( Lil Again
Heheh..yeah, yeah..I saw it. Should've read _ridiculous_. Should've had my coffee first. Drink before posting Lil :-)
Posted on Mon Nov 6 12:23:51 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp77.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilTwo things I'd like to reply to. Miwa: I agree with you about the accent thing. I never detected a 'southern' accent when Richard talked, and he and Garth both had/have the slightest of Canadian accents. Rick's was much more pronounced when he talked in my opinion. And Levon has no Canadian accent at all! Go figure :-) Caron West: As a "newcomer"( and I don't believe for a second that you are), it seems that perhaps you are lacking just a bit of information about Jan. A third grade education??? The man is a college professor. A fact. Makes your post kind of ridicuous, hm? That's all I wanted to say. Have a good day everyone.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 09:32:28 CET 2000 from c5300-2-ip237.albany.thebiz.net ( miwaI never noticed that Richard ever had a Southern accent. He had his own very individual accent. Just as Garth does, though very different. The only way I can tell they are Canadian-accented is when I catch the typical dead-give-away pronounciations, such as: out and about or pronouncing the word brought with "r" barely there, etc. Neither of their accents are phoney. They stand alone except when we all try to imitate their speech as we quote them to others. It's hard not to, isn't it? Robert- Please don't be very upset about this, as you said, gross error about Nancy. We're all in this together and share information and corrections as they are voluntarily submitted. I know Jan appreciates submissions and indeed asks for them. So please share any further information you have. You are certainly welcome here. I had no idea about Roy's guitars. Thanks! Just.......Please don't be very upset.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 09:07:12 CET 2000 from spider-wb063.proxy.aol.com ( Caron WestHi, Rob. You've had friends? What cash? You can barely maneuver a browser. Where did you attend school-Dip Shit U?(i.e. why the quotation marks-to whom are you referring, yourself?). Ain't bitterness cool? Esp. when it's someone else's. " "
Hey, Jan-know what 'edit' means? Correct sp./punct., not to mention syntax, are so rare. Apparently, at this forum, a third grade education entitles one to free speech; free of acumen. Keep up the nice work. You're an outstanding example.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 08:08:47 CET 2000 from spider-wb063.proxy.aol.com ( Caron West
Hi,Rob! You've had friends? What cash? You can barely maneuver a browser. Where did you attend school-Dip Shit U?(i.e. why the quotation marks-to whom are you referring, yourself?). Ain't bitterness cool? Esp. when it's someone else's?"|n"
Hey, Jan-know what 'edit' means? Correct sp./punct., not to mention syntax, are so rare. It seems a third grade education does entitle one to free speech; free of acumen. Nice work, good example!
Posted on Mon Nov 6 06:13:15 CET 2000 from csiewert.student.princeton.edu ( CamFrom: TexasMike-- Terry is Rick's younger brother. A vote for "flames" and "around the hall" in WCT--one of my favorite songs even with ambiguous lyrics. :) Goodnight and have a wonderful tomorrow, all.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 06:11:29 CET 2000 from ( jasonFrom: maine
i was at the levon helm and barnburners show in portland, me on 11-3. i just wanted to say that levon told so much and he never said a word. wow very impressive....if anyone taped the show...i'd love to have a copy.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 04:25:16 CET 2000 from ip217.toronto69.dialup.canada.psi.net ( Nico
Can anyone tell me where to find a copy of the Levon & the Hawks Port Dover CD? Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 02:47:30 CET 2000 from london-ppp202819.sympatico.ca ( Mike Nomad
I suppose I should know this but I don't. What relation is Terry Danko to Rick? Terry is listed as bassman in Change Is Good (Times Like These). The track was recorded in Bath, Ont., and mixed into the selection, I'm assuming, unless I've midread the liner notes. I'd would also appc knowing anything else about how this came to be. Any help, maybe from Lil, would be appcd. Thanx.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 02:06:28 CET 2000 from spider-tk084.proxy.aol.com ( Teresa JusticeFrom: North Carolina
I think u guys are Great, Robbie Roberson is one of best song writers ever!!Love this new album..May the wind blow gently upon your backs.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 01:55:59 CET 2000 from sdn-ar-003mabostp153.dialsprint.net ( ElizabethFrom: Boston
I saw the Levon & the Barnburners last night... what a show... what energy! It was simply wonderful, the best show I've ever been to. We got to sit right in front and it amazed me to see the passion that those guys had for their music. And Amy! She was fantastic. Hope she reads this, I wish I could have told her how great she was, her voice and her presence taught me a lot about performing... I felt like she was singing right to me. What a show!
Posted on Mon Nov 6 01:45:03 CET 2000 from 1cust193.tnt11.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front Lawnand now for something completely different... "Puffy" to the rescue or RAGE RULES AT REV. AL'S RAP SUMMIT Chuck D did little to improve the image of his hip-hop brethren yesterday when he blasted corporate America in an angry, profanity laden speech. The rapper was one of many gathered by the Rev. Al Sharpton at a Hip Hop Summit in his Harlem headquarters The House of Justice. David Mays CEO of The Source magazine - whose awards show in August was cut short by a full-scale riot in the audience - co-sponsored the "summit" which he called "a tremendous and powerful gathering." One of it's aims was "to develop a formal code of conduct to be embraced by the global hip-hop community" as if the criminal statutes weren't sufficient. Speakers such as Sean "Puffy" Combs and Master P proposed forming a unit to regulate rappers' conduct and lyrics. Sharpton positioned himself as a leader who can help wealthy rappers now facing jail for assaults with deadly weapons. -- from The NY Post, my favorite source for happenings in the real world.
Posted on Mon Nov 6 01:15:43 CET 2000 from ts1-37.steveston.axion.net ( Cupid
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLYGIRL!!! lova lova love ya kiddo. Peace cupid!
Posted on Mon Nov 6 00:33:57 CET 2000 from host-209-214-125-139.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: The City of Champions
Told ya so.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 23:41:26 CET 2000 from user-33qt88o.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
Posted on Sun Nov 5 23:37:48 CET 2000 from nb29-2-p28.warwick.net ( Robert HandFrom: New YorkWeb page
You have serious error on the web page. The picture of Roy Buchanan and his "old Telecaster" is wrong. The guitar HE is holding is not his "old Telecaster" but a modified stand in guitar that he occasionally used. His main Telecaster was a Natural / Blond finish with most of the finish worn off. It was a 1953. The other main Telecasters were '54 and '55 models. The one in your picture has a modified bridge tail piece made for string bending similar to a Stratocaster. If you look on the Loading Zone and A Street Called Straight albums you will see very good pictures of Nancy.... Please correct this error. I am very upset by this gross error.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 23:23:32 CET 2000 from cf3k-3.paradise.net.nz ( AmandaFrom: Thunder bolts and Lightening...Very, very frightening!The backslash is next to the shift key on the right of my key board. Shane Magowan is one of my favourite singers even though he speaks with an English accent but sings with an Oirish one. He also sings a country song about being a truck driver driving to a lynching with a Southern accent. It really wouldn't work if he sang it with an English accent. I just listened to Music from Big Pink in the hopes of contributing something to "We Can Talk..." lyrics dilemna. But, I was so busy thinking "Damn this album is good- I should listen to it more often" that I forgot to concentrate at the relevant time. One of my favourite lines from the song is "Well we could try to reason. But you might think it's treason". I also like "It seems to me if you ever got a pat on the back it would likely burst your lungs" and "We've got to find a sharper blade or have a new one made"...There really is a dark under current going through that song despite the humour and the joyous way they sing it. But thats true of most folk and blues music and of life as well when ya think about it No Garth t-shirt for me. The Breeze Hill 'site crashes my browser everytime I go to look at it. Its probably for the best since I need to save my pathetic New Zealand dollars to pay for groceries.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 23:01:23 CET 2000 from user-33qt88o.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USAI can only thank goodness that the art of bookmarking takes years to master. Queen covering The Band? Crabgrass, make some room.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 22:53:05 CET 2000 from du-tele3-027.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter Viney
I would be very sorry if I thought my whingeing about Richard Thompson’s assumed folky accent had genuinely deterred Crabgrass from his favourite listening, though I believe The Front Lawn is too redoubtable a bastion to be so easily swayed by my comments. Thompsonians will know that I am an avowed Lindanista, which sometimes puts me at loggerheads with the Richardonians. And Crabgrass makes an accurate point (sigh, again). Just as much as Richard Thompson makes use of an olde English folke inflection at times, so does Richard Manuel make use of a Southern US phrasing and pronunciation at times. We discussed this years ago, but to a foreigner like me Rick sounds much more “clearly Canadian”.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 22:42:22 CET 2000 from spider-we083.proxy.aol.com ( jcfFrom: new york
Bayou Sam, You are right, Billy Joel and Garth Hudson are both very good key- boardists, but Garth and not Joel knows enough not to try to sing a tune.... Happy Birthday Molly. Your's is between mine and Glendon Rusch's of the Mets.. Speaking of the Mets, I could have seen a free screening of the Last Waltz, but instead I saw the Mets lose to The Yankee's in Game 5... Can someone please post where to find the backslash on a standard keyboard?
Posted on Sun Nov 5 22:33:49 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp93.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilThanks to everyone who answered my question about "Leather and Lace". I've always thought it's just such a passionate song. Figures it would be Don Henley :-) Nope..no Band related stuff in this post..although I have to mention that I really smiled at whoever suggested we all put on our Garth shirts and dance. I'm wearing mine now, and can't seem to stay seated when I play "Let the 4 winds blow". Hmmm... perhaps I should put it on... Have a nice night everyone. And to the person who wanted to know why the rest of you never get a hug....Hug :-)
Posted on Sun Nov 5 22:31:37 CET 2000 from ( Just Wonderin'Happy Birthday Molly! Sorry folks, but the thought of The Band doing anything by Queen is incomprehensible to me! Jan thanks for getting rid of that virus Jarp~ I just wish he/she/it would get a life and leave the Robertson board alone as well!
Posted on Sun Nov 5 21:32:06 CET 2000 from spider-tk024.proxy.aol.com ( frankFrom: riegelsville, pa.
Saw a really good show sat. nite at The Pattenburg House.
The Crowmatix and MASTER GARTH put on one hell of a show. Right now it's Sunday at 3:15pm and my ears are still ringing but it's a good ring if you know what I mean. Thank
you Steve for having Band Family bands at your place. I'm
hoping by spring time with the new patio going we can have
Jimmy and The Gurus, The Crowmatix and Maestro Garth, The Boss and The Barn Burners, and I'll Give Terry a call and get The Jungle Bush Beaters up from Ark. That would be great. Think about it Steve..later, Frankie
Posted on Sun Nov 5 21:14:28 CET 2000 from spider-te024.proxy.aol.com ( DonnaFrom: PAYesterday, I was in Media, a small town, outside of Philadelphia. I stopped into a small cafe there, to have a quick cup of coffee. Well, I notice as soon as I got a seat, that there was a musician there, getting ready to play for the lunch crowd. He had a harmonica, and a guitar. He started the set off with Bob Dylan's, "Like a Rollin' Stone," and followed up next with, The Band's, "The Weight," and "Long Black Veil." It was such an unexpected surprise that I felt the need to share with all of you. His name is Joe McElhone, and he is quite talented. I just feel that it is nice to give our local musicains a plug whenever possible. His website address is, www.joemack.com.
Laura, please share your great news with everyone here?!!!
Thanks! :O)
Posted on Sun Nov 5 19:00:14 CET 2000 from spider-tp021.proxy.aol.com ( JoeFrom: New Rochelle - Red Hook, N.Y.
Have to agree with Stephen..I was there also last night and have seen Levon & the Burners many times. Last night was a killer..They were on the money!!!!! knockin' out some stuff I haven't heard them do before.. I've been preaching Barn Burners since the very first time I heard them!!.....Hey Butch!! Thanks for the table. We really appreciated it!! Might see you in North Carolina!!...Bobby Keys, how bout talkin' to Keith and the boys and getting the B.B.'s to open for them the next time they tour!!!!!
Posted on Sun Nov 5 18:34:38 CET 2000 from 1cust178.tnt11.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnPretty morbid indeed (glad I didn't think of it) though interesting. I would much rather have that hypothetical plane crash occur after Stage Fright was in the can. Reading the GB can be rewarding as well as dangerous. Case in point - I can no longer listen to my favorite contemporary performer Richard Thompson since recently learning that his British accent is phoney. However, this knowledge has enlightened me regarding the recent preoccupation with misunderstood Band lyrics which is obviously due to Richard's phoney Southern accent. Queen were a great group btw and created a huge body of uniquely sounding work - they wouldn't need to ever cover any Band songs which is a ludicrous "What if?" if I ever heard one. Who's next in line - The Partridge Family or The Monkees? I can hear the bottom of the barrel being scraped.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 18:18:33 CET 2000 from chpxy02-chrtr02.ne.mediaone.net ( StephenFrom: BostonWe saw a great show last night.I feel as though I was transported to the timeless land of the blues.Muddy,Willie Dixon,Junior Parker etc.We could have been anywhere at any time.Memphis 1959,Chicago 1963.It was Saturday night in the big city, and all the hard working folks headed into town to hear the travelling band lay it down.Man they did not disappoint.Pat O'Shea on guitar played all the right fills in all the right places,Chris is an excellent front man and Frankie held it together on the bottom end along with Levon.Bobby Keys well,he was Bobby Keys. Levon looked great.He was jovial and appeared sincerely glad to be playing for us.It looked as though he was having the time of his life,smiling and interacting with the band in a fatherly manner.The big surprise of the night for me was Miss Amy Helm.This girl belts it out.She did a great job on Hound Dog and Same Thing.Her youthful enthusiasm was contagious as she sang and danced. Jerry Portnoy showed up and played 3 or 4 tunes.His tone was amazing. If you're a fan of the blues do not miss The Barn Burners when they come to your town.Hey guys when is that C.D. coming out?
Posted on Sun Nov 5 18:17:55 CET 2000 from ip202.surrey.quik.com ( rob nickel
Love this site and just wanted to get this down before moving on,and probably losing track of it. New to this cyber shit and never can seem to find my way back to the pages, I've enjoyed most somehow? Anyway? To Mr.Levon Helm. We've all got our R.Robertson's to contend with unfortunately. In one way or another most people get ripped off by "a friend",sooner or later in all walks of life. It hurts and you can't believe that's all you've meant to them,the whole time. Just don't become one of'em ya know? In the end there the one's that have lost. True frienship's,that stand the test of time,are so rare. And They haven't even been born with enough heart,to realize this? What's cash in your pocket,compared to the real important thing's in life,anyway? Beside's? It's not your fault,the guy's a total "fucking loser",in the humanity department,is it?
Posted on Sun Nov 5 17:51:21 CET 2000 from static24-72-20-48.reverse.accesscomm.ca ( benteen
how's this for morbidity?
immediately after the brown album's release, the 5 members board a flight which crashes and all perish.
what would be their legacy today? how would people have reacted and eulogised their music from that point up till now?
Posted on Sun Nov 5 17:03:02 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown
D Lil: Don Henley sings duet with Stevie Nicks on "Leather and Lace". Waylon Jennings apparently called Stevie and asked her to write this song as a duet for Waylon and his wife. As it turned out Waylon and his wife Jessi were later about to separate as a couple so Don ended up singing this song as he was involved with Stevie at the time. The song was supposed to reflect how hard it was to be in love with someone in the same business. Tom Petty sings with Stevie on "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around". When she sang this song by Petty and Mike Campbell she recalled, "I was completely entranced, and I instantly fell in love with the song. Duets were the things I loved the most...maybe this was a second beginning..."
Posted on Sun Nov 5 16:54:31 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tc043.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: back up in the woods among the evergreens"I'd fix it but I Don't Know How" is a great line Lil, but I have to go with "Did you ever Milk a Cow....." I always loved that line for some reason.
Just in case it hasn't been said enough, that is a great tune.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 16:47:56 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyHappy Birthday again Molly. Did you realize you have a closer connection to the Band than many. In the 70's we had a great group in Canada that used to play for Ronnie Hawkins. They later had an album known as Atkinson, Danko & Ford. Yep the Danko is Rickys brother Terry. One of the hit songs from their album was called: "Molly!" I will try to get you a copy! Let the sun SHINE ON you especially today Molly! paulg
Posted on Sun Nov 5 16:47:19 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tc043.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: 2 degrees past top dead centerLil - I believe it is Henley on Leather and Lace Carmen - you are thinking of "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" which is Petty and Nicks. Nice tunes both of them I can see the Band doing part of Bohemian Rhapsody , but not the mama mia part. "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" is more up the Bands alley. I got to thinking (out loud?) about Garth on some other rock tunes adding some "honey" to them. Here's a couple= Nights In White Satin Hey Jude Piano Man
Has Garth ever crossed paths with Billy Joel? Now there's a couple of keyboard giants. That would be an interesting collaboration. I'd love to know Joels take on Garth.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 14:42:35 CET 2000 from fe0-0.cache-01.nyc.bestweb.net ( GeneDave Hopkins -
I always hear, "Don't give up on 5 o'clock...", not "on Father Clock..."
Posted on Sun Nov 5 14:02:51 CET 2000 from pool- ( johnFrom: nyWCT is undoubtedly my favorite song on BP, and maybe even my favorite Band song on any album, save for maybe Jawbone or Whispering Pines. i truly believe that it is "plains have turned to chalk". if only the booklet that comes with the album had the lyrics. has anyone picked up a BP remaster? i bought The Band remaster and it has a priceless take of "Get up Jake" in which Levon's vocals actually better Richard's on Rock of Ages. Theres also a good alt-take of Jemima Surrender.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 13:50:32 CET 2000 from du-tele3-079.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyWe Can Talk: Thanks Dave & Little Brother. Dave is right. One of the oddest things is that this song does not appear on ANY of the compilations, not even the three disc one. Why? Any opinions? (Apart from the obvious feud-fuelling one about publishing royalties, which had already struck me). Because it’s not on any of the official live albums, it has a slightly smaller chance of being compiled, but it is praised extravagantly by both Marcus and Hoskyns. Marcus devotes his Big Pink section to leading up to the song as the final point, and Hoskyns says it’s among their masterworks (and no, it isn’t on the compilation he supervised either). It’s also on nearly all the many in-car compilations I’ve made of The Band over the years. I don’t think they played it live after 1971, and I also don’t think it was on Richard Manuel solo shows.
Other great songs, like Daniel & The Sacred Harp and Jupiter Hollow have also been studiously ignored. This is why I think The Band have steadfastly stayed “less collectable” and less-bootlegged than say Dylan, Springsteen, Van Morrison and Neil Young. I’ve heard tales of Van’s musicians being told to expect a call from any among 140 songs on stage. Tom Petty, I think it was, said that Dylan might call on any of 200 compositions, plus any other song he might think of at the time, the most unexpected being an unannounced Da Doo Ron Ron. Though Dylan seems content with everybody trying to find the chords as they go along, Van (at least until the Linda Gail Lewis tour) always did an arranged version of the unexpected songs. The Band on the other hand seemed to eliminate old songs permanently whenever they revised their set list with each new album, and once out, they never returned. If you look at 90s set lists, they vary between two or three songs at most. Often it was a case of whether Jim Weider played Deep Feeling or Many Rivers To Cross. Going back to Paul Simon’s current tour, he’s pulling stuff out of the hat like “One Man’s Ceiling”, “Bookends”, “Spirit Voices,” “That was Your Mother”, ‘Late Great Johnny Ace’ – stuff that he hasn’t performed for years, as well as playing most of his new album (and he did two songs on British TV last night). Dylan and Van always have a surprise oldie or cover in the set, which is why Isis (Bob) and Wavelength (Van) can get interest by printing the set lists.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 13:12:14 CET 2000 from 158.mercerville-28-29rs.nj.dial-access.att.net ( carmenFrom: pa
D Lil, I thought that was Tom Petty.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 12:48:50 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp206.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilHere's another vote for _Flames_ in "We can talk"....except I always thought it was "The flames have turned to _char_". Makes more sense than _chalk_. And my favorite line in that tune? "I'd fix it but I don't know how". Everyone, at least once a day, knows what that feels like. I know I sure do. On a unrelated topic, I heard "Leather and Lace" by Stevie Nicks last night. I love that tune. Always have. I always thought the man singing with her was Lindsey Buckingham..but last night...I could've sworn it was Don Henley. Anyone know _who_ sings this duet with her? Thanks. Have a good day everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Sun Nov 5 05:40:33 CET 2000 from mat-3-6.enter.net ( Little BrøtherFrom: around Philly, PA"Now, Molly dear, don't you shed a tear / Your time will surely come..." Not much of a birthday felicitation, but you might want to put it aside for a rainy day. I didn't see "The Third Man" until after I was acquainted with the Band's version of the theme. Karas' twitchy, quavery, up-tempo zither score is much more suitable to the film; the Band's arrangement, for whatever reason, didn't try to capture that edgy, surreal, quasi-hysterical quality. Still, I enjoy the Band's version (although I still say that Dave Cortez' "The Happy Organ" would've fit in Moondog Matinee better). BTW, wasn't there a link somewhere on this site to a page that purported to provide a track-by-track breakdown of who played what on each Band album? "The Third Man Theme" defeats my feeble powers of analysis, and I could use help in determining who plays what-- no zither, I believe. It sounds too smooth and perfect to have been played as a straight take "as is", no offense to the Band's awesome virtuosity. I always figured Garth buried multiple mystery tracks down in that mock-mono mix. Re: "We Can Talk" -- Peter, I hear "ALONG the hall". And isn't it "the FLAMES have turned to chalk"? Indeed, it's one of those ambiguous sonic moments where the harder one strains to listen, the more elusive the referent gets. I just tried a few times, and all I'm sure of is an "...ain..." sound. Or is that "ane"? PS -- Hank, your observation about the Band eliciting, or co-existing with, a spooky negative force is well stated and apropos for Hallowe'en. The Band's "Trick or Treat?" quality covered quite a spectrum, from the Jack-O-Lantern glow of Rick's smiling face to the somber shades of sorrow and black bitterness which swirl around them. Hmmm... hard to get happy after THAT one. Sorry, folks, how 'bout we all put on our Garth T-shirts and DANCE?
Posted on Sun Nov 5 05:29:26 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.blfld1.ct.home.com ( AHROOO!!From: Rhapsody in PinkI think I can imagine The Band doing "Bohemian Rhapsody." Lets see, we could have Levon doing Freddie's opening lyrics. Then have Rick and Richard switching off on the "Galileo, Galileo Figaro," instead of overdubbing one voice as Queen had done this way you have two distinctly different voices. Then when you get to the head banging part (as seen in "Wayne's World") you have something more of an intricate piece in its place played by Garth, chords to be played on the organ and improvised during live performances much like "Genetic Method." As the song switches over to Brian May's solo we have Robbie in his place with that trembly-tinged guitar solo, then back to Levon with "Nothing really matters, anyone can see. Nothing really matters to meeeeeeeeeee." Okay, so that's my idea for the Big Pink-ers doing a Queen song. I'm sure up at the Great Gig in the Sky Richard and Freddie are switching off on piano.....if Lennon isn't hogging it for all eternity. Sadly they do share something in common. The Band and Queen have lost their leading voices. Freddie, Richard, and Rick....too soon gone. AHROOO!!
Posted on Sun Nov 5 05:25:32 CET 2000 from d185fd04b.rochester.rr.com ( Dave HopkinsFrom: Rochester, NYWe Can Talk: It's funny how we hear lyrics differently...I've always heard "echoing ALONG the hall" and "the FLAMES have turned to chalk." Listening to the song again, I still think that's what I hear, but due to the discussion I'm less sure than before! WCT is never really held up as a famous or classic song; perusing the discography, I don't see it on any of the major compilations. However, my own personal impression from reading this Guestbook regularly is that it's a real sentimental favorite among those who post here, and I always include it on any tape I make of Band material. One reason for its popularity may be that it virtually stands alone as an uptempo, extroverted, even fun song from a composer known more for his serious, introspective ballads. Of course, I don't mean to slight Richard's other work by this comment; I'm just trying to point out that I think we enjoy hearing something different...and there are precious few Manuel compositions to choose from. WCT also gives us all three voices in equal turns, echoing each other and completing each other's lines in an extraordinary way (listen to how they all sing "Do you really care?" at different times with different cadences - seemingly breaking all the usual rules of popular music performance - and nail it, perfectly; that's quite a feat!). When listening to the song again right now, though, I'm struck most of all by the sheer enthusiasm with which Levon, Rick and Richard belt out the vocals - so convincingly that I soon stop worrying about who Father Clock might be or under exactly what circumstances someone might have his only opportunity to milk a cow, yet be forced to decline due to a lack of appropriate clothing. Instead, I just sit back and enjoy it.
P. S. Thanks, Jan, for your diligence in defending this Guestbook against interlopers - or, perhaps, it's only one interloper under multiple identities! "It's the same old riddle, only startin' from the middle..."
Posted on Sun Nov 5 03:21:47 CET 2000 from spider-tj052.proxy.aol.com ( Mike
Happy Birthday Molly. May it only get better!
Posted on Sun Nov 5 00:56:19 CET 2000 from 13.mercerville-25-30rs.nj.dial-access.att.net ( carmenFrom: paJust listened to Rick's self titled CD while driving in the car. Man I love that CD!" " I may be the minority here in the GB but here it goes-I am a RR fan and a W fan. Hoping that but wooping that No Wife mentioned goes the other way" Best Regards to all in the GB!
Posted on Sun Nov 5 00:47:47 CET 2000 from nas-203-241.rochester.navipath.net ( LizFrom: here
Happy Birthday Molly, please continue to write and be the wonderful girl that you are, the web site looks great ! each day is a birthday but .enjoy this one...... smiles and thanks, we all love ya ! Lizzzz : )
Posted on Sat Nov 4 23:45:58 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp112.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond Lil
Molly: Wishing you a wonderful 17th birthday from me, T-Sax, and the 2 little people. May all your dreams come true!
Posted on Sat Nov 4 23:19:25 CET 2000 from dyn-213-36-115-253.ppp.libertysurf.fr ( RomainFrom: Paris
Hi everybody,
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of
Jean Yves Labat's Mr Frog ? I've heard it once at a friend's
and now I'm dying to find it . Please let me know if you
have any idea .
Sincerely, Romain
Posted on Sat Nov 4 22:52:17 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( Paul GodfreyHappy Birthday Molly, From all of your Band Family! Shine On my friend.
Posted on Sat Nov 4 19:53:13 CET 2000 from notebk1.wdse.org ( Pat MarsenFrom: Duluth, Minnesota
Thanks for an excellent site on my all-time favorite band. I was literaly crushed to hear about Rick's death, and hope to hear more from the rest of the guys. Keep up the good work and again, thanks..... also would love to hear from anyone who made the pilgrimage to Big Pink.....P Marsen, Duluth,MN
Posted on Sat Nov 4 19:38:19 CET 2000 from jan-hoiberg.hiof.no ( jh
Peter is right, most of the lyrics available at this site
for the first two albums are the same as in the sheet music
books. As always, corrections and additions welcome.
Posted on Sat Nov 4 19:12:41 CET 2000 from du-tele3-068.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter Vineyjps: The words to “We Can Talk” on the site aren’t totally accurate. Some are disputable, some are wrong. It’s a voice “echoing AROUND the hall” not “ACROSS the hall” (and the echoing voice sings ROUND rather than AROUND). “The leaves have turned to chalk” is what it says, but without doubt there’s a BECAUSE which isn’t transcribed at the start of the line. I think the words on the site are off sheet music for the first two albums, which questions the veracity of the sheet music. But even Levon gets them wrong. In his biography he recalls “rather be burned UP in Canada” but there’s no “UP” on the recording. The Band have always switched minor structural words, but while these might be (and are often) wrong on the transcribed lyrics, I’d guess “content words” (such as LEAVES) are far more likely to be right. Pity. Like you, I always heard PLAINS, which makes more sense in the Sodom & Gommorrah context.
So, mud and blood again. I’ve had a half-completed article on “We Can Talk” hanging for ages. If anyone wants to give their ideas on the lyrics, or comment otherwise on the song, I’ll do the usual editing-together job on it.
Posted on Sat Nov 4 16:12:36 CET 2000 from spider-tj022.proxy.aol.com ( Jungle Bush BeatersFrom: ArkansasWeb page
Terry Cagle, Levon's Newphew, and the Jungle Bush Beaters are working on a new CD to be released this December. In addition, the JBBeaters will have a new "live" CD coming out in February 2001.....Great Band Keeping a Tradition Alive and Well!
Posted on Sat Nov 4 15:25:10 CET 2000 from dialup-367.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: CorkWeb page
Happy Birthday, Molly!!!!!!!
.........anyway, as I was saying,.....about Queen doing "The Weight"........that was a non-starter, I guess.......Aha!!!! but Rick and Freddie both covered "The Great Pretender", did'nt they?........So, similiar musical tastes in there.......I saw Queen in 1986 at Slane Castle, Co. Navan and, as well as all their bombastic stuff, they did, in front of 100,000 people...."Hello, Marylou (Goodbye Heart) with two guitars, bass and drums.....no over-the-top guitar athletics just simple country pickin' and harmonies........I bet'cha the guys in Queen woulda had nothin' but the greatest respect for The Band......I mean, not that it matters a bit.....but just by the way of GB conversation .........Any thoughts??
......'y'know, folks........The Band made some amazingly beautiful music and, in their time, played great shows.......but there's something dark and scary at the heart of it all, isn't there?........that's why, amongst many other things, this GB gets some really aggressive weirdos from time to time........It's strange.....The Band seemed HAUNTED while they were active and now, these days, they're even haunted in Cyberspace.....Sad........
Posted on Sat Nov 4 14:58:30 CET 2000 from ( jpsI am listening to “We Can Talk” on the Big Pink reissue while looking at the lyrics page. The lyrics page has:
No salt, no trance Now without the listing, I wouldn’t have even heard salt, trance or backward glance. The best I could hear in the next line was "The fleas have turned to Cha". But now that I hear it it looks like a biblical reference to Lot, his wife and daughters leaving Sodom and Gomorrah. I couldn’t hear “leaves” but thought I heard “plains” or “flames” They all seem to fit in the context of:
From Genesis 19:
BTW, Rick's counterpoint backing vocal is awesome in those lines.
Posted on Sat Nov 4 12:51:55 CET 2000 from du251-249.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: Nordic CountriesWeb page THANKS!!! ...to all regulars and newcomers who are making this site so unique. ... to Mr. Jan Høiberg who has made all this happen. ... to the members of the Band - alive, or smiling to us from the skies. ... Happy Birthday to Molly, greetings to all youngsters who keep the sound alive!
Posted on Sat Nov 4 10:17:41 CET 2000 from spider-ti043.proxy.aol.com ( TommyFrom: Bklyn,NY
I'm a big 'Band' fan and would really be greatful for any current 'Barnburners' info.My band jams on some 'Band' songs and it'd be great to hear from other 'Band' fans in my area (Bklyn).Write back if you have any info for me!
Posted on Sat Nov 4 05:36:30 CET 2000 from proxy1-external.avnl1.nj.home.com ( Brien SzFrom: Nj
BWNWIT.., Don't be shocked if that butt whuppin' doesn't happen.
Posted on Sat Nov 4 05:17:47 CET 2000 from ch8smc.bellglobal.com ( brown eyed girlFrom: cabbagetown
Rollie: Robbie was influenced by Sonny Boy Williamson in particular and later by Mike Bloomfield and Paul Butterfield. "Hammond was astonished by them (the Hawks). They were a REALLY hot R&B band, he remembers. Each of them had their own little showcase spots, doing Junior Parker and T-Bone Walker covers, and Robbie was the most intense, heavy-duty electric guitar player I have ever heard. I mean, this guy was so strong and hot. I don't care if you compare him to Buddy Guy or Otis Rush or whoever, that's irrelevant."
Posted on Sat Nov 4 04:35:31 CET 2000 from spider-tm024.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ZFrom: Chaska, MN
Anybody yet heard the radio program where Elizabeth Danko speaks?... I'm not sure if it will play in MN or not... so hopefully Jan can put a copy on this site sometime later... Have a nice weekend everyone...
Posted on Sat Nov 4 04:16:57 CET 2000 from spider-th054.proxy.aol.com ( Bashful BillFrom: Minoa, N.Y.
BWNWITennesee-the movie you are referring to is indeed an Orson Welles classic, I believe the title is Touch of Evil. It was reedited according to exhaustive note Welles sent to the studio in protest of their cut when it was originally released. I saw it on AMC about a year ago, it stars Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh, & Welles himself. It was also shown in Syracuse N.Y. a few weeks ago, as part of a film preservation fundraiser, hosted by Ms. Leigh, but I unfortunately didn't make it.(apologies to Welles & Leigh if I didn't spell their names correctly)
Posted on Sat Nov 4 03:48:38 CET 2000 from brampton-ppp70282.sympatico.ca ( vic
do you think the gods would allow a session between the remaing Band members and John Kay to cross pollinate a little of their respective tunes, say a new version of Hank Snows' "I'm movin on" ? Just listened to John Kays cover of that song and mused that he could compliment the Band in making some good music.
Posted on Sat Nov 4 03:20:06 CET 2000 from spider-wk051.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamFrom: the thick of itI tried to post something last night and it wouldn't take. I'm glad now that it didn't because I started out saying that if Patricia was indeed back, that we should give her a chance - BUT - those last few jarp posts were way out of line. It's too bad because you can be pleasant to talk too when your not trying to rip someones spleen out. You obviously can't control yourself. Miwa - great post, well put. Knockin' Lost John - good luck with your company.
Lil - how come the rest of us never get a hug? :)
Posted on Sat Nov 4 02:09:16 CET 2000 from 1cust111.tnt1.idaho-falls.id.da.uu.net ( rollieFrom: spudville
I know that John Hammond has called Robbie one of the best blues guitarist he's ever heard, and this is well in evidence on early recordings. I'm just curious as to who in particular he was influenced by in the blues vain. Any thoughts? P.S.-thanks laura! I'm glad somebody is amused by my cyber -experiments!
Posted on Sat Nov 4 01:55:56 CET 2000 from host-209-214-113-160.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: He had the nerve and he had the blood...My post last night vanished into the twilight zone, so forgive me if some of this is a bit untimely. I have one of the Mexican-made Fender Standard Teles, I like it just fine, although I have trouble keeping it in tune sometimes. I put .09 strings on it for that James Burton/Albert Lee thing, so maybe that has something to do with it. I haven't played too many '50s Teles to compare it to, but at $280 I'd say it was a good buy. I was going to put some regular Tele pickups in it, too, but I'm poor. And speaking of cheap things, Hipshot products makes a B-Bender that attaches to your guitar with no screws or anything, it costs about $100. It works a little differently that a Parsons/White, you press the back of the guitar against your hip, but it's supposed to be okay once you get used to it. Will Ray from The Hellecasters uses one. The best thing is you can easily take it off and put it on another guitar. I was going to go see "The Third Man" when it was playing at the art theater down here, but missed it. Maybe I'll get the DVD now. My motivation, too, was pretty much because of "Moondog Matinee." I thought I heard there was another Orson Welles movie that has just come out on a restored DVD with lots of extra footage. Man, I cannot wait for this coming week. It's going to see the Titans decimate the Steelers, followed shortly thereafter by Al Gore whupping George Jr.'s butt. It's going to be a great time for Tennessee and for all Americans! Why does George W. Bush oppose abortion? He wants them all to have the chance to grow up so that he can electrocute 'em!
Let's hear it for Jan!
Posted on Sat Nov 4 01:53:11 CET 2000 from bethany.chartworksinc.com ( bRIEN sZFrom: Nj
Sorry.., i forgot to add that "wood" floats also..,
Posted on Sat Nov 4 01:49:28 CET 2000 from ( Laura Holt LorfingFrom: Austin
Happy Birthday Molly! Thanks for the cool music clip Rollie-I thought you sounded great! BTW-I don't post as much as some but I look forward to reading the GB on a daily basis. It would certainly be horrible if this GB was shut down because of people abusing it. Jarp: Please chillout or go away. Jan doesn't need this sh*t! PEACE ALL! :)
Posted on Sat Nov 4 01:18:53 CET 2000 from proxy1.zwoll1.ov.nl.home.com ( NorbertFrom: the low landsWeb page Molly turns 17 next Sunday, she is a big The Band fan. I know she would love you to sign her guestbook, lets all give her a hand.....
her webpage is the above....
Posted on Sat Nov 4 01:12:53 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp152.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond Lil
Lars: (Hi!) Do you by some chance have the lyrics to that 4th verse Rick wrote for "I Shall Be released?" I don't think I ever heard it..and would very much love to know the words. Thanks.
Posted on Sat Nov 4 00:57:17 CET 2000 from ti09a62-0136.dialup.online.no ( jh
Jarp or Patricia or whatever you like to call yourself,
Posted on Sat Nov 4 00:31:31 CET 2000 from 209-130-142-106.nas3.mon.gblx.net ( LarsFrom: Upstate NYbRIEN: Let me see if I've got this straight: If she's a witch, she'll float....but a duck also floats...so if she weighs the same as a duck....does that mean we build a bridge out of her? I'm befuddled. I had the pleasure of spending some time recently with one of the people who used to play (at times) with the original Band. Lots of interesting stories. One thing I was surprised at was that Rick Danko wrote a fourth verse for "I Shall Be Released" and he sometimes used it.
New York is moving along into winter. Geese have migrated,
leaves have fallen, everything is getting cold and gray. May
you all have a warm hearth to warm yourselves by. And keep
loving that Band music.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 23:58:13 CET 2000 from sjiassoc16.erols.com ( Jon LynessFrom: New York City
David Powell, you are right on the money with your high praise of The Third Man. It was the Band's take on The Third Man theme that got me interested in that film (one of the many worthy tangents their music has taken me on!), and I'm a big fan of Orson Welles anyway...between him, Joseph Cotten, beautiful b/w cinematography, carnival imagery and the haunting zinther music throughout, the film is sheer pleasure to watch.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 22:55:41 CET 2000 from spider-tk052.proxy.aol.com ( frankFrom: bucks county,pa.
To Butchie Boy, great opening sentence to your last post.
Say hi to everyone for me and I'll be seeing ya soon.
To Crabby, Nice post about Steve Allen. He was one of my
favorites also. Besides Dylan and Lenny Bruce being on his show, I have a tape with Jack Kerouac on it. take care,frank
Posted on Fri Nov 3 22:49:53 CET 2000 from proxy-1521.public.svc.webtv.net ( jarp ~ transient
....you can rest assured if this Di_mond Lil gets offended by any little thing, that she won't go anywhere that takes her eyes away from the computer screen.......she'll be waiting.......and watching for her cheering section to all sing out in harmony how much she is loved and needed.........and then she'll come back....her head as big as a barrel.........and take her rightful place as "Queen of the hop"........watched it happen time and time again.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 22:28:01 CET 2000 from chpxy02-chrtr02.ne.mediaone.net ( StephenI got my tickets to the Boston show today.I wouldn't be any more excited if The Beatles were on the bill.My friend Jim Mouradian just got back from playing bass on the Ronnie Earl record and he said Levon and Bobby Keys are in peak form. Other than that all I have to say is Donnie Pugatch rules.Let's dig the music and have a great time.Accentuate the positive for everything breeds itself.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 22:04:33 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp99.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilOn the subject of 'irony'..isn't it funny how so much of The Band's values and music centered around family, and yet some self-proclaimed, holier-than-thou fan seems to abhor that very same ideal? Makes no sense to me. But then again, neither does coming in here every few weeks under a different name for the sole purpose of being an a**hole. Go figure, hm? Sorry Jan..but enough's enough..you know? Thanks for the nice post Miwa. Gotta run here..Regis is coming to dinner and Cody needs help setting the table.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 21:54:41 CET 2000 from cf3k-3.paradise.net.nz ( AmandaAl Kooper's book "Backstage Passes and Backstabbing Bastards: Memoirs of a Rock 'n Roll Survivor" is a good read. His story about he met Dr John is funny. Apparently he(Al Kooper) was at a Band concert and got rather annoyed as the "portly young man" sitting next to him kept falling asleep on his shoulder. As it turned out that portly young person was, in fact, Dr John. The book is also full of horror stories about the music industry.The one I remember most clearly was that he did not get any royalties for years for producing Lynrd Skynyrd's (sp?) album (the one with Sweet Home Alabama on it.) Apparently the money just went straight into his ex-manager's account and never came to him. He has fought a prolonged battle to get what his owed to him but apparently some of the money is lost forever due to the Statute of Limitations.
At the end of book he says he is happy to sign copies of the book at concerts, if asked, so keep that in mind if you are lucky enough to see him and the Barnburners in Boston(?)
Posted on Fri Nov 3 21:12:50 CET 2000 from du-tele3-033.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter Viney
Miwa: absolutely right.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 20:54:11 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-tb033.proxy.aol.com ( Don PugatchFrom: Roswell, Ga
With the great weather here, hard to say this, but wish I was going to be in Boston this weekend to see one of my favorites, Mr. Al Kooper, playing with my other favorite, Mr. Levon Helm. As my musical tribute, this afternoon I listened to Al's "Soul of a Man". Recorded in 1994 at The Bottom Line, in NYC, to celebrate Al's 50th birthday, if I remember correctly. What I find wonderful about this CD is the collarboration of artists that Al has played with over the years. From Danny Kalb to Jimmy Vivino to John Simon, just to mention a few. I think my favorite, if I can, pick one, is the tune written by Randy Newman, "Just One Smile". Anyone how has this CD or the original BS And T version, just listen to the verses towards the end, especially on this live CD. If your not moved, then music is not your method of self motivation.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 20:16:27 CET 2000 from bethany.chartworksinc.com ( Brien SzFrom: Nj
Or is it Qwack!
Posted on Fri Nov 3 20:14:41 CET 2000 from bethany.chartworksinc.com ( bRIEN sZFrom: nJHere we go again..., To paraquote some great reasoning on witches..,"and what else floats?" "very small rocks.., apples.., brown gravey!" "A duck!" = Quack!
Posted on Fri Nov 3 19:49:58 CET 2000 from ( BKJarp: That was unnecessary Miwa: Well said! I was trying to write something to that effect and you beat me to it. Molly Z - Happy Birthday
Posted on Fri Nov 3 19:35:50 CET 2000 from c5300-3-ip180.albany.thebiz.net ( miwaJarp/Patricia- It seems obvious that most GBers here are very supportive and somewhat fond of each other. Of course we like to hear about Lil's children, someone's travels, a personal recording venture or gig, and any of the personal touches that are shared here. I, for one, appreciate it especially because we live in so many different parts of the world. I believe it enhances the conversations about all the opinions and information about The Band voiced in this GB. I do enjoy the humor too. I hope this GB goes on forever. Knockin' Lost John- My best wishes to you and your new venture. Molly Z-Hope You Have A Happy Birthday!!!
Posted on Fri Nov 3 19:27:01 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
On the subject of humor in Garth's playing, I think "The Third Man Theme" from "Moondog Matinee" is a perfect example of this touch. Recently, an excellent DVD version of the film, "The Third Man", was released by Criterion. With acting by Orson Welles & Joseph Cotton, a screenplay by Graham Greene and direction by Carol Reed, this is truly a classic mystery movie. What Mobile Fidelity once was to audio, Criterion is to video, with the emphasis on meticulous quality in their reissues. Not only does their DVD version of "The Third Man" feature restoration of the film's picture & sound, a wealth of bonus material is also included. Among the bonus material is rare footage of composer Anton Karas playing the film's theme on his zither in a night club setting. For those of you who have DVD players, this release is worth checking out.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 19:01:34 CET 2000 from fe0-0.cache-01.nyc.bestweb.net ( GeneFrom: Dutchess County
Happy Birthday
Posted on Fri Nov 3 17:53:26 CET 2000 from proxy-553.public.rwc.webtv.net ( jarp ~ transientPeter Stone Brown and Don: Thanks for the info on the Van Morrison record, thanks!" "To back with no wife in tennessee: Maybe it's time you got a wife....or maybe a husband.....god you're a bitch ! " " To Liz ?: When's the last time you met a woman that went by the name of "jarp" ? So you're the type of gal that stood out on the school playground waiting to beat on the mentally-ill,huh ? You seem to be a bit on the manic-depressive side.......leave me out of it !" "To Lil:.....Maybe it's time for you to think about changing your name to Kathy Lee Gifford.......I don't think anyone cares about what the hell time your kids get out of bed !
Posted on Fri Nov 3 16:54:18 CET 2000 from ( Molly Z.I haven't read this gb in a couple of weeks and just catching up. I have a question though: What was wrong with the Chatroom anyway? Was it shut down or just screwed up?
My bday's coming up in 2 days from now, and I'm glad not to working then.....Have a good Friday everyone!
Posted on Fri Nov 3 14:46:07 CET 2000 from ( LoriFrom: Chicago
Yes, Chris, that's my question, too. Why not Chicago?? I trekked all the way to Albany in January to see them (not that I really minded...and they were SUPER!) and have been waiting for them to make it this far west ever since.
Well, if we're REAL good and eat all of our vegetables, maybe we'll be rewarded before too much longer.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 14:28:16 CET 2000 from wc1-int1.nbnet.nb.ca ( WS WalcottFrom: CanadaThe chat room is functioning properly again, thanks Jan.
Hank - don't you think that Band / Queen thing is a bit of a stretch? I hope you weren't serious. Maybe The Moody Blues could do "Up on Cripple Creek" as well.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 14:28:03 CET 2000 from ( Bob RFrom: Cape Cod
I'm heading up to Portland Maine tonight to see Levon & the Barnburners---and now I find out that the great Bobby Keys is playing with them tonight!!?? Man, life just keeps getting better & better------
Posted on Fri Nov 3 12:16:36 CET 2000 from du246-1.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: Nordic CountriesWeb page
Diamond Lil: I have only one humorious Band story to tell: http://theband.hiof.no/guestbook/guestbook.html
Posted on Fri Nov 3 11:52:24 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp116.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond LilHmm..Frankly Hankly...I can't hear The Band doing "Bohemian Rhapsody". I did notice that you posted from the 'seven seas of Rye' though..and was wondering if maybe that should've read "seven shots of Rye" :-) Hey..as a former Noo Yawker, you gotta know I calls em as I sees em :-) Whoever mentioned humor/humour is on the right track. No, not a feud...but how bout some humorous stories? I've shared a few, and I know there must be hundreds more out there. Humor (no matter how you spell it) is truly one of life's greatest gifts. Now may be a good time for us all to share some laughter. On that note, time to yell and yank and pull my 16 year out of bed for school. He's just not a morning person. Hell, he's barely a mid-afternoon person, so getting him up on his feet at 6 in the morning is rather funny. Mom's gotta have some fun too, ya know :-) Have a good day everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 10:22:24 CET 2000 from ukscsys.soundcraft.com ( DJMitchisonFrom: UKTo return briefly to the "humour in the music of the Band" thread, Peter Viney hits the nail on the head when he points out the musical humour in the playing of Garth. I find this to be particularly evident in the work with Dylan (perhaps because Dylan's lyrics contain more [obvious] humour than Robertson's) - the organ part on Ballad Of A Thin Man from Live '66 is an excellent example. There's lots more of this on the Basement Tapes - I personally find the little organ swell after "...and my neighbour blew his nose" on Clothes Line Saga to be hilarious. But maybe that's just me. A couple of further points raised: 1. How about a "humour" / "humor" feud? Or, even more pertinently, "Rumour" / "Rumor"? 2. Am I allowed to use the phrase "organ swell" in the guestbook?
Oh well, too late...
Posted on Fri Nov 3 05:47:05 CET 2000 from dialup-376.cork.iol.ie ( HANKFrom: Seven Seas Of RyeWeb page
\Anyone here reckon The Band had any influence on Queen?.....Like, I bet'cha Queen coulda done a great version of "The Weight".....y'know, with Freddie playing piano........I woulda LOVED to have heard The Band play "Bohemian Rhapsody"!!!...Hey!....Stop laughin' down the back, there!!!!.....Garth woulda had a field day with!!!!!!!.....
Put THAT in yer pipes and smoke it, folks
\Someone here mention Owsley?
Posted on Fri Nov 3 04:01:51 CET 2000 from nas-203-21.rochester.navipath.net ( LFrom: not sure
Kerouac, Burroughs, OWSLEY ? Cassady, ummmmm,all of this is very popular once again with our children,Ive seen it on a University lit schedule: ( patti Smith Too ) and BTW thanks for surfacing [those scorned by the______ thing ] I only said it for US //Geeze ....Imagine that, so Hankly Peter, Sam, Crabby, arent we all still waiting.......for somethin......Hey Lil etc : GO GREENS
Posted on Fri Nov 3 03:45:07 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( Pehr again, OOPS!
franko: Good luck on the guitar. Here is a thought on that... Look into the Squier Tele... They are very underrated, and put in some of those 50's Re-issue pick-ups in it. Consider the pro Junior and Blues Jr fender amps, good, small, loud Tube amps for around 250- 300 bucks, the Squier will only run ya a couple hundred, less maybe this time of year pre christmas. It's a Low budget rig but full of suprises. One of those Fender Amps I mentioned has no reverb, but a real great tone anyway. Danelectro has a Reverb pedal for about $40 bucks that'll give ya a real good RR sound. other than that its all in the hands!
Posted on Fri Nov 3 03:27:22 CET 2000 from m198214176061.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrFrom: Cochran rd, Mt. Lebanon,(Pittsburgh) Pa, (ca. '60-65)G-Man, cool, dude. Thanks for understanding. I'm with ya. Surprised to see so many 'burghers here myself. Pleasant surprise! Go Band! Go Steelers! BWNWIT: I say you goin down 10-9, no touchdowns for you! "Seasons Beatin's" to y'all Sunday! And this one's for Robbie!
Welcome back, franko. Any new songs?
Posted on Fri Nov 3 03:06:53 CET 2000 from 1cust110.tnt1.jackson.wy.da.uu.net ( jhwygirlFrom: the land of snowWeb page A few of you made mention of Jack Kerouac...brings back memories. I had a professor in college that had actually met the guy and was considered an expert on The Beat Generation. Dr. Arthur Knight....but I digress... For those of you interested: On November 20 the website www.LIVEreads.com will release a newly discovered novella by Jack titled "Orpheus Emerged" I believe the price will be $3.95.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 01:45:00 CET 2000 from nas-203-202.rochester.navipath.net ( LizFrom: whattevvvaaahhh
ok...if ya want.....( if not; just scroll right by this ) the ' he// she ' comment, was about the fact that: this person, Im not even going to type the NAME, is really a MAN, its not a matter of being a crossdresser or a bisexual or a trans sexual,I really dont care, I just know that many of the KIND folks here know, that this 'Cock-roach' person who BUGGS us, IS actually a MAN , using a woman's name , OK ???? Thats all. I have no problems with alternative lifestyles, good try _____ but ....thats what It ( HE // SHE ) was about, the fact that this person is NOT a woman!!!! ( My last post ) I have some prior proof that this person pretends to be a woman here, and, is actually a MAN. terrorizing and threatening some very kind and innocent folks that are just simply BAND FANS.......nuff said.....baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Posted on Fri Nov 3 01:31:02 CET 2000 from host-209-214-125-190.bna.bellsouth.net ( Back with no wife in Tennessee
Go away, Patricia. Nobody wants you here and you're going to screw everything up, AGAIN. You said you were going to leave, are you just a liar?
Posted on Fri Nov 3 00:50:29 CET 2000 from mike.ivenue.com ( Skramstad Internet Advertising & Website PromotionFrom: Los AngelesWeb page
Greetings! Enjoyed the music.
Posted on Fri Nov 3 00:20:56 CET 2000 from proxy-1531.public.svc.webtv.net ( jarp ~ transient...I agree, Lardner was a real talent....but an "unapologetic liberal"......how hard could that be ! " " The term He/She is not politically correct........you may offend any or all members of certain "alternative lifestyle" groups, and surely no member of the free thinking counterculture would dream of doing something as insensitive as that. I'm glad that Jack came to his senses in the end and started to attack the monster that he helped create.........that should give us all hope for a brighter future !" " .......Come to think of ...you know that RuPaul does have a nice ass........
Posted on Thu Nov 2 23:34:12 CET 2000 from spider-wi063.proxy.aol.com ( Bashful BillFrom: Minoa,N.Y.
And on the subject of losing great ones, we just lostRing Lardner Jr,novelist & screenwriter who wrote the screenplays for A Star is Born(37), the famous noir Laura, and Woman of the Year. His most notable latter-day screenplay was MASH, for which he earned the Oscar. Lardner was blacklisted during the infamous McCarthy era, was an unapologetic liberal until the end.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 22:51:16 CET 2000 from spider-wo063.proxy.aol.com ( Bashful BillFrom: Minoa, N.Y.
Meeting Of The Minds, thank you, I was wracking my brain trying to remember the name of that show.Steve Allen was a giant and a pioneer. If I recollect my history correctly, he brought Jack Kerouac to late night TV way back when. Jack was at this point already turning into a drunken husk of his former self, cursing the counterculture he had helped create. Steverino took some unfortunate turns during the latter half of his career, settling for roles on cheesy sitcoms and TV dramas(often with his wife) when he was capable of far, far better. And yes, he was condscending to our beloved Rock&Roll. But look at Elvis, one of the greatest influences of the century,what he did with his talent and where he took his last breath. BTW, all 3 of these guys are among MY greatest influences, so no phlaming, please.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 22:41:46 CET 2000 from ( Johnny FlippoFrom: Schmock! Schmock!
I wouldn't be so hard on Stevarino, Bumbles. His comments about rock n roll, taken in context, are not dissimilar to the many comments made in this very guestbook about the current rock scene. In addition to his many other accomplishments, he backed Jack Kerouac on Kerouac's only spoken word recording, playing improvised piano. I think the guy was a genius.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 22:18:56 CET 2000 from client-151-198-146-5.nnj.dialup.bellatlantic.net ( BumblesFrom: Where It's At
Can’t believe what I’m reading here about Steve Allen. For the last 45 years of his career Steverino always had time to say an unkind word about rock and roll. “Moronic garbage” was a view of R’n’R he maintained through his last interviews. It was Steve Allen who had Elvis sing “Hound Dog” to a basset hound on the original Tonight Show, and the tedious windbag-at-large was famous for his mock-solemn “readings” of early rock classics, declaiming the lyrics of “Tutti Frutti” or “Be-Bop-A-Lula” to garner a superior chuckle from the Eisenhower-era martini crowd. I’ll remember him for his (unintentionally) hilarious late 70s (?) Public Broadcasting show “Meeting of the Minds,” when each week he’d put on his thinking cap and “interview” a great thinker, Albert Einstein, maybe, or Plato in the form of a seen-better-days character actor wearing a bed sheet and with laurel wreath around his brow.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 21:54:30 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Why on earth can't we get the barnburners to play in Chicago fer chrissakes.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 21:35:43 CET 2000 from spider-tl063.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, pa
Posted on Thu Nov 2 21:27:22 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp112.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond Lil
Knockin Lost John: _Nowhere_ did I post _anything_ about _anyone_ being a "he/she". Thank You.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 21:24:34 CET 2000 from b0gp5534y21ia.bc.hsia.telus.net ( Sam MercerFrom: CanadaWeb page
The Band rox!! Also the site is very attractive unlike many Ive looked at this day here in paradise...
Posted on Thu Nov 2 21:12:23 CET 2000 from ( ChrisFrom: Chicago
Well Well Well. I've been coming to this site for years and I have to tell you that I am happy as hell that the feud seems to have lost the spotlight. It really is much more interesting to be involved in again. Lo and behold ... lo and behold Knockin Lost John is the very same John of Uncle John's Band. I used to see that band all the time in Chicago. I mean all the time. Hope to hear the cd John. You used to do a great version of The Race is On. Throw that one on there. If you need a drummer to do some of that half time feel let me know. Rub the eight note against the shuffle type of stuff too.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 20:41:44 CET 2000 from ( knockin' lost johnFrom: indiana
Funny Lil should mention that Patricia is a he-she. I once
wound up on a blind date with a he-she, and it was NOT fun at
all. Although, he-she did have a nice ass.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 20:01:23 CET 2000 from dialup-116.cork.iol.ie ( HankFrom: CORKWeb page
BestaLuck Knockin' Lost John!!!!!!!.......I'm in the same game myself......go for it.........
Big Pinkin'.......Today, the drummer who played the Rick tribute gig we did here in Cork last January asked me if I wanted to go "Big Pinkin ' " this weekend.....I said "Wha?"......till I realised what he meant....which was to go out to his place in the country.....by the seaside..... and do some off-the-cuff recording.....not a bad idea, actually......Big Pinkin'
I play "Long Black Veil" at alot of my gigs.....I usually announce it a song about infidelity.....and point out how people don't go to the gallows these days for such a thing.......the people described in "Long Black Veil", if alive in Todays North America, would NOT end up on the gallows or Walk these hills.......What would they do?.....They'd go on "The Jerry Springer Show", of course!!!!!...under the title of
"I had been in the arms of my best friends wife".............
Bring The Barnburners to Ireland!!!!!!!!"
Posted on Thu Nov 2 19:58:03 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
Jan: Great to have Landy's classic photo back. Thank you! By the way, Phil Lesh has released a cover of Robbie's "Broken Arrow" on an album called Love Will See You Through on Grateful Dead Records.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 19:23:15 CET 2000 from spider-wl051.proxy.aol.com ( Friend IndeedFrom: Just Around the Corner
I happen to find myself with a spare copy of
"Academy of Outtakes" (an unplayed original,
of course, not a CD-R) that needs a home. If
interested, e-mail me.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 18:51:54 CET 2000 from ( Knockin' Lost JohnFrom: Indiana
Hello fellow Band-fans:
I am using the guestbook for a shameless personal plug of my own, please forgive me.
My musical partner and I are once again (after attempting and failing about 8 months ago) to get our own little recording careers off the ground.
I am president, secretary, PR man, A&R man, for my own little brand new baby record label called Cardboard Box Records. The exciting thing is that so far we've released absolutely nothing, but hey! We're independent!!!!
However, (and I'm not lying here), My band (Uncle John's Band) will be releasing it's first CD by the end of December, and my partner, Brent Lechner will hopefully have a solo disc out in the spring.
We really do make great music folks, and since my partner and I are both BIG BAND fans you know we have good musical taste and a good foundation to build from.
Brent's a great great songwriter, somewhere between Paul Simon and James Taylor with a bit more of a bite!
As for myself, I'm usually modest but my songs ain't nothin' to piss on either!!
Anyway, check out the site and please let us know what you think so far!!
Check out our website just for fun. There isn't much there yet, but soon you'll be able to listen to sound samples of tunes and see pics of my ugly face, the studio, and so on and so forth.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 18:28:26 CET 2000 from proxy-533.public.rwc.webtv.net ( Bill W.From: Nevada via Toronto
Good day to all the participants of this room and a very big thank you to Jan for this amazing site! I have tried unsuccessfully to find the Japanese issue of Northern Lights, Southern Cross to no avail.Any leads would be greatly appreciated. An additional tip of the cap to John Donabie and the tunes he used to spin.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 18:28:13 CET 2000 from spider-mtc-td041.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, pa
Steve Allen left a lot of memories behind. The one that will stay with me the longest is that great laugh. We all should be blessed with such laughter.Godspeed, and thank you.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 18:07:00 CET 2000 from bethany.chartworksinc.com ( Brien SzFrom: Nj.....,how can we tell if she's a witch? Let's build a bridge out of her.., I concur w/ the Crab, Steve Allen was a groundbreaking comedian and a very smart man. His book "Dumbth" was very insightful and funny. And also a sad commentary on where common sense seems to be heading. But lets remember this..,the same opinions he spews about Stern, Madonna, et al.., People his age were(at the time) saying the same thing about him, Lenny Bruce and Bob Dylan.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 18:05:32 CET 2000 from host161-123-26-209.utelfla.com ( CarmenFrom: paAnyone out there know when the next 4 are scheduled for release? Also, have the track listings been published? " "
Posted on Thu Nov 2 17:50:33 CET 2000 from ( Mike from NJ
Franko- A Tele is a great choice, but face it, no instrument will make you sound like Robbie. Robbie sounds like Robbie with a Tele, a Strat, a Howard Roberts, or a Stella. Or a cigar box and rubberbands probably. I've played a Tele for 25 years and done lots of Band songs. it's a great guitar. Simple and to the point. Avoid the late 70s models. Even the new ones are nice- but a used one is often much cheaper. You don't need a $7K 50's model. A tele is the most basic electric you can get. Not a huge variety of sounds- but if you pick up a good one you'll love the tones you can get. Try it out without an amp when you're buying. You can tell a lot about an electric by how it vibrates acousticly. Good luck. Jim Weider has a great video on Homespun Tapes to help you get the most tonally from a Fender. Check it out.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 17:43:17 CET 2000 from 2cust45.tnt11.nyc3.da.uu.net ( CrabgrassFrom: The Front LawnJust a note of thanks to the late Steve Allen (who unfortunately won't be able to read this) television pioneer and innovator, comedian, jazz pianist, songwriter, author, humanist, and non-believer for enriching so many lives in so many ways for so many years. Steve was the first to showcase Bob Dylan and Lenny Bruce on national television. More recently he blasted moron shock jock Howard Stern for "dirty radio" and said of Madonna "She disgusts me." (Right on both counts Steverino!!) Anyone not familiar with Steve's 1992 book "Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion, and Morality" and interested in a rational view of such matters should check it out. His book "Dumbth: The Lost Art of Thinking" (1998) is also excellent. He will be missed by many.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 17:47:18 CET 2000 from proxy-1531.public.svc.webtv.net ( jarp ~ transientFrom: Blue Knob ski resort located in beautiful Claysburg, Pa.There is a Van Morrison record that I have been searching for for many a moon......it's called "Veedon Fleece".........I owned it in the seventies......and lost it..........has it been reissued..........anybody know ? " " I don't know what kind of a place this but some of the people in here are calling me Patricia......and even worse.........it seems that you get pissed when they show up and even more so when they don't......I noticed the chat-room in passing last nite.......there was someone named Liz using profanity and cursing at a non-existent enemy.......someone had to come in quiet her down.......maybe that's the Patricia person you want...........it's disheartening that the music doesn't seem to be enough to keep you all activated.......
Posted on Thu Nov 2 17:42:51 CET 2000 from wc1-int1.nbnet.nb.ca ( WS WalcottFrom: Canada
I have been having a helluva time trying to use the chat room. When I log in the scroll bar disappears, my messages don't get posted, sometimes if I log off and big in my message is there, but most times nothing. I never had these problems until the last couple of days. Can anybody help me?
Posted on Thu Nov 2 17:39:49 CET 2000 from spider-th083.proxy.aol.com ( butchFrom: on the road headin'north
If you all can get out of the past long enough, & stop bickering for a minute,,,,,,,,,,,,,here's an update on this weekend's shows,,,,
BOBBY KEYS ( Rolling Stones' sax-player ) is joining us up in VT, Maine & Boston,,,
he was tired of sittin home & NOT playing, so he showed up @ the Ronnie Earl session Levon was doing,,,
& NOW,, We Made HIM a Barn Burner,,, so come on out & catch the show,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( Oh & Al Kooper too, in boston )
,,,,,,,,,, Please , excuse the interruption,,,,,,
Posted on Thu Nov 2 17:32:41 CET 2000 from pppa70-resalekissimmee1-3r7297.saturn.bbn.com ( ChristineFrom: Ulster County NY now living in Central Florida
I will be seeing my old friend, Levon, with the Barn Burners, at HOB in Orlando on the 20th. It's been quite a few years for me since I saw the boys up north in Ulster County, NY. Can anyone tell me what to expect?
Posted on Thu Nov 2 16:01:51 CET 2000 from ulab33.med.gu.se ( Markku (Quos)From: huh huh?Web page Our favorite band is not doing well on album/artist charts at the www.ultimatecharts.com. Big Pink is around 190, and the Brown album is even worse :(
We should be able to vote them up to top 100 at least, don't you think??? One can vote up to 5 albums, so go ahead.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 12:51:24 CET 2000 from c5300-1-ip151.albany.thebiz.net ( Tom/Woodstock RecordsFrom: Woodstock RecordsWeb page
Greetings! Just a quick note:
Professor Louie & The Crowmatix will be live on the radio on
WKZE-FM 98.1 (Sharon,Ct.) tomorrow - Friday Nov.2 @ 1pm.
No webfeed, but if your in the Hudson Valley, you can tune in.
Peace from Woodstock -
Tom/Woodstock Records
Posted on Thu Nov 2 04:46:48 CET 2000 from spider-wk064.proxy.aol.com ( MikeNice to see the Landy pic back. Jan, maybe you can rotate his pics through every so often. I was half asleep last night (or early this morning), and I was thinking of seeing the Guru's and the Barn Burners on the same bill. First set was the Guru's, the second Levon and company. The third set was both groups jamming together, with Garth sitting in on keyboards and horns. They finished up with "Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad." Two drummers, two lead guitars...It was an odd sort of half dream. When I fully awoke, I first thought what an awesome show that would be, then I remembered that I'd probably not get to see either of them unless I headed east. Bummer. Not headed that way anytime soon. Butch...PLEASE...
Posted on Thu Nov 2 04:14:36 CET 2000 from spider-tf071.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ~ drummerFrom: Pgh. Pa.
BWNWITenn..... What is that ????????
Posted on Thu Nov 2 03:45:13 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp215.dialup.valstar.net ( Diamond Lil
A public service announcement: Have a good night everyone. Hug and thanks Jan.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 03:42:02 CET 2000 from user-33qtacp.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
As show business folk say, irony closes on Friday.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 02:41:13 CET 2000 from nas-204-167.rochester.navipath.net ( LIzFrom: here
now that we have the Mud vs Blood feud going and everything else negative, possible, to talk about here, why dont we all welcome Patricia back, just in time for Halloween , just -perfect timing, for a witch, I cant beleive there is no way to control this, and.... I know that there is ? are we having fun yet ? this whole thing is disgusting...... HE / SHE is mentally ill; and, it is not funny any more more........
Posted on Thu Nov 2 02:19:31 CET 2000 from host-209-214-116-46.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: Remember the Titans
Oh, yeah - four more days, four more days, all you dirty yinzers. Then all those Pittsburghers that have been popping up here like rats on a sinking ship will have to scurry on back to from whence they came with their heads hung in sad defeat and despair. Five-game winning streak - Ha! Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. And I'll be there, I'll be there! Watch for me. I'll be the one in the cowboy hat givin' y'all the finger.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 02:12:11 CET 2000 from host-209-214-116-46.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: ExodusI take Geritol One-A-Days, which is why my irony level is so high. But it is true that many Americans tend to be steely, rather than irony, though. Less rust, I s'pose. Yep, it looks like Patty. God help us all. It's back to posting in the chatroom, I guess. Dave the paradiddle, you forgot the single greatest thing that used to be in "The Pitts" and is no longer -
Posted on Thu Nov 2 02:10:59 CET 2000 from spider-wa044.proxy.aol.com ( Ben TurkelFrom: New JerseyWeb page I'm interested in trading Band shows. I'm particularly interested in shows from the 80's and 90's. My list of shows is available at the web page link above. Thanks, Ben
Posted on Thu Nov 2 01:53:22 CET 2000 from spider-th012.proxy.aol.com ( KevinFrom: Pittsburgh
Agree with PSB's comments on the 1976 tour. The September show in Pittsburgh was shortly after Richard's recuperation from the Texas boating mishap and he didn't seem to be in very good shape. Franko, didn't RR use his Broadcaster on ROA? If so, there's a rough looking one out on gbase for $18.5k.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 01:51:29 CET 2000 from ( AmandaFrom: going to do some work now, really!Little franko Of course you are! Yours in self importance Amanda
PS. Good luck with the telecaster.
Posted on Thu Nov 2 01:35:22 CET 2000 from proxy-1391.public.svc.webtv.net ( jarp ~ transient
I agree with the comment made about The Band probably bein' great fun to hang out with.......so why is this place so "stuffy"? This guestbook seems to be bloated with self -importance or something.....kinda gassy.......nocuous
Posted on Thu Nov 2 01:22:52 CET 2000 from spider-wq084.proxy.aol.com ( frankoFrom: bostonDear Amanda, Am I now your little friend? Yours in friendship, franko from boston in need of a telecaster
Posted on Thu Nov 2 01:15:37 CET 2000 from cfa1.execulink.net ( paul godfreyIndividually and collectively the Band would have to be the most fun and humorous people I have ever encountered. SLC\Mark Twain would have loved hanging out with them.
Let it all Shine On!
Posted on Thu Nov 2 00:27:19 CET 2000 from ( Amanda
Peter V.- "Dry your eyes my little friend" is the first line of a Warren Zevon song (Johnny Strikes up the Band??) which I have been listening to in the last couple of days & which is currently stuck in my head. I didn't have a conscious reason for using the line to head up my post about irony and the Band (I have the highest respect for Neil Diamond!) … but looking back on it I think it might have been partly a response to franko's heart rending plea for some spirituality and healing in the GB.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 23:53:06 CET 2000 from du-tele3-110.mailbox.co.uk ( Peter VineyDimples: My British brown album LP sleeve (first release) has a textured, slightly dimpled finish. The Japanese Toshiba remaster CD card cover tried to reproduce the effect, and succeeded reasonably well. The Japanese edition follows the US sleeves, so they beat CSNY to it. This evening I watched an excellent and informative talk at Borders by Dylanologist Michael Gray, launching “Song & Dance Man III”. I particularly enjoyed the Eat The Document extract he played with “Ballad of A Thin Man” – Garth looked so young, and Mickey Jones got some good shots too. Gray also played the acoustic Live 66 “Mr Tambourine Man” pointing out the excellent extended harmonica part. As ever with these sorts of free occasions there were a one or two people among the good sized audiencewho appeared to be “happily indoors in a warm and well-lit place” rather than Dylan fans necessarily. At the end, Gray asked for questions. A gent behind me had one. “Who’s playing mouth organ?” It was gently pointed out that it was the subject of the evening’s talk. The gent then informed us that he played a bit of mouth-organ himself, and thought the bloke on the record was very good.
Amanda: by putting “Dry Your eyes” at the top of your post, are you suggesting that … er, performing with Neil Diamond might be an example of the Band’s use of humour and irony? I think there are a number of ironic bits in the music, from the lyrics of “We Can Talk” right through to Levon singing “I wear hip hop clothes” in ‘Free your mind.” I used to hope “Moon Struck One” was ironic, but I fear it is serious. Musical references are often ironic (some of the quotes in “The Genetic Method” over the years). For sure, they saw “Long black Veil” as funny. On the “Americans have no sense of irony” stereotype it can be disproved here in the GB, and in songwriters like Randy Newman, and in many scenes from movies. But taking a large sample of interactions between e.g. obsessively ironic Brits, and Americans, there are also a few places where irony falls flat. I wonder if this due to odd language problems, or disbelief that the British always take the piss. A book I have on European business etiquette, points out that many nationalities find the British AND the Americans to be equally joke-orientated. It is almost obligatory in a political or legal situation even, for both to try to insert some humour. This is considered inappropriate in the situation in other cultures. Humour isn’t always ironic of course, but often touches on it.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 23:49:50 CET 2000 from ( Gail from hastings
I am a huge fan of the band and love this website! Especially the late great Rick. I just read that Elizabeth Danko has given some interviews on local radio stations. I live in New York City vicinity. does any one know what stations and when this interview will be aired. I would appreciate it.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 23:10:31 CET 2000 from ( Charlie YoungFrom: Down in Old VirginnyIlkka: the original American gatefold sleeve of The Band's "Brown Album" was a fairly plain, dark brown composite cardboard. Within a year of that, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's "Deja Vu" featured a simulated leather textured cover which was about the same color. The music inside both sleeves still sounds sensational thirty years later, but today's little CD booklets just aren't as exciting as those old album covers. Speaking of the good old days: rest in peace Steve Allen, the man who helped bring artists ranging from Carl Sandburg and Elvis to Frank Zappa into America's living rooms. Sadly, the geniuses running NBC back in the 1970's burned up most of his old shows to free up space.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 22:57:07 CET 2000 from ( David PowellFrom: Georgia
"The humorous story is told gravely; the teller does his best to conceal the fact that he even dimly suspects that there is anything funny about it."
Posted on Wed Nov 1 22:01:06 CET 2000 from ( AmandaFrom: Dry your eyes my little friend...I've always liked Levon's comment that the reason the Band recorded the Long Black Veil was because they thought it was funny. I think its funny too but I guess there would be people who would not see it that way. Greil Marcus, as I recall, does not say much about the humour of the Band.
So that got me to thinking… according to racial stereotype & Bill Bryson Americans, generally, do not get dry, ironic humour (or as you would say humor). I don't know many Americans in real life but here in the GB there are GB posters who disprove this cliché on regular basis. Is there simply no truth at all in the "Americans have no sense of irony stereotype"? Or is it that Band fans are a different case?
Posted on Wed Nov 1 20:47:35 CET 2000 from spider-wm074.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamPeter Brown called to say you can make it OK you can get married in Gibraltar near Spain.....
(did I spell Gibraltar correctly?)
Posted on Wed Nov 1 20:42:26 CET 2000 from spider-wm074.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamThanks Peter S. Brown. If RR felt as though he were growing (and I mean gRowing - not going), in a different direction then he should be praised for not trying to keep pumping life into a situation that most of us agree was past it's peak. bob wigo = I liked your last couple of posts. Well done...just wanted to say that. ME, fued with BWNWITenn! No way. He taught me how to spell Knofpluer. So jarp may be the return of Patricia? I thought it would happen sooner than this. Hey jarp - if you are Patricia then welcome back. Let's not go through that ugliness again -please.....If jarp is NOT Patricia then, Sorry jarp and ignore previous couple of sentences.
Lastly - who gives a shit if the spelling is perfect? The meaning gets throo........See?
Posted on Wed Nov 1 20:00:14 CET 2000 from user-2iniljc.dialup.mindspring.com ( Peter Stone BrownFrom: PhillyWeb page
I have to agree with Bayou Sam's comments about "Robbie not being there." Anyone who saw The Band in 1976 or 1975 for that matter could tell it was time to stop because as great as they still were, the consistency of the quality of performance was starting to falter. Richard Manuel was not able to carry his share of the load any more at that point. Every time he did a song there was a great tension as you wondered whether or not he'd make it all the way through and quite often he did not. I will always believe that is was for this reason and this reason only that Robertson decided it was time to call it quits.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 19:40:51 CET 2000 from spider-ti022.proxy.aol.com ( frankoFrom: bostonGlad to see we're no longer focusing on the Levon vs Robbie feud, and have rapidly migrated to more important ones like Robbie vs Jim, G-Man vs Pehr, BWNWIT vs Bayou Sam, Mattk vs (possibly) the "Jarp"tist formally known as Patricia, Dave the D vs Wigo....WIGO? Someone in a feud with Bob? What's next, Jan vs Lil? ILKKA'S Dog vs Bear? What we need here is some spitituality and some healing (attn. Crabgrass) During the religious skirmishes a few months back I posted a one liner about a friend who had a spititual healing of sorts. Well, his story is supposed to be on the CBS morning show (the one with Bryant G.) tomorrow 11/2 in the second hour for those that enjoy happy stories. (As Robbie wrote, Mary carried the light). There won't be a telecaster in the story so hopefully their inability to get the mix right won't matter.
Speaking of tele's, any guitarists out there who would be willing to help me pick out my first tele so that I can someday sound like Robbie in ROA please e-mail.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 19:15:41 CET 2000 from ( dkRegarding the 'mud' vs. 'blood' controversy in 'The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down'. A couple points. I actually think that 'mud' is the more intriguing, even stronger choice. To swear by blood would imply that he was still out for revenge. But Virgil sounds more like a man weary of war, who has come to a stark realization that even revenge can't bring back all that he has lost. Rather than terra firma, Virgil is left standing on (or in) the 'mud'- drenched, polluted and made dissolute by the rain, sweat, blood and tears of war and hardship. Fantastic imagery.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 19:11:37 CET 2000 from spider-tl084.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, paDave, apology accepted. Please don't leave here on my account. My opinion is just that. It holds no more value than your's or anyone else's. I like to throw a barb now and again, but it's all in the spirit of lively "conversation". By the way, my brand of cynicism and sarcasm has always been Acme !! Good health and peace.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 18:21:11 CET 2000 from ( BonesFrom: CT
CDNow has Garth listed as playing accordian on American Music Club's Everclear album. Is that true? He is not listed in the cd liner notes. I know he played with Milo Binder on his solo album. Anyone know anything about this??
Posted on Wed Nov 1 17:58:49 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkInside perhaps, but unless there are TWO obsessivly posting, virulently pro-RR, Capitol Record site proselytizing, WebTV users from Pennsylvania... ...I think you know what I mean. Jarp = Patricia 'nuff said...
Posted on Wed Nov 1 17:56:18 CET 2000 from spider-wn052.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ~ drummerFrom: Pittsburgh , Pa.
Bob W. ~ touche'. You are correct sir. Merely a slip of the finger on the keyboard and lack of proof reading on my part. My apologies for assuming that the acidic post was from your direction. It just appeared to smack of your particular brand of cynicism. This horse is definitely dead and will not be heard from again.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 17:36:35 CET 2000 from du201-1.ppp.algonet.se ( Ilkka's dogFrom: a pink painted doghouse
The album cover of THE BAND is the most over-rated cover in the history of rock. Only a simple human being can enjoy it ... I mean "reflecting light like leather" and other nonsense. You see, it doesn't smell like leather. The worst thing is that it didn't even taste like leather when I ate it!!!
Posted on Wed Nov 1 17:31:46 CET 2000 from du201-1.ppp.algonet.se ( IlkkaFrom: Nordic Countries (yes, the first snow flakes appeared yesterday morning, but I'm not washed to the sea like Peter must be :-)Web page (Mostly) to DAVID POWELL - about "Greatest Hits of Bob Dylan Vol.2". It seems to be the same two vinyl album set from the early 70s which I have. The name was "More Bob Dylan Greatest Hits". The album cover shows Mr. Dylan in a blue jeans jacket, probably taken in George Harrison's Bangla Desh Aid concert. The most interest part of this album are the four tracks in Side Four. "When I Paint ... " (prod. by Leon Russell), "I shall...", "You Ain't Going Nowhere" (Happy Traum on - not only in banjo - but in seceond gtr and vocals), and ""Down In The Flood". As a personal notice Id like to tell you that it was Happy Traum's banjo playing which made me go to the music store and get me a banjo! "You ain't going nowhere - oh, yes, I'm going to get me a banjo!" :-) I heard Happy Traum in Stockholm playing these songs in the early 80s in a club in "Söder", that is in the "South"; go there if you visit Stockholm sometime! About the Landy picture: The vinyl album cover of THE BAND aka The Brown was structured as a leather, it felt like a leather between my fingers, it reflected the light like a leather ... they don't do it like it no more :-(
Posted on Wed Nov 1 17:15:15 CET 2000 from proxy-1471.public.svc.webtv.net ( Ed BlayzorFrom: Hell`s Half Acre
Somewhere on this site i saw Rick said he recorded some Christmas songs before he passed away,does any one know if they were ever completed? don`t knock Jim or Randy if you never met them, they are two kind gentlemen who helped our boys make 3 great albums !
Posted on Wed Nov 1 17:13:36 CET 2000 from netcache-1112.public.svc.webtv.net ( jarp ~ transient
...Yeah..but good jazz makes me think of the forties.....I wasn't born then either.....Matt K..........jarp = what ? What the hell are you talking about ? There seems to be inside jokes going on in here........I don't get it pal.....explain
Posted on Wed Nov 1 17:07:30 CET 2000 from lpcdept174.lib.depaul.edu ( Patrick DempseyFrom: OTSoFM EnsembleAttn: Bill Paige Please e-mail me directly. I never got you contact info and I got a question for you. Attn: The rest Sorry to use this board for this, this is a great website and Bill is a cool Band fan that I don't want to lose touch with.
Patrick Dempsey, bass.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 16:58:49 CET 2000 from spider-wb062.proxy.aol.com ( DonnaFrom: Across the RoadNow wait a minute Dave! You can not knock Havertown, it is a great place to live! Our local library received a shipment of Funk & Wagnalls, just this week.
Hope everyone had a nice Holloween.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 16:46:16 CET 2000 from spider-tl043.proxy.aol.com ( bob wigoFrom: havertown, pa.I just arrived here this morning to find the fine name of Havertown being bandied about. Did I say something to offend you, Dave the Drummer ? I am not, nor have I ever purported to be "Funk" or any unreasonable facsimile. My apologies if this proves a disappointment. In closing, I would be remiss if I did not note that a linguistical wizard of your alleged caliber should certainly be capable of correctly spelling the word plagiarism. If you can't keep the beat-- just say so.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 16:27:11 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattk
Jarp = Patricia
Posted on Wed Nov 1 16:19:52 CET 2000 from ( G-MAN
Pehr--tried to send direct--no connect. No feud!! I should
respect your view. No bashin!!! Just Gurus are top notch!!
End of feud!!
Posted on Wed Nov 1 16:17:56 CET 2000 from spider-wi054.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ~ drummerFrom: Pittsburgh , Pa. (no less)
Jarp : Yeah , Liberty Ave. used to be that way up until the mid seventies. Urban renewal has taken it's toll on the smaller venues you spoke of in your post. Gone are; The Encore, Stage Door, Maury Wills Stolen Base, Walt Harpers Attic etc. as well as the strip joints that littered downtown Pgh. Lots of BIG chain stores now. The fourties ehh......I wasn't around then but I do remember the sixties though.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 16:06:58 CET 2000 from twmaine-63-167-210-226.twmaine.com ( mattkAs some may recall, last fall, Sandra Rosas, the wife of Los Lobos' Cesar Rosas was kidnapped, allegedly by her half-brother, and murdered. Yesterday, Gabrel Gomez, Sandra Rosas' half-brother was found guilty of the crime. Condolences go out to Cesar Rosas and the entire Los Lobos family. Here's hoping the verdict provides some closure and allows friends and loved ones and chance to heal. Sentencing is pending.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 16:00:57 CET 2000 from spider-to077.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ~ drummerFrom: Havertown , Pa. NOTDidn't know they had dictionaries in ?Havertown?, Pa. Thanks for the lesson in plagirism. Stick to your artifacts and leave the linguistics to us graduates of higher learning.
P.S. The word was expurgator not expurgate. That was the word for yesterday. The words for today are cursory and pedestrian.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 15:08:18 CET 2000 from ( Funk ( of "and Wagnall" fame)Today's word ( all the way from Pittsburgh, Pa., no less ) is ( drum roll please ): ex·pur·gate
Pronunciation: 'ek-sp&r-"gAt
Posted on Wed Nov 1 12:59:18 CET 2000 from proxy-1411.public.svc.webtv.net ( jarp
....The Stanley...you mean that thing on Liberty Avenue....I saw B.B. King there once.....Libery Avenue used to be a sizzlin' place.....full of great jazz clubs......but ....that was way back in the forties.... to early in the mornin' 'roun' here....I need a gweat big dwink....
Posted on Wed Nov 1 06:15:35 CET 2000 from h0000f8718e9a.ne.mediaone.net ( Long Distance OperatorFrom: The Basement
Aw, mama, aren't you gonna miss your best friend now?
Posted on Wed Nov 1 05:24:54 CET 2000 from user-33qt8en.dialup.mindspring.com ( Pat BrennanFrom: USA
The Cool Daddy "Complete Last Waltz" just appeared on ebay. Blue Highways, Roosevelt Stadium, Washington DC 76, Old Shoes and a couple of other notable things are also available.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 05:16:19 CET 2000 from spider-tf012.proxy.aol.com ( Dave ~ drummerFrom: "The Burgh" (aka fashionless)Kevin You are absolutely correct, it was the Stanley. Hard to believe that both venues have bit the dust. If you're interested , I have a decent bootleg from that show. E/mail me if you're so inclined.
BWNWIT...... Like Uncle Charlie said , Don't lay your hand on a Steeler fan.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 04:26:13 CET 2000 from grmn-105ppp194.dialup.valstar.net ( Lil ~ TiredJust got in from dropping off a carload of shaving-cream covered, sugar-coma'd kids after trick or treating. I also tried to drop my own 2 off..but noone would take em. They are now doing homework and calling each other 'butthead' How nice. Thank God for beer :-) Btw.. if anyone cares, I think Jimmy and Randy are both not only great musicians, but really nice guys as well. And that's all I have to say about that. Have a good night everyone. Hug Jan.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 01:53:05 CET 2000 from host-209-214-119-82.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennesseeFrom: Happy Halloween!
Hey, Sam - it's friggin' KnoPfler!!!
Posted on Wed Nov 1 01:50:13 CET 2000 from cacheflow.nettally.com ( BrentFrom: The RumorWeb page We here at The Rumor have just acquired copies of Academy of Outtakes and Old Shoes, and we're up for trading for other Band stuff. Check out our list and our want list at the address above! Love, The Rumor ps: we're running out of ideas for polls, so send us yours at the email address above. we have a few but we were kind of drunk when we thought of them and they may be sort of offensive...
Posted on Wed Nov 1 01:49:59 CET 2000 from m198214182042.austin.cc.tx.us ( PehrG-Man- Appropo "why the feud?": It seems, with some regularity, to be difficult for you to make the simplest of points without making a mockery of RR, and his fans ; a playground taunting obcession, ad nauseum. This point may or may not be in line with the one mentioning "projecting" earlier. Our disagreement stems from regardless of your own regularly advertised opinion on the subject, I believe RR is a class act and a great player- and being a large part of what this group and website celebrates with us, is entitled to some respect and decorum around here, as JW is, as you are. Thats what I am thinking. My apologies. Please forgive me for speaking childishly. Thank you Mary, Donna, and Don for sharing your photographs with us.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 01:34:22 CET 2000 from spider-we053.proxy.aol.com ( Bayou SamDave - thanx fer comentin onn mi friggin speling. Also, you were a new man in your post. You went ahead and lightened up. Give Peace a Chance. rollie - you're a pisser I was listening to Q-104 out of NYC today while driving. Someone called in and requested a song off of Mark Knofler's new CD. The song is called "The Last Laugh", and it's a beautiful soft ballad that Knofler does with Van Morrison. It has me planning to go get the CD. I've always liked his music and guitar playing anyway. If you folks haven't heard it you ought to check it out, I think you'll like it.
OK Dave - you're a better speller than me, but I bet I'd blow you away on the drums slick :)
Posted on Wed Nov 1 01:24:37 CET 2000 from host-209-214-119-82.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennessee
...or maybe he's just from "The 'Burgh," that home of fashion unconsciousness.
Posted on Wed Nov 1 01:21:25 CET 2000 from host-209-214-119-82.bna.bellsouth.net ( BWNWITennessee ~ crackerFrom: The Volunteers of America
Jimmy's probably just happy to get discussed in the GB at all. Now, how can we find ways to slander Randy and Richard B.? What the hell was up with Randy's mullet? Does he play hockey or something?
Posted on Wed Nov 1 01:17:14 CET 2000 from spider-th012.proxy.aol.com ( KevinFrom: Pittsburgh (or thereabouts)
The Band played the Stanley, not the Syria Mosque, in Pittsburgh on November 2, 1983 according to my fading memory and an old ticket stub. They last played the Syria Mosque in September 1976 during the final tour and first played the Mosque with Dylan in February 1966. The 1983 show was like caffeine-free diet coke; it was close to being the real thing, but no kick. I never saw JW play with them other than the DVD of the NO Jazz Festival in which I think he does a fine job.